
Posts Tagged ‘National School Lunch Program’


What does the Swine Flu and the Child Nutrition Act have in common?

Every day during the school year, more than 30 million children receive free or reduced-price lunches under the federal National School Lunch Program, and 10 million get breakfast under the National School Breakfast Program. Pork is included in many of the meals served through those important programs. http://www.porkmag.com/news_editorial.asp?pgID=768&ed_id=7604

The vegetarians and animal rights groups are trying to eliminate meat from school programs as the Child Nutrition Act is about to expire TODAY- September 30, 2009. “Organizations also are calling for the programs to include less or no processed meat, claiming that such “high-fat” products are contributing to obesity, heart disease and cancer.”  Like taking your kid to McDonald’s doesn’t?

…during congressional debate on the Child Nutrition Act is the safety of food. People want to know — as well they should — that the food they eat is free from pathogens that can cause illness and even death. Recent food-safety scares, ironically involving fruits and vegetables, have prompted Congress to review the nation’s food-safety system. This may spawn efforts to include in the child nutrition law new safety regimens for food production, limits on antibiotic use and restrictions on certain animal production practices.”

“The National Pork Producers Council is lobbying members of Congress to keep such mischief out of the Child Nutrition Act and to oppose efforts to reduce or eliminate pork from the school breakfast and lunch menus.”

The irony in citing food safety is that there is no mention of Swine Flu.  Twenty countries have banned imports of pigs, pork and other meat in response to the H1N1 flu strain that has infected both people and swine. This despite the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and the Pork Industry and others have made it clear that swine influenza viruses are not transmitted by food and you cannot get the flu from eating pork or pork products.

From the site “Civil Eats” http://civileats.com/2009/09/08/cafo-workers-and-unchecked-swine-flu/comment-page-1/#comment-3997

The United States Department of Agriculture agreed last week to buy an additional $30 million dollars worth of pork from the ailing pork industry, for a total of $151 million dollars purchased this year, as recompense for supposed damage wrought by the emergence of the swine flu in our common public lexicon (and the result will no doubt keep kids in public schools flush with factory-farmed sausage pizza this year).”

Did $30 million of our tax dollars buy healthy pigs? 

Environmental Health Perspectives’ (EHP) cover story this month by Charles W. Schmidt focuses on the issue in detail, reigniting questions surrounding our country’s current standard animal industry practices:

…one potential source of the original outbreak—swine farming in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs)—has received comparatively little attention by public health officials. CAFOs house animals by the thousands in crowded indoor facilities. But the same economy-of-scale efficiencies that allow CAFOs to produce affordable meat for so many consumers also facilitate the mutation of viral pathogens into novel strains that can be passed on to farm workers and veterinarians, according to Gregory Gray, director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the University of Iowa College of Public Health.

Civil Eats goes on to note- CAFOs fall through regulatory cracks when it comes to sampling for novel viruses that could make people sick. [Associate director for epidemiologic science in the Influenza Division of the CDC Carolyn Bridges] explains that producers have little incentive to test for swine influenza’s, in part because they aren’t included on a list of 150 “reportable illnesses” that, when detected, must be documented with the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

http://www.oie.int/eng/en_index.htm says:

should the presence of the “pandemic H1N1 2009 virus” be detected on a farm, the holding should be subject to a surveillance plan and movement restrictions applied until recovery; the transfer of clinically healthy pigs from the farm to the slaughterhouse can be done using basic bio-security measures. ;

  • the culling of pigs will not help to guard against public or animal health risks presented by the virus. As for any other disease, slaughtering of sick pigs for human consumption is not recommended
  • pork and pork products, handled in accordance with good hygienic practices jointly recommended by the WHO, FAO, Codex Alimentarius Commission and the OIE, are not a source of infection from the virus;
  • Alas, the first cases of Swine Flu reportedly came from near Smithfield Foods massive hog-raising operations Perote, Mexico, in the state of Vera Cruz.

    “CAFO workers can also pick up H1N1 infections and experience a range of symptoms depending on their own immunity, says Gray. In humans, what makes novel H1N1 unique is its remarkable and still mysterious capacity for person-to-person transmission. http://www.ehponline.org/members/2009/117-9/focus.html

    “With massive concentrations of farm animals within whom to mutate, these new swine flu viruses in North America seem to be on an evolutionary fast track, jumping and reassorting between species at an unprecedented rate.  This reassorting, Webster’s team concludes, makes the 65 million strong U.S. pig population an “increasingly important reservoir of viruses with human pandemic potential. http://www.hsus.org/farm/news/ournews/swine_flu_virus_origin_1998_042909.html

    Chicken fairs no better from the folks at Factory Farming http://www.hsus.org/farm/resources/research/pubhealth/public_health_avian_influenza.html– “Genetic selection for productivity and the stressful, overcrowded, and unhygienic confinement of animals in industrial poultry production systems facilitate immune suppression in birds already bred with weakened immunity, offering viruses like avian influenza ample opportunities for spread, amplification, and mutation. Placing genetically un-diverse birds into these kinds of unsanitary environments with inadequate ventilation and sunlight exposure is believed to provide a ripe “breeding ground” for the emergence and spread of such diseases as virulent avian influenza—diseases with human public health implications.

    Will the kids miss out on free bacon and eggs tomorrow while they wait in line for the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccinations in school?

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    Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself.

    While Swine Flu Conspiracy theory can sometimes be triggered by real world events. Opinions are like a$$holes be sure to subscribe to ours via RSS in the top right margin for updates.


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    More than likely we are seeing reduction in the A/H1N1 Swine Flu exposure rate among children because school’s out for summer recess in most parts of the U.S.   By September children will begin returning to the classroom and the cesspool of germs. Schoolchildren could be first in line for swine flu vaccine this fall- and schools are being put on notice that they might be turned into shot clinics.   

    Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is urging school superintendents around the country to spend the summer preparing for that possibility, if the government goes ahead with mass vaccinations, “If you think about vaccinating kids, schools are the logical place,” Sebelius told The Associated Press. 

    In taking away more parental rights, it is the government making choices, not the parents choice in taking the child to the doctor.

    The Obama Administration’s Propaganda and PR Team is preparing an all out “trust your government and health officials campaign,” asking American’s to get not one, not two, but three flu shots.  Lest we forget how many people trusted the government in the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak that infected vaccinated recruits at Ft Dix?

    Recent Department of Veterans Affairs Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Scientific Findings and Recommendations validated concerns that “studies have indicated that the current anthrax vaccine is associated with high rates of acute adverse reactions.” in a report The Anthrax Vaccine: A Dilemma for Homeland Security by  Lt. Col. Thomas Rempfer, USAF – The Journal of the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security – Wednesday June 17, 2009. Past problems with the Department of Defense anthrax vaccine currently impact Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services policy going so far as to explore the probability, “and the troubling possibility that the 2001 anthrax letter attacks were a deliberate and successful effort to sustain a program that federal investigators determined was on the verge of failing.” http://www.hsaj.org/?fullarticle=5.2.3  Trust the government vaccine policy?

    The public would not be as keen to line up it’s children at a military installation for a shot; but if a shot is administered at school, certainly it must be safe.  Hardly.  “Do not take seasonal flu vaccine if you are told that it could help prevent this brand new Swine Flu variant. It won’t do a thing to prevent this flu. What it will do is serve up new genetic material to the Swine Flu…” warns Dr. Patricia Doyle, PhD http://www.rense.com/general85/vacc.htm

    Scientists hardly know the efficacy rates or potential for side effects and vaccine manufacturers are largely protected from lawsuits.  We have seen time and time again with numerous reports linking the alarming increase in autism to 1 out of 150 children, with little remediation.  http://www.fightingautism.org/idea/autism.php

    Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), which was established by Congress in 1986. Under this program, a no- fault compensation program gives vaccine manufacturers broad liability protection, while at the same time assuring adequate compensation for those injured by vaccines.  http://oversight.house.gov/documents/20041018110107-30762.pdf By offering compensation, aren’t manufacturers admitting by default, that vaccines can cause injury?

    Two weeks ago, a case of rare polio was been detected in a four-and-a-half-year-old boy in Upper Assam’s Dibrugarh district in India after receiving the Polio vaccine.  http://www.telegraphindia.com/1090610/jsp/northeast/story_11086301.jsp 

    “A vaccine-derived poliovirus is a rare strain, genetically changed from the one contained in oral polio vaccine. The oral polio vaccine contains a weakened version of poliovirus that activates an immune response in the body and prevents the infectious viral disease from affecting the central nervous system and causing paralysis. In very rare instances, the virus in the vaccine can mutate into a form that can paralyze and has the capacity for sustained circulation.”

    Sustained circulation? Genetically changed?  Caused by the Polio vaccine?

     It is expected that the novel influenza virus A(H1N1) will have sustained circulation for sometime and continue spread in the human population, and most likely in the pig population too according to http://www.promedmail.org/pls/otn/f?p=2400:1001:3239379255573737::NO::F2400_P1001_BACK_PAGE,F2400_P1001_PUB_MAIL_ID:1000,77985. Will we see a resurgence for a sustained of Polio next? What kind of genetic changes could we expect/H1N1 to mutate into on its own, let along with individuals who got vaccinated?

    Swine influenza is not a food-borne zoonosis. Moreover, there is no evidence suggesting that this novel virus behaves in a different way from the other swine influenza viruses and spreads to humans via food containing pork or pork products. With regard to infection of pigs via feeding, account should be taken of the intra-species feeding ban. This is also supported by the initial data on experimental infection of piglets that have become available in recent weeks, indicating infection of only the respiratory tract and no other tissues and absence of detectable viraemia. 

    Only in the respiratory tract of pigs?  Only?  Noting the ban in the intra-species feeding, perhaps now would be a good time to become a vegetarian as we humans are intra- species meat eaters. If the virus is only in the respiratory tract would it be fair to say it is being transmitted via airborne not only in pigs but perhaps in humans as well? 

    Every day during the school year, more than 30 million children receive free or reduced-price lunches under the federal National School Lunch Program, and 10 million get breakfast under the National School Breakfast Program. Pork is included in many of the meals served through those important programs. http://www.porkmag.com/news_editorial.asp?pgID=768&ed_id=7604

    Line the children up, give them a swine flu shot, feed them bacon for breakfast, trust the government, Obama and your local school system. 


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    Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself .  Our disclaimer-Swine Flu Conspiracy theory can sometimes be triggered by real world events.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/

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