
Posts Tagged ‘timewave’

Sonic Booms are again being reported in the U.S. with little explanation as to what is causing them.

Traditionally, “The sonic boom is the noise from two shock waves which a supersonic aircraft continuously generates as it flies supersonically through the atmosphere.”  http://sonicbooms.org/boomprimer.html    

Aircraft Sonic Boom

In reality, shocks are generated off all sorts of surfaces, not just the nose of the airplane,” says NASA boom specialist Kevin Shepherd. “But often, the big ones swallow up the little ones, and you end up with one that appears to be from the nose, and one that appears to be from the tail. Well, truth be told, you probably hear no booms.  Because earth-bound spoil-sports didn’t like the noise any more than they liked having their windows broken, all but the military are now forbidden to boom over land. Robinson and the other astronauts fly their training jets sedately until they’re out over the Gulf of Mexico. http://www.discovery.com/area/skinnyon/skinnyon.html 

Not only can you hear a sonic boom, but you can see it!

Anointedvessel, http://anointedvessel.wordpress.com/   had this to say in one of our comment sections at: https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/03/05/methane-bubbles-in-arctic-sea-methanegate-by-cern-haarp-w-earthquake-conspiracy/ making my antennae turn a bit and do a little research.      

hey we just had another incident of unexplained explosion like booms it happened a day or two before the quake in Chile it was so loud it awakened people for miles for several counties around some said it might have been a sonic boom but military instillation nearby said no flights in or out at that time. No earthquakes even though it registered on the Virginia Techs seismograph as a very strong acoustic wave.

HAARP? EISCAT? SURA? A precursor pulse to quake activity?  Is someone or something energizing the ionosphere causing earthquakes and sounds?    Wouldn’t a geomagnetic storm have caused some communication interruptions?  Space debris?

Virginia Tech Seismological Observatory, Helicorder Plots 03.02.2010

Yet, the Virginia Tech Seismological Observatory, specifically the Sargeant Reynolds Community College, Goochland, VA seismograph picked up this whopping activity on March 2, 2010. http://cannonball.geos.vt.edu/heli/


USGS shows nothing out of the ordinary in the entire U.S. on the March 2, 2010 at http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/Quakes/quakes_all.php       The only notable reports at the same time and date via http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.php were:  


MAP  4.8   2010/03/02 15:27:50   -34.187    -72.166  35.5   OFFSHORE LIBERTADOR O’HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  4.9   2010/03/02 15:25:09   -33.316    -71.744  21.8   OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE

We highly doubt the seismographs in Virginia are capable of picking up something so distant,  so what is that vibration and noise?   With no reports of earthquakes, or military flights what is making the seismographs go into overdrive, yet not making the headlines?

Ah, but what is this little hiccup on the charts from our friends at HAARP on March 2, 2010 around 1500 UTC, the same time we see a spike at the Virginia Tech Seismological Observatory?

HAARP Fluxgate magnetometer 03.02.2010

Thousands of miles a part and two observatories at about the same time on the same day pick up spikes?

It’s not the first time people have heard odd sounds and lights in Virginia with little explanation.  In March of 2009,      

A mysterious flash of light and loud boom occurred over the skies of Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Va., on Sunday night, but just what caused the phenomenon is still unknown…..Numerous reports have been called in to this office and into local law enforcement concerning what appeared to be flashes of light in the sky over the Suffolk/Virginia Beach area. We are confident in saying that this was not lightning … and have been in contact with military and other government agencies to determine the cause. So far … we have not seen or heard of any damage from this and will continue to inquire as to the cause.” http://www.livescience.com/space/090330-possible-meteor.html      

Almost a year later and there has been no definitive explanation. 

Back on February 16, 2009, ” Sonic booms and at least one fireball in the sky were reported in Texas on Sunday, less than a week after two satellites collided in space and a day after the Federal Aviation Administration asked U.S. pilots to watch for “falling space debris,” authorities said. http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/02/15/texas.sky.debris/index.html

Could something fall into the atmosphere causing the seismometers to jump?  Why would only one seismic monitor in Virginia pick the vibration up when there were reports of a boom as far away as distant counties?

Perhaps it is just the roar of The New World Order and globalization as suggested in the book, SONIC BOOM: Globalization at Mach Speed Copyright 2009 by Gregg Easterbrook, and Excerpted via Newsweek, http://www.newsweek.com/id/233528

Dramatic economic change will happen at the same time as climate change. Either one would be a challenge in itself. Now, they’re going to occur simultaneously, which will cause economic convulsions unparalleled by any event other than World War II.

Lots of rumblings out there.  Currently the only thing I hear and feel is my own stomach and finally some snow melting down off of the roof.      

  flag tounge      

Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum!      

Our Swine Flu Report that began in April 2009 is at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report          

Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., with more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/       

Help spread the word.  SUBSCRIBE  NOW and Follow us on Twitter (by clicking in the side margin) or sign up at http://twitter.com/ so you can get the latest updates as soon as they’re posted. Make sure to re-tweet, so all your friends get the heads up too.      


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Methane bubbles are coming up from the Arctic Sea Bed at an alarming rate according to Martin Heimann in the article, “How Stable Is the Methane Cycle?‘ released today in Science Magazine. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/short/327/5970/1211

Methane is, after water vapor and carbon dioxide the third most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and is about 20 times more powerful a gas at raising global temperatures than carbon dioxide .  Methane is also explosive and highly flammable.  

Methane is a chemical compound so it does not have an atomic number, but it does have a molecular formula, which is written as CH 4.  Methane is composed of one carbon atom (atomic number 6) bonded to four hydrogen atoms (atomic number 1) and is a real and present threat.  Besides the fact as bacteria is digested in the digestive system it is eliminated by burping and farting- you can light your farts on fire because of methane!

According to the Timesonline, “The permafrost that covers vast tracts of land in the far North is thawing, steadily adding methane to the atmosphere. The Arctic has warmed at about twice the rate of the rest of the planet. Climate scientists are concerned that as rising temperatures melt more permafrost, the added methane will raise temperatures further and so cause a wider thaw.  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article7050312.ece

Contradicting the theory that the Arctic ice is thawing, this daily chart illustrates that the Arctic Ice Cap continues to expand its coverage and is now within less than 2 standard deviations from the 1979-2000 average. http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/.  But then it goes on to say, “Ice extent was above normal in the Bering Sea, but remained below normal over much of the Atlantic sector of the Arctic, including the Barents Sea, part of the East Greenland Sea, and in the Davis Strait. 

Methanegate or more climategate? More ice there, less ice over there.

Methane has also been discovered on Mars, “…about 90% of the earth’s methane gas comes from living things, such as the decomposition of organic materials. So this is tantalizing evidence that perhaps some form of Martian life created this methane.” http://mkaku.org/home/?page_id=537

So far no one has admitted that there are Martians, but was a cataclysmic event due to a build of of Methane that rendered the planet  inhospitable millions of years ago? 

Could Mars have had some sort of mantle breach caused by the huge kind of earthquakes and tsunami’s and natural disasters the Earth has been increasingly experiencing?   Is Earth’s future looking more like Mars past?

Armageddononline, at http://armageddononline.tripod.com/methane.htm says:  Small bursts of methane hydrate can be released by sudden events that break the lattice, such as landslides and earthquakes on the ocean floor. This releases a large amount of methane from the local area. This has been suggested as a possible explanation for the Bermuda Triangle – an area of ocean in the South Atlantic where dozens of ships and planes have disappeared without trace. The theory goes that landslides release the methane, which explodes on contact with, for example, a plane’s engines.

Is there a connection to CERN’s, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)?   The new LHC is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, designed to (essentially) hurl two beams of magnet-accelerated particles at each other inside a vacuum, with the inevitable, hoped-for result being some incredible collisions.

On February 25,  days before the Chile quake struck far across the world at the Hadron Collider, “…some fifty of the mighty collider’s huge superconducting magnets to “quench”.

A quench occurs unpredictably when the magnets get warmer than 9.6 degrees above absolute zero, causing their superconducting properties to disappear and their powerful fields, necessary to bend hyperpowered lightspeed particle beams around into a circle, to collapse. Normally the magnets are kept chilled down to a frosty 1.9 degrees using liquid helium.

Should a quench occur with full-power beams up and circulating, the result would be disastrous as the released, uncontrolled bolts of high-energy protons would deliver a blast equivalent to being rammed by an aircraft carrier. However there are automatic “beam dump” systems to cope with this, where the rays are quickly fired into special cooled, shielded graphite absorbers before temperatures can climb too high.  http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/02/25/lhc_nqps_hiccup_delay/

Is there a chance that the automatic beam dump, dumped its energy near Chili or, since Cern sits on top of known tectonic plates did  it caused a shift in the earth’s core?  On December 9, 2009-

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), already the most powerful particle-punisher ever built, smashed the collision record yesterday night as humanity’s first 2.36 Tera-electron-volt collisions were recorded. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/12/09/lhc_2_tev_collisions/

Was this the start of the increase in the frequency and severity of the recent rash of quakes?  One scientific paper discloses that the VLHC system for pumping methane, is in the a pumping antechamber! http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:pacqX0fpiaAJ:www.osti.gov/bridge/servlets/purl/787159-i9Eit2/native/787159.pdf+hadron+collider+methane&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESh40tD8oWovs2Njl7VWaoLo0qIQDDxg-CVHGg8RVMzLm1u6ct8JogRoYdqnzW45bNKBRoU-aaoe-vaT4gtu2y3EBM6sdhnE2HADI54BMs7nmYyHryCGIboHeAOyrovNo7F4G9XC&sig=AHIEtbQv3X5Za_6k8C4IELCeDtrNiPXVhg

Again with the methane.  (Insert fart sound here.)

Again with aftershocks measuring upwards of 6.3M in Chile this morning.

It is working so well that millions of collisions between protons from the two different beams have been induced. Each head-on collision between a pair of protons creates new elementary particles, which fly away from each other like flinders of an explosion…

“If the particle energy crosses a critical, still unknown threshold, we may discover new laws of nature. Even those physical laws that we find very familiar today are only valid up to a certain point.”

The measurements quoted in the publication were obtained at 0.9 to 2.36 teraelectron volts (TeV). This alone is a world record. However, the aim of the physicists is to achieve collisions at 14TeV. These would represent conditions as present shortly after the Big Bang.http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100303094820.htm

Looks like HAARP in Alaska is picking a few big bangs of its own today.

HAARP ionospheric disturbance and magnetic interference variation 03.05.2010

Induction Magnetometer 03.05.2010

HAARP’s instruments are apparently working in cohesion, both noting interruptions.  Either that, or someone out in the field let a fart go laden with enough methane to show a reading.  This is probably not possible, but the thought the Hadron Collider itself creating enough methane to cause changes on earth gives plausibility.

It should be noted in all seriousness with the recent quake in Italy; the research program,” OPERA, collects neutrinos from the CERN particle physics lab in Geneva to the Gran Sasso underground in central Italy, 730 km away.” Right at about the April 2009 quakes epicenter.   https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/

  flag tounge

Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum!

Our Swine Flu Report that began in April is at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report    

Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., with more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/ 

Help spread the word.  SUBSCRIBE  NOW and Follow us on Twitter (by clicking in the side margin) or sign up at http://twitter.com/ so you can get the latest updates as soon as they’re posted. Make sure to re-tweet, so all your friends get the heads up too.

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Nine hundred and ninety-nine is the natural number following following nine hundred ninety-eight and preceding one thousand. It is also a  Kaprekar number. For example, 999 is a Kaprekar number for base 10, because 999² = 998001, which can be split into 998 and 001, and 998 + 001 = 999.  It is also the largest 3 digit whole number in base 10. The Year 999 (CMXCIX) was a common year of the Julian Calendar. 

Seeing as the Devil is a sneaky deceiver, will 999,  September 9, 2009 be a day of prophecy?  999 upside down is 666. 
Someone in the Netherlands has come up with World Interconnectedness Day on 999, saying, http://www.interconnectedness090909.org/  “090909 in every country at 9 AM in every time zone (starting in New Zealand), all people who are aware of interconnectedness and who are committed to translate that awareness into action are invited to practice interconnectedness as much as possible throughout that day.”

“At 9AM (local time) churches, mosques, synagogues all around the world proclaim for 9 minutes to remind every human being, that we all share this planet and time,-that we all need to care for each other and reach out to each other,-no matter what culture, religion, age, gender, colour, tribe, political party, economic status we have. We all need each other.”

http://999itstime.org/ offers more liberal crap saying “we are in a state of emergency- socially, economically and ecologically” so please put aside 9 minutes of your time on 999 Day to join us in taking the following three actions, which should take approximately 3 minutes each. 1. Switch to green energyhttp://www.realpeoplepower.org/ . 2. Cut your emissions 10% and join up with 10:10 movement http://www.1010uk.org/ . 3.  Plant a tree. http://www.tree-nation.com/

Gag me. I don’t want to be connected, and I am tired of  America being relied upon to save the world.  How many zillions of dollars and manpower have been spent in other nations- including Muslim ones, only to have shoes thrown at our President and public displays of America’s Flag burning?  How many nations relied upon the blood of American Soldiers in history?  In this New World Order we keep hearing about, President Obama better wake up to the fact that we need to make America, America’s priority. 

Even under a State of Public Emergency,  thanks to the H1N1 Novel Swine Flu Pandemic- America’s borders remain open.  Ellis Island and The Statue of Liberty have welcomed millions through the department of immigration while others cross an invisible border to scourge America’s resources illegally.  The War on Drugs, The War on Terror- mostly due to the failure of America to protect itself. 

NAFTA, Free Trade, Free access to loot America.  Put your little pinky toe over the border illegally, and it should get shot off with out spending my tax dollars.  No free rides to take you to the best hospitals in the world either.

From Prison Planet – “The deaths we inflict and the pain and suffering we bring to others are merely collateral damage on the bloody path to American hegemony.” http://www.prisonplanet.com/us-hypocrisy-astonishes-the-world.html Fukc you too.  Don’t like being in the greatest country on earth?  Get the fukc out and go live in Afghanistan for awhile. 

People of all nations immigrate to the greatest land in the world because they are free.  The assault of 911, when bastards hijacked airplanes and tried to hijack American values still did not assail the fortitude of the American people.  How many people are opting to disavow US Citizenship? Good riddance to those who do- like the President of American Greetings who just moved to Israel.  Here’s an American Greeting for ya, don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

While 911 is the emergency dialing code in the U.S., and the date intentionally chosen to murder thousands of people,  999 is the emergency phone number in the U.K. One must have some concern for the possibility of another attack from Al Qaeda or some other whacko terrorist group.

With chaos raining and an order grounding all flight travel in the U.S after 911, “With the help of the FBI, the Saudis and the bin Laden family chartered an aircraft to pick up family members in Los Angeles, Orlando, and Washington, D.C. The bin Laden plane then flew the relatives to Boston, where — one week after the attacks — the group left Logan Airport bound for Jeddah.http://www.nationalreview.com/york/york091102.asp

Rest assured that there are members of the  bin Laden family who would not hesitate take advantage of 999.  The National Review at the time went on to note, “That family had been looked at very, very carefully in the two-year period leading up to September 11,” after the al Qaeda bombings of American embassies in East Africa, said retired CIA official Vince Cannistraro.”

Whether 999 is an auspicious omen or not, remains to be seen.  Rather than succumbing to the the bullshit indoctrination of  “Think Globally act Locally” you can visit an old fashioned sideshow on tour featuring several live human oddities at http://www.999eyes.com/

The band 999 http://www.nineninenine.net/ has some interesting sounds. Photo props to them from a cd cover. 

“Number nine. Number nine. Number nine.”The repetitive refrain from one of The Beatles’ most mind-bending journeys into psychedelia “Revolution 9,” the audio pastiche from “The White Album” is now serving as the backbeat of a big day for the biggest band in rock ‘n’ roll history http://showbiz.peacefmonline.com/news/200909/26174.php

For a thrill, there is the 999 probably the best streetbike Ducati has ever produced. http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/101/398/Motorcycle-Article/2003-Ducati-999.aspx

Zed Power again reminds us that “At 9:00 AM on September 9th, 2009 is the day of interconnectedness. A day for steeping yourself in world energies. Tilt the world axis. Put a little peace into the planetary awareness.”At 9:00 AM on September 9th, 2009 is the day of interconnectedness. A day for steeping yourself in world energies. Tilt the world axis. Put a little peace into the planetary awareness.” http://www.zedpower.net/090909/

From http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread330653/pg1 forum on 999- “as long as we are alive and kicking on this planet there will be an infinite amount of numerical and date related scenarios for one to ponder.”

There is always the 2012 doomsday conspiracy, when the long count calendar of the Ancient Mayans ends on December 21, 2012.




 Addendum on numerology at http://creativenumerology.wordpress.com/2009/09/07/so-much-more-than-9-9-9/#comment-2314 .


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Lots of potentials for the end of the world- with or without a New World Order.   Maybe we’ll run out of Oxygen, the oceans will melt into the earths mantle, global warming will kill us all, or a nuke will zap us.  Sir David Attenborough believes that a “frightening explosion in human numbers” is behind every threat to wildlife across the world. But,  http://enemiesofprogress.blogspot.com/2009/04/david-attenborough-has-become-patron-of.html poignantly notes that  “progress and technology – without artificial limits – that can raise people’s capacity to thrive,” and I concur.

The North Koreans are sure doing whatever possible for their own sustainability by walking out on disarmament talks.  The ministry said it would “strengthen its nuclear deterrent for its defense by all means” and would restore its partially disabled Yongbyon nuclear reactor – the fuel source for its 2006 atomic test.

While countries are in search of  power not only politically and militarily, the search for energy power continues toward what Star Trek science fiction has been showing us all along.  Scientists have been working on “Nanogenerators could allow people to power their iPods and other portable electronics just by walking.”–scienceNOW http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2009/326/2 

Forget about winding a wristwatch or powering up a laptop- how about propulsion!  Transport pods that could take you from New York to China in minutes.  Interstellar visits to the moon, the Milky Way and galaxies yet discovered?  I don’t have the energy to think of all the possibilities, but  The Tau Zero Foundation encourages missions based on known physics and rigorous examination of possible ‘breakthrough’ concepts.  http://www.tauzero.aero/

Project Daedalus, done in the mid 70’s ( http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/D/Daedalus.html)  remains the most detailed study of an interstellar vehicle or probe ever attempted. The 54,000 ton two-stage vehicle was to be powered by inertial confinement fusion using electron beams to compress deuterium/helium-3 fusion capsules to ignition to reach Barnard’s Star. For those of us who are not scientists, this translates to nuclear fission (I think)!  A powerful magnetic field would have confined the explosions created at thrust and lift off.  No one built Daedalus.  30 years later, the effort is being reincarnated  in Project Icarus: Son of Daedalus. source-  http://www.centauri-dreams.org/?p=7164 

With nano research weight we are not talking housands of tons for the weight of propulsion, but hundreds of grams.  We can not keep track of nuclear waste, let alone something the size of a pack of cigarettes or smaller in the hands of terrorists. But we are not being held captive in our desire for the edge of knowledge,  labs around the world are doing research, experiments and applications.

From AGOR to the Yerevan Physics Institute a partial list of labs can be found at  http://home.earthlink.net/~whittum/vl/labs.html .  Maybe we don’t need the terrorists help to end the world or cause disasters at all.  In my post, https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/ I asked if  the recent earthquake in Italy was caused by a physics experiment gone awry or perhaps something aimed at or away from The Gran Sasso National Laboratory to CERN. 

According to Symmetry Magazine, http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/breaking/2009/04/01/particles-attempt-lab-takeover/ in April, the Fermi lab temporarily halted Tevatron operations when a batch of particles broke free from the accelerator and staged a coup at the laboratory.  Escaped particles seized control of the Remote Operations Center and attempted to contact compatriots in the Large Hadron Collider. Fortunately for CERN, the only particles present were a group of passing cosmic rays. Okay, so it happened on April 1st, but I am no April Fool to think that scientists have full control over science. 

Luckily http://www.strings.musser.com/Strings/Welcome.html Scientific American writer/author George Musser has published: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to String Theory where physics is explained an easily assimilated way and also why super strings physics matter at all.  A great interview Musser is here http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/18790.

In searching for the origins of the big bang, finding a replacement for the energizer bunny and predicting earthquakes; Physics.org keeps us up to date on experiments like The Physics of Pizza Toppings http://www.physorg.com/news158491566.html .  Until the end of the world, if it ever happens at all, man’s got to eat.  Might as well explain it with physics!

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My previous post at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/ questioned the experiments that occur at The Gran Sasso National Laboratory- home of The National Institute of Physics.  LNGS is located about 120 km from from Rome near the town of L’Aquila inside the Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga– pretty much ground zero for this weeks 6+ earthquake.

Earthquakes by and large, are not that unusual.  It is not everyday that the ground unleashes its fury so close where experiments in nuclear astroparticle physics and nuclear astrophysics occur.  My head tilts a bit.  I put on my tin foil hat to listen my own inner harmonics that make me question the forces of natural and unnatural events.

Projects with some cool names like OPERA, LUNA and UNDERSEIS have been ongoing in the academia of Physics at the Lab. http://www.lngs.infn.it/lngs_infn/index.htm?mainRecord=http://www.lngs.infn.it/lngs_infn/contents/lngs_en/research/experiments_scientific_info/ Searching for scientific truths that could explain matters of the world have a high degree of integrity, but at what cost to society? 

ATLAS is a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. “Starting in Spring 2009, the ATLAS detector will search for new discoveries in the head-on collisions of protons of extraordinarily high energy. ATLAS will learn about the basic forces that have shaped our Universe since the beginning of time and that will determine its fate. Among the possible unknowns are the origin of mass, extra dimensions of space, microscopic black holes, and evidence for dark matter candidates in the Universe. ” http://atlas.ch/   Besides the potential benefit to knowledge, what if the outcomes aren’t acceptable to the norms of society.  Say for example, ATLAS proves the origins of the universe, where does this leave God? 

Would some of these experiments be able to predict natural catastrophes like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunami with complete accuracy?  Disaster Recovery Journal asks,” Is it really possible to save lives and property even with such accurate advance information?  Unfortunately the answer is a big no, ” citing the potential for financial chaos, transport chaos and civil unrest. http://www.drj.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2335&Itemid=419&ed=48  That gives little comfort to the scenes played out in movie thrillers and in our U.S. schools where we are taught to duck and cover under a desk. 

The Recovery Journal offers this rebuttal for warning, “In all probability, the actual disaster may cause less damage than the havoc created by people’s panic because of advance information [warning].”  http://www.drj.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2411&Itemid=419&ed=49 Whew, don’t you feel safer?

Russian scientists speculated that a U.S. strike against China was cause of the earthquake that struck Sichuan province in China, believing “it was  ‘exactly timed’ to coincide with the dangerous experiments ongoing at Large Hadron Collider for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).” http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message556660/pg1

Many of LNGS’s and CERN’s experiments could conceivably alter our fragile, terrestrial ecosystem including the experiments of the Radio Frequency (RF) Waveguide Vacuum Valve.  The device enables low-loss RF power transmission in a waveguide across a gap, where a liftable instrument is positioned. http://technologytransfr.web.cern.ch/TechnologyTransfer/en/Technology/VacuumValve.html Could a strong enough wave transmission from CERN to LNGS have caused the earthquake?

The New York Times author, Dennis Overbye  reported that, “Whatever forms of matter and whatever laws and forces held sway Back Then — relics not seen in this part of space since the universe cooled 14 billion years ago — will spring fleetingly to life, over and over again in all their possible variations, as if the universe were enacting its own version of the “Groundhog Day” movie. If all goes well, they will leave their footprints in mountains of hardware and computer memory.”  http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/15/science/15cern.html?ex=1336881600&en=7825f6702d7071e7&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss

“We are now on the endgame,” said Lyn Evans director of CERN. 

Does the endgame include a reign of manmade catastrophes like this weeks earthquakes?  

Most noble experiements indeed.

You may also be interested in Is HAARP causing the Earthquakes https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/is-haarp-causing-the-earthquakes-volcanoes-to-erupt-and-the-ice-to-melt/

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 Experiments at Gran Sasso National Laboratory- Italy. 



 In this mornings post, I took  into account HAARP’s potential at causing catastrophes from tsunamis to earthquakes.  Having family in the central area of Italy, I took a closer look at the regions and providences and found that  The National Institute of Physics at The Gran Sasso National Laboratory-LNGS, is located near the heart of the earthquakes epicenter! 

Taking a complete conspiracy guess, maybe it wasn’t a natural occurrence or an incidence of HAARP.  Was the seismic event caused by an experiment gone awry or perhaps something aimed at or away from The Gran Sasso National Laboratory? 

LNGS is located about 120 km from from Rome near the town of L’Aquila inside the Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga. The underground facilities are located along a freeway tunnel crossing the Gran Sasso Mountain.  The lab was/ is expected to host the prestigious Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IV  NPAIV  in May http://npa4.lngs.infn.it/Poster_NPAIV.pdf

 The SGNL is  an physicists dream of experiments and academia http://www.lngs.infn.it/.   The main mission of the Laboratory is to host experiments that require a low background environment in the field of astroparticle physics and nuclear astrophysics and other disciplines.   

Like many research facilities numerous experiments are ongoing and can be seen at http://www.lngs.infn.it/lngs_infn/index.htm?mainRecord=http://www.lngs.infn.it/lngs_infn/contents/lngs_en/research/experiments_scientific_info/ 

OPERA, collects neutrinos from the CERN particle physics lab in Geneva to the Gran Sasso underground in central Italy, 730 km away.  Neutrinos are elementary particles postulated by Pauli in the 30’s as a “desperate attempt” to save the principle of energy conservation in radioactive beta decays. They have been observed 20 years later emerging from nuclear reactors and, since then, many of their physical properties have been established.  Could a cosmic ray have caused this earthquake or the “storage” limits exceeded capacity causing a seismic shift?  Will there be a higher radioactive reading post earthquake?

I digress that I don’t know enough about cosmic rays but you can find out more about shooting particles, http://www.lngs.infn.it/lngs_infn/index.htm?mainRecord=http://www.lngs.infn.it/lngs_infn/contents/lngs_en/research/experiments_scientific_info/

LUNA -Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics is housed at San Grasso.  LUNA was a new experimental approach for the study of nuclear fusion reactions based on an underground accelerator lab. http://luna.lngs.infn.it/ .

Lastly the UNDERSEIS instrument is aimed to monitor seismic radiation with very high sensitivity;  Arrays of seismometers are used to study the Earth structure at global, regional and local scale, earthquake source process, nuclear underground explosions and, more recently, for the analysis of complex signals associated to the volcanic activity.  If it is still operational, the underground arrays must have gone off the charts being near the center of a seismic event.

A forum post at AboveHotAir recently checked out the resonance of the upcoming April 17th ‘peak’ and looked at all the previous times that particular pattern manifested along the timewave. I found it only 4 times over the last 3 million years. We are scheduled to encounter it 3 more times as well before zero point. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread392386/pg8 

Man made or natural, residents in the city of l’Aquila, east of Rome in the beautiful mountainous Abruzzo region, ran out into the streets in terror with no warning.

I predict with 100% accuracy that they need help and prayer.

Post update- More on the topic at today’s post “Italy Earthquake Conspiracy at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/italy-earthquake-conspiracy/.

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