
Posts Tagged ‘North Korea War’

NORAD announced it is holding a two day exercise over Washington, D.C. next week while North Korea threatens nuclear weapons.  

The above video features Alex Jones on False Flag Operations and Obama’s stance at the nuclear security summit and his Nuclear Posture Review assertion that terrorists will get hold of nuclear material and use it in an attack.

In a measure to prevent attacks we have military exercises from sea to shining sea, here and abroad.

From the press release –http://www.norad.mil/News/2010/072710.html

“The North American Aerospace Defense Command and its geographical component, the Continental United States NORAD Region (CONR), will conduct a two-day exercise, Falcon Virgo 10-10, beginning Tuesday in the National Capital Region, Washington, D.C.  

The exercise is comprised of a series of training flights held in coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Capital Region Command Center, the Joint Air Defense Operations Center, Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Coast Guard and CONR’s Eastern Air Defense Sector.  Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s flights are scheduled to take place between midnight and 2 a.m.  

Exercise Falcon Virgo is designed to hone NORAD’s intercept and identification operations as well as procedural tests of the NCR Visual Warning System. Civil Air Patrol aircraft and Coast Guard HH-65 Dolphin helicopters will participate in the exercise….”   

It seems all this practice has kept the U.S. safe.  Since Sept. 11, 2001, CONR fighters have responded to more than 3,000 possible air threats in the United States and have flown more than 57,000 sorties with the support of Airborne Warning and Control System and air-to-air-refueling aircraft.  

NORAD has responded to more than 900 possible air threats, and ran 6,000 sorties since July 2009.   

That’s pretty impressive!  Thank you to our armed forces.   

Alas, there is this little tiny hole in my tinfoil hat that makes me wonder if when these exercises occur, does the U.S. intellegence departments know some disaster or threat may be imminent?  How many of the 900 possible air threats has the main stream media covered?  How many are classified?

Words we never want to hear again; Northeast Air Defense Sector—DAT Audio Files—11 Sep 2001.  “This is not an exercise.”

In this handout from the U.S. Navy, the aircraft carrier USS George Washington arrives July 21, 2010 in Busan, Republic of Korea, the first port visit for the vessel during its 2010 summer patrol in the western Pacific Ocean. (Charles Oki/U.S. Navy via Getty Images)

On the other side of the world, North Korea’s Kim Jong-il has promised “retaliatory sacred war” in response to U.S. and South Korea’s naval exercise, Operation Invisible Spirit, that began on Sunday in The Sea of Japan.   

Over the next four days 8,000 American and South Korean troops, 200 fixed-wing aircraft and 20 ships will test the countries’ combat readiness against a backdrop of rising tensions and a flurry of belligerent statements from Pyongyang…  

“The army and people of the [North] will legitimately counter with their powerful nuclear deterrence the largest-ever nuclear war exercises,” the commission said in a statement carried by the country’s official Korean Central News Agency.  http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/japan/100725/north-korea-u.s.-military  

North Korea is threatening to use nuclear weapons and we have a large portion of ships and troops not in U.S. territory to protect us.  Does the timing of Exercise Falcon Virgo that is designed to, ” hone NORAD’s intercept and identification,” seem coincidental?  

Who knows if North Korea even has a weapon of mass destruction to reach the US.  It would appear though, they could reach the U.S. forces in the Sea of Japan. Lest you forget, there are 28,500 American troops stationed in South Korea that could be targets.  Recall previous launches here https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/12/north-korea-fires-missiles-happy-columbus-day/ .  

Exercises happen all the time, most without incident.  We asked in 2009 if a NORAD exercise would preclude a disaster in Chicago in this article.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/07/21/norad-red-flag-exercise-targets-chicago/  Nothing was reported in the news.  All was well for everyone except Blago, and a few more Chicago cronies.  Mission accomplished.  

Earlier this week, U.S. secretary of state, Hillary Clinton accompanied by the U.S. defense secretary, Robert Gates, were in South Korea.  They urged North Korea to end its “campaign of provocative, dangerous behavior.”  

The Response?  

We reiterate, North Korea’s Central News Agency quoted the statement from the National Defense Commission as saying that the military exercises are “undisguised challenge” to the international community’s hopes to ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula. It also said North Korea will “legitimately counter with their powerful nuclear deterrence the largest-ever nuclear war exercises to be staged by the U.S. and the South Korean puppet forces.” http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/39879/  

Will they?

We pray this is just a test, a test of the emergency system and not a Red Flag Warning that escalates into war. 

Just what is President Obama doing about any of this? After his morning roundup of briefings today, he’s off to Edison, New Jersey at the Tastee Sub Shop for a meet ‘n greet with small business owners.  Later in the day a DNC fundraiser at the Four Seasons Hotel, NYC and another at some one’s private residence. http://www.whitehouse.gov/schedule/president 

As for the dates of the NORAD drill over D.C., “No events have been entered for this day,” for the President or the Vice President.

Will they be conveniently out of town for the NORAD drill? 

Here are is a few more tinfoil hat articles relating to military drills and events.  

Volcanic ash shuts down airspace. Reminiscent of 911, Military Drills are underway in Baltic Sea, North Korea and Israel. Conspiracy or coincidence, read more at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/04/15/911-false-flag-volcanic-ash-grounds-flights-military-drills-continue/  

Earthquakes and tsunami’s increasing, coincidence between real world practice exercises and real world catastrophe?  NORTHCOM, SOUTHCOM, Tsunami Warning Exercise, FEMA, NORAD, 9-11 drills, conspiracy, Read More at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/03/23/earthquake-tsunami-military-drills-precipitate-catastrophe/  

Day before Haiti Earthquake, SOUTHCOM Dept of Defense runs drills reminiscent of 9/11, 20,000 troops on ground, where’s the water, aid, conspiracy…read more at-  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/22/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-southcom-drill-prior-to-quake-reminiscent-of-911/  

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Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES,  VOLCANO’s, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., read more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/         

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Dear America & Your New World Order:

     Happy Columbus Day, screw you.

Love, North Korea

Ready, Set, Launch.  North Korea is firing missiles again on yet another America holiday.  Today is Columbus Day, the anniversary of the day Columbus landed in “The New World,” America in 1492.

North Korea in another offense to The New World Order, while still coming to grips of the news of President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, ” for giving the world hope for a better future,” has put another match to the fire.   CBS reporting via (AP):

North Korea fired five short-range missiles off its east coast on Monday, a news report said, even as South Korea proposed working-level talks with its communist neighbor. Yonhap news agency, citing an unidentified South Korean government official, said the North test-fired the missiles on Monday afternoon from its eastern coastal launch pad.

Yonhap said the North has issued a no-sail zone in an area off the east coast Oct. 10-20 _ an apparent indication it was planning missile tests. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/10/12/ap/asia/main5378314.shtml

North Korea’s communist regime has warned of a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula while vowing to step up its atomic bomb-making program in defiance of new U.N. sanctions.  http://www.newworldorderwar.com/tag/north-korea-missile-launch/ Last Saturday, October 19, 2009- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao telling East Asian neighbors at a summit focused on Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons and regional integration “”North Korea does not only hope to improve relations with the United States, it also hopes to do so with South Korea and Japan.” http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20091010/wl_nm/us_china_japan_korea.

Testing long and short range missiles does not improve relations, nor signify an intent for peace-making.  Firing missiles into the Sea of Japan is nothing but a display of another rogue leader’s power, with an underlying purpose to tell America to “set sail” to it’s past history of economic, political and military might on this Columbus Day. 

The National Air and Space Intelligence Center, NASIC- headquartered at at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.  NASIC is the primary Department of Defense producer of foreign aerospace intelligence http://www.afisr.af.mil/units/nasic.asp. There is no official response.

photo via http://retiredfireman.wordpress.com/2009/04/05/north-korea-demonstrates-the-democrats-futility/

related https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/07/02/north-korea-fires-four-missiles/

Thanks for visiting. 

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unclesamwarPardon me, but wake the fu(k up.  We are at war and the Obama Administration is busy signing tobacco legislation giving the government control over yet another industry.  Arggh.

In an interview broadcast on Monday evening by CBS, Mr. Obama said: “This administration – and our military – is fully prepared for any contingencies.” 

The North Korean regime said last week that it could fire a missile toward Hawaii on or shortly after July 4, which is U.S. Independence Day. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/5600854/Barack-Obama-US-fully-prepared-for-North-Korea-missile-launch.html

Unacceptable fireworks, to say the least.  North Korea test-fired a similar long-range missile on July 4, 2000 but it failed just seconds after liftoff.

The Homeland Security Advisory System is designed to guide our protective measures when specific information to a particular sector or geographic region is received.  It remains at high or orange with two more levels to go until the shit would really hit the fan. Don’t you feel secure?  http://www.dhs.gov/xinfoshare/programs/Copy_of_press_release_0046.shtm  Meanwhile a flu pandemic has been declared by WHO .

What does it take to raise the threat level in the U.S.? North Korea is ready to launch a missile toward Hawaii or Alaska, Iran is out of control, Swine Flu is spreading with the UK Telegraph reporting half the population could be infected and yet,  our threat level remains the same.  This isn’t Halloween and Orange should not be the flavor of the day for American’s safety.

nkoreato hawaii

22 June 2009 07:00 GMT, the breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases is given in the following table and map from http://www.pandemicflu.gov/ updated today shows more than 52,000 cases with nearly half of them occurring in the U.S.  http://sharing.govdelivery.com/bulletins/GD/USHHS-7BCC3.  A report from Canada has the total confirmed cases at 6,457. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-06/23/content_11586485.htm

Borders open, business as usual for most except in Hawaii where the deployment of Theatre High Altitude Area Defense- http://www.army-technology.com/projects/thaad/  weaponry for “support” in case of a North Korean launch, is somewhere out to sea.  Yeah, that’s business as usual. No reason for a threat level increase?

THAAD weapons, coupled with a radar system nearby, are designed to shoot down ballistic missiles.  Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), formerly Theater High Altitude Area Defense, is a United States Army project to develop a system to shoot down short- and medium-range ballistic missiles using a hit-to-kill approach. The missile carries no warhead but relies on the kinetic energy of the impact. THAAD was designed to hit Scuds and similar weapons, but also has a limited capability against ICBMs. http://chrisabraham.com/2009/06/21/links-for-2009-06-21/ What if North Korea’s missile has a nuclear war head on it?  One might shoot it down, but does the nuclear warhead explode anyways killing millions in radio active poison?

Ground-based defenses in the state of Alaska are also ready, Mr Gates said in The Telegraph article.  Meanwhile, a US navy destroyer, the John S. McCain, has been tracking a North Korean ship that has been previously linked to illicit missile-related cargo, according to US defense officials. 

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said about North Korea last week, “We will be continuing to do everything we can to really put pressure on their military capability”, and “if there are miscalculations, they will be by the other side, he emphasized:”I think that’s why we are concerned about the North Korea provocations, that at some point they might, in fact, do something intentionally or unintentionally that sparks a larger crisis.””That is why,” he added, “we have repeatedly condemned the actions that they’ve taken as being irresponsible, provocative, but also dangerous.”http://www.politicsdaily.com/2009/06/22/nearly-60-years-after-the-war-north-korea-still-playing-danger/

Well thanks for condemning the actions of a rogue government.  I feel so much better. And O- say it isn’t so, ” The Obama administration cut funding for missile interceptors scheduled to be deployed. Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), the ranking member of the Committee’s Strategic Forces Subcommittee, offered an amendment to restore $120 million in funding to allow the Department of Defense to continue fielding 44 interceptors and complete construction of Missile Field 2 in Alaska.” http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/under-the-radar-dems-inexplicably-block-missile-defense/

Denied by House Democrats.

What am I doing about it?  Assuming there are no miscalculations and there is enough money to blast North Korea’s weapon- we are praying, drinking, swimming….enjoying the freedoms afforded to me that so many have died for.  Smoke ’em while you got em. 

Oh yeah, we’re washing our hands to avoid the flu- as if it matters.

flag tounge

Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself .  Our disclaimer-Swine Flu Conspiracy theory can sometimes be triggered by real world events.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/

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