
Posts Tagged ‘vodka’

Mexico US Absolut Ads 

A/H1N1 Swine Flu supposedly is a chance result of an accidental mutation between avian, human and swine flu viruses in a host animal- that animal being humans.  Putting aside the chance that A/H1N1 virus is a man made virus, could global warming be the cause?  There is no Absolut answer- so far.

A/H1N1 Swine Flu so far attacks, subsides and then mutates, does a reassortment dance and then becomes more deadly —all the while infecting humans.

In a report titled, “Avian Influenza Virus Glycoproteins Restrict Virus Replication and Spread through Human Airway Epithelium at Temperatures of the Proximal Airways“…. blah, blah, blah says the report and this: 

Avian influenza viruses are adapted for growth at 40°C, the temperature of the avian enteric tract. However, the human proximal airways, the likely site of initial inoculation by influenza viruses, are maintained at a cooler temperature (32°C), suggesting that zoonotic transmission may be limited by temperature differences between the two hosts. Using an in vitro model of human ciliated airway epithelium, we show that avian influenza viruses grow well at 37°C, a temperature reflective of distal airways, but are restricted for infection at 32°C.  http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.ppat.1000424

Avian influenza viruses grow well at 37°C, but are restricted for infection at 32°C- .  Would it be fair to say that Avian Flu viruses like it hot, hot, hot to spread, but when the temps begin to drop, so do the numbers of cases?  

The Mexican data show cases of pneumonia – a proxy measure for severe flu – soared in April, mainly in Mexico City. April temperatures there range between 11° and 26 °C, climbing higher than the summer average in London, UK. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17100-warm-weather-may-not-halt-swine-flu.html

April and May when the virus first appeared in Mexico City shows an average temperature of Mexico City at 79 degrees F.  In June as we see  decline in the number of reported cases, we also sees a decline in the average temperature to 76 degrees F in Mexico City.http://www.mexico-vacation-rebate.com/mexico_city_weather.html  Could a few degrees colder help kill H1N1?

Look to the Northern Hemisphere where Summer has finally appeared- we see an increase in flu reported illnesses.  In the southern hemisphere the standard, seasonal flu season is just beginning.

Are these countries giving a hint of what is coming to the U.S. this fall and winter?  

” The JTF-HD CONPLAN 5003-08 has been revised to incorporate new guidance and procedures contained in USPACOM CONPLAN 5003-08, published 23 Apr 2008.  Primary changes include adopting the six-phase concept, aligning the document to the new JOPES format, and, clearly delineating the supported and supporting command relationships for clarity of responsibilities of each participating response organization.  This revision also includes changes that have been promulgated through the US Federal Government’s National Response Framework (NRF), which clearly defines the role and responsibilities of the Federal Coordinating Official (FCO), the Defense Coordinating Official (DCO), and, the State Coordinating Official (SCO) in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) that is used to manage the Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA).”  http://www1.apan-info.net/Plans/ConceptPlan5003/tabid/2054/Default.aspx

But American troops may also be called on to respond at home, to quell domestic disturbances. The US military has long had so-called Garden Plot plans to respond to civil disturbances. Under the Insurrection Act, Federal troops have been deployed ten times from 1957 [in Little Rock] to 1992 [in Los Angeles]. United States Northern Command [USNORTHCOM], responsible for Homeland Security operations, has developed Concept Plan (CONPLAN) 2502 Civil Disturbance Operations.

The US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Department of Homeland Security promulgated the “Guidance on Allocating and Targeting Pandemic Influenza Vaccine” in July 2008. Vaccine will be allocated and administered according to tiers. The highest priority Tier 1 consists of 24 million Americans, including 700,000 deployed military forces. Another 1.5 million national security personnel are among the 15 million Americans in Tier 2.  http://sitrep.globalsecurity.org/articles/090506329-military-implications-of-pande.htm

The population clock at http://www.census.gov/population/www/popclockus.html 306 million people; most of who are not in the Top Tiers and will not be entitled to quick vaccine access; if in fact, the unproven vaccine works in the first place.  Funny how it is the tax payer who foots the bill, is last on the list.

Rain, shine, cold or hotter than hell, you and I are at the bottom of the list of tiers to receive any kind of vaccine.  Seeing as it is Baxter Pharmaceutical  who has announced it has begun to mass produce a vaccine, I’ll pass based on past history of malfeasance. 

I am going to lay in the sun, tan like George Hamilton, suck down a few Absolut martini’s, wash my hands more than usual; turn up the Ipod from lawn mower noise pollution, and as Joe Biden advised quite sometime ago- stay off the subways to avoid the H1N1 Flu.

I can’t believe I am thinking that its 6 months until winter.  Apparently the A/H1N1 flu doesn’t like the cold weather either.

flag tounge

Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself .  Our disclaimer-Swine Flu Conspiracy theory can sometimes be triggered by real world events.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/

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Thirsty?  How about some chlorine to go with the fluoride and pharmaceutical remnants in your water?  The unending list of contaminants in water and elsewhere — now often called “micro-constituents” appears to be endless.

Contaminants now commonly found in drinking water include tiny traces of pesticides, herbicides, flame retardants, DEET, mosquito repellent, aircraft de-icers, lead, arsenic, mercury and esters, ketone’s and other chemicals found in personal care products. Not to mention additives in toothpaste meant to retard gum and tooth disease. http://www.wqpmag.com/Safe-for-Drinking-article9121

“Like many US Cities, Palm Beach County plans to flush its water lines with chlorine, which could cause a slight taste and odor in tap water later this month.  The stronger disinfection process to clean out water lines will be from June 15 to July 15. Those sensitive to the taste and odor can fill a container with tap water and keep it open in the refrigerator for a few hours to allow the chlorine to dissipate. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/content/local_news/epaper/2009/06/01/0601chlorine.html?cxtype=rss&cxsvc=7&cxcat=76  The refrigerator?

“Adding chlorine to the water can produce byproducts such as iron oxide, magnesium oxide or calcium oxide, it can also produce trihalomethanes (THMs), including the most often reported THM member—chloroform.” http://www.wqpmag.com/Safe-for-Drinking-article9121 

So much for green infrastructure under the Obama Administration.  Water programs and the US Environmental Protection Agency would see huge boosts in the detailed budget for FY2010 released by President Obama but he also terminated funding for 301 earmarks for water projects.  http://www.awwa.org/Publications/StreamlinesArticle.cfm?ItemNumber=48230


If you find yourself thirsty for change, Obama water is on sale.  The plastic bottles may contain polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as the toxins may leach into the water but research is on going.  Oh Barack, how refreshing! 

The administration has written to Senate and House committees urging them to act on bills that would restore federal jurisdiction over all wetlands and streams in the U.S..  “The Clean Water Act was broadly interpreted by the courts and federal regulators as shielding all the waters of the United States — seasonal streams and remote wetlands as well as lakes and large navigable rivers. The basic idea was that even the smallest waters have some connection to larger watersheds, and that they, too, need to be protected from pollution and development.”  http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/02/opinion/02tue3.html?_r=1

The gederal governement defines water here- http://www.epa.gov/wetlands/guidance/CWAwaters.html

As if the Federal Land Management Grab Act wasn’t enough, the federal government under Obama; not the states, not municipalities, not you who fishes in your backyard pond will have any control over private or public lakes, streams or ponds.   Want to build a nice deck, a gazebo, a boat dock, a swimming float?  Forgeddabout it.  Say nothing of governments right to seizure. 

Mix chemical laced water with a pack of kool-aid, loaded with Nutrasweet or Splenda, and your all set for another Obama intrusion on your personal property rights.  Might as well add the Absolut Vodka; we are absolutely loosing another of our rights.

Don’t even get me started on New Yorks bottle bill.  http://www.observer.com/term/bottle-bill

The EPA offers this http://www.epa.gov/safewater/dwh/index.html on drinking water and health.

photo props to http://www.mediabistro.com/fishbowlLA/our_town/obama_water_for_sale_at_hollywood_corner_store_105568.asp?c=rss

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Here is more smoking gun evidence. 

Obama promised to never ever raise taxes for anyone making under $250,000 and that 95%  of all Americans would receive a tax break, but on April 1st another tax break, has literally gone up in smoke.   

The increase of cigarette taxes jumped up 156% on April Fools Day.  The tax hike on roll-your-own tobacco is 2160% ,

Rich smokers, and the poor who are the least likely to afford it, are paying more taxes. More than half of smokers are working poor and live below the poverty line making about $36,000; well below the threshold $250,000.  I’d call that a tax increase, plain and simple. 

What fools voters were to not see through the smoke for the truth about Obama, who himself smokes.  It is addictive.  It spins molecules in pleasure centers.  It stinks.  It smells great.  Some love it, some hate it.  Most admittedly, inhale.  

I stopped at the Shell gas station to fill up for $2.05 a gallon, for a whopping $38 total for my 18 mpg, gas guzzling, American branded GMC, 4×4.  I bought a pack of cigarettes for $6.50.  How could a pack of smokes cost more than a gallon of gas refined from the earth? 

I get the whole fuel tax whose receipts are usually dedicated to transportation projects- a users fee, where we still have to pay to travel on toll roads.  I also understand the medical costs associated with smoking, but eventually – we will all die of something.  It is probably a higher incidence of pneumonia from for smokers standing outside in frigid weather to light up.  Remember those childproof lighters?  Whatever happened to them?  http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/16cfr1210_03.html has a whole list of CPSC- Consumer Protection laws on the books that are not enforced.

When all the smokers die, who will be left to pay the tax that is earmarked for government subsidized health care for children?   It is supposed to provide health insurance under the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009.  http://www.ncsl.org/programs/health/chiphome.htm

In PA- ” Smokers indeed pay quite a hefty sum to not only Uncle Sam – now at $1.01 per pack.  The state also scrapes in $1.35 every time someone says, “can I get a pack of …” That’s $2.36 for those taxes, which doesn’t include sales tax,…”http://www.wayneindependent.com/news/x180621890/-Shock-awe-over-huge-cigarette-tax-hike

I know, I know, quit already.  Every time I light up, my blood pressure boils not only at the health risk, but at the fact that it is just one more thing that the stealth government is controlling. 

Use your credit card and the world will know of all the sins you purchase.  PayPal enforces its morals clause with extra fines and fees. The terms of service have long banned the purchase of adult content, shady prescription drugs dealings and gambling services, and the e-commerce payment firm owned by eBay debits account owners bank accounts directly for as much as $500 per violation.  http://www.marketingvox.com/paypal_to_fine_accounts_500_for_sin_purchases-016859/

Buy all the sin you wish as long as you are willing to pay.  When did PayPal turn Catholic?

298-112 , The House passed legislation giving the FDA power to regulate tobacco.  The FDA’s reputation as of late has been less than stellar.  Who will be the tobacco czar?  Who is left to pass a moral justification that hasn’t had problems with the IRS?   

The tobacco producing states will oppose the bill.  Where is the outrage from the tobacco manufacturers?   Under the proposed law, they can’t ban existing tobacco products, but will have power to restrict sales for safety reasons. 

Why wouldn’t the government ban smoking entirely?  Because smokers provide more than $5 billion in tax revenue annually! The United States provides an annual net tax revenue from cigarettes of $5,586,000,000. source at http://www.smokingaloud.com/ban-cigarettes.html  who also says, “Take money out of the equation and these bleeding heart liberals will tuck their tails and abandon your children.”

Five billion dollars, boys and girls.  That’s buying power.

Your safety is determined by the Marlboro Man and Mr. Goodwrench aka, President Obama, just like your health care is about to be.

Smoke ’em while you got ’em.  Want to quit?  See more of your tax dollars at work at http://www.smokefree.gov/index.asp

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