
Posts Tagged ‘US Security’


We know that you knew, that they knew, you know? 

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Israeli intelligence Aman, and others warned with credible evidence of a major attack on the United States prior to September 11, 2001. THE WMD Guidebook show here was in use prior to 911.  In Pakistan and other Muslim countries they believe that the attacks were part of an Israeli conspiracy, but there is little doubt that it was Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda network who were responsible for the attacks. 

Diligence or luck has prevented another attack on U.S. Soil even though VP Joe Biden has predicted that within six months of his administration, Obama would be tested just as John F. Kennedy was.  This is day 101.

You “Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy,” Biden said. “And he’s gonna have to make some really tough — I don’t know what the decision’s gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you, it’s gonna happen.” http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/10/20/1572652.aspx

The current crisis is Obama having declassified and released memos detailing the programs used to question al Qaeda suspects. Is water boarding torture, did it violate U.S. and international laws?  Has Obama has endangered the country by releasing CIA secrets.  Contradicting himself, he also said he would not necessarily oppose an effort to pursue a “further accounting” and investigation into the Bush-era interrogation program that included waterboarding, sleep deprivation, forced nudity, shoving people into walls and other methods.  You want to bet we’ll see a full blown investigation of the CIA Interrogation program that reveals more secrets for the terrorists to use against us? 

Even Donald Rumsfeld on a Larry King Interview prior to 911 said, “Well, we have to recognize that it’s a dangerous and untidy world. There’s a lot of very powerful, lethal weapons that exist and ways that people can impose enormous damage. And we have to be vigilant. We have to be willing to invest to see that we have the kinds of capabilities that we can deter and defend and, where necessary, preempt. ” http://www.september11news.com/Mysteries3.htm  He went on to mention that on the morning of 911 he predicted there would be an event that would occur in the world that would be sufficiently shocking that it would remind people, again, how important it is to have a strong, healthy Defense Department that contributes — that underpins peace and stability in our world.”

I call foul. Everyone knew something was about to happen and all that Intel slipped through the cracks allowing the most horrific attack on U.S. soil since Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.  Bush had more faulty Intel on Iraq.  We caught a few bad guys and even released some but when some piss ants cry foul about how we treat (-ed) enemy combatants, you have to wonder what information was gathered to prevent further incidents.  Why are members of Congress are doing a tight wire dance to relieve themselves of any association with interrogation procedures that not only did they know about, but worked. 

From the Herald Tribune today, http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20090422/ARTICLE/904221065?Title=In-embrace-of-harsh-tactics-no-inquiry-into-their-past In 2002, “As was common with the most secret programs, the C.I.A. chose not to brief the entire committees about the interrogation methods but only the so-called Gang of Four — the top Republican and Democrat on the Senate and House committees. The rest of the committee members would be fully briefed only in 2006.” The 2002 Gang of Four briefings left a hodgepodge of contradictory recollections that, to some Congressional staff members, reveal a dysfunctional oversight system. Without full staff support, few lawmakers are equipped to make difficult legal and policy judgments about secret programs, critics say.

Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, who in 2002 was the ranking Democrat on the House committee, has said in public statements that she recalls being briefed on the methods, including waterboarding. She insists, however, that the lawmakers were told only that the C.I.A. believed the methods were legal — not that they were going to be used.  By contrast, the ranking Republican on the House committee at the time, Porter J. Goss of Florida, who later served as C.I.A. director, recalls a clear message that the methods would be used. “We were briefed, and we certainly understood what C.I.A. was doing,” Mr. Goss said in an interview. “Not only was there no objection, there was actually concern about whether the agency was doing enough.”  http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSTRE53J6MS20090422?sp=true  He said, she said- they all knew it was going on and although morally reprehensible, legal.

Intel and congress knew attacks were imminent.  Intel and congress knew exactly what was happening at Guantanamo.  Peter J. Goss has the balls to actually admit that the information they got from torture, prevented further plans to destroy and attack America.    If acts of mental and physical ability to resist, resulted in saving American lives and halting the spread of terrorism, then so be it and Goss should be looked at as a hero not a scapegoat.

At the very least, if Obama wants to declassify details of the programs, he needs to declassify the findings as well.  By all accounts they acted legally within the interpretation of the law. I don’t have to like how they did it, but any future terrorist now knows that torture will not be a part of a deterrent to committing crimes against America. 

Transparency in America shouldn’t be good for the terrorists. 

photo props http://www.september11news.com/

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