
Posts Tagged ‘Docket 08-570’

It seems it would be easier to find a needle in a hay stack than for Obama himself, to produce an authentic copy of his birth certificate.

Main Stream Media has all but dismissed coverage of any lingering questions regarding is eligibility to hold office under The U.S. Constitution-  Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and Article VI, Clause 2. of which should need no explanation.  Instead, suddenly Google has 729 news articles in it’s query and most dismiss the entire topic as being implausible. http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/12/09/birth_certificate/  has a review of all the “half baked legal theories,” and points to some on the fringe while ignoring the underlying facts that President Elect Obama has still refused to authenticate himself.

David Horowitz at Town Hall wrote, “It is not conservatism; it is sore loserism and quite radical in its intent. Respect for election results is one of the most durable bulwarks of our unity as a nation.”  http://townhall.com/Columnists/DavidHorowitz/2008/12/08/obama_derangement_syndrome_conservatives_need_to_shut_up_about_the_birth_certificate

I fail to define seeking the truth for the highest office in the land, radical.  How is it radical to want to see our laws upheld?   Like most folks I live within the law.  Except for my last speeding ticket some ten years ago, I have a clean record.  I vote, work, pay taxes, have a family, and have a mundane life.  I attend church regularly where my clergy does not claim to “God Damn America.”  I am not a radical.  

When it comes to my individual right to have standing  in the court of law, I fail to see how the media does not strongly object.  Specifically Justice Surrick in Berg v Obama, et al said that Berg has no standing to challenge Obama’s citizenship- again we must ask, if he has no standing then who does?  Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. writes…  “And, particularly in this situation, judges will desperately desire to escape having to take upon themselves the responsibility for the political consequences—let alone the odium whipped up by Obama’s touts in the big media—that will flow from the courts’ declaring Obama ineligible for the Office of President. Which responsibility and vilification wily judges can craftily evade by denying that voters, electors, candidates, and various other would-be litigants have “standing” to challenge his eligibility. For then the judges can claim both that, on the one hand, they have no authority to declare Obama ineligible because no litigant has “standing” to demand such relief, and that, on the other hand, by dismissing the cases solely on “standing” grounds they have not declared him eligible, either http://www.newswithviews.com/Vieira/edwin186.htm

In the National Press Room after some long winded comments which can be reviewed with a degree of fairness at http://www.americasright.com/2008/12/challenging-obamas-eligibility-just.html Berg said,  “My case in district court was dismissed for one reason – standing,” Berg said. “According to the court, I don’t have standing, Bob doesn’t have standing, no one in this room has standing. We’re asking for one qualification out of three. We know he’s at least 35 years old. We’ll give him the 14 years in the country. We just want to know that he is natural born. It’s not that difficult.”  Apparently it is.

Horowitz’ article,  Obama Derangement Syndrome: Conservatives Need to Shut Up About the Birth Certificate asks “what difference does it make if Obama was born on U.S. Soil and that advocates will argue “Constitutional Principle”.  He is correct, I and others will argue rationally for my country and my Constitution every day, with every last breath, and not shut up.  There is no civil unrest, no riots, no nothing but freedom of speech.

Donofrio, Berg, Cort, and even Andy Martin have done much to uphold the laws of this land as the original signers of the Constitution intended.    It is not about disenfranchising or challenging the 65 million votes Obama garnered in the election that are being challenged, it’s the fact that Obama should provide proof that he was legally eligible in the first place.  We respect the outcome of elections as proof in Bush v Gore and even in those ballots still being counted for of all people, Al Franken.  From The NY Times “The missing votes favored Mr. Franken, who would fall 46 more votes behind Mr. Coleman if the recount numbers are used.” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/09/us/politics/09minnesota.html?_r=1&ref=politics   I fail to see how more votes would not assist Mr. Franken and that goes to show the quality of MSM election reporting.

The bailout has gone from billions to trillions in just days.  Were Obama’s eligibility falter, the outcome would be tragic.  It would be a bigger tragedy to have allowed a subversion of  America’s core document, The Constitution.

The first Chief Justice of the United States, John Jay, to George Washington in 1787 in a letter wrote:

Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on any but a natural born citizen.

Perhaps the Supremes have read, ““Let it be remembered that civil liberty consists, not in a right to every man to do just what he pleases, but it consists in an equal right to all citizens to have, enjoy, and do, in peace, security and without molestation, whatever the equal and constitutional laws of the country admit to be consistent with the public good.”

 Time will tell if denial and disenfranchisement of Obama’s citizenship is consistent with the public good.

God Bless America

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After waiting the weekend, Donofrio v Wells application to The Supreme Court has been denied.  The Court did not give a reason. 

Was the dismissal procedural or contextual?  The Supremes had more than two weeks to review and read the issues that Donofrio brought to the Court regarding  NJ Secretary of State certification of candidates as being eligible under law. 

Donofrio urges us that, “All eyes should now be closely watching US Supreme Court Docket No. 08A469, Wrotnowski v. Bysiewicz,”  regarding similar issues on eligibility.  The docket is at http://origin.www.supremecourtus.gov/docket/08a469.htm  and scheduled for conference on December 12, 2008.  The case also seems to argue that Obama is not a natural born citizen since he was a British citizen at birth via his father.

“Just like James Bond, Donofrio is not one to never say never again even if tomorrow never comes.  There are two other cases at the Supreme Court.  No word on when the other cases might get attention.  But so far, so good for Barack Obama.  Although some conspiracists may find it interesting that Joe Biden hasn’t resigned from his Senate seat yet…” http://features.csmonitor.com/politics/2008/12/08/whew-obama-can-still-be-president-supreme-court-declines-case/

Today’s orders from The Supreme Court can be found here at http://www.supremecourtus.gov/orders/courtorders/120808zor.pdf

Donofrio offers a gentlemanly description of his journey to The Court and assistance to the Cort case here  http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com/ and here http://citizenwells.wordpress.com/

Today Philip Berg also filed an injunction seeking to stop the Electoral College until Obama’s eligibility is proved.  http://www.obamacrimes.com/attachments/072_ObamaPressRelease12082008.pdf his site is at http://www.obamacrimes.com/ but neither lists a document number to follow yet. 

The whole chain of events outlined is being outlined by a man name Joe Thunder who was there [sic-at the Supreme Ct] in flesh and blood.  He is going to be on Overnight AM Radio  at 10:20p.m. tonight and promises a video on the site tomorrow.  http://www.lanlamphere.com/public/

Overnight AM Radio also has a video of  Texas state representative, Suzanna Gratia-Hupp, whose parents were killed by an insane gunman while her gun was out in the car, gives very moving and bold testimony about the REAL reason that the second amendment was designed to protect our God-given right to keep and bear arms.  Link direct at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4069761537893819675

Funny how the MSM didn’t care much to write about or feature Obama’s pending litigation at SCOTUS, until the Donofrio case was denied.  Fair and balanced my a $ $. 

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President-elect Barack Obama, returning to his home state of Hawaii for the holidays, plans a beach side vacation at one of Oahu’s most exclusive properties, according to an islander involved in the planning. …The property is located across the island from metropolitan Honolulu.” http://apnews.myway.com/article/20081205/D94SQ3MG0.html

In late October, less than two weeks before the election, Obama spent about 22 hours in Honolulu visiting his dying grandmother, Madelyn Dunham. http://www.starbulletin.com/news/20081206_Christmastime_in_Kailua_is_on_Obamas_agenda.html

Obama raised more than $745 million during his campaign and has a $30 million surplus that other democrats in campaign debt would love to get there hands on.  ” Legally, Obama can donate the extra money to charity, transfer it to another political campaign, or dole it out in  $2,000 increments to local candidates,”  Gross said.  http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081206/ap_on_el_pr/obama_democrats

Our economy is in the tank, job losses are the highest since the 70’s, home foreclosures are increasing and That One is taking his family on an incredible beach vacation with a few other families.  Who is footing this bill?  The secret service will be thrilled to get out of DC and Chicago for warmer breezes. 

While the Obama’s dream of glistening sand much of America will have glistening snow. 

Under the duress of an Alberta Clipper, sometime this week the Supremes should post notice if they are going to hear Donofrio v Wells. The Supreme Court met in a full conference on, Judge Thomas Clarence’s recommendation,  December 5, 2008  Docket http://origin.www.supremecourtus.gov/docket/08a407.htm.   The case challenges Obama’s eligibility under the natural born clause of the U.S. Constitution. 

This case does not center on Obama’s birth certificate rather, it cites the fact that even on Obama’s own web where he claims to have been born in Hawaii, his father was a Kenyan and he had dual citizenship.  The problem is that our Constitution does not allow for dual citizenship in the office of President.  ooops.

The other hanging chad at SCOTUS is Berg v Obama.  A easy to follow listing of court action is here can be found here- http://www.sectalk.com/boards/showthread.php?t=62655&referrerid=1579.  Berg’s case centers around his birth certificate and believes that the COLB posted for us to see is fraudulent.

Obama has never produced an original birth certificate, ever.  Placing a document on the Internet doesn’t make if factual. Neither the DNC, RNC, FEC, any SOS have authenticated Obama’s eligibility. 

No Court to date has requested anything either.  Maybe today.

 “The 10th Amendment to the Constitution states that the powers not delegated to the federal government, nor prohibited to the states, remain with the states or the people.  Therefore it seems that any state or any person has standing to sue to enforce not just the Natural Born Citizen Clause, but other constitutional requirements and rights, absent some expressly written bar within the Constitution itself.” http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/10/who_enforces_the_constitutions.html

Barack Obama’s vaulted birth certificate is under lock and key in Hawaii and maybe while he is in Hawaii he might pick up it up and put this matter to rest with or without the Court’s mandate.

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“Source AOL NEWS

By Michael Kraskin

Today is the day that all the Barack Obama birth certificate conspiracy theorists–or “birthers,” as they’re known in some circles*–have been waiting for. Yes, at long last, it’s Birth Certificate Day at the Supreme Court! Time for the highest court in the land to settle this dispute once and all.

Or so the “birthers” would like to believe.

They’re a tad mistaken, though. That’s because the authenticity question over of Obama’s birthplace document has all ready been put to rest innumerable times.

No, the question before the court today is not whether Obama was born in the U.S., it’s whether that birth makes him a natural born citizen. The argument brought by Leo Donofrio goes like this:

“Don’t be distracted by the birth certificate and Indonesia issues. They are irrelevant to Senator Obama’s ineligibility to be President. Since Barack Obama’s father was a Citizen of Kenya and therefore subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of Senator Obama’s birth, then Senator Obama was a British Citizen ‘at birth’, just like the Framers of the Constitution, and therefore, even if he were to produce an original birth certificate proving he were born on US soil, he still wouldn’t be eligible to be President.

The Framers of the Constitution, at the time of their birth, were also British Citizens and that’s why the Framers declared that, while they were Citizens of the United States, they themselves were not “natural born Citizens”.

Got it? The argument is that even if he was born in the U.S., his daddy was an immigrant, so he can’t be president. Donofrio in fact “concedes Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.”

Also, the Supreme Court isn’t hearing the case, they are deciding whether to hear the case.”

Reposted from http://www.oilforimmigration.org/facts/?p=445#comment-2058

Since when does the AOLNEWS, or any of the news services interject BLATANTLY an opinion into a news article?  At least MSM is coy.  Shame, shame, as millions rely on AOL to speak the gospel in reporting the news and the facts.  This was not a blog or even an editorial piece, this was presented as fact that the tin foil hat, birthers are mired in conspiracy and not fact. 

The Supremes should have something to say next week.  Whatever AOLNEWS chooses to write about, let us be reminded of its obvious slant toward defying the Constitution if Obama proves to not be eligible. 

At least  they reported ” the Supreme Court isn’t hearing the case, they are deciding whether to hear the case.”  Golly gee, thanks for the news scoop. 

  Be afraid, very afraid.

For a little more factual information on the Donofrio case http://citizenwells.wordpress.com/.

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Obama’s Citizenship and Pedigree in Conference at Supreme Court

“If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog,” said, President Harry Truman.  The Bush’s are moving out to fancy dancy Preston Hallow, TX with their dogs while the Obama family will be getting a new puppy when they move into the White House.

“The breeds we’ve chosen for the Obama family represent a variety of sizes, energy levels and temperaments, yet all are well-established in their coat type, to ensure that they are a good match for any allergy sufferer,” says AKC spokesperson Lisa Peterson. “Dogs that are AKC registered have pedigrees reaching back often hundreds of years, and so the characteristics that make them better companions for allergy suffers are fixed through decades of breeding for consistent breed type and predictability.” http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/07/vetting-obamas.html

Obama, it seems has been bred with the same predictability as a lot of other political dogs.  His characteristics of  avoiding full disclosure remind me of a dog  you want to like and aren’t allergic to, but it just keeps lifting it’s leg to pee on the carpet while it’s looking at you- right in the eye.  Obama’s own lineage and pedigree have yielded him to offhandedly, call himself a mutt.  Language and politically correct driven terminology aside, some are saying that they were offended by his self-deprecating description of himself as a “mutt.”  Obama’s biracial heritage while it has not been verified by his birth certificate, seems to be the son of a white mother from Kansas and an African father from Kenya.  It is that lineage, and the laws of the land that might keep a him from taking office. 

It is a remarkable achievement to have a bi-racial, black in appearance, man as President Elect.  Putting the applause for America aside, it seems we know more about vetting his dog than him.  His associations with Ayers, Retzko, ACORN, etc.,  have been circumspect  and any improprieties, cast aside by his supporters.  Days before the Electoral College meets, still we have questions about his pedigree and breeding that could prohibit Obama and 12 million other immigrants from holding the highest office is the land, President- and a whole host of lawsuits are looking for answers.  Some of those cases are reviewed here in relative Main Stream Media- The Chicago Tribune Chronicle.  http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6145787.html.

The Supreme Court is going to be meeting in a full conference today, December 5, 2008 regarding Donofrio v Wells. Docket http://origin.www.supremecourtus.gov/docket/08a407.htm.   The case challenges Obama’s eligibility under the natural born clause of the U.S. Constitution.  The case was re-submitted to Justice Thomas of whom Obama said, “I don’t think that he [Thomas] was a strong enough jurist or legal thinker at the time, for that elevation, setting aside the fact that I profoundly disagree with his interpretations of a lot of the constitution.”  Thomas is at the opposite end of Obama’s political spectrum including anti-affirmative action, anti-abortion, and anti-prisoner rights views.  Could Thomas be just getting even in referring this to a full conference?

Justice Souter had rejected the petition, known as an application for a stay of writ of certiorari that asked the court to prevent the meeting of the Electoral College on Dec. 15, which will certify Obama as the 44th president of the United States and its first African-American president.

Some have argued that the eligibility issue should be amended to render naturalized citizens and immigrants the right to serve as President.  As it stands now Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 provides:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Of-fices who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
A New York Times article, A Constitutional Anachronism, writes, “The provision has long since outlived its usefulness, if it had any in the first place. ” http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D07EEDB1F38F935A3575AC0A9659C8B63 
Orrin Hatch, a Senate Republican, and Vic Snyder, a House Democrat, pushed for amendments to rid the Constitution of that requirement but the law stands unchanged and it is the obligation of someone, in some court to uphold that law.
Attorney Sarah Herlihy wrote on the citizenship issue: “…globalization is the thing that makes the need to abolish the requirement more and more persuasive, Americans’ subsequent perceptions about globalization are the very things that will prevent Americans from embracing the idea of eliminating the natural born requirement,” http://lawreview.kentlaw.edu/articles/81-1/Herlihy.pdf   More insulting she says, “Whether it is because of fear, racism, religious intolerance, or blind faith in the decisions of the Founding Fathers, Americans want to find a way to avoid changing the natural born citizen provision to allow natural-ized citizens to be eligible for the presidency.”
The amazing twist is that the author is attorney Sarah Herlihy who works for the the law firm of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, in Chicago.  One of the partners, Bruce I. Ettelson,  http://www.kirkland.com/sitecontent.cfm?contentID=220&itemID=7845  happens to be a member of finance committees of U.S. Senators Barack Obama and Richard Durbin.  http://www.kirkland.com/sitecontent.cfm?contentID=220&itemID=8909  It is always so convenient for President Elect Obama to have made so many friends in his short stint as Senator.
I do not believe that our Supreme Court has fear, racism, religious intolerance or blind faith in interpreting the written laws of the land.  SCOTUS today will review Donofrio’s case regarding the law and will announce most likely Monday; if this case will be heard, referred back to the lower court or dismissed. 
I accept a foreigners loyalty to America upon becoming a citizen but have misgivings that there would not continue to be a strong attachment to a persons country of origin.  Look at the Cuban sector of Miami and tell me that ties have been severed.  No matter that you maybe born in America, traditions of Chinese, Italians, Irish, Mexican, etc., are held near and dear to many  and that is what makes America great.  The ancestral connection though, could run deeper to those not born here and those loyalties could impair his abilities as chief executive and commander-in-chief and, without intention act detrimentally upon United States.
Each member of the Supreme Court has been fully vetted while Justice Surrick the Berg v Obama case also hanging at SCOTUS, claims that Obama’s vetting came from the long campaign.  To claim that a political race is an investigation is ludicrous and  not good enough for me but to my dismay it has been proven true unless this case or another one like it hears testimony from Obama himself and is witness to his full pedigree proving that he is eligible and does not have dual citizenship and meets all the qualification of the law. 
I do not want to see our Constitution in the doghouse. 
For a bit more on this topic check out http://guntotingliberal.com/ who has a recent image of Obama’s driver’s license that gives clue to deception and an image that could be his photo at birth at http://thebruceblog.wordpress.com/2008/12/04/breaking-new-proof-its-true-obama-was-not-born-in-the-us-what-now/

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an open letter to Barack Hussein Obama

“The most important office in a democracy is the office of citizen.  That means you guys.”  Barack Obama. 

It is becoming painfully obvious that Obama promise of transparency in office, may have been a fib.  Obama continues to dance around the Court of Law to avoid producing his authentic, verifiable birth certificate that would indicate if he meets the qualifications of President under existing Constitutional and Common Law. 

“Barack Obama ran a campaign promising TRANSPARENCY. Yet his own records, the most basic records necessary to determine his eligibility for the highest office in the land, the Presidency, are vaulted away under lock and key, inaccessible to both the public and public authorities.” http://www.thebulletin.us/site/news.cfm?newsid=20210273

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Obama Lawsuits Pending at Supreme Court

“So how many Americans does it take to verify the birth status of POTUS-Elect Barrack Obama?

The world may never know! ”

(Sorry Tootsie Pop but I have always loved that commercial with the little owl) 

Is it Constitutional Law or Common Law that dictates the qualification of a natural born citizen and eligibility to hold the office of President?  I don’t think the Supreme Court is certain who has standing in seeking out the true citizenship and authentic birth certificate of President Elect Obama.  SCOTUS will be gathering in conference this Friday, December 5, 2008 to find out.  The Supreme Court judges will hopefully not deviate from their responsibility, which is the strict interpretation of written law.  I hope they will allow both the Berg and Donofrio cases to proceed against the grain of popularity, and with the scale of justice.

Leo C Donofrio, SCOTUS Docket No. 08A407, Donofrio v. Wells, and recently Cort Wrotnowski, (SCOTUS Docket No. 08A469 lay in wait for review or dismissal at SCOTUS.  Berg hasn’t gone anywhere for the moment- from his SCOTUS appeal,

“Judge Surrick claimed
the DNC’s promises were not actually promises but
instead of statement of intentions. Judge Surrick
went on further claiming, “The ‘promises’ that
Petitioner identifies arc statements of principle and
intent in the political realm. They are not enforceable
promises under contract law. Indeed, our political
system could not function if every political message
articulated by a campaign could be characterized as
a legally binding contact enforceable by individual
voters. Of course, voters are free to vote out of office
those politicians seen to have breached campaign
promises and Federal courts, however, are not and
cannot be in the business of enforcing political

Ain’t that a kick in the pants?  It all goes back to the fact that if Philip J. Berg, American citizen, and former attorney general of Pennsylvania doesn’t have the “standing” to bring this type of lawsuit against Obama, then who in America does have standing? How is it that the lower court has decided that a citizen can not enforce there own Constitution in a court of law?

What the Judge missed is that Berg wasn’t challenging political rhetoric at all, he was and is, challenging Constitutional and Common Law that dictates who is eligible.  Berg’s filing to SCOTUS can be found here- http://www.sectalk.com/boards/showthread.php?t=62655&referrerid=1579

At the very least one hopes Berg’s case gets remanded back to the lower court who created this grave error in its ruling and at the very best scenario, The Supreme Court agrees to hear the case.

More filings are pouring in to lower and federal court to get to the bottom of Obama’s eligibility with Darrel Reese Hunter of Texas,  who ran as a Democratic Presidential nominee http://www.ontheissues.org/senate/Darrel_Hunter.htm.   According to his financial records he didn’t have much success in fund raising, garnering merely $200 in support of himself.  http://query.nictusa.com/cgi-bin/can_detail/P40003022/ . Daniel John Essek has also filed a demand that Obama provide a copy of his birth certificate.  http://www.essek4senate.org/ 

Essek and Hunter have put themselves out there for scrutiny, whatever there motives.  They as citizens, voters and wanna be elected officials, are pursuing fair competition for a fair election.  In all fairness to Obama, I haven’t seen their birth certificates either, but I’d bet they show you theirs if you showed them yours.  Don’t forget about Alan Keyes, former Reagan administration official, Ambassador and presidential candidate was among petitioners who filed an action last Thursday in the Superior Court of California seeking a court order enjoining Barack Obama’s California Electors from signing the Certificate of Vote until documentation showing the president-elect’s constitutional eligibility to serve as president is produced.  

 Keyes v Bowen, Superior Court, Sacramento, 34-2008-80000096-cu-wm-gds. Read it here

On other news from Hawaii http://www.earthfrisk.com/blog/?p=135#comment-7990  claims that none of HI hospitals have a record of birth for Obama.  In a most impressive compilation http://gto7.wordpress.com/2008/12/03/shocker-why-obama-will-not-be-president-in-january/ writes of the discrepancies in Hawaii law that may have allowed Obama and anyone else to obtain a Hawaiian birth certificate, even if he/she wasn’t born there. 

Shame, shame on Hawaii.  Is it still that easy to obtain a fraudulent birth certificate in Hawaii?  OMG- talk about a loophole in national security.   How can Governor Lingle in good conscious allow this to continue?  No wonder Andy Martin has been so persistent.  Here we have a government, capable of tracking our every move and it still issues documents to people born in foreign lands. 

“I’m a simple guy. Tell me what the rules are, apply those rules to everyone equally and I am a happy camper. However, if you tell me what the rules are, apply them to only some of us and throw them away when it suits you, I am not a happy camper.”


Humph, I am not happy and I don’t think another lick on my Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop is going to make a bit of difference.  Oh wait- isn’t Tootsie Roll HQ in Chicago?  Ah huh, another suspect in Obama’s circle of friends like Ayers and Rezko coming from Chicago.  I just bit into the tootsie roll part and lost a filling.  Go figure.

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The birth certificate issue really isn’t about Obama, it is more about the law. 

Since not one single person in the whole word has ever seen President Elect Obama’s birth certificate, other than maybe him, one wonders if those pursuing his eligibility all the way to SCOTUS- The Supreme Court, have given thought that it is illegal to hire illegal aliens and that the Electoral College could be found in contempt by not verifying his birth certificate.  He may very well be just as illegal as his Auntie Zeituni in Boston. 

“Anyone employing or contracting with an illegal alien without verifying his work authorization status is guilty of a misdemeanor. Aliens and employers violating immigration laws are subject to arrest, detention, and seizure of their vehicles or property. In addition, individuals or entities who engage in racketeering enterprises that commit (or conspire to commit) immigration-related felonies are subject to private civil suits for treble damages and injunctive relief…..An employer has constructive knowledge that an employee is an illegal unauthorized worker if a reasonable person would infer it from the facts.”  http://www.fairus.org/site/PageServer?pagename=iic_immigrationissuecentersbcdd 

Couldn’t a reasonable person infer from the fact that he has hidden his birth certificate that he has hidden the truth and may not only be illegal, but unable to hold the Office of President? 

A lot of excellent workers are legal aliens and have green cards to allow them to get up ‘n go to work here in the land of the free home of the brave but not for the job of President.  Obama has never shown us his birth certificate.  He has already, admitted he had Kenyan citizenship on his website,  “Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”  http://fightthesmears.com/articles/5/birthcertificate.   Whereby having had dual citizenship should have preempted him, it hasn’t so far, and perhaps then a natural born citizen means a “citizens of the United States at birth” as defined by U.S. Code, Title 8, Section 1401.  Maybe he is eligible, maybe he is not. 

Civilian Obama has said, “He did drugs at one point”  Pot and Cocaine being his choice. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,240992,00.html Should the potential leader of the free world undergo random drug testing(s)?  Employers do it to employees all the time.   I kinda doubt Obama uses illegal substances, he still smokes cigarettes and should be allowed to light up a Marlboro whenever the heck he feel like it, better than a joint with his finger on a nuclear missile.  

“I believe what the country is looking for is someone who is open, honest and candid about themselves, said Robert Gibbs, Obama’s spokesman. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/02/AR2007010201359.html  Also citing the WaPo,Obama said,  “I got high [to] push questions of who I was out of my mind.”   Some twenty years later the question of who Obama is, still lingers.  Silence seems to be golden when it comes to his birth certificate.  In these matters, Obama for being a tall man, has fallen far short of being open, honest and candid.

There are a lot of lines left blank on his job application.  Where are his college transcripts that the rest of us are required to produce when applying for a job.  In order to enter the military you have to pass the physical, but our future Commander and Chief Obama, in his infinite wisdom, deferred to a one page document that said he is good health.

Not many immigration cases or failed drug tests get prosecuted or punished.  The punishment the U.S. Constitution will have gotten if Obama is found ineligible, would be a punishment that America should not have to bear.   

The Supreme Court has not decided to hear any matters regarding Obama’s citizenship or the election-yet. Friday, December 5, 2008 will be a big day for America and Leo Donofrio whose case has a conference before all nine Judges.  The most interesting thing to date about his case is that DONOFRIO V. WELLS was distributed for conference of December 5, 2008 by the entire Court after a prior referral of the application by Justice Thomas.

Donofrio has been updating his case against Wells SCOTUS Docket No. 08A407, Donofrio v. Wells and the Cort Wrotnowski, (SCOTUS Docket No. 08A469) on his site http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com/. At http://www.obamacrimes.com/ is the Berg v Obama et al filing but he’s been too busy to update with the deadline set by the Court of December 1, 2008 having passed.  Most certainly he is preparing more briefs to get a rapid resolution or at the very least, perhaps a stay in the Electoral College.  Best bet for Berg info is at –http://www.americasright.com/2008/12/berg-to-file-emergency-injunction-today.html

There is a great argument on whether the issue of his citizenship relies on the Constitutional Law or Common Law over at the Texas Darling Website and it you have a clear moment is certainly worth the read- In part, “The Common Law has always been conflicted on the subject of dual allegiance and naturalization, read Mackenzie and Cockburn. I never said it wasn’t. The Common Law has always allowed limitations, take a look at the various Acts of Succession, Union and Settlement. There is nothing in the natural-born citizen clause to make a Common Law lawyer blink for one second. “To all intents and purposes” is an outright acknowledgment that one is dealing with a fiction which may be ignored at will by the Common Law, it could as easily read “As if”. That is the source of my disagreement with Aleinikoff’s view. If I say, “I accept, to all intents and purposes, that John Doe is a citizen of the United States”, I am saying (a) that I do not know that he is, (b) that I do not believe that he is, or that I strongly doubt the proposition, and (c) that I will nonetheless act upon the supposition that he is until such time as the proposition is either proved or disproved. If you apply English Common Law, as it stands today, Obama would be eligible; if you apply Australian Common Law, as it stands today, he wouldn’t be; if you apply Canadian Common Law, as it stands today, his position would be in doubt. If you regard the US Constitution as a Common Law document he isn’t eligible under US Common Law. ”  http://texasdarlin.wordpress.com/2008/12/02/a-reply-to-donofrio/#more-5277  and beats the whole issue with a stick very eloquently here http://texasdarlin.wordpress.com/2008/11/28/natural-born-citizens-or-how-to-beat-a-subject-to-death-with-a-stick/ .

http://aconservativeedge.wordpress.com/2008/12/01/president-elect-barack-h-obama-your-long-form-birth-certificate-is-due-today-supreme-court-of-the-united-states/  Mr. Vieira cited a fraud ruling in a 1977 case called U.S. v. Prudden, which he feels applies in this case.
“Silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a legal and moral duty to speak or when an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading,” the ruling reads. “We cannot condone this shocking conduct … If that is the case we hope our message is clear. This sort of deception will not be tolerated and if this is routine it should be corrected immediately.” 

“The Republican Party of Lincoln has become the party of deceit, dissimulation, duplicity, and double-dealing. The party that claims a moral high ground is seemingly without morality when it comes to the seats of power – they will and have done anything and everything to discredit their opponents as they grapple for control.” http://amusedpen.wordpress.com/2008/12/02/a-vile-gop/ unloads on the GOP like there is no tomorrow and blames this citizenship mess on Republicans.  It misses the whole point that Obama should just take the moral high ground. 

You and I are his employer.  You and I pay his salary.  I want his birth certificate.  I want a President who qualifies under the U.S. Constitution.  I want the Supreme Court to Uphold the laws of the U.S. Constitution and Common Law.  Of course, I want to hit the mega zillion lottery.  Don’t you want it all too?

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15 days until the Electoral College meets.  Obama is going about his business like there are no lingering questions regarding his citizenship and eligibility issues.  He’s nominated Hillary Clinton as SOS with full knowledge she will violate the Constitution by accepting the position- so much for swearing to uphold the laws he studied at Harvard, and the rest of us live and die by.   

He might turn his head a bit with that new tick he seems to have developed, when he sees the full page ad in his hometown newspaper, The Chicago Tribune on December 1, 2008.  Not only does it call out Obama’s citizenship but states:

“Each member of the Electoral College, who is committed to casting a vote

on December 15, 2008, has a constitutional duty to make certain you are

a natural-born citizen. As of today, there is no evidence in the public

record (nor have you provided any) that defeats the claim that you are

barred by law from assuming the Office of President because you fail the

Constitution’s eligibility requirements.

All state Electors are now on Notice that unless you provide documentary

evidence before December 15, that conclusively establishes your eligibility,

they cannot cast a vote for you without committing treason to the Constitution.


The ad comes from

We The People Foundation

For Constitutional Education, Inc.


www.WeThePeopleFoundation.org  http://www.wethepeoplefoundation.org/ 

2458 Ridge Road Queensbury, NY 12804 ifo@GiveMeLiberty.org

see the ad  http://www.wethepeoplefoundation.org/UPDATE/misc2008/ChicagoTribune-ObamaLtr-Nov-2008.pdf  asking in part-

An Open Letter

to Barack Obama:

Are you a Natural Born

Citizen of the U.S.?

Are you legally eligible to

hold the Office of President?





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Deputy White House Press Secretary Tony Fratto put an end to a briefing Monday in order to avoid answering a question about President-elect Obama’s birth certificate controversy which is still lingering, long after the election. Obama has continued to refuse to produce a certified, original vaulted copy of his birth certificate and a flurry of controversy is not only happening on the Internet but in the state, federal courts and most recently The Supreme Court, in Berg vs Obama and Donofrio vs Wells.  Naturally, MSM- Main Stream Media has no comments.  If you have been living under a rock, our Constitution provides that a foreign born citizen may not take the Presidential Oath.  Article II, Section 1.

From the James S. Brady Briefing Room at the White House, http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/11/20081124-1.html 

Thank you, Tony. Two questions. There’s been extensive media coverage of where the two Obama daughters will attend school. And my question: The White House believes that they should be able to attend the school their parents select without criticism because it’s private rather than public, don’t you?

MR. FRATTO: I think we support all parents making that decision.

Q Good. The CEO of WorldNetDaily has called on the President-elect to release a birth certificate listing the hospital and names of parents. The White House believes that this would fully satisfy the constitutional requirement, don’t you?

MR. FRATTO: I don’t think I have anything to say on that, Lester, and I think we’re going to end it right there.

Thank you.

Fratto totally avoided the issue of Obama’s Constitutional Eligibility and just walked away, ending the brief all together.  At least someone managed to ask the question in front of others in the Main Stream Media, Where is Obama’s birth certificate?  Maybe just maybe, this story of deceit is beginning to move up the food chain to allow for MSM and the world’s press to ask the same question we all want to know. 

Is Obama eligible? 

Prove it.

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