
Posts Tagged ‘John S. McCain’

unclesamwarPardon me, but wake the fu(k up.  We are at war and the Obama Administration is busy signing tobacco legislation giving the government control over yet another industry.  Arggh.

In an interview broadcast on Monday evening by CBS, Mr. Obama said: “This administration – and our military – is fully prepared for any contingencies.” 

The North Korean regime said last week that it could fire a missile toward Hawaii on or shortly after July 4, which is U.S. Independence Day. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/5600854/Barack-Obama-US-fully-prepared-for-North-Korea-missile-launch.html

Unacceptable fireworks, to say the least.  North Korea test-fired a similar long-range missile on July 4, 2000 but it failed just seconds after liftoff.

The Homeland Security Advisory System is designed to guide our protective measures when specific information to a particular sector or geographic region is received.  It remains at high or orange with two more levels to go until the shit would really hit the fan. Don’t you feel secure?  http://www.dhs.gov/xinfoshare/programs/Copy_of_press_release_0046.shtm  Meanwhile a flu pandemic has been declared by WHO .

What does it take to raise the threat level in the U.S.? North Korea is ready to launch a missile toward Hawaii or Alaska, Iran is out of control, Swine Flu is spreading with the UK Telegraph reporting half the population could be infected and yet,  our threat level remains the same.  This isn’t Halloween and Orange should not be the flavor of the day for American’s safety.

nkoreato hawaii

22 June 2009 07:00 GMT, the breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases is given in the following table and map from http://www.pandemicflu.gov/ updated today shows more than 52,000 cases with nearly half of them occurring in the U.S.  http://sharing.govdelivery.com/bulletins/GD/USHHS-7BCC3.  A report from Canada has the total confirmed cases at 6,457. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-06/23/content_11586485.htm

Borders open, business as usual for most except in Hawaii where the deployment of Theatre High Altitude Area Defense- http://www.army-technology.com/projects/thaad/  weaponry for “support” in case of a North Korean launch, is somewhere out to sea.  Yeah, that’s business as usual. No reason for a threat level increase?

THAAD weapons, coupled with a radar system nearby, are designed to shoot down ballistic missiles.  Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), formerly Theater High Altitude Area Defense, is a United States Army project to develop a system to shoot down short- and medium-range ballistic missiles using a hit-to-kill approach. The missile carries no warhead but relies on the kinetic energy of the impact. THAAD was designed to hit Scuds and similar weapons, but also has a limited capability against ICBMs. http://chrisabraham.com/2009/06/21/links-for-2009-06-21/ What if North Korea’s missile has a nuclear war head on it?  One might shoot it down, but does the nuclear warhead explode anyways killing millions in radio active poison?

Ground-based defenses in the state of Alaska are also ready, Mr Gates said in The Telegraph article.  Meanwhile, a US navy destroyer, the John S. McCain, has been tracking a North Korean ship that has been previously linked to illicit missile-related cargo, according to US defense officials. 

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said about North Korea last week, “We will be continuing to do everything we can to really put pressure on their military capability”, and “if there are miscalculations, they will be by the other side, he emphasized:”I think that’s why we are concerned about the North Korea provocations, that at some point they might, in fact, do something intentionally or unintentionally that sparks a larger crisis.””That is why,” he added, “we have repeatedly condemned the actions that they’ve taken as being irresponsible, provocative, but also dangerous.”http://www.politicsdaily.com/2009/06/22/nearly-60-years-after-the-war-north-korea-still-playing-danger/

Well thanks for condemning the actions of a rogue government.  I feel so much better. And O- say it isn’t so, ” The Obama administration cut funding for missile interceptors scheduled to be deployed. Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), the ranking member of the Committee’s Strategic Forces Subcommittee, offered an amendment to restore $120 million in funding to allow the Department of Defense to continue fielding 44 interceptors and complete construction of Missile Field 2 in Alaska.” http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/under-the-radar-dems-inexplicably-block-missile-defense/

Denied by House Democrats.

What am I doing about it?  Assuming there are no miscalculations and there is enough money to blast North Korea’s weapon- we are praying, drinking, swimming….enjoying the freedoms afforded to me that so many have died for.  Smoke ’em while you got em. 

Oh yeah, we’re washing our hands to avoid the flu- as if it matters.

flag tounge

Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself .  Our disclaimer-Swine Flu Conspiracy theory can sometimes be triggered by real world events.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/

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