
Posts Tagged ‘Enforcement of Laws to Restore Public Order’



“Novus Ordo Seclorum,” is a saying which embodies The United States of America’s President Obama, and it translates to “New Order of The Ages.” It is communistic, and socialistic and it is knocking at your front door- not tomorrow, today. 

The New World Order is wrapped around everyone of us, under Obama.  He is becoming practiced at hiding his  lack of empathy, while carefully studying other peoples emotions so as to mimic a degree of normalcy, and in cold blood, manipulating the American people. 

In a “60 Minutes” interview Obama laughed and chortled when talking about the world’s economy.  Steve Kroft said, “You’re sitting here. And you’re— you are laughing. You are laughing about some of these problems.  Are people going to look at this and say, ‘I mean, he’s sitting there just making jokes about money—’ How do you deal with— I mean: explain. . .” Are you punch-drunk?” “No, no. There’s gotta be a little gallows humor to get you through the day,” Obama said, with a laugh. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0309/20339.html  It isn’t funny, Mr. President.  Not at all.  Obama is coping and corrupting with laughter while sending us to the gallows of socialism.  Even Jay Leno joked that “stimulus” is our way of saying “Communism,” and everyone laughed. 

“Timmy Boy” Geithner, tax dodger and Treasury Secretary, and the government claims the right to seize all financial instruments, currency, gold, silver and every thing else, if they deem an emergency exists.  Geithner called on Congress to grant extraordinary powers to take over failing institutions.  “The United States government does not have the legal means today to manage the orderly restructuring of a large, complex non bank financial institution that poses a threat to the stability of our financial system,” Geithner told the House Financial Services Committee. 

The legal means would be to declare a state of emergency, and that just may be the plan.  America is getting good at seizing things.  In 2003, “The U.S. Treasury Department announced the federal government will seize $1.4 billion in Iraqi assets frozen since The Gulf War and use the money for humanitarian and construction in Iraq.”  http://money.cnn.com/2003/03/20/news/frozen_assets/  I’d like to see an accounting of seizure and spending, please.

In violation of a whole bunch of laws, we already have active duty soldiers stationed on U.S. Soil, ready and armed.  The Army force on active duty on U.S. Soil operates under U.S. Northern Commands Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, high Yield Explosives unit (CBRNE)- The Consequence Management Response Force or CCMRF is commonly referred to as “sea-smurf”.   http://www.armytimes.com/news/2008/09/army_homeland_090708w/ The force was fully activated October 1st, 2008 in a response to the controversial John Warner Defense Appropriations Act http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h109-5122.  The title of the law the “Insurrection Act” has been renamed, “Enforcement of Laws to Restore Public Order”  http://www.bordc.org/threats/hr5122.php giving power to the President to invoke martial law.  Public Law 109-364, (H.R.5122) http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=MOR20061029&articleId=3618.  Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 “the power of the country” prohibited a president from using the military for police actions in the United States until now.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2008/10/01/posse-comitatus-act/ 

Broadly interpreting Constitutional prerogatives is a President’s prerogative. Harry S. Truman seized the U.S. steel mills in 1952.  A labor dispute between the industry and the United Steelworkers union threatened to idle the nation’s steel plants, stopping production of the weapons being used to fight the Korean War. The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Truman’s seizure was unconstitutional.  By the time Obama gets done with The Supreme Court’s next nominees,  I highly doubt we will see the same outcome.

Under the guise of youth volunteerism,  high-school and middle-school students are going to be encouraged to participate in national service and service learning programs. The  “Hitler Youth” Plan was just passed by the U.S. House this week.   HR 1388 is called, “Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education” (GIVE) and be read at http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h1388/show

So far the text of the legislation in its current form, does not include a mandate requiring service.  Whew.   The Bill was sponsored by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) with 37 others.   McCarthyism is the politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. Maybe she is related to Joe McCarthy?

Meanwhile, China, Denmark, Germany, Russia and the United Nations want to eliminate the dollar as the back bone of the world’s economy.  Some have proposed an IMF dollar or perhaps a backing by the European Union’s Euro, but Oops!  Mirek Topolanek, head of the The Czech government and head of the EU, announced that the Czech economy has collapsed too,  following Iceland, Hungary, and Latvia.  

This is the perfect storm for Obama and Geithner to introduce the Amero.  It is no longer an invisible conspiracy, nor is a global currency called the Acmetal, which combines the Greek word “acme”, meaning peak or best and “capital”. 

If the rumors are true, Obama met secretly with Mikhail Gorbachev last week, and I bet it wasn’t to talk about the ruble.  The talk was about creating a super national reserve currency as part of a radical reform of the global financial system; one that would get America off the hook of foreign debt, into a further decline of capitalism and a lack of confidence in our economics of capitalism.  Maybe they talked about Topolanek and the U.S./NATO missile shield on Czech ground that is totally pissing off the Russiams.

Canadian economist Herbert Grubel first introduced the idea of unified currency 1999.   While at the Fraser Institute Grubel published : “The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union”  in which he proposed that Canada and the USA adopt a shared currency called the ‘Amero.”  Read it here:  http://oldfraser.lexi.net/publications/critical_issues/1999/amero/section_03.html.  The Amero would merge the Canadian dollar, U.S. dollar and Mexican peso.  Nearly ten years later we must at least respect the possibility of the Amero or the Acmetal- before we read about it on the front headlines of the NY Times or the Journal.

At least Geithner and Bernanke today, rejected the notion that the world move away from using the dollar as the main reserve currency.  http://www.reuters.com/article/GCA-Economy/idUSTRE52N52420090324  The dollar plummeted anyways.

The Amero looks all shiny, just like the faces of voters who shed tears of joy when a black man was elected President.  Cry for America, not because he a black leader, but because his current policies are leading America into the blackness of despair and darkness.

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The campaign for President is winding down but the media’s news campaign for the results of the election are running full steam ahead.

Americans are tuning in to Main Stream Media and the Internet like never before to follow election results and see where our country is headed in the next four years.  It is incredible really, the amount of information that one has access to in America, and that the access and reporting is in real time.  It becomes unimaginable that there are places in the world like Russia and China where the government censures the media at it’s convenience.  Freedom of speech and of the press are often taken for granted in America.  Whatever the outcome, our Election Day coverage in the media displays to the entire world that democracy works.  There is no amount of advertising dollars that could ever be spent that indicates just how powerful freedom is.

It will be interesting to note not only the variances in the graphic designs but the uncertainty of predictions.  In 2004, polling numbers, predictions and maps were cast aside as our Judaical system ruled in the end that George Bush won.  Statistics and graphs can misrepresent the truth and be manipulated into reflecting opinion, rather than fact.  Will Fox News, that typically leans toward Republican candidates, show graphs that reflect a bias toward McCain?  Will CNN, that is stereotypically pro Democrat, yield information that indicates Obama the winner?  Time will tell in the final outcome which media outlet is the most reliable, fair and balanced in reporting the results and activities of Election 2008.  My prediction and hope is that voters put country first and that in the end all the maps- no matter the source, confirm John S. McCain as the next President of The United States of America. 

One University of Michigan physics professor and his team applied mathematics, geography, and visualization to show us that those blocky red states and blue states are actually a lovely, purpley, swirly, fishy looking thing. The above image comes from http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/.

This Google link page lets you see state-by-state breakdowns, with vote totals within each state, and also county-by-county breakdowns, if you click on the state, then click on “County Map” in the upper right-hand corner of the pop up window.  http://maps.google.com/help/maps/elections/#2008_election Google also has a map http://myfairelection.com/ where we can follow events at the polls as reported by citizens like you and me.  We are only a few hours into the election and already people are posting and logging in to identify problems and successes at the voting booths across America. 

Here are some great links to get you perusing all the information available with many maps and a few graphs that reflect what is being reported and how the election may be trending.
· CNN ElectionCenter Map
· Fox News Interactive Map
· ABC News Map
· Yahoo Election Dashboard
· MSN Election Map Room
· MSNBC Election Map
· NPR Election Map
· Wall Street Journal Electoral College Calculator (browser resize!)
· 270towin.com
· idashboards.com Election 2008 (results?)
· NYTimes Election 2008 (results?)
· BBC News Elections 2008 (results?)
· USA Today (results?)
· Newsweek Politics (results?)
· Time Magazine (results?)
· Google Maps 2008 Elections Gallery
· Forst and the Trees Election Center (results?)
· Color-Weighted Election 2008 Cartograms (results on 5 November).


While it is early on Election Day, all reports show a calm America as we go about our duty to vote freely without duress of martial law, riots, civil disorder, or the Enforcement of Laws to Restore Public Order.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2008/11/03/riot-police-ready-for-civil-unrest-on-election-night/ 

It is also notable that any pending litigation from Andy Martin, Philip Berg http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court-paedce/case_no-2:2008cv04083/case_id-281573/  or John Q. Citizen that demanded that the election be delayed or that Obama shows the world his authentic, vaulted birth certificate have not been successful. https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2008/10/31/obamas-citizenship-goes-to-supreme-court/ Both Martin and Berg have court dates after the elections regarding Obama’s citizenship and qualifications to become President under the natural born citizen clause, Article II, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution.   The electoral college process takes place after the election and is outlined here http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/electoral-college/faq.html  These are the key dates:

  • November 4, 2008 – General Election: The voters in each State choose electors to serve in the Electoral College. As soon as election results are final, the States prepare seven or nine original “Certificates of Ascertainment” of the electors chosen, and send one original along with two certified copies (or three originals, if nine were prepared) to the Archivist of the United States.
  • December 15, 2008 – Meeting of Electors: The electors in each State meet to select the President and Vice President of the United States. The electors record their votes on six “Certificates of Vote,” which are paired with the six remaining original “Certificates of Ascertainment.” The electors sign, seal and certify the packages of electoral votes and immediately send them to the President of the Senate, the Archivist of the United States and other designated Federal and State officials.
  • December 24, 2008 – Deadline for Receipt of Electoral Votes: The President of the Senate, the Archivist of the United States, and other designated Federal and State officials must have the electoral votes in hand.
  • January 6, 2009 – Counting Electoral Votes in Congress: The Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes (unless Congress passes a law to change the date).
  • God Bless America, her citizens, and especially today, The Voter.

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    Black, White, Yellow, or any other shade of peoples, Americans must believe in Red, White and Blue on Election Day.  The world looks to America for leadership and stability and when we deviate in our path of Democracy and fair elections, we subject ourselves to further erosion of our power to the world.  America and it’s allies helped allow for the first voting in 50 years in Iraq with the means of dipping a finger into purple ink, it is not so easy to identify a voter in America, nor should it be.  There is a whole variety of problems that we can anticipate.  In early voting, usually in favor of Democratic Candidates, we have already seen challenges at the polls.  On Election Day, indeed we may have voting machine manipulation and malfunction, polling places that run out of paper, long lines, and a potential that precincts could be overwhelmed by an outpouring of voters.  Just imagine in Chicago, if the turnout is so massive with 8 hour waits and not every voter gets to vote, what kind of voter unrest could occur?
    Only last year, with the results from Kenya’s closely contested elections still up in the air and evidence growing of election mischief, riots and ethnic clashes erupted across the country. Kenya is east Africa’s most stable and prosperous democracy but rioting killed hundreds after the election. Raila Odinga, who was leading in the polls prior to the election was the candidate Obama had been campaigning for but he lost his election to Mwai Kibaki. All the more reason that Obama’s lack of interference in his Aunt Zeituni’s plea for US Asylum seems suspect.
    When Main Stream Media, CBS News, brings out a blog post just two days before the election that is titled “Police Prepare For Possible Election Night Riots,” and the lead in question asks, ” Will election night bring civil Unrest?”  maybe we had better pay attention.  http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2008/10/22/politics/horserace/entry4539330.shtml 

    In Chicago, Obama is holding a rally downtown after the polls close on Tuesday night and Mayor Daley believes that up to a million people could flood the city’s streets. All police leave has been canceled and off-duty firefighters have been told to keep their kit ready at home. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/politics/obama/chi-obama-rally-qanov02,0,5894064.story   In Augusta, Georgia reports are of Officers Gearing up with riot training http://chronicle.augusta.com/stories/102808/met_481157.shtml while Detroit and Los Angeles were also deploying extra police out of concern for the potentially heightened emotions raised by this election.

    This historic presidential contest will feature either America’s first black President or first female Vice President. Iraqi’s went to the polls in the face of real threats, I don’t think Americans will.  Clearly though, the unspoken concern among some is that a surprise Obama loss could lead to suspicion of foul play and violence could ensue in cities with large “black populations based on previous riots in urban areas.”  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riot.  “So let me get this straight: No matter what happens, we should expect blacks to riot. If this isn’t racist, then call me David Duke in a sundress.”  http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,443958,00.html

    We’ve seen “emergency-preparedness” steps taken in Denver before the DNC and at every campaign rally Obama and McCain have attended and nothing major has happened.  We’ve  prepared for Y2K and nothing happened.  In case all hell breaks loose, we will be duly prepared in major cities and do not forget that the Army’s Brigade Homeland Tour of U.S. Combat troops have been repatriated from Iraq to help with any civil unrest.  

    The Army force on active duty on U.S. Soil operates under U.S. Norther Commands Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, high Yeild Explosives unit (CBRNE)- The Consequence Management Response Force or CCMRF is commonly referred to as “sea-smurf”. http://www.armytimes.com/news/2008/09/army_homeland_090708w/ The force was fully activated October 1st, 2008 in a response to the controversial John Warner Defense Appropriations Act http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h109-5122.  The title of the law the “Insurrection Act” has been renamed, “Enforcement of Laws to Restore Public Order”  http://www.bordc.org/threats/hr5122.php giving power to the President to invoke martial law.  Public Law 109-364, (H.R.5122) http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=MOR20061029&articleId=3618.  Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 “the power of the country” prohibited a president from using the military for police actions in the United States until now.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2008/10/01/posse-comitatus-act/  Way, way and I mean way, on the fringe is the theory that Delta Forces and Sea-Smurf will operate like Hitler’s SS Gestapo at the start of German socialism. 

    .S. Army Field Manual 19-15, Civil Disturbances, 1985, is the current doctrinal reference on civil disturbances. Most tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) addressed in this manual were developed from experiences gained during domestic riots in the 1960s. There is no Army doctrine on the use of non-lethal weapons and munitions. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/call/call_00-7_ch1.htm.  Some rioters have become quite sophisticated at understanding and withstanding the tactics used by police.  Manuals for successful rioting are available on the Internet and encourage rioters to get the press involved, as there is more safety with the cameras rolling.  The National Lawyers Guild has produced a 31 page document called “Legal Observer Training Manual. http://www.nlg.org/resources/LO_Manual.pdf 

    President Roosevelt once said, “In politics there are no accidents.  If it happens you can bet it was planned that way.” I hardly think people will take to the streets, nor will the service of the Army, The National Guard, or riot troops be necessary.  We are a patient people and have endured two years of campaigning with no unrest.  Election Day occurs on a school and work night with honest to God people who have to get up and go to work, and many of McCain supporters will be sleeping well before the results are in.   No matter who wins, I believe in widespread respect for the law and while I encourage you to vote McCain, my prediction is that nothing will happen.  That’s my theory anyways.

    God Bless America.

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