
Posts Tagged ‘Vaccine Side Effects’

H1N1 Swine Vaccine Give Away

France is selling off millions of surplus swine flu vaccine doses to other countries, officials say. They say the move was decided after health authorities found they had more than enough to deal with the outbreak. Germany and The Netherlands announced similar sales late last year. The H1N1 virus appears to have peaked in North America and parts of Europe.  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8438663.stm 

We give props to the citizens of the E.U., and anyone else who refused this barely tested brand new variant of a vaccine, designed in theory to prevent the H1N1 Swine Flu. 

“The French government banked on a double dose being needed to protect each patient whereas it has now emerged a single jab will suffice.  That combined with a low-take up rate – only 5 million French citizens have been vaccinated – means there are plenty of vaccines to spare.  Of the 94 million doses originally ordered by Paris, Qatar has bought 300,000, Egypt is set to buy 2 million and 9 million were given to the World Health Organisation. “http://www.euronews.net/2010/01/03/countries-sell-off-surplus-swine-flu-vaccines/  

9 million does given away to WHO! What are they going to do with the other 80 million or so of doses lying around in clinic refrigerators? Flush them, poisoning the ground water?  America is already seeing recalls due to potency loss.

To, ” Be cautious with information taken from the Recombinomics site.  While their reports may have elements of truth, or may even be true in their entirety, one cannot wisely trust a source whose milk is from big pharma’s breast,” says http://cloudfire.typepad.com/cloudfire/2009/11/as-forums-dedicated-to-limiting-the-damage-done-by-exploration-of-all-events-and-motives-underlying-the-news-make-it-more-and.html 

We’re not virologists but learning more everyday about the mistruths of these flu pandemics. Based on Recombinetics and other reports, H1N1 is changing and mutating making the vaccine useless against new strains.  “Co-circulation of multiple H1N1 sequences in a small region in Changsha is cause for concern… which is also present in a number of isolates from the United States (primarily Texas, but also New York – see list here), as well as Mongolia, Japan, and Spain.
via http://www.recombinomics.com/News/01031002/S188N_Hunan.html  

Cause for concern?  You betcha.  The H1N1 virus, with little fan fare from the media is, and has been mutating across the world, and especially the Ukraine for months.  

“The increase in deaths in Ukraine, and spread of the same sub-clade throughout eastern Russia raise concerns that this sub-clade will become more dominant in the upcoming weeks and may increase the severity of deaths in the northern hemisphere. ” http://www.recombinomics.com/News/01031001/Ukraine_759.html  

With more on The Ukraine from martial law to border closing ck out previous posts-  





Need more convincing?  Two months ago from our post https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/11/27/hemorrhagic-pneumonia-pandemic-mutation/  


Public health significance of virus mutation detected in Norway- Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 briefing note 17 –
– The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has informed WHO of a mutation detected in three H1N1 viruses. The viruses were isolated from the first two fatal cases of pandemic influenza in the country and one patient with severe illness….Worldwide, laboratory monitoring of influenza viruses has detected a similar mutation in viruses from several other countries, with the earliest detection occurring in April. In addition to Norway, the mutation has been observed in Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico, Ukraine, and the US….The mutations appear to occur sporadically and spontaneously. To date, no links between the small number of patients infected with the mutated virus have been found and the mutation does not appear to spreadhttp://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/notes/briefing_20091120/en/i  

Hello.  Is anybody out there?  This virus has been mutating for 10 months adn probably longer!  Agencies say it isn’t spreading, yet it is!  France, like many countries has a vaccine that doesn’t work,  has spent millions of dollars on it, and are now going to give it to WHO to inject third world citizens with it.  It is border line criminal when the case numbers of H1N1 continue to decline, and yet seek to vaccinate people with a vaccine that has little, to no efficacy and unknown long term side effects.   

September 2009- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/21/vaccine-resistant-swine-h1nnn1-flu/“After analyzing multiple samples of the new flu virus, the team ascertained that in some cases the HA of the new H1N1 strain have mutated, allowing the strain to stick to human cells more easily….the same mutations have been found in HA of the H5N1 strain of influenza, the highly virulent bird flu, which kills about 60 percent of those it infects. ” http://biomedreports.com/articles/most-popular/1438-h1n1-flu-has–  

On December 12, 2009, finally someone rubbed the sand from their eyes at The Examiner and wrote, ”  

“The mutation could be affecting the virus’ ability to go deeper into the respiratory system, thus causing more serious illness,” the Norwegian Institute of Public Health said in a statement. The mutated version of this H1N1 influenza is a mixture of swine, bird and human viruses and has killed at least 6,770 people globally, according to the latest update. Similar mutations have been found in H1N1 viruses circulating in several other countries, including the Ukraine, China, and here in the United States. http://www.examiner.com/x-22920-Atlanta-Alternative-Spirituality-Examiner~y2009m12d12-H1N1-mutations-found-in-Norway-flu-victims  

In France the opposition Socialists’ health spokesman Jean-Marie Le Guen called the government’s strategy a “fiasco”, saying in a statement that despite its “exaggerated” spending France still had a very low rate of vaccination. Disease specialist Marc Gentilini, a former president of the French Red Cross, also criticised what he called France’s “extravagant” and costly mass vaccination campaign.  “Preparing for the worst wasn’t necessarily preparing correctly,” he told AFP.  http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jWpBtiyt08M7Za5M8dABAcjf6Qww  

France or any other country for that matter, giving away vaccines is like sending bathing suits and sunscreen to residents in Alaska in winter.   Stupid.

Neither the WHO or President Barack Obama, who declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency have put an end to the national declaration or a pandemic declaration.   Enacting Emergency powers, https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/25/h1n1-swine-flu-national-emergency-for-constitution/ gives unprecidented opportunities for government control and a retraction based on the mutation isn’t coming anytime soon.  

In the case of flu, a growing number of viral subtypes have moved from wild animals into farmed and domestic waterfowl, which live in closer contact with humans. A similar expansion in the number of flu strains in pigs has also been seen over the past decade. “At the end of the 1990s, there was just one subtype of swine flu. Now there are three subtypes, each with multiple strains,” Dr Slingenbergh added.

The behaviour of these new viruses is unpredictable – scientists don’t know how likely they are to jump the species barrier into humans. But with more of them circulating, there is a higher chance of this happening, Dr Slingenbergh said. Flu viruses are getting closer to people and food, and agriculture practices are to blame. He said: “There is no evidence to suggest this is going to end any time soon. Agriculture looks set to continue growing for another two decades, and we are only at the beginning of climate change.”  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/deadly-animal-diseases-poised-to-infect-humans-1856777.html

When all else fails, blame climate change!  Arggh. Too bad in the era of transparency, the CDC and WHO can’t come out and say that the current make up of the surplus and esisting vaccines are pretty much useless against a mutated strain of H1N1. 

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Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself.  Subscribe for free in the top right margin.  


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Dr. Maurice Hilleman who was a senior vaccine scientist at Merck reveals his story behind AIDS and the SV40 virus which causes cancer and how they have been deliberately put in vaccines to infect people.

May we recommend you refuse to vaccinate.

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Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/

Subscribe now in the top right margin for further updates.

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Ready Aim, Shoot up those women and children with the Swine Flu Vaccine.  U.S. authorities prepare untested vaccines on this segment of the population first and, at Wal Mart of all places.

Dr. Anne Schuchat, director for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases recommended five target groups for the initial focus for immunization including:

  • Young children between six months and four years old
  • Pregnant women
  • Workers in contact with infants under six months (infants cannot be vaccinated)
  • Adults under the age of 65 with underlying medical conditions
  • Emergency medical workers

Additional text from CIDRAP at http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/swineflu/news/jul2909acip.html

The flu has been most predominant at killing otherwise healthy people.  If we are to believe eugenics might be involved in determining who gets a Swine Flu H1N1 Vaccine,  it would make sense to inoculate the child bearers and some of the future child bearing population with vaccines that are untested on fertility rates or morbidity in unborn children.  I don’t want to believe that.

Greece wasted no time in May ordering mandatory vaccinations when available, with AU and most of the EU  right behind them.  Now what could be self serving about wanting to expose your future generation to injections of lord know what?

Children and pregnant woman would be the least to resist another vaccination, same with people who work with infants.  Kids gets so many it has become casual acceptance.  Pregnant moms and 2nd time moms are faced immediately with taking babies to doctors and clinics for shots, so what’s one more shot in the scheme of things? 

The Journal of Applied Social Psychology, with a publication date of July 1978  has this article –  Swine Flu: A Field Study of Self-Serving Biases, ” http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/119613264/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 “Self-serving biases were examined as an explanation for swine flu inoculation behavior. Subjects who had recently had the opportunity to obtain the shot were surveyed by questionnaire. As predicted, most persons held biased beliefs that their own health was superior to that of others. Those getting or intending to get the shot had less health bias, had recently experienced a confidence-shaking event, and felt that the shot might make a difference in their health. The results are seen as having implications both for self-serving bias research and for disease control.”

30 years later and we are still talking about self serving basis research and interests.  Is it self serving that neither the CDC or WHO are tracking cases yet countries around the world are preparing for mass inoculation programs.  To whom did it serve during the last Swine Flu Outbreak to issue vaccines? 

Well, it looks like Wal-Mart might be able to offer a little bit of advice to the government and serve themselves up a few more customers if they offer Swine Flu Clinics.

“At least once a month, the typical American shopper trudges to the local WalMart  to stock up on groceries, dry goods, entertainment, and … vaccines? The company is in talks with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about what role it can play in the CDC’s ambitious immunization process for the H1N1 (swine) influenza outbreak.” http://www.dailyfinance.com/2009/07/30/walmart-and-swine-flu-vaccine-a-perfect-match/

“WallMart’s [typo in original]help could take the form of inoculation sites within some of its 4,000 U.S. stores, or by using its legendary logistics system to distribute the 160 million doses of the vaccine that will be available before flu season begins. The offer certainly makes business sense for WalMart, which would experience a boost in foot traffic beyond its usual 140 million customers per month. Using its economy of scale and up-sell opportunities, the chain could set a price that would drive out any for-profit distributors. The company is already planning to offer the standard annual flu vaccines at its stores, administered by a third party.”

How’s that for self serving? Will Wal Mart be the middle man earning proceeds as well? 

Might I suggest shopping at the 1685 Target stores throughout the US.  

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Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/.

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More than likely we are seeing reduction in the A/H1N1 Swine Flu exposure rate among children because school’s out for summer recess in most parts of the U.S.   By September children will begin returning to the classroom and the cesspool of germs. Schoolchildren could be first in line for swine flu vaccine this fall- and schools are being put on notice that they might be turned into shot clinics.   

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is urging school superintendents around the country to spend the summer preparing for that possibility, if the government goes ahead with mass vaccinations, “If you think about vaccinating kids, schools are the logical place,” Sebelius told The Associated Press. 

In taking away more parental rights, it is the government making choices, not the parents choice in taking the child to the doctor.

The Obama Administration’s Propaganda and PR Team is preparing an all out “trust your government and health officials campaign,” asking American’s to get not one, not two, but three flu shots.  Lest we forget how many people trusted the government in the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak that infected vaccinated recruits at Ft Dix?

Recent Department of Veterans Affairs Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Scientific Findings and Recommendations validated concerns that “studies have indicated that the current anthrax vaccine is associated with high rates of acute adverse reactions.” in a report The Anthrax Vaccine: A Dilemma for Homeland Security by  Lt. Col. Thomas Rempfer, USAF – The Journal of the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security – Wednesday June 17, 2009. Past problems with the Department of Defense anthrax vaccine currently impact Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services policy going so far as to explore the probability, “and the troubling possibility that the 2001 anthrax letter attacks were a deliberate and successful effort to sustain a program that federal investigators determined was on the verge of failing.” http://www.hsaj.org/?fullarticle=5.2.3  Trust the government vaccine policy?

The public would not be as keen to line up it’s children at a military installation for a shot; but if a shot is administered at school, certainly it must be safe.  Hardly.  “Do not take seasonal flu vaccine if you are told that it could help prevent this brand new Swine Flu variant. It won’t do a thing to prevent this flu. What it will do is serve up new genetic material to the Swine Flu…” warns Dr. Patricia Doyle, PhD http://www.rense.com/general85/vacc.htm

Scientists hardly know the efficacy rates or potential for side effects and vaccine manufacturers are largely protected from lawsuits.  We have seen time and time again with numerous reports linking the alarming increase in autism to 1 out of 150 children, with little remediation.  http://www.fightingautism.org/idea/autism.php

Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), which was established by Congress in 1986. Under this program, a no- fault compensation program gives vaccine manufacturers broad liability protection, while at the same time assuring adequate compensation for those injured by vaccines.  http://oversight.house.gov/documents/20041018110107-30762.pdf By offering compensation, aren’t manufacturers admitting by default, that vaccines can cause injury?

Two weeks ago, a case of rare polio was been detected in a four-and-a-half-year-old boy in Upper Assam’s Dibrugarh district in India after receiving the Polio vaccine.  http://www.telegraphindia.com/1090610/jsp/northeast/story_11086301.jsp 

“A vaccine-derived poliovirus is a rare strain, genetically changed from the one contained in oral polio vaccine. The oral polio vaccine contains a weakened version of poliovirus that activates an immune response in the body and prevents the infectious viral disease from affecting the central nervous system and causing paralysis. In very rare instances, the virus in the vaccine can mutate into a form that can paralyze and has the capacity for sustained circulation.”

Sustained circulation? Genetically changed?  Caused by the Polio vaccine?

 It is expected that the novel influenza virus A(H1N1) will have sustained circulation for sometime and continue spread in the human population, and most likely in the pig population too according to http://www.promedmail.org/pls/otn/f?p=2400:1001:3239379255573737::NO::F2400_P1001_BACK_PAGE,F2400_P1001_PUB_MAIL_ID:1000,77985. Will we see a resurgence for a sustained of Polio next? What kind of genetic changes could we expect/H1N1 to mutate into on its own, let along with individuals who got vaccinated?

Swine influenza is not a food-borne zoonosis. Moreover, there is no evidence suggesting that this novel virus behaves in a different way from the other swine influenza viruses and spreads to humans via food containing pork or pork products. With regard to infection of pigs via feeding, account should be taken of the intra-species feeding ban. This is also supported by the initial data on experimental infection of piglets that have become available in recent weeks, indicating infection of only the respiratory tract and no other tissues and absence of detectable viraemia. 

Only in the respiratory tract of pigs?  Only?  Noting the ban in the intra-species feeding, perhaps now would be a good time to become a vegetarian as we humans are intra- species meat eaters. If the virus is only in the respiratory tract would it be fair to say it is being transmitted via airborne not only in pigs but perhaps in humans as well? 

Every day during the school year, more than 30 million children receive free or reduced-price lunches under the federal National School Lunch Program, and 10 million get breakfast under the National School Breakfast Program. Pork is included in many of the meals served through those important programs. http://www.porkmag.com/news_editorial.asp?pgID=768&ed_id=7604

Line the children up, give them a swine flu shot, feed them bacon for breakfast, trust the government, Obama and your local school system. 


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Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself .  Our disclaimer-Swine Flu Conspiracy theory can sometimes be triggered by real world events.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/

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cheeriosWhose feathers got ruffled enough to think Cheerios is a drug?  The egg industry?  The pork industry?  The pharmaceutical industry?  The FDA?

Promoting Cheerios as a drug that can lower cholesterol is going too far says the FDA.   “Based on claims made on your product’s label, we have determined that your Cheerios Toasted Whole Grain Oat Cereal is promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug because the product is intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease.” The agency takes special issue with these claims:  “you can Lower Your Cholesterol 4% in 6 weeks.” 

What a bunch of crapola.  An apple a day helps keep the doctor away, carrots are good for your eyes, lycopine in tomatoes reduces the risk of cancer, coffee is a diuretic, splenda food products cause diarrhea, etc.  A lot of food has heath benefits and warnings, but the Obama FDA Administration has gone after General Mills.

Avoiding bacon and eggs for breakfast everyday, and substituting Cheerios or any other reasonably good for you cereal couldn’t hurt in reducing cholesterol either.  The current box on my shelf has the disclaimer that says, ” MAY reduce the risk of heart attack.” The box also features an ad campaign Cheerios Circle of Helping Hearts, donating  $1 toward cholesterol screening for women in need.  www.cheerioshlepinghearts.com .  Considering Heart disease is the #1 cause of death among women, I’d say it a rather noble cause.

From the Harvard School of Health, study after study shows “Soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol. Insoluble fiber helps move waste through the digestive tract. Fiber may also kindle the body’s natural anticoagulants and so help prevent the formation of small blood clots that can trigger heart attacks or strokes.” http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/health-gains-from-whole-grains/index.html.

Why did the FDA cross the road to go after one of America’s best loved breakfast food?   Mounting pressure from the egg and pork industry due to recent viral contaminations has everyone concerned.  The pork industry, already strained from recent outbreaks of the H1N1 flu virus, which is politically incorrect to call the Mexican Swine Flu Virus, prefers you eat bacon or sausage breakfast.

The Incredible Edible Egg.  Despite working hard to convince the world that Chinese food is safe, recently Hong Kong found traces of melamine in some eggs imported from China -“Select Fresh Brown Eggs” were 88% higher than the safety threshold allowed for the chemical.  China and the US are the leaders in egg production.  The egg industry hardly wants to hear about egg substitutes or eating tofu instead.  Neither industry want to hear about vegetarians!  http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2009/05/chickens-obama-white-house-may.html notes May 4, “International Respect for Chickens Day. In fact, this entire month is International Respect for Chickens Month, designed to celebrate those feathered fowl and highlight the political import of chickens in our world and also how tasty they are” . http://www.upc-online.org/respect/

A huge benefit from the Egg Industry lies in the production of vaccines.  Vaccines like the one’s the CDC Mandates for Children.  Obama is suggesting this fall all Americans receive three flu vaccines- one for the seasonal flu and two for the Swine Flu.    Mary Tacco’s site reiterates some of the vaccine concerns referencing  Dr. John Martin, former FDA administrator  ” These viruses fail to be recognized by the immune system and lead to neuropsychiatric illness including but not limited to autism.   He believes that the autism epidemic is due to an infectious component and not just thimerosal. (Much like the MMR infection – autism connection.) Also he states that our FDA and our government’s own vaccine studies found the cytomegalovirus DNA, which is from the African green monkeys (simian monkey virus) in the polio vaccination given to all Americans prior to 1992.  Instead of informing the public and taking responsibility for this, they covered it up.  Many doctors believe that the Aids epidemic is the product of these and other vaccines. ”  http://www.marytocco.com/vaccinefacts.htm

Is the FDA’s attack on Cheerios motivated by political donations?  Lobbying matters, don’t kid yourself. 2008 reports from www.opensecrets.com

Total For Food Processing & Sales: $6,700,516— Subtotal for Parent General Mills: $769,300—  Total For Crop Production & Basic Processing: $5,265,275— Subtotal for Parent Food Marketing Institute: $6,248,130— Subtotal for Parent Smithfield Foods: $350,000— Total For Poultry & Eggs: $841,342— The United Egg Producers $80,000— Subtotal for Parent National Chicken Council: $120,000.

The numbers pale in comparison to the Pharmaceuticals/Health Products lobby efforts pending, $235,315,408,  the subtotal for Parent Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America: $20,220,000.  Frig that knowledge is power- money talks.  The money trail to who has the power over what you eat must certainly be influenced by the FDA who’s member have ties primarily to the pharmaceutical industry- not the agricultural, egg, pork, dairy, chicken industries.  “Recent press reports revealed extensive evidence of serious wrongdoing by Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, Dr. Frank M. Torti, top FDA attorneys, center and office directors, and many others in prominent positions of authority at FDA. As a result, Dr. Frank M. Torti, acting commissioner and the FDA’s first chief scientist, abruptly left the Agency,” writes http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/16742/

The FDA regulates products that represent about 25 percent of every consumer dollar spent. During the Bush administration, the agency was widely criticized for making decisions based on politics, not science.  NPR is reporting, “A Senate committee has approved President Obama’s nomination of Dr. Margaret Hamburg to be the next commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. The full Senate vote is expected.  http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=104107440 

Lord know how much was spend on the propaganda of animal rights groups concerned with how chickens, pigs, cows and other animals are treated. “Recombinant bovine growth hormone, or rBGH, is injected into dairy cows to artificially increase their milk production. The hormone has not been properly tested for safety. Milk labeled rBGH-free is produced by dairy cows that never received injections of this hormone.”Milk lobbyists pointed out that the Food and Drug Administration considers the artificial hormone to be safe (although many scientists believe it may cause cancer). Oh no- I add milk to my cheerios.  A double drug whammy for sure.

I don’t know where General Mills gets the grain to make Cheerios, but I’d  bet that it is sprayed with some sort of pesticide.  There are health and safety risks to producing any food product.  Just ask the peanut industry and tomato growers with salmonella outbreaks.  Animals get antibiotics, and all sorts of injections to make them grow, increase production, alter immune systems – the same as humans, eh?

If a spread of the Avian Influenza (AI) virus cannot be stopped and the H1N1 flu mutates or becomes Pandemic 6; you can bet your sweet petuti consumers are going to refrain from eating poultry, meat and eggs- and maybe even beef, no matter what the FDA, CDC and WHO tell you. 

To think that the FDA has nothing else to worry about than Cheerios being a drug, only reinforces dereliction from The Obama Administration.  How many illegal drugs come into this country everyday?  Could we focus on that?

I wonder if mom’s of boys who use cheerios for kids to aim at during potty training are worried about the potential hazards? Better switch to Lucky charms–lol

Don’t miss the latest on Obama O’s.  The latest cereal to gain FDA approval at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/05/14/obama-os-cereal-general-mills-and-cheerios-gains-fda-approval/

For a new twist on breakfast cereal from trend setting Miami, The Cereal Bowl Restaurant.  http://www.thecerealbowl.com/home.html

 Q: What did the blond say when she looked into a box of Cheerios?
A: “Oh look! Donut seeds!”

Yo mama is so fat, she eats her cereal out of a satellite dish!

Scan the recent posts for more information on the Swine Flu Conspiracy.

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vaccinelogoEvery Child By Two (ECBT) was founded by Rosalynn Carter and Betty Bumpers in 1991 as a result of the Measles epidemic that killed over 120 people, many of them children. http://www.ecbt.org/ An epidemic that killed 120? My have times changed.  36,000 people died from the flu in the U.S. last year. 2000 are infected with Swine Flu- H1N1 and it is now deemed a level 5 Pandemic.

http://skepacabra.wordpress.com/2009/05/05/every-child-by-two-takes-their-message-to-congress/ said some deaths could be prevented had children been vaccinated, citing a recent HIB outbreak. Aside from a Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) vaccine shortage, there was a recall of the vaccine.  http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/shortages/default.htm 

TWENTY FOUR immunizations by the age of 2 are listed on the recommended schedule.  Add three more shots-  One to combat annual seasonal influenza and two targeted at the new swine flu virus and the number grows to  TWENTY SEVEN shots by the age of  two.  It is ludicrous.   http://www.cispimmunize.org/IZSchedule_Childhood.pdf  The immune system can only take so much.  Currently, Merck Vaccines is experiencing a “not available for order” backlog for many of its popular vaccines including the Mumps and Rubella shots at http://www.merck.com/e-business/reports/MVC_Supply_Status.pdf  Why would standard immunization production be lagging?

My tin foil hat’s antennae are twisting-less people are getting vaccinated, yet the supply is exhausted.

A WSJ report says,” Parental doubts about the safety of childhood vaccinations are leading to outbreaks of largely eradicated diseases like measles and whooping cough, doctors warned in a new report http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124165229009493675.html.  “A lot of folks are counterculture-type independent thinkers [who] do not have faith in all the modern medicine-type stuff .” Counterculture?  Perhaps faith in the modern medicine type stuff of vaccines has to do with making an informed decision and about vaccine potential relationships to autism, recalls, efficacy rates, vaccines potentially causing the illness they were designed to prevent, and having guidelines that recommend twenty seven shots. 

The American Pediatrics http://aap.org/advocacy/releases/may09vaccines.htm wants parents to have all the information they need to feel confident in their decision to immunize their children,…supporting  parents in making good health care decisions for their children, and vaccines are critical to our efforts to keep our children out of harm’s way.”  What kind of harm are we inflicting with 27 shots in two years? 

Polio has all been eliminated.  Small pox eradicated, but  I am hardly confident with the vaccine license process and the large number of new vaccines on the horizon. The AAP has developed this information page on Red Book Online to provide current information about the licensure process and AAP recommendations about vaccines. http://aapredbook.aappublications.org/news/vaccstatus.shtml

An August 2008 APA Report  for Influenza Immunization in children http://www.cispimmunize.org/ill/Flu/Influenza%20Recommendations.pdf, and herehttp://aappolicy.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/pediatrics;122/5/1135  recommends ALL CHILDREN aged six months and older should receive the flu shot.  APA says that there is thimerosal in some forms of the flu vaccine but the benefits of protecting children against the known risks of influenza far outweigh the hypothetical risks associated with the minute amounts of thimerosal in some currently available forms of influenza vaccine.  Because viruses for vaccines are grown in eggs, neither should be administered to anyone with known allergic reactions (ie, hives, angioedema, allergic asthma, and systemic anaphylaxis) to chicken and egg proteins.” 

Science has used eggs for years to grow vaccines but what if the eggs are from Avian Flu or H1N1 viral carriers?  The CDC’s own documentation shows reassortment of viruses in ducks, chickens, and turkeys- all egg layers.   Whether it is reverse genetics or creating a hybrid strain through a re-assortment of genes; vaccine work by tricking the immune system into thinking it has been infected with a virus so that it creates antibodies against it.” says the BBC.  It all sounds well and good until you think of the Legionnaire’s Swine Flu outbreak where the vaccine caused more deaths than the virus itself. Remember the Rota Virus vaccine scare that caused painful intestinal twisting?

What else is in a vaccine?  http://www.cispimmunize.org/pro/pdf/Vaccineingredients.pdf. Weakened live viruses,inactivated viruses, partial viruses, partial bacteria, preservatives, adjutants, additives, formaldehyde, antibiotics,….

The World Health Organization (WHO) will convene a group of experts May 14 to advise the agency on whether to pull the trigger on production of a vaccine for the novel H1N1 swine influenza virus.  http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/swineflu/news/may0609vaccine.html  The medical industrial complex and the the Obama administration is also talking about a second flu vaccine this year  (a series of two shots) in addition to the normal flu season vaccine. The second set of shots would be aimed against the  Swine Flu A/H1N1.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/05/05/AR2009050503378.html

Health officials have asked manufacturers to ramp up production of the seasonal vaccine scheduled for roll out this fall to make way for the possible mass production of a swine flu vaccine.  I wonder if  the recent shortages in common vaccines are due to the fact that manufacturers were already gearing up to make the switch to producing a H1N1 vaccine that they knew in advance would be a threat. “If they are asked to stop doing that it means there will be shortages of the normal (flu) seasonal vaccine and vulnerable people could be susceptible if there was an epidemic of ordinary flu this winter” says http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8029917.stm 

The top 20 drug corporations and the industry’s two trade groups, PhRMA and the Biotechnology Industry Organization, which represents biomedicine companies must be frantic with their lobbying to encourage federal funding and authorization for the Swine Flu Shot.  I can see the education campaign now with commercials placed right in the middle of Anderson Cooper CNN’s report or an emergency broadcast alert in the middle of announcing the Idol winner.  How’s that for government propaganda?

Smallpox is the only human infectious disease to have been completely eradicated yet, “This press release at MSNBC discusses the intent of SIGA Technologies to respond to a recent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) RFP for treatment courses for people infected with smallpox. This is the latest in a series of contracts related to preparations for outbreaks of diseases either due to biological attack or pandemics. In January the U.S. government teamed with Novartis to begin construction of a factory to produce flu vaccines in vast quantities. For almost twenty years the U.S. military has been buying and issuing anthrax vaccines and Emergent Biosolutions that produces that for them and other government agencies. SIGA states that the RFP calls for HHS to buy 1.7 million courses of antivirals with the possibility of up to 12 million being procured.” http://industry.bnet.com/government/1000812/us-government-to-stockpile-smallpox-antivirals/

The greater challenge will be tracking any adverse reactions as millions of Americans get multiple vaccinations in a matter of months this fall and winter. “There will be adverse effects to any vaccine. That’s just science,” said Michael Hattwick, who ran the CDC’s vaccine-tracking system during the last swine flu scare.  Clinically significant adverse events that follow immunization should be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Guidance about how to obtain and complete a VAERS form is available at http://www.vaers.hhs.gov or by telephone, 800-822-7967.

I’ d rather take my chance with the flu than the flu shot. 

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Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself .  Swine Flu Conspiracy theory can sometimes be triggered by real world events.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/

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From the shelves of the National Archives, these are vintage Swine Flu PSAs from 1976.  For those who don’t remember the great swine flu scare, http://www.capitalcentury.com/1976.html Courtesy of NARA and Jeff Krulik Archival Services  (footage research)
http://www.jeffkrulik.com  sourced at YouTube.


Would you accept a vaccine today proclaiming to prevent the recent Swine Flu type outbreak in Mexico?  What if it was mandated?  Rather die first?

Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Headache, Dizziness, Fatigue, Cough, Fever, Death. http://vaers.hhs.gov/  –  All possible symptoms of a vaccine and what you are trying to avoid.

The last swine flu vaccine, killed more than the virus itself.   The vaccine program turned into a disaster. http://www.philly.com/inquirer/health_science/daily/20090429_1976_Ft__Dix_swine_flu_outbreak_offers_guidance.html

Since January more than 13,000 people have died of complications from seasonal flu.  http://www.upi.com/Health_News/2009/04/28/US-seasonal-flu-kills-13000-since-Jan/UPI-64801240974841/ In the US, one child has died from Swine Flu. http://uk.reuters.com/article/UKNews1/idUKTRE53S6EY20090429

Check out more on the vaccine conspiracy at http://www.livway.org/fluconspiracy.htm 

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The Updated Swine Flu Map at http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&t=p&msa=0&msid=106484775090296685271.0004681a37b713f6b5950&ll=47.517201,-109.335937&spn=101.871352,255.585938&z=2

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Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself .  Our disclaimer-Conspiracy theory can sometimes be triggered by real world events.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/

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