
Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security’


I am once again reminded that using the term “homeland”, outside of a historical discussion of Germany, has allowed authorities access to broad powers and it is just a creepy reminder of Gestapo tactics. 

The latest assessments from The Department of Homeland Security, DHS and sent out to local police departments in advance of Tea Party’s of April 15 outlines disturbing viewpoints that should have every American taking pause.  What sort of government do we have that calls on people with Conservative viewpoints to be right wing extremists?

The federal Homeland Security Department document entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Environment Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment” says “Right-wing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters and broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning,” Read the entire report via https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/14/homeland-security-ids-tea-party-attendees-as-rightwing-threats/ 

From Northeast Intelligence Network http://homelandsecurityus.com/?p=2659 ” Listen to what I am saying,” stated the source during an interview with Doug Hagmann,  founder (NEIN).  “The Department of Homeland Security Intelligence Assessment that is receiving so much attention is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and the true patriotic citizens of this country are on the Titanic. This is what bothers me. But is goes far beyond that assessment. There have been very significant changes made over the last few years that redirect the focus and assets of the intelligence community internally. These changes have greatly accelerated under this administration, and the threats have been redefined to include those who used to be patriots. It’s not only chilling but absolutely insulting to God-fearing Americans.”

Back up a few weeks ago and we have, “A single-page confidential directive issued by the FBI headquarters in Washington, DC…was sent to each of the 56 field offices located across the United States on or about March 23, 2009, instructing the Special Agents in Charge of those offices to verify the date, time and location of each TEA Party within their region and supply that information to FBI headquarters in Washington.” http://maggiesnotebook.blogspot.com/2009/04/fbi-leak-tea-party-spies-canada-report.html 

As in a previous post at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2008/11/16/defending-borders-and-privacy-laws-under-obama/ The Department of Homeland Security “claims that data gathered for law enforcement purposes will be “in compliance with privacy and civil liberties laws and policies of the United States,” the GAO found that “by broadly sharing information with non-federal users, who are not bound by the Privacy Act, personal information could be at risk of being used in ways not specified when it was originally collected.” Considering that some 70% of U.S. intelligence assets are employees of private security and defense contractors, GAO is a civil liberties disaster waiting to happen.” http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=BUR20081109&articleId=10864

Heading the Department of Homeland Security, DHS is Janet Napolitano the former Governor of Arizona, and a former US Attorney under Janet Reno in the Clinton Administration.  http://www.augustreview.com/obama_administration.pdf has her listed as a member of the CFR- the Council on Foreign Relations which advocates internationalism.  No doubt none of us want another WACO  or 911, ever- but releasing by releasing these documents and saying that illegal immigration is not a crime, plus that the 9/11 terrorists had entered the country from Canada (sourced at http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/napolitano_illegals_crime/2009/04/22/205948.html ) when in reality they flew into this country on documents issued by the State Department -is a reminder of why she is not qualified to hold this appointed position.  She is supposed to be serving to protect our country, not decimate it with ignorance.  Now people are asking for her resignation.

“Singling out political opponents for working against the ruling party is precisely the tactic of every tyrannical government from Red China to Venezuela,” Texas Rep. John Carter told Politico. He organized an hour of floor speeches Wednesday night to call for Napolitano’s ouster. “The first step in the process is creating unfounded public suspicion of political opponents, followed by arresting and jailing any who continue speaking against the regime.”

It isn’t civil disobedience that motivates Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, Libertarians or Independents to take a stand against the policies of the Obama Administration, it is the objection of where this country is headed. 

Does any of this proves that Obama is behind the “right wing radicals” memo out of Homeland Security?  Obama did appoint her.  One thing it proves is that the balance of privacy is shifting and even though Tax Day has ended, we must be diligent that the War the DHS is waging does not come at the cost of personal freedom and privacy for law abiding, decent Americans.

photo props to http://www.flickr.com/photos/healinglight/3004398986/

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Join the Movement, Stay in Touch! Text the word“Tea Party” to 74362 on Your Mobile Phone and plug In to a New National Network, Get Access to Mobile Petitions, Issue Alerts, News of Critical Meetings in Your Area & Other Important Information.  http://www.letfreedomringusa.com/news/read/392 

With all due respect, thanks anyways.  I am all for a conservative agenda but not one that captures data and then probably sell my phone number to someone else to call and pester me for money and donations on my dime.  You see in America you  have a choice in participating in simple things like texting, but it is becoming a little blurry on who interprets your choice in what you have to say and what is okay for you to believe in.  Apparently President Obama, the Department of Homeland Security, and our government is beginning to define lawful political dissent, and what is acceptable. rightwing1

Yesterday, Roger Hedgecock and the Liberty Papers posted an Office of Intelligence and Analysis report (file here) by the DHS that identifies ‘Right wing Conservatives’ as the major threat to our country’s security. 

The nine-page document was sent to police and sheriff’s departments across the United States on April 7 under the headline, “Right wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” Just in time for the peaceful Tea Party Protests.

It, “essentially indicts anyone who is pro Second Amendment, pro-border control, anti-abortion..or most tellingly, not a fan of the current Administration write, JoshuaPundit at http://joshuapundit.blogspot.com/2009/04/obamas-dept-of-homeland-security.html

From the report “Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority or rejecting government authority entirely.  It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.

Rightwing extremists are harnessing this historical election as a recruitment tool. Many Rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms ownership and use.” 

Would that include: questioning Obama’s own citizenship, pro-capitalism vs anti-socialism, going to church, owning a gun and generally any disgruntled Americans who go to a tea party is now a right wing extremist?  Conservatives have every right to be pissed that Obama is painting conservatives as radicals.  I guess there will be no tea served at the parties tomorrow, only kool aid.

President Barack Obama has “distanced” himself from this report, according to the Washington Times.  What?  Like neither he or Homeland Security Janet Napolitano aren’t responsible for this report?  Ummm- where’s the transparency you promised?  We are seeing right through it!   Being a conservative is not being a terrorist.

I was doing research on earthquake predictions and was curious to what underground seismography might be available in Nevada from the Operation Dominick underground nuclear explosions, and if they were still active to show data to correspond to recent tremors in California.  Here was my little shake up on government authority for the day.



This is a Federal computer system and is the property of the United States Government. It is for authorized use only. Users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit expectation of privacy.

Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized site, Department of Energy, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign. By using this system, the user consents to such interception, monitoring, recording, copying, auditing, inspection, and disclosure at the discretion of authorized site or Department of Energy personnel.

Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in administrative disciplinary action and civil and criminal penalties. By continuing to use this system you indicate your awareness of and consent to these terms and conditions of use. LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY if you do not agree to the conditions stated in this warning. 

 We know you know we know you know that you know you are watching.



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Mathew 24- 6- And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for these things must needs come to pass; but the end is not yet.7- For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and earthquakes…

The end of the world is not yet, but for those people around the world effected by disasters like tsunami’s, volcanoes, war, famine, etc., and the recent rash of earthquakes in Central Italy, we have to look toward the arguments of predictability and governments role in squelching information and limiting free speech. 

“”It is part of the American myth that our major media are objective and unbiased, a mainstay of democracy. We believe, however, that the overwhelmingly dominant corporate media have become merely the voice of an increasingly unilateral and controlled empire, devoted to the indoctrination of the public in the interests of corporate, industrial, military, and ruling powers. ” http://mediafilter.org/caq/ 

Giampaolo Guiliani is a well respected scientist at The San Grasso Physics lab, in L’Aquila, central Italy.  He did not stand on a street corner wearing a sandwich board, proclaiming the end of the world, dressed like Jesus Christ.  He made a prediction based on his years of seismographic study and an interpretation of radon science that an earthquake was forecast for the Central Italy. The Italian government officials censored him and shut him down for “spreading alarm.”  

Rather than relying in his expertise and plausibility, he was admonished by his own government for fear mongering pure and simple.  Fear mongering is just another form of control by governments who believe generally that the populations is stupid, that riots will ensue, and civil unrest will be imminent.   Can a citizen no longer allow people to decide for themselves what is believable?  Many people in the L’Aquila region never heard the warning to make a decision. 

In the US, among others- radio personality Alex Jones at http://www.infowars.com/  offers a conspiracy-tinted view containing strong opposition to socialism, communism, and the New World Order with insight and predictability of governments covert intentions and other conspiracy theories.  Art Bell on Coast to Coast Radio offered an outlet for  a mature outlet of discussion.  At its initial peak in popularity, Coast To Coast AM was syndicated on more than 500 radio stations and claimed 15 million listeners nightly.  Current show host George Norry still discusses off-beat topics like the paranormal, occult, UFOs, pseudo scients and conspiracy theories.

In the U.S. we enjoy a pretty open dialog thanks to the Freedom of Speech clause but for how long?  The Fairness Doctrine moving through the Senate will give the government the power to decide what is on terrestrial radio, satellite radio and may go so far as regulating TV programming.  Is it in the name of fairness or fear? 

Bilderberg icon, Senator Jay Rockefeller has labeled cyber security as the number one national hazard of attack on the homeland of WV, America or anywhere else.  He said, ” it was it better if we never invented the Internet because it is on the Internet that the DOD gets millions of attacks everyday..they can shut down, electricity, banking and anything we have to offer.”  Way to dis Al Gore!

Apparently, In The New World Order, what better means to eliminate the free exchange of information that to eliminate the Internet in the name of national security? 

Daily, we stay connected with our high technology gadgets like ipods, wireless computers, cell phones, hand held blackberry’s, and iphones.  In the bigger picture we a have computerized military with high tech jet fighters, a space program, nuclear subs, missile silos, nuclear bombs, etc.,  Rockefeller expects us to believe that government can’t protect itself on the Internet? 

Keeping the computers off line that control vital systems and classified data disconnected from the Internet so no one could hack into it would be a good place to start.  What reason would critical infrastructures like nuclear bombs, power grids or transpiration networks for example need to be on the public Internet in the first place?

Under the guise of  Acta the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, the government would have access to your ipod and laptop computers. Actively being pursued among the G8 nations, the purpose of the Acta agreement is to prevent illegal downloading and ripped copyrighted movies. http://www.bluegrasspundit.com/

Best of all, one person could pull the plug on all Internet communications. “El Presidente can order the disconnection of those networks during a “cybersecurity emergency” or national security emergency if needed,   ” writes http://www.engadget.com/2009/04/06/proposed-bill-would-create-national-cybersecurity-advisor/

Office of the National Cybersecurity Adviser within the White House—is established in a separate short-but-sweet bill running a mere three pages.   The details fall in place in the language of The Cybersecurity Act of 2009  ‘‘our nation’s security and economic prosperity depend on the security, stability, and integrity of communications and information infrastructure that are largely privately-owned.and globally-operated.’’ http://static.arstechnica.com/tech-policy/CYBERSEC5.pdf 

Under Obama if the government operates things and controls information we will all be safer!  Whew, I was worried about having health records on line under certified EHR technology-  qualified electronic health record and that is certified pursuant to section 3001. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread437069/pg1

There is also a new industry-run mailing list to foster discussion of security issues on SCADA systems — the aging and insecure computerized control networks behind the electric grid and other critical infrastructures, but you have watch what you say.

“Due to heightened security and awareness levels worldwide, ALL MESSAGES ARE WATCHED CAREFULLY.  Violators who report methods that are going to disable, damage, dismember, destroy, or disarm any control system, SCADA device, or infrastructure will be reported to DHS (and/or their respective national or federal authority).”  http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2008/02/scada-security.html#previouspost

One can no longer discuss security issues without the risk of arrest?  Does the security of industrial networks and industrial control systems (seguridad scada) offer a deterrent to crime or a threat to restrict freedom of speech, or is it just plain old fear mongering?

The WSJ says “Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software programs that could be used to disrupt the system, according to current and former national-security officials.”  “There are intrusions, and they are growing.” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123914805204099085.html

Are the theatrics of Hollywood movie’s and books providing a warning that disasters imagined, may turn out to be real?  In the new movie Echelon, dangerous security operatives chase the engineer across the globe, while a powerful government official pursues a mysterious agenda that threatens the stability of the entire world. The http://lighthousepatriotjournal.wordpress.com/2009/04/01/hollyweird-fantasy-versus-the-real-world/#more-5184 has an interesting post on the relationships on fantasy movies and government censorship.  Rumors have abounded for several years of a massive system designed to intercept virtually all email and fax traffic in the world and subject it to automated analysis, despite laws in many nations (including this one) barring such activity. The system is called ECHELON!  From a 1997 article in the London Telegraph- “There are times in history when technology helps democratise, and times when it helps centralise. This is a time of centralisation.” http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/ECHELON/echelon.html  Centralizing or a New World Order?

Today Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said, “We are creating a new world, a balanced world. A new world order, a multi polar world,..The unipolar world has collapsed. The power of the U.S. empire has collapsed,” he said. “Everyday, the new poles of world power are becoming stronger.”  

In times of prayer for the people affected by the Central Italian Earthquake, and in celebration of Passover and Easter, look toward the Bible in 2 Peter 3, 13 – “But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.   Peter testified that God will create a new world.  

Man or God, someone is bringing The New World Order to reality, and that is no prediction.

Us and Them or Us vs Them?

You might also enjoy reading- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/italy-earthquake-warnings-by-giampaolo-guiliani-dismissed/

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US President George W. Bush said in an interview Tuesday he was forced to sacrifice free market principles to save the economy from “collapse.”  http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jyyKrPjYt7VhpS8G8DrRkr18B0hA

Did that shoe really hit Bush in the head for him to make such a statement asks http://flapsblog.com/2008/12/16/did-the-iraqi-journalists-shoe-really-hit-george-w-bush-in-the-head/.  Venezuela’s, Chavez went so far as to applaud the shoe throwing action. 

Students of economics might argue that governments propping up of the economy is socialism, it is another thing to have your president say it out right.

How to solve the problem is not making statements like that in the first place.  It shows our vulnerability, that we are defeated and weak.  That we need to be rescued.  With every last breath, he should have defended that capitalism works and this “abandonment” is a temporary fix, but he didn’t.  Bush it seems, told the truth that America is heading for a North American Union and a New Global Financial Order.     

America could be ready to be pounced upon with Russians heading to Cuba for war games, and the Middle East, Russia, China all have nuclear capability aimed.  http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=081215151217.gl11u87v&show_article=1  Putin blamed the US for the cause of the global financial meltdown in the first place and so did Brown.  You think Russia wants to get even?  Remember The Cuban Missile Crisis?

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for a New Global Financial Order that would increase the adoption of trade treaties and increase the role of the International Monetary Fund in offering credit on the same scale as after World War Two.  “Now we have to create the institutions that are relevant not for national or sheltered economies but for global economies with global capital movements and competition.”  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/financialcrisis/3202056/Gordon-Brown-urges-EU-to-rebuild-global-financial-institutions.html  Brown went further to say, “To make sure that the problems that developed in the financial system, problems that we know started in America, that these problems do not return again.” 

Maybe these problems started with the International Monetary Fund, The United Nations, the World Bank in the first place.  Wouldn’t those in the most powerful of positions have the most to gain?  Who is going to purchase distressed assets?  Russia, China and the Gulf oil states that’s who.  America is for sale. 

Liberals would want us to butt out, Obama wants to throw more money at the problems while Republicans want to end the bailouts.  Is it all one step closer to a North American Union and a One World Order? 

“George, you weren’t forced to do it. You wanted to do it. You want to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States and become part of the one-world government. You did this by choice, George, and we know it!” says Bruce Tyson at http://word.truthintheword.org/archives/2277

Lest we forget, the US Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933. 48 Stat .1,  Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt being bankrupt and insolvent.  H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress session June 5, 1933. http://tucnak.fsv.cuni.cz/~calda/Documents/1930s/EmergBank_1933.html  Roosevelt also issued Executive Order 6102, requiring all private gold be turned in for paper money at face value. 

The Wall Street Journal says, “President-elect Barack Obama’s economic team is considering an economic-stimulus program that will be far larger than the two-year, half-trillion-dollar plan under consideration two weeks ago, according to people familiar with the team’s thinking.” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122913735606103803.html While all of Obama’s projects are under debate, That One is taking his family on a two week vacation to Hawaii for the Christmas Holiday.  I’d call that irresponsible, and just who is footing the bill? 

Obama, like Bush, has pledged to cooperate with the UN to institute a global tax in support of the Millennium Development Task Force goals. http://www.usasurvival.org/docs/Obama_NWO.pdf  seemly a further erosion of our sovereignty.

 …” the producing economy of people who work for a living simply can no longer generate enough purchasing power for people either to pay their debts or allow them to purchase what is being sold in the marketplace. In turn it is the debt burden and the loss of societal purchasing power that are crashing the stock market. Thus the collapse of the financial economy has started to destroy the producing economy as well.” http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=9596 David Cook calls our current condition,a “perfect storm,” and that efforts to help the economy are merely, “band-aids on band-aids.  On the extreme, he also believes we are witness to not only the collapse of the U.S. , but more than likely the final crash of Western civilization.

For now, the treasury must be burning up the trees of the rain forest in printing so much money.  Where are all the environmentalists when you need them?   What of complete social destabilization?  What do you do with millions of homeless, out of work people?  Maybe Bush wasn’t so far off base in putting the Army on active duty on US Soil. https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2008/09/30/militarization-of-america-a-state-of-emergency/

At the far end of the spectrum, “Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose.  Garden Plot is the program  to control the populations.  Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments .  FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and will head up all operations.  The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.” writes http://www.freedomfiles.org/war/fema.htm

What if the rumors of FEMA camps aren’t rumors?  For a potential list of sites go here http://www.rense.com/general17/statebystate.htm.  And for more discussions with video of alleged camps go here  http://www.apfn.org/apfn/camps.htm .

In the Main Stream Media, The SanFranciso Gate  http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/02/04/ED5OUPQJ7.DTL says that, “Beginning in 1999, the government has entered into a series of single-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to build detention camps at undisclosed locations within the United States. The government has also contracted with several companies to build thousands of rail cars, some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport detainees. According to diplomat and author Peter Dale Scott, the KBR contract is part of a Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME, which sets as its goal the removal of “all removable aliens” and “potential terrorists.”

http://justanothercoverup.com/?p=356 goes into further detail why there appears to be a large scale press cover up.  The Press? Yes the press- the same people like the LA Times who refused to release a tape of Obama at a dinner and just this week reported Obama not guilty of selling his Senate seat in the Blagojevich looming scandal.  Last I heard from Patrick Fitzgerald the case was under investigation.

At the very extreme http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-moment13-2008dec13,0,2231803.story “I think that you should hear what my opinion about the Obama election is: that he will not be the next president. I said on my home page in August that if he lost to expect to see the ‘riots’ that 2 Peter 2:13 tells us about. He didn’t lose. But the story is not finished yet. I still think they may begin the riots before Christmas 2008, as I said.”  in reporting about Parowan Prophet aka Leland Freeborn.  He believes, “These riots, according to his prophecy, will encourage the “old, hard-line Soviet guard” to seize the moment and rain down nukes on the United States, killing at least 100 million of us.”  Sure the fuck hope he is wrong.

As David Rockefeller reportedly said in 1973 when he and others formed the Trilateral Commission, “We will have this a Socialist Nation by the end of the year 2000.”  Maybe, he was off by a few years. 

As for writing on Ahrcanum- this site, if the Supremes, Obama and the rest of the world can turn from the cares facing us, so can I.   I am off to pursue the pursuits of happiness.

I pray all of this crap is just a bunch of crap, that America stays strong, and remains home of the free.  Shame, shame on all of us if it is not.

God Bless America.

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Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett told his shareholders to watch Last Best Chance, calling it “a fictional but not fanciful” scenario regarding the potential for a nuclear event.  You can watch the trailer and get a copy free- not even any shipping charges at  http://www.lastbestchance.org/

President Obama, assuming he will be confirmed as eligible under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, “will take office in a world in which the danger that terrorists could get and use a nuclear bomb remains very real.” according to The Agenda for the Next President – Preventing Nuclear Terrorism- November 2008, http://www.nti.org/e_research/Preventing_Nuclear_Terrorism-An_Agenda.pdf  The theory of a One World Order is pretty dismal, but we must concede that a global initiative to combat nuclear terrorism must be relentless in Obama’s administration.  The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and its Article VI looked ahead to nuclear abolition and it may be one of the most successful treaties ever, exerting complete disarmament under strict and effective international control but that hasn’t happened- completely. http://disarmament2.un.org/wmd/npt/npttext.html and for proof of what has been happening check out the “Nuclear Vault” includes reading lists and other bibliographic information on key documents and significant contributions to the nuclear history and policy literature.

America, Russia, China. Israel and a whole host of countries maintain nuclear weapons and more countries want them.  Just look at the list of missiles that are known http://missilethreat.com/missilesoftheworld/  and guesstimate how many may be retrofitted with a nuclear warhead.  http://www.terrorism.com/ reports on terrorism activities in the world.
Meanwhile, the Russians up to little good this week, as their warships approached Venezuela under U.S. gaze. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=081125003835.vpm57qdg&show_article=1  Put your money that the Russians aren’t hanging out in the Caribbean for a break from Russia’s cold winter.  http://www.en.rian.ru/russia/20081125/118532892.html says the boats arrived and will begin to conduct live-ammunition artillery drills on December 1.  Merry Christmas little coral reefs and fishes. 
The joint maneuvers will including the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great and destroyer Admiral Chabankenko and coincide with a two-day visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Venezuela, the strongest US critic in the region.  Medvedev was due to arrive Wednesday and meet fiercely anti-liberal President Hugo Chavez on Thursday, before heading to communist Cuba.  All this after the G-20 summit last weekend. 
Right after Obama won the election, Medvedev talked in defiant message that they were updating their missile technology- just as the U.S. plans to install a strategic missile shield with in striking distance, in Poland and the Czech Republic?  Didn’t we get into a pissing battle with Russia over Cuba once already?  Venezuela’s own President claims the U.S. tried to kill him. http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/962

Far from American soil, I wonder really if the Pirates of Somalia are acting alone?  Where’d they get those nice Russian machine guns?  Humph.  40% of the Worlds Oil and a shit load of goods run maritime supply lanes right throughout the area and I’d bet Venezuela is just a practice for the Russian Navy to continue a build up off of the pirate-ridden Somali coast. http://www.mnweekly.ru/news/20081121/55357986.html already reported that the Somalia government {WHAT GOV’T?} has asked for Russian assistance and already has the sent the Neustra­shimy (Fearless) missile frigate from the Northern Fleet to Somalia’s coast to protect Russian vessels in the country’s waters.  A friggate?  Oh, frig.

This just in, with out much dissection–Voice of America is reporting another hijacking http://voanews.com/english/2008-11-25-voa60.cfm by the Somali Pirates.

“The two countries have signed 4.4 billion dollars in bilateral arms deals signed since 2005, including radars, 24 Sukhoi-30 planes, 50 helicopters and 100,000 Kalashnikovs. Medvedev was expected to expand arms deals during his visit, as well as economic and energy ties, including plans for a joint civilian nuclear reactor. “Russia is a friend which held out a hand to us,” Gonzalez told AFP in a recent interview.  “We want to be very strong, but in a highly dissuasive direction. So that any country in the world thinks not once but 10 times before coming here.” Russia is free to exercise peacefully with anyone that they want to exercise with,” Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Monday.

“But also people note through these exercises the company that nations keep.”

The resurgent Russia with all those petrodollars is becoming stronger while our economy tanks and Obama professes demilitarization.  

From Reader Mail at The American Spectator, ” I remember reading (in Sept 2008), about Hugo Chavez being quoted as saying, and I quote directly, “The United States will soon be getting a new constitution written by others.” I remember reading this statement, which he brazenly made on 9/11 of this year and thought, “If folks don’t see that and wake up, then we are lost for sure.”   http://spectator.org/archives/2008/11/25/a-matter-of-time

Row, row row your boats….merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily out to sea….life is but a dream.

As if any American or Russian citizen opinion really mattered in making policy, The Center for International Studies and Security,  http://www.cissm.umd.edu/projects/pipa.php  shows that large majorities in both countries want their leaders to cooperate with each other on a wide range of security issues, not ignore or threaten each other.  The American and Russian publics strongly prefer formal arms control – treaties with legally biding obligations and effective verification – over unilateral action or informal policy coordination. 

Aw, maybe we should send a Hallmark?

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The U.S. Constitution has apparently been suspended in parts of America in an effort to protect its borders from everything from illegal immigration to terrorists.  Rightful to protect its border, except that the border has been seemingly redefined to include a 100 mile wide strip that goes around the entire “external boundary” of the entire United States.

“The extraordinary authority that the U.S. government possesses at its borders is spilling into regular American streets, affecting large populations of its citizens. Nearly two-thirds of the entire population of the country now lives within 100 miles of the U.S. land and coastal borders, an area that has been designated by the government as a “Constitution Free Zone”.  http://www.naturalnews.com/024734.html  and posted similarly at  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/10/22/163652/37/734/638977

Could all liberties are put aside if you are rightly or wrongly id’s as having done something wrong?  Would there will be no guarantee of The Bill of Rights protection, no referring to case law and no lawyers to argue on your behalf? 

The ACLU lays claim that “Border Patrol agents are not remaining confined to a border security purpose.”  http://www.aclu.org/privacy/37293res20081022.html and it’s blog http://blog.aclu.org/?s=constitution+free+zone says that “U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is allowed to exercise extraordinary authority that would not normally be permitted under the Constitution.

(ATS) traveler risk assessment program, identity and tracking systems such as electronic (RFID) passports, the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI),  Secure Border Initiative Network (SBINet) or “virtual border fence” and unmanned aerial vehicles (aka “drone aircraft”) all monitor movement.   

The Department of Homeland Security is in itself, necessary.  Agents of the FBI, CIA, NSA must cooperate to protect the homeland, but using the word ‘homeland’ outside of a historical discussion of Germany has allowed law enforcement authorities access to broad powers and is just a creepy reminder of Gestapo tactics.  To assume an abuse of power is fear mongering, but fair minded caution must be exercised.  The Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, and FISA-Protect America Act were enacted post 9-11 for good reason and have been tweaked numerous times to keep America Safe with as little intrusion as possible.

It becomes paramount that we question how secure the technology is in foreign countries and in our own country.  http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article9930.shtml  The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America author James Bamford writes about how spying on American citizens has been outsourced to companies closely linked to Israel’s intelligence services. “With unrivaled access to sources and documents, Bamford details how the agency has conducted domestic surveillance without court approval, and he frames it in the context of the NSA’s ongoing hunt for information about today’s elusive enemies. http://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Factory-Ultra-Secret-Eavesdropping-America/dp/0385521324

The Department of Homeland Security “claims that data gathered for law enforcement purposes will be “in compliance with privacy and civil liberties laws and policies of the United States,” the GAO found that “by broadly sharing information with non-federal users, who are not bound by the Privacy Act, personal information could be at risk of being used in ways not specified when it was originally collected.” Considering that some 70% of U.S. intelligence assets are employees of private security and defense contractors, NAO is a civil liberties disaster waiting to happen.” http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=BUR20081109&articleId=10864

The far side would have us believe that we have a ruling oligarchy that professes an agenda of militarism, corporatism, and socialism that encroaches itself upon citizens at the expense of the general population with more domestic control and intimidation.  Maybe the far isn’t so far off? Obama has proposed a mandatory civilian force http://www.rightpundits.com/?p=2318 with equal funding to the military which is already on active duty on our soil http://www.armytimes.com/news/2008/09/army_homeland_090708w/, Charles Rangle has a Draft Bill just lying in wait http://www.talkleft.com/story/2006/11/19/152217/04  , “The Bailout” has the government owning banks and Obama’s policies in waiting have been compared to Marxism. http://louisproyect.wordpress.com/2008/10/01/are-bailouts-marxist/

For now, we will wait to see what decisions Obama makes to shield our country from danger and protect her citizens.  “Let’s be clear here and shed whatever illusions one may have about the outcome of last Tuesday’s election. Despite the overwhelming rejection of the Bush administration and their surrogates by the American people, the incoming Obama administration will pay lip-service to civil liberties and the rule of law. This however, will amount to no more than a better public relations campaign, image management and product roll-out. America rebranded.” wrote Tom Burghardt  http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=BUR20081109&articleId=10864  His blog can be found at http://antifascist-calling.blogspot.com/

For now though our Bill of Rights are safe.  In an all too plausible court case, The Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision narrowly “ruled to uphold the Bill of Rights, the very tenets upon which American society is based. “After carefully considering the relevance of the 10 inviolable rights that comprise the ideological foundation on which our nation is built, the court finds that these basic freedoms remain important for the time being, and should not be overturned,” read the majority opinion authored by Justice Anthony Kennedy, who cast the tie-breaking vote. “Until such time as it can be definitively proven that citizens no longer require the protections provided by the Bill of Rights, it shall remain the principal legal guidance for the United States of America.” The Supreme Court’s latest decision comes on the heels of last month’s 6-3 ruling to abolish the pursuit of happiness from the three inalienable rights guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence. http://www.theonion.com/content/news_briefs/supreme_court_upholds_bill?utm_source=onion_rss_daily   Kudos to Justice Anthony Kennedy for saving The Bill of Rights and shame, shame, shame on those Justices who sought not to protect the Bill of Rights and who did solemnly swear to uphold those rights. From Wiki-  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_of_office#Federal_judicial_oaths

For readers are not familiar with The Onion, the Supreme Court Ruling is a satire and did not occur.  No Court has had issue with the Constitution Free Zone, yet.  When standing behind, beside or in front of the ACLU, keep in mind it may not stand up to protect all of The Bill of Rights either, “ACLU doesn’t mean all of the original 10 amendments because its policy No. 47 says, “Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected,” thereby ignoring the Second Amendment.”  http://www.stoptheaclu.com/archives/2008/09/06/aclu-very-selective-in-upholding-bill-of-rights/

Defending our borders, The U.S. Constitution and our privacy laws is a balancing act that will require Obama’s political vision be clear and forthright through out his entire Presidency.   Good luck with that theory of  a President being forthright though. Obama himself has barred the public from seeing his birth certificate, college transcripts, medical background, etc., so I’d say Obama’s privacy has been protected pretty dang well here in America.

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Russian Sub Put Together Like Humpty Dumpty

Over 20 people have been killed after a firefighting system went off during sea trials on board the Nerpa, a nuclear submarine in Russia’s Pacific Fleet. The sub was on a test run in the Sea of Japan with 208 people aboard 81 of whom were servicemen. Submariners and ship builders were killed, the AP reports.

It appears that Russia was leasing Akula II class boats to India recently and I believe it might be this one http://en.rian.ru/russia/20081027/117976941.html provided by the Russian News Agency, RAI Novosti. 

“The construction of the Akula II class Nerpa nuclear attack submarine started in 1991 but has been suspended for over a decade due to lack of funding. Akula II class vessels are considered the quietest and deadliest of Russian nuclear-powered attack submarines. The submarine, built under a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry, has been moved from the shipyard in Komsomolsk-on-Amur to a maintenance facility in the Primorye Territory and fitted with all necessary equipment. At present it is undergoing sea trials,” a spokesman for the shipyard told RIA Novosti. Indian media have reported on various occasions that the construction of the submarine was partially financed by the Indian government. India has reportedly paid $650 million for a 10-year lease of the 12,000-ton submarine.  Nerpa is expected to join the Indian navy under the designation INS Chakra in the second half of 2009.”

Construction on this hunk of steel was halted for 16 years for lack of funding and then put back together again like Humpty Dumpty.  http://en.rian.ru/russia/20081027/117976941.html  I am reminded of, why did the Kursk sink? http://www.wps.ru/en/pp/kursk/2002/03/19/1.html The three torpedoes aboard the Kursk had a storage time of which, at the depot had elapsed and detonated early.  Sound Familiar? 

In 2003, eleven people died on a Russian sub being taken out of service sank in the Barents Sea. Even with this new failure, Russia has seen success. From SEVEROMORSK, October 11 (RIA Novosti) – A Russian submarine has for the first time test launched the Sineva ballistic missile to its maximum range from the Barents Sea to an equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean.  The exercise drills involved more than 5,000 military personnel, eight surface ships and five submarines.  “The RSM-54 Sineva (NATO designation SS-N-23 Skiff) is a third-generation liquid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile that entered service with the Russian Navy in July 2007. It has a maximum range of 8,300 km (5,200 miles) and can carry four or 10 nuclear warheads. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20081011/117682147.html

This serious naval accident and other SNAFUs like this, only remind us how unstable nuclear warhead missiles are in the hands of the Russians.  Had the explosion resulted in the launch of a nuclear torpedo, millions of people could be dead, accidentally.   This “mishap” comes as Russia is trying to restore it’s reputation and demonstrate it’s over all military prowess while Americans have elected a President Obama who projects a decrease in military spending.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2008/10/22/obama-demilitarizes-while-russia-modernizes-missiles/

Russia has been holding joint naval exercises with close U.S. neighbor Venezuela, snubbing America’s Monroe Doctrine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_Doctrine  that was used symbolically when the Soviet Union began building missile launch sites in Cuba.

“Russia displayed its military strength in the Mediterranean yesterday after warships heading to Venezuela passed through the Strait of Gibraltar in the second deployment of Russian naval vessels in the waterway since the Cold War. The nuclear-powered missile cruiser Peter the Great, accompanied by the Admiral Chabanenko, an anti-submarine destroyer, as well as a reconnaissance vessel and a support ship, are destined for a maritime exercise with the Venezuelan navy.” Russia has also moved to intensify contacts with Venezuela, Cuba and other Latin American countries and has signed weapons contracts worth more than $4 billion with Venezuela since 2005 to supply fighter jets, helicopters and 100,000 Kalashnikov AK47 assault rifles. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article4887728.ece

http://www.mnweekly.ru/news/20080926/55348681.html Moscow News outlines Russia’s display of its naval might at America’s doorstep, but notes that the ” Russian Navy’s state will not improve as a result of Moscow’s modified policies. Hopefully, the government will soon start restoring and rearming the Navy because any show of strength will otherwise prove ineffective.” 

No one will accuse President Obama of overbearing American supremacy while he reduces America’s might and increases his proposed “civilian national security force.”  Obama pledged: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”  Obama’s selection of Emanuel, in his book, The Plan: Big Ideas for America, sketches out the same idea on how to “fight against the spread of evil and totalitarianism.” … by expanding the U.S. army by 100,000 more troops,” Emanuel suggests “we must protect our homeland and civil liberties by creating a new domestic counter terrorism force like Britain’s MI5.”

Charles Rangel’s National Service Act,   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_National_Service_Act which is languishing before Congress, provides for a universal draft with two years of service for virtually all persons aged 18-42, with no deferment for college. The purpose of Rangel’s bill is seems to reflect Obama’s desires:

“To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security . . . .”

Civilian service described in the bill (sec 102(b)):

a civilian capacity that, as determined by the President, promotes the national defense, including national or community service and service related to homeland security.


In more anti-military, environmental whacko, tree hugging jurisprudence, comes this article from http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=284688883235757 ,  A federal court has restricted the Navy’s use of sonar to defend America. Never mind that missiles fired from enemy submarines will harm the environment more than the sonar used to detect them. The Chinese are adding 2.5 new subs each year to their fleet, and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says the Chinese may have more subs than we do within a decade.

In the National 3:00 am call that we heard about from Hillary Clinton and others during the pre-election banter, comes this portrayal from the Department of Defense:

“This is the National Military Command Center.  We have detected the launches of two ballistic missiles out of Iran with projected impact in New York in less than 25 minutes.  Iranian President says he did not order this, it was done by a small radical group which explains our very limited indications and warning.  Iranian strategic and regional missile forces have now been ordered to full alert in anticipation of U.S. retaliation.  We have notified state and local authorities and are notifying allied governments. 

Mr. President, what are your instructions?”


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Obama has about two months to get up to speed for his “on the job training” to comprehend the full range of capabilities deployed by the United States. Barring any unforeseen challenges to his citizenship from Berg vs Obama or Martin vs the State of Hawaii, he will take office on January 20 and faces enormous security challenges here and abroad.  Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell gave the President-elect the first national security briefings, which details not only threat perceptions but responses, including special operations that are currently under way in different parts of the world- conflicts and resolutions.

America has one US President at a time and Obama might need to bite his tongue when it comes to Iran, or his policies as expressed, may develop into unmitigated disaster.  The ideology of characters like Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Frank Davis, and yesterday’s selection of Rahm Emanuel to Chief of Staff, combined make the hairs on my back stand up.  Illinois Democrat Emanuel served under Clinton and as Paul Joseph Watson notes this morning on his pick, “it is disturbing in light of the fact he is a staunch supporter of reactionary forces in Israel and his father was an Irgun terrorist.”  http://www.infowars.com/?p=5781&cp=6  Exit polls conducted nationwide show that about 78 percent of the Jewish vote was for Obama and I wonder if they are reassured that Obama’s values are similar to theirs?  I also wonder if anyone will note that Emanuel was appointed to the board of Freddie Mac?  http://hotair.com/archives/2008/11/07/emanuel-tied-to-freddie-mac-collapse/

“Barack Obama has criticized Bush for “not talking to the enemy,” particularly in Iran. So, the world would expect Obama to obey all the diplomatic traffic rules and follow all the procedures to try to persuade President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian authorities to abandon their project to build a nuclear bomb. But when Iran refuses to give up its bomb despite the eloquent entreaties of the new American president, Obama would be forced to act. So, after talking with Iran, he would likely end up at the same spot where Bush is. That wouldn’t’t make him very popular in Iran or with others who oppose America’s use of its military might.”  said, Ayann Hirsi Ali. http://www.arabtimesonline.com/kuwaitnews/faqdetails.asp?faid=1218&faqid=9.  She also articulates that by America’s with drawl of the Middle East, we will be opening the whole area to energy hungry Chinese and to Russia to whom democracy, borders, boundaries and civil rights have little meaning. 

Iran’s naval chief Adm. Habibollah Sayyari told state radio Tuesday, Oct,.28, that their new base could be used to block the entry of any “enemy” into the Persian Gulf. Iran has warned it would close the narrow Strait of Hormuz, through which 40 percent of the world’s oil passes, if the US attacked its nuclear installations. Sources note the additional advantages of its location for Tehran are quick access to the Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Horn of Africa and support for three objectives:

1. A naval presence opposite the Gulfs of Oman and Aden, where Israeli maintains Dolphin submarines. For Tehran their presence is part of Israel’s belligerent posture opposite Iran.

2. Intensified military involvement in Sudan on the Red Sea.

3. As a counterweight for the US, NATO and Russian naval might building up off the pirate-ridden Somali coast. From Tehran, this build-up looks like a potential threat to its maritime supply lanes and oil export routes.  http://www.debka.com/headline.php?hid=5681First,

Obama must realize that negotiating with Iran will not stop its nuclear weapons program. He said he will speak with rogue state leaders like Ahmadinejad “without preconditions,” implying this is a new idea. In fact, Britain, France and Germany (“the EU-3″) have been doing exactly that for over five years. Throughout, they have been surrogates for America, and yet Iran has shown no inclination to terminate its nuclear program.  John Bolton http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2008/09/25/2008-09-25_a_wakeup_call_on_irans_nukes.html———-3

Buried on the back pages of the news, The Israel Insider is reporting a seismic event in southern Iran, may in fact have been a massive underground nuclear bomb test.  The USGS measured a tremor 5.0 on the Richter scale on October 25, just north of Hormuz and opposite Abu Hhabi.  A 4.8 Richter scale event happened on October 21 just 3 miles of the event on the 25th. Foreign sources have long speculated that Iran already is possession of ready nuclear bombs and are being funded by China and North Korea.  Who do you think Iran would like to bomb first?  Israel, maybe or the US?

I trust that Obama’s security briefing didn’t leave out the fact that North Korea threatened to turn South Korea into debris unless Seoul stops what it described as a policy of confrontation.  “The puppet authorities had better bear in mind that the advanced preemptive strike of our own style will reduce everything … to debris, not just setting them on fire,” the North’s military said in a statement.  “It will turn out to be a just war… to build an independent reunified state on it, http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,24565063-2703,00.html.

Rand Corporation http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/2008/RAND_CT304.pdf  gave testimony presented before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on April 15, 2008 the impact of a nuclear target hit in Long Beach, California.  “The area of radiation contamination (approximately 500 square km) that will require long-term relocation of people and businesses is home to an estimated two million people. These people must be moved within a few days and will not be able to take most of their possessions because of the threat of contamination. Prevention efforts would benefit the country not only in the extreme case of nuclear terrorism, but would also be broadly applicable to the preparation for and response to other catastrophes such as major earthquakes and floods that could require mass evacuations for months or even years of contaminate regions.

http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/2008/RAND_CT304.pdf”  Where do you think the people might be moved to?  My money is Alaska.  Who is going to move 2 million people?  The 1st Army Brigade? 

The short, 12 page document in so little words goes over what would be needed in a nuclear event or disaster hitting a city and basically says what most Americans know, we’d be screwed.  Maybe the Rex 84 Program http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_84 is making a comeback in 2008 under a new name, The Conflict and Revolution Document or C & R Document in preparation for a U.S. financial or nuclear demise.  The Madison Report claimed the C&R Document exists and it is circulating among Congress warning of a bleak future for America. http://www.knowthelies.com/?q=node/1307  Just maybe, C & R is what the President receives daily.

Let’s hope, That One has those big ears open and his mouth shut while he under goes the same daily briefings as The President. If the message of a C & R Document isn’t in print and doesn’t really exist, we can all see the writing on the wall anyways.

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Obama running mate Joe Biden is sounding the alarm bells that we are going to have an international crisis.  “Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,” Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. 

What is apparent, is that Obama is unprepared and untested to defend or respond to any kind of threat to America.  We are reminded at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/10/time_for_a_gut_check_america.html 

“If Obama is elected, the Democrats will have not only the Presidency, but almost certainly massive, veto-proof majorities in both Houses of Congress as well. They will be able to do anything they want. Absolutely anything. Are you comfortable with that, America? Do you know and trust Barack Obama well enough to give him power on a level never before possessed by any previous US President?”

Project a world-wide image of timidity and self-doubt that will only encourage our enemies, as Joe Biden said, to “test” our weak president, thereby increasing the probability of  attacks on America and our allies, all of which makes war more, not less, likely under an Obama  Presidency.

Aside from changing everything from abortion laws, marriage laws for homosexuals, to tax laws in a socialist redistribution of wealth, an Obama Presidency is going to increase the probability of attacks on America.  It won’t matter what legislation Obama enacts if our country is burning in the face of terrorism on US Soil.  Dead people can not vote nor do they care much about paying taxes- except for the death tax which under Obama will be collected.  Survivors of dead Americans will be the ones left questioning Obama just as they questioned President Clinton’s actions in how 9-11 could have been prevented.

Only one year ago, October 27, 2007- “At a White House press conference last week, just in case you haven’t heard, Presidnet Bush informed the American people that he had told world leaders “if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing [Iran] from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.” World War III.  Pundits have raised their eyebrows and comics are busy writing jokes, but the president’s reference to Armageddon, no matter how cavalierly uttered and subsequently brushed away, suggests an alarming context.” http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20071022_on_the_eve_of_destruction/ 

No matter your support of the Bush doctrine, no large scale terrorist act has been committed inside the borders of America under his administration since September 11.

Americans need to come to grip that threat levels remains extremely high. October 28, 2008 – The United States government’s national threat level is Elevated, or Yellow. For all domestic and international flights, the U.S. threat level is High, or Orange. http://www.dhs.gov/xinfoshare/programs/Copy_of_press_release_0046.shtm

Many Americans can not fathom the destruction that terrorist would like to carry out, nor comprehend a massive loss of life.  The Pentagon requested an assessment of risk by a group called Forecasting International and it becomes clear we need to be wary.

This analysis of several possible prime targets of terrorism is based on a new study that Cetron’s Forecasting International carried out for the Pentagon. None of this information is classified. Although the oft-mentioned threat of a “suitcase” nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb has been discussed widely, and is a possibility, the consequences of attacking lesser, non-nuclear threats can be dire. Members of the armed forces, the CIA, the FBI, the National Security Agency, and many other agencies agree that the question isn’t whether America will be attacked on its own soil again. It’s only a question of when.

The Report outlines outlines in chilling details ten different scenarios that would wreak financial and psychological havoc in the United States.  http://newsmax.com/newsfront/targets_of_terrorism/2008/09/10/129637.html

While not predictive in nature, the report outlines scenarios like an attack on US oil refineries, bringing down high tension wires, coordinated shootings at major tourist destinations, destroy the Tennessee Valley Authority Dams, to detonating EMP (electromagnetic pulse) bombs to destroy the INTERNET. 

The Implications are clear from this study and in the very words of Biden, we are at risk. Do you know and trust Barry Baraq Mohammad Hussein Dunham Sottero Obama?  Do you know and trust him with total control of the United States of America?  The potential for threat requires a candidate with the skills necessary to keep our nation secure.  America needs John McCain now more than ever.  The World needs John McCain.

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