
Posts Tagged ‘climategate’

Methane bubbles are coming up from the Arctic Sea Bed at an alarming rate according to Martin Heimann in the article, “How Stable Is the Methane Cycle?‘ released today in Science Magazine. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/short/327/5970/1211

Methane is, after water vapor and carbon dioxide the third most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and is about 20 times more powerful a gas at raising global temperatures than carbon dioxide .  Methane is also explosive and highly flammable.  

Methane is a chemical compound so it does not have an atomic number, but it does have a molecular formula, which is written as CH 4.  Methane is composed of one carbon atom (atomic number 6) bonded to four hydrogen atoms (atomic number 1) and is a real and present threat.  Besides the fact as bacteria is digested in the digestive system it is eliminated by burping and farting- you can light your farts on fire because of methane!

According to the Timesonline, “The permafrost that covers vast tracts of land in the far North is thawing, steadily adding methane to the atmosphere. The Arctic has warmed at about twice the rate of the rest of the planet. Climate scientists are concerned that as rising temperatures melt more permafrost, the added methane will raise temperatures further and so cause a wider thaw.  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article7050312.ece

Contradicting the theory that the Arctic ice is thawing, this daily chart illustrates that the Arctic Ice Cap continues to expand its coverage and is now within less than 2 standard deviations from the 1979-2000 average. http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/.  But then it goes on to say, “Ice extent was above normal in the Bering Sea, but remained below normal over much of the Atlantic sector of the Arctic, including the Barents Sea, part of the East Greenland Sea, and in the Davis Strait. 

Methanegate or more climategate? More ice there, less ice over there.

Methane has also been discovered on Mars, “…about 90% of the earth’s methane gas comes from living things, such as the decomposition of organic materials. So this is tantalizing evidence that perhaps some form of Martian life created this methane.” http://mkaku.org/home/?page_id=537

So far no one has admitted that there are Martians, but was a cataclysmic event due to a build of of Methane that rendered the planet  inhospitable millions of years ago? 

Could Mars have had some sort of mantle breach caused by the huge kind of earthquakes and tsunami’s and natural disasters the Earth has been increasingly experiencing?   Is Earth’s future looking more like Mars past?

Armageddononline, at http://armageddononline.tripod.com/methane.htm says:  Small bursts of methane hydrate can be released by sudden events that break the lattice, such as landslides and earthquakes on the ocean floor. This releases a large amount of methane from the local area. This has been suggested as a possible explanation for the Bermuda Triangle – an area of ocean in the South Atlantic where dozens of ships and planes have disappeared without trace. The theory goes that landslides release the methane, which explodes on contact with, for example, a plane’s engines.

Is there a connection to CERN’s, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)?   The new LHC is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, designed to (essentially) hurl two beams of magnet-accelerated particles at each other inside a vacuum, with the inevitable, hoped-for result being some incredible collisions.

On February 25,  days before the Chile quake struck far across the world at the Hadron Collider, “…some fifty of the mighty collider’s huge superconducting magnets to “quench”.

A quench occurs unpredictably when the magnets get warmer than 9.6 degrees above absolute zero, causing their superconducting properties to disappear and their powerful fields, necessary to bend hyperpowered lightspeed particle beams around into a circle, to collapse. Normally the magnets are kept chilled down to a frosty 1.9 degrees using liquid helium.

Should a quench occur with full-power beams up and circulating, the result would be disastrous as the released, uncontrolled bolts of high-energy protons would deliver a blast equivalent to being rammed by an aircraft carrier. However there are automatic “beam dump” systems to cope with this, where the rays are quickly fired into special cooled, shielded graphite absorbers before temperatures can climb too high.  http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/02/25/lhc_nqps_hiccup_delay/

Is there a chance that the automatic beam dump, dumped its energy near Chili or, since Cern sits on top of known tectonic plates did  it caused a shift in the earth’s core?  On December 9, 2009-

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), already the most powerful particle-punisher ever built, smashed the collision record yesterday night as humanity’s first 2.36 Tera-electron-volt collisions were recorded. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/12/09/lhc_2_tev_collisions/

Was this the start of the increase in the frequency and severity of the recent rash of quakes?  One scientific paper discloses that the VLHC system for pumping methane, is in the a pumping antechamber! http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:pacqX0fpiaAJ:www.osti.gov/bridge/servlets/purl/787159-i9Eit2/native/787159.pdf+hadron+collider+methane&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESh40tD8oWovs2Njl7VWaoLo0qIQDDxg-CVHGg8RVMzLm1u6ct8JogRoYdqnzW45bNKBRoU-aaoe-vaT4gtu2y3EBM6sdhnE2HADI54BMs7nmYyHryCGIboHeAOyrovNo7F4G9XC&sig=AHIEtbQv3X5Za_6k8C4IELCeDtrNiPXVhg

Again with the methane.  (Insert fart sound here.)

Again with aftershocks measuring upwards of 6.3M in Chile this morning.

It is working so well that millions of collisions between protons from the two different beams have been induced. Each head-on collision between a pair of protons creates new elementary particles, which fly away from each other like flinders of an explosion…

“If the particle energy crosses a critical, still unknown threshold, we may discover new laws of nature. Even those physical laws that we find very familiar today are only valid up to a certain point.”

The measurements quoted in the publication were obtained at 0.9 to 2.36 teraelectron volts (TeV). This alone is a world record. However, the aim of the physicists is to achieve collisions at 14TeV. These would represent conditions as present shortly after the Big Bang.http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100303094820.htm

Looks like HAARP in Alaska is picking a few big bangs of its own today.

HAARP ionospheric disturbance and magnetic interference variation 03.05.2010

Induction Magnetometer 03.05.2010

HAARP’s instruments are apparently working in cohesion, both noting interruptions.  Either that, or someone out in the field let a fart go laden with enough methane to show a reading.  This is probably not possible, but the thought the Hadron Collider itself creating enough methane to cause changes on earth gives plausibility.

It should be noted in all seriousness with the recent quake in Italy; the research program,” OPERA, collects neutrinos from the CERN particle physics lab in Geneva to the Gran Sasso underground in central Italy, 730 km away.” Right at about the April 2009 quakes epicenter.   https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/

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As Senator Bunning has voted no to unemployment benefit extensions, the government is blaming winter for higher jobless rates!

Where’s the money honey?  There isn’t anymore.  Period. 

Finally someone, that person being Senator Bunning, has stood up in halt the extension of unemployment benefits to stop the sucking sounds coming from our national debt. 

Claiming he already explained why he was filibustering a bill, he refused to talk to the press en route to the Senate Floor…

Senator Bunning was even more expressive before the cameras arrived, using a little sign language.  When Senate producer Z. Byron Wolf spotted Bunning exiting his office, Bunning said, “I’m not talking to anybody.” When Wolf asked him to stay and talk to our cameras, Bunning walked toward the elevator and shot the middle finger over his head via http://crooksandliars.com/john-amato/sen-bunning-tells-abc-senators-only-ele

Too bad more Senators and Americans don’t use that finger more often at the abuse our Constitution and the U.S economy is taking under President Obama.  Yes we get that we need health care reform and a whole lot of other things too, but the way to do it is to lower taxes for business and create jobs to get people off unemployment and the welfare system. 

Enough already, stop the printing presses if you really want to hug a tree.  China is selling its U.S. treasury debt to Japan.  Russia and others and even the World Bank and International Monetary Fund are revisiting the U.S. dollars reliability as the basket currency.   In all actuality, we may not have to worry about keeping those printing presses going because the dollar will be worthless and at the very least, worth less.

Here’s the latest data on unemployment data from http://www.dol.gov/opa/media/press/eta/ui/current.htm.  It is a lot of people, some being on unemployment for around 199 weeks! 

The outlook isn’t looking better anytime soon.  To put a spin on more expected bad news in anticipation of this Fridays coming jobless report, Reuters is reporting that White House economic adviser Larry Summers said on Monday, “Winter blizzards were likely to distort U.S. February jobless figures.”

The government is blaming winter for higher jobless rates!  Like we’ve never had winter before?  This is the same federal government that is shoving cap and trade, global warming, health care, the H1N1 vaccine, mercury laden light bulbs, and near socialism right down your throat. 

Still analyzing February weather data, “During the month of January, the U.S. experienced near–normal temperatures and slightly above–normal precipitation — see the national temperature and precipitation state of the climate report. These environmental conditions, as well as record snowfall during December 2009, were associated with above-normal snow cover extents across the contiguous U.S. and North America for the month. Snow cover extent during January 2010 ranked as sixth largest January extent since 1967 for North America and the United States,” said the government at http://lwf.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/?report=snow&year=2010&month=1

The Moderate Voice had this to say,http://themoderatevoice.com/64559/its-snow-news/:

The previous week, the local news stations and TV all-news networks identified a crippling snow as “Snowmageddon” and “Snowpocalyse.” This week, with its winds, we learned about “Snowicane.”

“And so for two back-to-back snow-somethings, we had almost unlimited Team Coverage. The teams interviewed business owners—”So, how’s the snow affecting your business?” They interviewed residents—”So, how’s the snow affecting your plans?” They even interviewed public officials—”So, how’s the snow affecting your budget?”

Praise and props to Bunning.  Surely somehow our elected officials will figure out a way to reinstate the benefits to help people.  Surely the climatologists will find that global temperatures are increasing.  In the meantime, the unemployed with nothing else to do will be bundling up, shoveling more snow listening to more crap. 

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President Obama continues to spew that CO2 is causing global warming despite the discrepancy and corruption revealed by the Climate Research Unit. (CRU) He has given the federal government far yielding powers to create laws out of thin, cold air that can cripple an industry or private business for not adhering to carbon reductions and clean energy tactics. All the while, spending our tax dollars another American Recovery Act as most of America sits covered in snow in a mini ice age. 

Remember what British Lord Monckton said in advance of Copenhagen?

At [the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in] Copenhagen, this December, weeks away, a treaty will be signed. Your president will sign it. Most of the third world countries will sign it, because they think they’re going to get money out of it. Most of the left-wing regime from the European Union will rubber stamp it. Virtually nobody won’t sign it.

I read that treaty. And what it says is this, that a world government is going to be created. The word “government” actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries, in satisfaction of what is called, coyly, “climate debt” — because we’ve been burning CO2 and they haven’t. We’ve been screwing up the climate and they haven’t. And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement.

How many of you think that the word “election” or “democracy” or “vote” or “ballot” occurs anywhere in the 200 pages of that treaty? http://the41stvote.org/wp/2009/10/feature/

Monckton was wrong, the conference failed to provide even a non-binding pact that everyone could live with.  His video can be seen in a prior post at  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/17/us-sovereignty-ends-obama-signs-un-climate-change-treat/

“Obama’s agreement was bartered after he burst in on a private meeting among leaders of China, India, South Africa and Brazil, without the participation of the remaining 188 members. There was no formal UN sign-on of his accord (the Danish host government has agreed to coordinate official approval in the coming weeks). But because the document was not adopted unanimously, it has no real legal or formal bearing—it may never play a role in future UN deliberations. “http://motherjones.com/politics/2009/12/copenhagen-decoded

Rather than working on energy independence where we have untold billions of barrels of oil and gas under the soil of the United States, Obama thinks we should give money to poor nations.  Shhh, can you hear the printing presses running?  The winds are blowing cold in the U.S. and many corners of the world.  In our little universe it has snowed everyday since Christmas, helping to ease any drought concerns.

The bitter winter afflicting much of the Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the world’s most eminent climate scientists.   Their predictions – based on an analysis of natural cycles in water temperatures in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans – challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy’s most deeply cherished beliefs, such as the claim that the North Pole will be free of ice in summer by 2013.

According to the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado, Arctic summer sea ice has increased by 409,000 square miles, or 26 per cent, since 2007 – and even the most committed global warming activists do not dispute this.   Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1242011/DAVID-ROSE-The-mini-ice-age-starts-here.html#ixzz0cJRIhMTn

What is not up for dispute from Accuweather.

 “Arctic air engulfed the eastern half of the nation the past week, sending temperatures on a nosedive as far south as the Gulf of Mexico. Temperatures dropped below freezing once again in Florida this morning, with a hard freeze threatening crops across a vast portion of the Sunshine State.  This past weekend alone, dozens of cold temperature records were broken or tied in Florida. Records were shattered in cities and towns including Tampa, Sarasota, Apalachicola, Key West and Orlando.” http://ow.ly/V4KA

Is Obama seeking disaster?  Obama is fighting a war, a fragile economic system, huge deficits, job losses, a battle for health care reform all at the same time his poll numbers are dropping, and the country is seeing it’s worst cold weather in decades.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18.http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll

Whomever we blame, really it is voters and people who failed to vote, who are failing the capitalistic society.  Although we’ve now bombed the moon, mankind can not control sun spots and weather (barring could seeding).  Soley blaming mankind for carbon emissions for global climate is buffoonery and each day President Obama continues down this path is one step closer to voting him out of office.

Even NASA in researching Mars has determined, “We may have found an example of long-term climate change, analogous to Milankovitch climate cycles on Earth, on another object in the solar system,” he said. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/cassini/media/cassini-20091130.html  via https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/12/10/nasa-admits-climate-change-on-mars/ 

Global Warming and the weather is nothing more than advancing Obama’s agenda which was clearly laid out prior to the elections.  Maybe before hell freezes you can read Atlas Shrugged, http://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Shrugged-Anniversary-Ayn-Rand/dp/0525934189 vote for officials that put America first and stop the New World Order politicalization.  At, What Do You Believe, http://brianakira.wordpress.com/nwo/ there are quotes from some of America’s noted politicians referring to the NWO, their agenda and globalization.   “It would seem that recently NWO-OWG promoters believe that their goals can best be achieved in the near future by a Communist-Muslim or Red-Green Alliance,” and ignoring the facts on global warming to further their agenda. 

Baby, it’s cold out side.

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Walt Disney himslef could not have imagined what could happen at the Magic Kingdom today with snow predicted in the forecast.  People in Northern-Central Florida, as far South as Orlando could see snow flakes flying today according to Breaking Weather. http://www.accuweather.com/ 

This Winter May Be Worst Since 1985

“While frigid air in already in place, yet another brutal shot of arctic air will grip the entire eastern two-thirds of the nation through Saturday. The last time severely low temperatures froze a large swath of the nation was in 1985. New waves of cold air will continue to spread southward from Canada in the coming weeks, possibly causing this winter to also rival the bitterly cold winters of 1982 and 1977-78. Some of the greatest temperature departures from average this winter may yet to come.”

A storm currently spreading snow from the Rockies onto the Plains will eventually impact the South and East with travel-disrupting snow and gusty winds Thursday into Friday. Another blast of bitterly cold air will follow over the weekend, leaving people reluctant to head outdoors.

This next arctic blast will be even worse than the last one with AccuWeather RealFeel® temperatures dipping below zero from Boston and New York City to even Atlanta and Birmingham! The Midwest and South Regional News stories have more information on the cold. http://www.accuweather.com/regional-news-story.asp?region=eastusnews

Looking around the net, it looks like the last time Disney saw snow was in 2006 from cast-member, http://www.themeparkinsider.com/flume/200611/241/ who notes that many of the attractions were closed because of computer glitches due to the cold.

We wonder what Snow White would have to say about all this?  At least she has the Seven Dwarfs to help dig her from a significant snowfall  if necessary.  Believe you me, no one is the fairest in the land after bundling up like and Eskimo with hats and boots and sweating your butt of shoveling.  

For an interesting diversion from global warming  check out,  “Why is Snow White?”  Since snow is frozen water, and we all know that frozen water  is clear, why does snow have a distinctive color? ” http://science.howstuffworks.com/question524.htm

Maybe we should ask the Wizard, from the Wizard of Oz what’s going on with the world’s weather rather than climatologists who just ignore the truth. While President Obama and elected officials push for fossil fuel taxes, carbon credits, taxes and the like a thttp://biggovernment.com/2010/01/05/climategates-next-phase-false-claims-act-lawsuit/ says in part- 

 That leaves only the judicial branch as a place where climate change fraud can be unmasked in a government forum…

There is no reason this legal tool can’t be used against unscrupulous professors, scientists, and “green jobs” hucksters who knowingly submit false statements to get government grants that fund their research, fuel their green-tech start-ups, and underwrite their proselytizing about supposed man-made climate change. 

Stay warm and safe.

As you go through life’s journey remember, think, love, have courage and remember that there is no place like home, even if it is buried under snow!

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We heard President Obama’s speech on the radio from Cop 15- the politically correct means if describing the  U.N climate treaty being discussed in Copenhagen.  It is very hard to be a polite driver while listening to the rhetoric and thinking of giving the middle finger.

President Obama touted that “for the first time in history, all major economies have come together to accept their responsibility to take action to confront the threat of climate change,” calling the late-hour agreement struck in Copenhagen, Denmark an “unprecedented breakthrough.” http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/12/obama-calls-global-warming-agreement-an-unprecedented-breakthrough.html

Furthering the evidence of global warming and climate change, ABC said:

“Mr. Obama will depart the conference earlier than the rest of the leaders due to the massive winter storm headed for Washington, D.C. But, Mr. Obama said that he’s confident with the status of agreement and can leave before an official vote. “Because of weather constraints in Washington I am leaving before the final vote, but we feel confident that we are moving in the direction of a significant accord.”

BTW, when did the press start calling him Mr. Obama as opposed to President Obama?

A Winter Storm Warning remains in effect from midnight tonight to 6 am EST Sunday for Washington, D.C..  Precipitation type… snow.  Accumulations… heavy snow with accumulations of 1 to 2 feet through Saturday night.  http://www.wunderground.com/US/DC/Washington.html


Copenhagen only got four inches of snow yesterday.  If you think two feet of snow is unusual during a period of global warming and climate change for Washington- the town of Valdez, Alaska got over 63 inches of snow this week.

Valdez got more than four inches per hour at the height of the snowstorm that began there Monday and ran through the week. By the time the citizens of Alaska’s only oil port finally caught a break, the snow was piled 5 feet, 8 inches deep. Yes, you read right.  Five feet, 8 inches; over the head of your average American woman, up the nose of your average American man. The National Weather Service called it record. Fire hydrants were buried so deep under snow not even Tiger Woods could have hit them.  http://www.alaskadispatch.com/dispatches/news/3334-valdez-socked-in

If you have no idea what nearly 6 feet of snow looks like then ck out snowers‘ new photo blog, Front Row Alaska http://bit.ly/7hrFZK  

Neither the weather or the speech are going to help his ratings. “At the same time, there’s growing negativity toward the president’s handling of the broader global warming issue. Around the 100-day mark of Obama’s presidency, 61 percent approved of the way he was dealing with the issue. Approval slumped to 54 percent in June and to 45 percent in the new poll.

Most, however, oppose a widely floated proposal in which the United States and other industrialized countries would contribute $10 billion a year to help developing countries pay for reducing the amount of greenhouse gases they release via http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/18/AR2009121800002.html?wpisrc=newsletter

Throw in this little diddy from the WSJ, How to Manufacture a Climate Consensus: ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704398304574598230426037244.html

…with the release of the Climategate emails, the Climatic Research Unit, Michael Mann, Phil Jones and Tom Wigley have dramatically weakened the case for emissions reductions. The EPA claimed to rely solely upon compendia of the refereed literature such as the IPCC reports, in order to make its finding of endangerment from carbon dioxide. Now that we know that literature was biased by the heavy-handed tactics of the East Anglia mob, the EPA has lost the basis for its finding.property rights.

You’ll recall long before climategate, back in October Lord Christopher Monckton’s ”scathing and lengthy presentation, complete with detailed charts, graphs, facts, and figures which culminated in the utter decimation of both the pop culture concept of global warming and the credible threat of any significant anthropomorphic climate change,” with video at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/17/us-sovereignty-ends-obama-signs-un-climate-change-treat/

Still, President Obama want to steal from the rich but this time give it to the poor in developing nations. OMG. When you can’t say it better sometimes you have to re-post from http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columns/Obama-Copenhagen-speech-solves-climate-crisis-8666528-79570882.html, The Washington Examiner:

Delegates to the global climate conference in Copenhagen sat in stunned silence today as President Obama solved the global warming crisis with a single 25-minute speech. “While the challenges we face may seem insoluble,” the Nobel laureate said, “the solution is actually quite simple. It’s historically reliable. It works every time it’s sincerely tried.”

“Basically, the problem is that poor nations are broke,” Obama explained, “and rich nations don’t want to throw their money down a totalitarian rathole, into the hands of tyrants who see this treaty as a gold mine and who have no intention of reducing carbon emissions. Since we need trillions of dollars to fund development of speculative green technologies, the only answer is for the poor nations to get rich fast.”

Obama said the broad outlines of his plan included having poor nations “adopt the time-tested Protestant work ethic, free-market capitalism and equal justice under law.”

“Once you see your vocation as a calling from God,” he said, “you work diligently toward excellence, to bring glory to your creator. If your property rights are guaranteed under law, you work to improve yours, and to acquire more, by serving others. Under my plan, within half a century, the less-developed nations will go from being pathetic dependents to equal trading partners.”

While skeptics said the president’s plan would put off a solution until the world’s coastlands were under water, Obama said, “Free men and women solve problems for profit, for accolades and for inscrutable personal purposes … but they do solve problems. If, in five decades, there’s still a climate crisis, we can all get together, kick in an equal share per capita, and hire someone to fix it.”

Examiner columnist Scott Ott is editor in chief of ScrappleFace.com, the world’s leading family-friendly news satire source.

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Leaders are gathering in Copenhagen to discuss how much money rich nations can give to poor nations in the name of global warming and climate change. 

Most of us didn’t need the hacked emails releasing the fact that the data was faulty to tell us that man doesn’t have much to do with climate change.  “Leaked online by either a whistleblower or an outside hacker just weeks before the Copenhagen climate summit which began on Monday, claims have been made that the emails and other documents show scientists manipulated the data in order to validate their stance that global warming is caused by human activity. ”   http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/26269/

If you’re interested, you can download the entire, monster .zip file at Wikileaks. Props to http://www.businessinsider.com/download-the-entire-leaked-climate-emails-2009-11

One message message, this one allegedly from 2000:

It was good to see you again yesterday – if briefly. One particular thing you said – and we agreed – was about the IPCC reports and the broader climate negotiations were working to the globalisation agenda driven by organisations like the WTO. So my first question is do you have anything written or published, or know of anything particularly on this subject, which talks about this in more detail?

Oh, so it’s not about the planet getting warmer, but rather is a convenient means of advancing an agenda that has already been pre-determined .http://market-ticker.org/archives/1648-Global-Warming-SCAM-HackLeak-FLASH.html

Perhaps the Russians were working far in advance of the U.S. to avoid globalization led by the WTO.  The Kremlin has been accused of running co-ordinated cyber attacks against websites before and evidence is mounting that the emails may have been a 13 year investigation by the Russian Secret Service.  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/was-russian-secret-service-behind-leak-of-climatechange-emails-1835502.html

The recent ‘ClimateGate’ revelations coming out of the UK University of East Anglia are but the tip of a giant iceberg of a well organized international climate warming conspiracy that has been gathering momentum for the last 25 years. This conspiracy would become much more manifest if all the e-mails of the publically funded climate research groups of the US and of foreign governments were ever made public, wrote Atmospheric Scientist and Hurricane forecasting specialist Dr. William Gray. Gray is the renowned hurricane forecaster and Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University (CSU). http://www.climatedepot.com/a/4369/Hurricane-Expert-Rips-Climate-Fears-There-has-been-an-unrelenting-quarter-century-of-onesided-indoctrination

Lord Mockton tried to get your attention in October 2009.   He issued a warning that U.S. sovereignty is in danger.  See the video here  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/17/us-sovereignty-ends-obama-signs-un-climate-change-treat/

It is pretty cold in Russia, but ” Now comes the news that the mayor of Moscow has decided to stop it from snowing.  The mayor’s office will hire the Russian Air Force to spray a fine chemical mist over the clouds before they reach the capital. https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/20/sovereignty-in-jeopardy-climate-change-climate-chains/ 

If you still don’t believe that man has little to do with the climate, NASA with all of its satellites and intel in reviewing photos of Mars has determined that climate change has occurred there as well.

As revealed by Synthetic Aperture Radar imaging data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, liquid methane and ethane lakes in Titan’s northern high latitudes cover 20 times more area than lakes in the southern high latitudes. The Cassini data also show there are significantly more partially filled and now-empty lakes in the north.

“Like Earth, Titan has tens-of-thousands-of-year variations in climate driven by orbital motions,” Aharonson said. On Earth, these variations, known as Milankovitch cycles, are linked to changes in solar radiation, which affect global redistribution of water in the form of glaciers, and are believed to be responsible for ice-age cycles. “On Titan, there are long-term climate cycles in the global movement of methane that make lakes and carve lake basins. In both cases we find a record of the process embedded in the geology,” he added.

“We may have found an example of long-term climate change, analogous to Milankovitch climate cycles on Earth, on another object in the solar system,” he said. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/cassini/media/cassini-20091130.html

Unless the Martian population is destroying the planet Mars as some scientists would have you believe man is doing on earth- climate change occurs by natural forces. No Martian can stop it.

Earthlings can do little to alter the sun, the moon, the stars, or climate change on Earth either. 

Twilight Earth is dedicated to saving the Environment through shared News, Discussion, Advocacy and Activism.  http://www.twilightearth.com/environment/top-10-climate-change-commercials-videos/ They have chosen what they think is the best videos to make you believe in the propaganda, bull crap that used to be called global warming, but now is referred to as climate change.

Seeing Nancy Pelosi and New Gingrich sitting next to each other is disgusting in and of itself,  but the hear them both touting climate change is almost treasonous.  President Bush held firm not signing the Kyoto Protocol while President Obama will more than likely sign the U.N.’s  Climate Treaty that is nothing short of blackmailing America.

http://en.cop15.dk/ is the homepage for the U.N Climate Change Treaty.  It’s lead in news story, “Copenhagen Overtaking the position from American golf star Tiger Woods, “Copenhagen” is now the number one search query on the world’s leading internet search engine.

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Dark Matter

Has Dark Matter been found?  

For the past six years, the CDMS, the world’s most sensitive dark matter detector, sat deep beneath the Minnesotan countryside, watching super-cooled Germanium crystals for evidence of material abundant in the Universe, but almost non-existent on Earth. Today, rumors are flying on the Web that the team has finally found the weakly interacting particles (WIMPs) that physicists have long searched for, which could be the key to understanding the fundamental makeup of the universe.     

  …find evidence of WIMP interaction in their old data, it hardly closes the book on dark matter. For one, WIMPs aren’t a single particle, but a class of particles, and no one knows how many different particle types, or behaviors, might make up the class. Additionally, some people believe that the phenomena called “dark matter” actually encompasses a range of particles and forces, of which WIMPs are only a part.  http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2009-12/evidence-dark-matter-emerges-worlds-most-sensative-detector       

Science is still blind to what dark matter is and what it does.  Hell, we’ve explored more of the moon and mars than our own undersea oceans.  What is under the earth and what is above it?   

The dark matter they are in search of could offer a lot of explanations.  Could dark matter also alter DNA, RNA, viruses, and bacteria?  Why not, scientists do it all the time in the name of research or finding a cure for this or that.   Could dark matter be responsible for the latest flu pandemics and mutations?  How did that dark matter get to Minnesota in the first place?   

Soyuz Catastrophe via Virgin Media

There is a book on-line called, The Swine Flu Conspiracy written by John Deaux.  It is free at http://www.swinefluplot.com/index.htm.  Worth reading,  it takes place during the 197o’s and outlines a rogue Russian’s plan to kill millions of Americans by creating a Flu Pandemic.  One former cosmonaut turned spy, claims that the flu outbreak at Fort Detrick and events at the American Legion held in Philadelphia were intentionally caused by the Russians.   

Other outbreaks have since occurred in the U.S. and Europe. Legionnaires’ disease is a severe bacterial infection of the respiratory tract, causing –you guessed it, pneumonia as we are seeing in the most severe outbreaks of supposed H1N1 flu. http://www.healthscout.com/ency/68/515/main.html  

The author asserts that the Soyuz 11 mission brought back to earth not only three dead cosmonauts who died of pneumonia, but that their deaths were caused by some sort of gray matter that penetrated the capsule in outer space.       

“After patiently vacuuming up every particle of the gray matter on the spacecraft floor, with the help of the doctors, the remaining two bodies were removed to be autopsied. The results were identical, the cause of death being pneumonia….Locating a large magnifying glass and based on where we found pinholes in the craft and the position of each cosmonaut, we looked intensively at the spot where the pinholes would have lined up with the suit. Indeed, not only did we find small specs of gray but they also fit the pattern of the pinholes. We then examined the area of the cosmonauts’ backs where the corresponding suits had been penetrated by the gray matter. Looking closely with the magnifying glass we found what appeared to be needle pricks in the same pattern as in the spacesuits. The gray matter had apparently struck the craft with such velocity that small volumes of it penetrated the spacecraft, then was scattered as if from a shotgun blast. A small amount had penetrated the skin of all three cosmonauts — causing instant death. ”     

“During 1977 the United States launched two probes to explore the outer planets of our solar system. On August 20, 1977, Voyager 2 was launched from Cape Kennedy in Florida on a trajectory that would take it on a flyby of Jupiter in July of 1979 and then on to Saturn in August of 1981. The probe would also visit Uranus and Neptune before leaving our solar system. …   “Both probes carried a phonograph record and a cartridge and needle to play it. On the copper record were greetings in many languages, music, sounds of animals which live on Earth, and digital information by which intelligent beings elsewhere in space could determine where Earth was located. All of this in case other intelligent life in the universe came upon the probes.  In addition, one or both of the probes carried the toxic gray matter safely out of our solar system, thus disposing of enough poison to kill every human on Earth.”    

Is this story true?  Fiction or non-fiction?  Where did the grey matter come from?  Was it dark matter, grey matter or whatever color matter that the Russians had discovered that was capable of wiping out mankind?         

Like Climategate,  cosmological theories on dark and gray matter are not impervious to faulty data and outright lying to prove  their existence.   Others have put on conspiracy theory to pen, paper, and on-line and will continue to do so- barring government intervention of course.  Here is a fine example-   

Dark Matter Science Fiction Conspiracy Book

This original book was hardbound with 288 pages illustrated in color. It was divided into chapters covering the background of the Dark•Matter setting to include an introduction to the Hoffmann Institute, hero creation, magic and psionics, history of the setting, the Illuminati, and places of interest. Highlights include http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark%E2%80%A2Matter:       

 The true and secret history of Earth.   

  • Detailed descriptions of 13 powerful conspiracies and secret societies pulling the strings of power, plus nearly 20 more minor organizations.
  • Dozens of mysterious sites and hidden strongholds, from the ancient enigma of the Pyramids to the rotten facade of Washington, D.C.
  • New skills and careers for heroes, including options for advanced characters.
  • New rules for using FX (magic) in your Alternity game, including 45 new Arcane Magic and Faith FX spells.
  • Nearly two dozen strange creatures.
  • Gamemaster tips and tricks for running paranormal- and conspiracy-based games.
  • Raw Recruits, an introductory adventure

Another book that follows conspiracy in our culture is, A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America http://www.ebooks.com/ebooks/book_display.asp?IID=224380 , described as:  

“It is well known that some Americans are obsessed with conspiracies. The Kennedy assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the 2001 terrorist attacks have all generated elaborate stories of hidden plots. What is far less known is the extent to which conspiracist worldviews have recently become linked in strange and unpredictable ways with other “fringe” notions such as a belief in UFOs, Nostradamus, and the Illuminati. Unraveling the extraordinary genealogies and permutations of these increasingly widespread ideas, Barkun shows how this web of urban legends has spread among subcultures on the Internet and through mass media, how a new style of conspiracy thinking has recently arisen, and how this phenomenon relates to larger changes in American culture.”  

Godlike Productions has a whole forum on dark matter at  http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message906764/pg1.  Alex Jones does a good job on a myriad of topics at www.prisonplanet.com.  

Whatever phenomenon dark matter is and whatever has caused the H1N1 pandemic and it’s more recent severe mutation, the theory that it came from outer space is as good as any.   


Can you hear Jack Nicholson saying, “You can’t handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? ”   

You Can\’t Handle The Truth Audio //  


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With so many scandals and questions lingering about climategate-http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1946082,00.html  and vaccinegate, it is disgusting Tiger Woods affairs are the lead story in the news. We thought a diversion might be in order and found this off Broadway play-  The Affair, faithfully adapted by Ronald Millar from the novel by C.P. Snow.  It played in 1962 according to the review, but would make one hell a remake. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,940107,00.html#ixzz0Z6ZHdRlV

1962 was long before anyone every questioned the science behind global warming, vaccines or who our President or anyone of importance was having an affair with.  A time when one did what was told, ‘get your shots and shut up’, Coppertone was for only kids, and we were at war.   

As The Affair begins, the High Tables of the university are still rocking with an intellectual scandal that will not down with the port. Donald Howard (Keith Baxter) has been judged guilty of scientific fraud, having apparently faked a research photograph in his fellowship thesis, and a court of dons deprives him of his fellowship.

Impeccably performed, it pungently evokes its donnish milieu and nobly invokes man’s tireless quest to make justice prevail.

Will justice prevail in Copenhagen, in the truth about vaccines, or for Tiger Woods family?

 The international scandal of leaked e-mails from prominent climatologists and the pandemics push for pharmaceutical companies to release vaccines with little clinical trials before approval is familiar 47 years later.  This time it is not a play, but real life players dealing with decisions that will affect your health and living standards.  Oh yeah, your pocketbook too.

  Will justice prevail in saving lives with the use of vaccines derived from dog, kidney, monkey, He-la, and Vero cell lines? 

Ironically enough, the main character in the play was performed by Keith Howard.  In real life, a Dr. Keith Howard sits on the Scientific Advisory Committee on Genetic Modification. SACGM for short.  http://www.hse.gov.uk/biosafety/gmo/acgm/acgmcomp/index.htmCurrently Dr. Keith Howard is the Head of the Preclinical Research Group at Baxter Innovations GmbH in Orth, Austria supporting the manufacture of vaccines for interpandemic and avian influenza, and the development of new vaccines against emerging viral diseases http://www.hse.gov.uk/aboutus/meetings/committees/sacgmcu/biography.htm. Baxter has been myriad in controversy, if you have been living under a rock, type Baxter in the side search bar to learn more about them releasing live viruses, getting patents for H1N1 vaccines prior to the pandemic and other suspicious happenings.

 SACGM says of Genetically Modified things that:   

 There are no longer separate containment levels specified for work with GM animals and plants (Containment Levels A and B) – appropriate measures must be put in place to control the risks to human health and the environment. http://www.liv.ac.uk/safety/work_area_hazards/Biosafety/Genetic_Modification/Containment_and_control_measures_for_work_with_GMOs.htm

Clinical studies published by Baxter’s own scientific team suggests that adjuvants are at best useless and documented that there is no increase in antibody response, yet Baxter is manufacturing vaccines containing adjuvants for the H1N1 vaccine.  From the New England Journal of Medicine http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/short/358/24/2573  “Results The vaccine induced a neutralizing immune response not only against the clade 1 (A/Vietnam/1203/2004) virus strain but also against the clade 2 and 3 strains. The use of adjuvants did not improve the antibody response.”From The World Health Organinzation:    http://www.who.int/vaccine_research/documents/Report_on_consultation_on_adjuvant_safety_2.pdfSeveral adjuvants have been shown to permit dose-reduction and enhanced breadth of immunity for influenza vaccines in clinical studies. In light of the recent outbreak of influenza A (H1N1)v, there may be a need in the future to immunize large population groups. Adjuvants could  potentially expand the supply of available influenza vaccines. While we have no evidence yet of  the immunological benefit of adjuvants for vaccines against the H1N1 virus, a discussion of potential safety issues at this stage will facilitate planning and clinical trial design. 

I do know that the affairs of Tiger Woods are becoming public knowledge.  Will the misguided affairs of climate change and vaccines risks have greater public awareness than Tigers? Since The Affair is long off Broadway, I think I’ll see 2012 the movie.




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This Thanksgiving week, General Motors has officially ceased production of it’s Pontiac brand of vehicles as a result of the bailout by the U.S. government.  Not only could the car maker not meet it’s financial obligations but, the fact is that the car’s brand no longer had the appeal it once did and sales were declining.

The last Pontiac G-8 rolled off the assembly line in Orion heading for a fleet order rather than a museum for posterity sake yesterday.  http://www.detnews.com/article/20091126/AUTO01/911260411/Pontiac-reaches-end-of-the-line/?imw=Y 

http://www.pontiac.com/ has the official closeout information on remaining vehicles for sale with deals as low as o% financing for six years or cash back offers up to $4,500.  As a wake up call to anyone buying a car, six years is an absurd amount of time to pay off a car, especially when the warranty ends before you pay it off.

With discount offers like this across most of GM’s product line up, how they are ever going to make money, get out of bankruptcy and away from government ownership is beyond any one’s guess. 

Besides the 1000’s of job losses at Pontiac plants, NUMMI the joint venture between  GM and Toyota venture looks to be shutting its doors as well. http://www.mercurynews.com/drive/ci_13766495 From the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment by state http://www.bls.gov/web/laumstrk.htm is listed.  Like the climategate, how true these numbers are is any one’s guess.

I recall the 1978 Pontiac Bonneville that I learned to drive in.  What a tank, but it had the radio antennae built into the glass which was pretty cool.  In 1982 came the Firebird and was featured on the TV Show Knight Rider.  I never owned one, but a lot of my buddies did and it was a girl magnet.

Pontiac Fiero

In 1984,  my dad through a mid life crisis or whatever, found the Pontiac Fiero much more in the spirit of things.  What a car it was and far removed from anything on the market.  The damned things body was made of plastic!  We’ll some sort of poly-resin- that when a grocery cart hit it it bounced off with no damage.  With no USA steel to give it strength, on impact the car crumbled.  Luckily, we never crashed it but traded it it on something or another.  Might have been the Cadillac Sedan De Ville with the horrendous 4-6-8 valve engine- another GM disaster.

Our Fiero was hot red in color with every option known to man, including the fabulous sound system from Bose.  Nothing like Van Halen screaming at you at ten decibels while driving down the highway. A definite babe magnet of a car.  It made you want to live in the fast lane or at least drive in it.


Chief Pontiac, Ottawa Tribe

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa Tribe must be glad to know that the spirit of the Pontiac brand of vehicles will go on- in memory at least.  He was quoted as saying, 

According to a French chronicler, in a second council Pontiac proclaimed:

It is important for us, my brothers, that we exterminate from our lands this nation which seeks only to destroy us. You see as well as I that we can no longer supply our needs, as we have done from our brothers, the French…. Therefore, my brothers, we must all swear their destruction and wait no longer. Nothing prevents us; they are few in numbers, and we can accomplish it.   Peckham, Indian Uprising, 119–20; Dixon, Never Come to Peace, 109. via  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Pontiac#cite_note-8

It didn’t turn out so good for the Indians being forced to reservations, but in the long run some tribes are probably more financially stable than the U.S. government,  thanks to good fiscal policy and casino’s.

Ironically enough, the Pontiac Silverdome was sold this month for $583,000 USD to a Toronto, Canadadian businessman. Completed in 1975 as the Pontiac Metropolitan Stadium, at a cost of $55.7 million, the Silverdome seats 80,311. It contains 102 luxury suites and 7,384 club seats. more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_Silverdome

“While still not sure what he’ll ultimately do with the stadium, adjacent fieldhouse and 127 acres of land, Apostolopoulos said he’d like to return it to being a place that hosts football, soccer, hockey and basketball as well as concerts.  “People today like sports so we have to keep it for sports events,” he said. “Whatever they like, we’ll do.” But Apostolopoulos said the zoning does allow for the tearing down of the stadium and the building of houses, apartments or almost any other kind of construction.” http://www.thestar.com/sports/article/729769–toronto-developer-snaps-up-vacant-pontiac-silverdome

At less than $5000 USD an acre that was a good deal for any pilgrim. 

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