
Posts Tagged ‘Obama at G20’

New World Order? One World Order?  Truly Global Society? Engineered Collapse? Centralized Banking? Controlled Society? Humanity?  The Future?

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Obama has added further insult to all Americans saying that we have, “failed to appreciate Europe.”  Charles Krauthammer tore into Obama saying that “It’s hard to appreciate an entity’s leading role in the world when it’s been sucking on your tit for 60 years as Europe has.”

How does a sitting President jest at the same citizens he leads?   The same citizens who are bailing out the world with its tax dollars, promising to contribute funds to a global stimulus package. 

Being politically correct, note that it is suddenly offensive to refer to our government owned entities like GM and AIG as receiving bailouts, but rather government stimulus funds. 

Whether you call the domestic and international contribution a bailout or a stimulus, the money is funding The New World Order.  It’s not as if you weren’t warned, you just didn’t want to believe.   For better or worse, Gordon Brown has once again confirmed the future saying, “”This is collective action…we have resolved that from today we will together manage the process of globalization.”

Leaders at the G-20 summit have agreed to give $1 trillion to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank for global unity and a financial strategy. 

We will have to wait to see how much Obama has promised at the G20 summit.  Who and what entity gives Obama the power to spend?  Who authorized Obama to wear a Mr. Goodwrench hat and authorize government backed car warranties?

The latest domestic budget is $3.6  trillion dollars and will create $9.6 trillion in debt.  From the WSJ, ” President Barack Obama delivered a $3.6 trillion budget blueprint to Congress Thursday that aims to “break from a troubled past,” with expanded government activism, tax increases on affluent families and businesses, and spending cuts targeted at those he says profited from “an era of profound irresponsibility.”  http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123564748462081261.html

Obama’s budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of Republican George W. Bush’s presidency, congressional auditors said.  http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090320/ap_on_go_pr_wh/obama_budget

Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’ failed because it hindered people from helping themselves.  In both domestic and on an international scale, we see the same mistakes.  Obama says it isn’t time to redecorate the house but rebuild foundations.  Founded upon the foundation of democracy, America now has a dictator style infringement upon the rights of private companies and private citizens. 

Obama’s budget bill will essentially allow the Treasury to define “fair pay” for all employees, at any level.  The Serve Act proposes to make volunteering for the government mandatory with pay and prohibits, “volunteers from participating in worship and church activities, political rallies and naturally being involved in a union.  All hail Obama?

Don’t act surprised.  From day one we knew Obama felt that the Constitution is fundamentally flawed.  Redistributive change and socialism was first brought to MSM light by Joe The Plumber.  The ‘change you can believe in’ and ‘change we need’ are code words for Barack Obama’s ultimate goal: ‘redistributive change.’  http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=79225

Not ready for the NWO? Obama has plans for a civilian Army as large as our military, and as well funded- $650 billion annually.  U.S. Troops are on active duty on US Soil and Mexican Troops stand at the ready on the Mexican border.  The Omnibus Land Seizure Act just gave the government thousands of acres to train more soldiers or place civil disobedient citizens into detention centers.  The last stimulus Bill includes $8 billion for America’s railroad system will provide for easy transportation of dissenters to Fema camps. “High-speed rail is the infrastructure bank,” said Rahm Emanuel, quoted at http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0209/18924_Page2.html  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on behalf of Las Vegas interests seeking a rail link to Los Angeles coined the term, “Sin City to Tomorrow Land.”

If Martial Law comes in America, do not expect ABC, BBC, CBS, CNN, Fox News Network, Reuters or the AP to give a full or accurate account of the truth due to limitations of the digital broadcasting system and the Fairness Doctrine. 

Under the guise of escalating U.S. defenses against cyberattacks, The Internet, cyber security “czar” has unprecedented authority to shut down computer networks, including private ones. The bills sponsor- Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John D. Rockefeller IV.

You were warned, Obama’s tomorrow land is today.

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The poster makes it look so cool to have a tea party in the UK.  This is not the image we have today with riots over the economy and the G20 summit.  Pix here- http://www.sacbee.com/static/weblogs/photos/2009/04/021195.html?mi_atom=The%20Frame

The G20 protesters are running around like little anarchists with their faces covered, spewing anti-capitalism and damaging The Royal Bank of Scotland.  I don’t see a tea pot in sight. 

America was founded on capitalistic principles.  The politics under Obama, Biden and Pelosi are insisting on changing America into a version of European socialism.  The EU’s economy isn’t any better than ours, but citizens who want to live under socialism, should just move to Europe where they can make fun of us far from far away, but they won’t go.

With calm appeal, that leaves the rest of us who are outraged.  Whatever your beef: the trillions of dollars in debt, poor management of existing regulations, unemployment, health care, education, bailouts, stimulus packages, or the heavy burdens of increased taxes, I urge you to consider attending or organizing a Tea Party on Tax Day, April 15.

The number of websites offering Tea Party activities is growing but http://taxdayteaparty.com/ is a concise place to find out what is going on in your own city and state.  Radio Patriot has some suggestions on getting a party started. http://radiopatriot.blogspot.com/2009/03/orlando-tea-party-organizer-offers.html

I pray that the protests any tea party do not attract the type of person who, rather than peacefully hold up a sign, will protest, whine, shout and break everything within sight.

The spread of democracy continues to be fought in Iraq, and Afghanistan with soldiers blood, sweat and tears.  Tea Party Tax Day is not the forum for spilling blood or violence on the streets of America. 

Get your feet out of the quicksand and on to the street.  You can be mad as hell, but the goal is to peacefully protest.

If you want to educate your children about the Original Boston Tea Party, Liberty Kids is for you.  http://www.libertyskids.com/index.html.

This Tea Party poster is available for sale on ebay at http://cgi.ebay.com/PINK-FLOYD-UK-1966-INCREDIBLE-TEA-PARTY-CONCERT-POSTER_W0QQitemZ310131570329QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item310131570329&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50

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In greater than Rock Star status, Barackstar will be arrives in the UK for the G20 Summit in London.  Obama is bringing a 500 strong entourage with a staff of 200 U.S. Secret Service, decoy helicopters, a six doctor medical team, food tasters, his personal water boy, his blackberry, and a special armored plated limo nicknamed “The Beast.”

The Beast.  The Anti-Christ. The Devil.  666.  Angel of Darkness. The Evil One.  Seven-Headed Beast of Revelation.  The Wicked One.  False Prophet. Beast from The Abyss.  Satan.  The guy in the little red suit, and all of that.  There is endless speculation and varying secular interpretations but calling Obama “The Beast,” is a stretch.  Some of his political views may be perceived as close to evil, but not necessarily in biblical portions.  There there are many people who do find Obama meets a lot of the criteria of being apocalyptic and referring to his mode of transportation and him as “The Beast,” sure doesn’t help his cause at the G20. Then again, the 35,000 protesters aren’t helping either. 

Nostradamus, the Christian seer predicted that a Mabus would be the third anti-Christ, and last week Obama has designated Ray Mabus as The Navy Secretary. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2009/03/28/former_miss_governor_nominated_for_navy_post/ Could there be some super natural connection from a man who appears to be nothing but patriotic in his past service to our country?

Is it coincidence that the Romans and Egyptians referred to government as “Riding on the beast?”   What of the beast of hope and change, where Obama says,  “We have to remake the world into our own image, I have a dream.”   

Maybe a reference to Obama as the beast comes because his policies are the antitheses of President Bush’s “starve the beast” policies.  Policies that tried to limit future spending ,where as Obama’s budgets have us  paying back trillions.  

Matt Miller, a former senior adviser in the Clinton Office of Management and Budget wrote at his site The Daily Beast, “From the Reagan ascension until recently, the most trenchant description of the prevailing vision was “Starve the Beast.” This idea, which originated with Milton Friedman, held that the shrewdest way to restrain the supposed runaway growth of evil (and thus “beastly”) government was to cut taxes perennially. Combined with the fact that politicians had little interest in cutting popular government programs, this starvation would, by design, create big budget deficits.” http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-02-26/here-comes-obamanomics/full/

Catholic Newspaper, The Remnant featured an article, Obama and The Laughable Beast, http://www.remnantnewspaper.com/Archives/archive-2008-obama_and_the_laughable_beast.htm  and noted …”the most powerful stimulus that delivered the beast into Obama’s hands was the hocus-pocus of a suspiciously timed economic “collapse.”  Economic collapse is the entire preface of the G20 summit and The American President arrives with his entourage of angels, riding on “The Beast!” 

The Washington Times 10.12.08, had this to say, “In 2007 Odinga signed a memorandum of understanding with Sheik Abdullahi Abdi, chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, in which Odinga promised, if elected, to impose Islam as the state religion, to give Islamic leaders the right “to monitor activities of ALL other religions to prohibit public preaching by Christians, and to establish Sharia courts throughout the country.”

The New Testament – Book of Revelations says that the anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40’s, of Muslim descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a Christ-like appeal, that  people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy many. 

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago’s south side, said- “The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people…. “God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”   This is the rhetoric the Obama heard for 20 years! 

The theory that Obama might be the reincarnate of Satan was dispelled at Snopes so it definitely couldn’t be true!  http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/antichrist.asp  http://obamaantichrist.blogspot.com/search/label/Mabus is an entire blog “Of  a community of believing Christians who are considering the background of Barack Obama, who honestly hope they don’t have to answer the question “Is Barack Obama the Antichrist?””

Former Presidential Candidate , Reverend Jessie Jackson took note of his election caping saying, ” “He’s running a theological campaign.”  He may have won, but he is no Deity in my book.

Obama is mere mortal, a man who is not by my accounting Christlike or Satanic, even if his limo is called “The Beast”.  He is nothing more than a politician like the rest of them who were elected to save us from the Armageddon’s of our time and we hope, deliver us from evil.

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