
Posts Tagged ‘I am not a crook’

One website claims to have the transcript of the L.A. Times video,  http://chicagoagainstobama.wordpress.com/2008/10/29/probable-transcript-of-the-khalidi-tape/

“While Sam Zell is selling out the future of his own people by refusing to release the tape of Barack Obama toasting known anti-Semite and PLO functionary, Rashid Khalidi, I have been fortunate enough to receive a probable transcript of the toast…



Um, ah….Salaam

Um….My distinguished guests….ughh….it is an honor to be here…

uhh….It is truly refreshing to be surrounded by such a large group of people in which…uh.. I can truly see eye-to-eye with…uh…and completely agree…

Reverend Farrakhan..ughh…great to see you tonight…you always look great in a yellow bow-tie…and..uhh…tonight is no exception….

Bill..Bernadine….I see you everyday…so I don’t need to say much…but…ughh…you know I love you….keep doing the work you do….it’s time to start a revolution

Reverend Wright…..ughh…you are the father that I never had….I’ve never missed a sermon…and…uhh….I never will…

Michelle, while I find your frown so beautiful….I hope to one day make you proud of this country..and uhh…happy…and finally see you smile….

uhhhhh…with that being said…If everyone could please hold off from hitting the hookah…I would like to say a toast..to my, and Yasser Arafat’s, best friend….Mr. Rashid Khalidi….

Rashid…..you are my best friend….spiritual compass…..and baby sitter (crowd laughs..and cries)

I want to thank you for your constant indoctrination….I want to thank you for your imput..and..uhhh…reminders…that Israel is a constant sore….and..uhh…needs to be eliminated off the map….

I also want to thank you for introducing me to your many contacts in the middle east…I am sure…uh…that their imput……and uh…money…..will be of great use to me as I run for President of these great 57 states…..

While David Axelrod may be forcing you to move away from me during the campaign….I am confident…that..uhh…our friendship will not only remain..but actually prosper..during our time of absence….

Rashid…you ARE my middle east adviser….and you ALWAYS will be…

Here’s to Rashid……(A chant of Messiah can be heard in the background….also audible…is a voice (thought to be Ayer’s) screaming REVOLUTION…REVOLUTION..over and over…)


This is pretty creative seeing as we have no idea what That One had to say about That Other One with those Other One’s in attendance.


Over at  http://directorblue.blogspot.com/ he claims this tip–

I received a tip from a person who has provided useful, accurate and unique data from LA before (e.g., “All six of CNN’s ‘undecided voters’ were Democratic operatives“). Take it for what it’s worth, but I believe this person is on target. 

Saw a clip from the tape. Reason we can’t release it is because statements Obama said to rile audience up during toast. He congratulates Khalidi for his work saying “Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine” plus there’s been “genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis.” 

My tip to you, Vote McCain.

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Bill O’Reilly announced last night that his staff has been in contact with the LA Times and that the newspaper says it will not release the tape of Obama toasting radical Rashid Khalidi at a Jew-bash in Chicago. The O’Reilly Factor will report more on the story tomorrow.

In the meantime, Nancy Sullivan, spokeswoman for the Times, said the paper is not interested in revisiting the story. “As far as we’re concerned, the story speaks for itself,” she said.




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Jewish World Review Oct. 29, 2008 / 30 Tishrei 5769




JewishWorldReview.com | For the last week, this site has been receiving mail — lots of mail — asking that we somehow shame the Los Angeles Times into releasing a videotape they admit to having that shows then Illinois state Sen. Barak Obama praising Rashid Khalidi, the one-time PLO spokesman/adviser during a 2003 farewell party in Chicago. Shortly thereafter, he became the head of the Middle East Studies Department at Columbia University.

At what turned out to be a “Jew-bash”, Obama, who the polls say will likely be the next leader of the Free World, chose to remain silent. Even after the presentations, the politician who now says he’s in favor of a secure Israel refused to denounce what he had just heard. Including, according to the Times:

A ” young Palestinian American recit[ing] a poem accusing the Israeli government of terrorism in its treatment of Palestinians and sharply criticizing U.S. support of Israel. If Palestinians cannot secure their own land, she said, “then you will never see a day of peace.”

And another speaker likened “Zionist settlers on the West Bank” to Osama bin Laden, saying both had been “blinded by ideology.”

The anti-Israel Arab American Action Network sponsored the gala. Obama reportedly helped funnel tens of thousands of dollars to them.

Obama did say, according to the LA Times, that his conversations with Khalidi over the years had influenced his thinking about the Israeli-Arab crisis. The discussions became, he recalled, “consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases.”

There’s likely a lot more information on that tape that the electorate needs to be informed of.

I’m willing to personally get $5,000 to anybody who can get me a verified digital copy of the events of that evening. If readers want to add money, we’ll raise the “bounty”.

Once we get the video, which we’ll need by Friday, we will post it online for anybody to link to. We will return it back to the “public domain” where it belongs.

If you have the tape, know somebody who does or wish to “chip in”, please click here.

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Red Rover, Red Rover can Rashid Khalidi come over? 

Obama’s list of friends that he used to play with keeps coming back to haunt him.  MSM- Main Street Media portrays Obama like a cult leader, foraging his way through the USA, spreading his message of a redistribution of wealth,  rather than focusing on how Obama got to the Democratic Nomination in the first place.  Obama did not win the popular vote or the electoral vote, he was duly appointed by Pelosi. https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2008/10/28/obamas-job-application-denied/

In another fine example of his character, while Obama has admitted previous associations with Rashid Khalidi there is now more proof as to how close the relationship was.  The LA Times said it obtained a video of Obama delivering an in-person testimonial in 2003 at the farewell party of anti-Israel professor Rashid Khalidi, who at the time was departing the University of Chicago for a new teaching position at Columbia University.  The LA Times says it will not release the video or its contents to the media. Guests besides Obama at the dinner for Khalidi included former Weather Underground members Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn.

http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/10/fox-news-reports-on-la-times.html “A major news organization is intentionally suppressing information that could provide a clearer link between Barack Obama and Rashid Khalidi,” said McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb.  “The election is one week away, and it’s unfortunate that the press so obviously favors Barack Obama that this campaign must publicly request that the Los Angeles Times do its job – make information public,” he said.  But then McCain changed course…

“I changed my mind, and I want to thank you,” said Sen. McCain in a letter to editors at the Times. “You folks go ahead, stick with your bold decision to keep that video secret. After all, what’s a free press for, if not to withhold news that people don’t really need, or that might cause discomfort just a few days before an election?” http://www.scrappleface.com/?p=3175

http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=M2FjMDY1ZWMwNWE0NTRhZjY0NGJmZTY1MWQ1YjVhN2M=”Khalidi is not distancing himself from his past. “Consistent with what you’d expect from someone who justified PLO attacks on civilians in Israel and Lebanon from 1976 to 1982, Khalidi routinely refers to Israel as a “racist” and “apartheid” state, and professes to believe in a “one-state” solution to the conflict.The Khalidis and Obamas were good friends. In his capacity as a director of the Woods Fund, Obama in 2001 and 2002 steered $75,000 to the Arab American Action Network, the brainchild of Rashid and Mona Khalidi. According to an L.A. Times account of the dinner, Obama mentioned that he and Michelle had been frequent dinner guests at the Khalidi home (just another guy in the neighborhood?) and that the Khalidis had even baby-sat for the Obama girls.”

Here we have a wanna be leader of the free world, Barack Obama at a roast and toast for former PLO leader Khalidi who has made clear his opinion of Israel, and the media won’t release it.  In more from the National Review Online, “Obama told the crowd that those talks with the Khalidis had been “consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots. . . . It’s for that reason that I’m hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation — a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid’s dinner table” but around “this entire world.”

Here is a consitsant reminder for Voters, Obama lists among his associates not only Rashidconsistent Khalidi, but” Rezko and Auchi, Odinga, Ayers, The New Black Panther Party, La Raza, Farrakhan, and how could we forget the man of the hour, His holiness in hate, the mentor to Barack….Mr. Wright…..” http://www.floppingaces.net/2008/03/23/the-obama-associates/:

If Obama is nothing else, he is guilty by association of choosing less than reputable figures to guide his political career and influence his policies for the future of America.  Is there anyone associated with Obama who is not a crook? http://www.hillaryclintonforum.net/discussion/archive/index.php/f-113.html  Right about now, Hillary and Bill must be doing the happy dance in their choice to at the very least distance themselves from Obama, even while being forced by the DNC to support him. 

“The long list of evil Obama associates seems to grow daily and although Obama has spent the last few years dodging questions, ignoring demands for full open disclosure of his past and making excuses about a plethora of bad associations, one fact seems glaringly obvious…Obama has far more to hide than to share!  http://www.zimbio.com/pilot?ZURL=%2FBarack%2BObama%2Farticles%2F2065%2FAdvanced%2BGuilt%2BAssociation%2BBarack%2BObama&URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.freerepublic.com%2Ffocus%2Ff-news%2F2090301%2Fposts

When Nixon uttered his famous “I am not a crook” line, nobody took him seriously. While he didn’t personally break into the Democratic Party offices at the Watergate Hotel, he surrounded himself with the crooks and scumbags who did. http://www.brainshavings.com/2008/10/barack-obamas-friends-and-associates.html

The actions of The LA Times are dispicable and a slap in the face to freedom of the press and down right good journalism.  If the LA Times never releases the video it really won’t matter as Main Stream America and good old boys like “Joe the Plumber” are coming in force to question the Obama sales pitch.  Joe was on Fox recently talking about his opinion on Obama’s stance on Israel. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/28/foxs-shepard-smith-forced_n_138674.html  “Anyway, five minutes with Joe The Plumber had Shepard Smith so frustrated that the Fox anchor felt compelled to issue a disclaimer, immediately following the segment, pushing back on any notion that Obama would mean the “death of Israel,” saying: “I just want to make this 100 percent perfectly clear — Barack Obama has said repeatedly and demonstrated repeatedly that Israel will always be a friend of the United States, no matter what happens once he becomes President of the United States.”  It is hard to fathom a President Obama enhancing a peace process for Isreal when he is friendly with the likes of Rashid Khalidi.     

http://townhall.com/columnists/FrankJGaffneyJr/2008/10/06/characters_count?page=full goes on about Characters do Count.  In Obama-land, Israel will always be a friend to him and America- just like, other radicals like Rezko, Auchi, Odinga, AyersdespicableIsrael, Farrakhan, and Reverend Wrong. 

Obama has purchased a half hour of television time, scheduled to air tonight, Wednesday, October 29, 2008.  The ad is slated to air on MSNBC, making it the only cable news outlet to run the ad. NBC, Fox, CBS, and Univision will also broadcast the ad.  CNN declined to accept the infomercial.  A big pat on the back to CNN for doing it’s job, reporting the news- however slanted it may be. CBS, NBC and Fox will pocket $1 million per network for the half hour of paid advertisement. There are also rumors circulating that Fox moved the start time of the World Series Coverage, but Fox Network says it did not move the World Series for the campaign ad, and that the first pitch was never slated for earlier than 8:30 PM. ”

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it.”– Joseph Goebbels

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