
Posts Tagged ‘extraterrestrials’

We so wanted to believe the beautiful lights in Norway were  a foreign object, some sort of worm hole, a UFO, or other non-worldly thing or event. 

The light then “exploded” into a ring of white fire, according to UK tabloid The Sun, prompting true believers on forums around the world to declare the moment “First Contact”. via http://www.news.com.au/world/norway-wormhole-is-first-contact-claim-ufo-watchers/story-e6frfkyi-1225808892785

The light was a UFO alright, but that unidentified object has been claimed to be a failed missile test by the Russians from somewhere in the Arctic.  No one so far has found any debris which we find odd.  When the space shuttle went to hell on re-entry, there were fragments found in numerous states.  More on the lights at yesterday’s musing at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/12/10/norway-lights-russian-missile-blamed-evidence/ 

http://www.realufos.net/2009/05/tv-report-ufo-sightings-increase.html claims to be the number one site for following UFO’s and reporting.  The belief in aliens and UFO’s has been controversial since the origin of man, but now scientists have proven that human dna contains genetic codes of extraterrestial life forms.

Ancient Egyptian caves depicted strange creatures and objects in the sky.  There is a remarkably human looking face on the surface of mars.  Millions have reported seeing unexplained objects and abductions.

Face on Mars?

Aliens on Mars? Nasa Photo

Aliens on Mars? Nasa Photo

The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is the world’s largest civilian UFO scientific research organization.  http://www.mufon.com/  It “is dedicated to the scientific study of UFO’s for the benefit of humanity.  

The world-renowned physicist Lee Smolin author of Life of the Cosmos says that what we should look for to confirm the existence of intelligent life in the Milky Way is a message left for us some time in the last several hundred million years. 

Smolin suggests that one such message might have been left in the genetic code of some living creature in the language of nucleic acid bases in the DNA, confident that the ability of living creatures to replicate DNA would keep the message relatively uncontaminated for the time scales of this order. There is a great deal of DNA in most species that does not play any biological role and varies enormously from species to species without apparent cause. The existence of this DNA is one of the puzzles of molecular biology.  http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2009/08/the-great-silence-why-havent-signs-of-intelligent-extraterrestial-life-been-discovered.html

The Puzzle has been solved at least in part supposedly by the Human Genome Project, finding that 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

Reported in The Canadian 10.07.09 http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/home/Frontpage/2007/01/08/01288.html   “In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, originally known as “junk DNA”, were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is “Off-world” in origin. The apparent “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely “enjoy the ride” with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation.

Professor Chang further stipulates that “Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can’t know their motives – whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or is it long time ongoing business of seedling life in the universe.”

Giant Virus, Alien in Origin?

There was more scientific evidence of species mix, finding a new giant virus on Thursday, December 10, 2009 . http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/new-giant-virus-discovered-1837485.html 

Scientists in France have isolated a new giant virus that lurks inside amoeba and whose gene pool includes genetic material from other species.  The virus “is a completely new viral form,” said Didier Raoult, head of infectious and emerging tropical disease research at Aix-Marseille 2 University in France.   The genome of the so-called Marseillevirus encompasses a complex repertoire of genes that are “very different from the DNA of other virus forms,” and shows that there is genetic exchange between other micro-organisms such a giant viruses and bacteria found in amoeba, he told AFP in an interview.

The genome news network said in April of 2003, http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/articles/04_03/giant.shtml “It has more genes than several bacteria,” says Bernard La Scola of Unité des Rickettsies in Marseille, France, and a member of the research team. “We are trying to understand why a virus that is basically a cell parasite needs to have such a high number of genes.”  The virus does not appear to have contributed to the outbreak of pneumonia in the early nineties. “Nevertheless, we have some data that suggest Mimivirus could be an agent of pneumonia in humans,” says La Scola.

Could these large virus be the cause of the pneumonia, and hemorrhagic pneumonia like deaths we are seeing in H1N1 and H1N5 mutations? Here’s a thought, do the otherwise healthy people that are dying from Swine Flu have more cross species, or extraterrestial DNA than the rest of the human population?

Folks like http://data-safe.us/mysticknowing/bonnies-garden/?p=722 have known for years that, “EXTRATERRESTRIAL GROUPS were here BEFORE humans came to earth. Different Extraterrestrials came here to seed the different races. All humans have at least 10-20% reptilian DNA. A white or Caucasian people called the Atlans dominated Atlantis. They were from the star system Lyrae or Lyra. The original Lyrians were not physical as we understand that word BUT they became trapped in the third dimension and their vibrations became VERY denser. They had blond hair and blue eyes with the occasional red hair and green eyes. A reptilian race located on Mu or Lemuria in the Pacific were different. Draco’s were present in large numbers during Atlantis. There are SEVEN different species within the Draco hierarchy including untouchables.”

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

  flag tounge

Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum including our Swine Flu report that began in April and is updated regularly at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/

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I am free and by luck or ordination from God, was born on the greatest land in the world, America.  Lawyer and Author, Gerry Spence argues that hate in the media influences our lives at every turn.  He claims all systems enslave us.  “Whether they be the orders of gov’t,  religions, or society, the system may offer  the best chance for individuals to be free, the system never frees us.  We must free ourselves.”  http://www.amazon.com/Seven-Simple-Steps-Personal-Freedom/dp/0312303114/ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_b  

How free am I really?  How free are you?  How do we ensure our freedoms?  We all have some basic day to day living choices.  More and more our government makes many of the decisions for us, and can easily track those decisions- far from acting to protect the people of a state from the out-of-control federal government which was formed to protect the same.

I am feeling less protected these days with the thought that the bailout is costing thousands from each taxpayer especially at the notion of a North American Union.  I am also feeling a bit exposed, as it has become rather evident that everything we do and every where we go is traceable. 

We are witnessing incentives for free enterprise dwindle and turn toward a socialistic government where the taking from one person’s hard work and giving it to someone else is basically slavery.  President Lincoln worked hard to remove the chains of slavery.  President Obama has managed to spend more money, shackle us with debt, and a misguided promise of economic freedom. 

As slaves to a national debt, we extend our hands for shackles and handouts instead using them for hard work.  Will we see bar codes on our wrists or chips implanted to track the slaves,-er, citizens?  Have RFID’s already been put into humans via vaccinations?  via abductions? If you have no idea of what an RFID is capable of go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RFID

http://www.truth-it.net/rfid.html writes, “Besides being tracked and herded like a common cow, what else is wrong with this idea of chipping humans? How about the fact that these chips can hold information on everything about you, such as your:

  • Fingerprint
  • Footprint
  • Eye Scan
  • DNA
  • Driver’s License # (soon to be a National ID card)
  • Website visit history
  • Social Security #
  • Credit Card Numbers
  • Income
  • Address
  • Personal
  • The smallest RFID tags are smaller than a grain of sand. http://news.cnet.com/2010-1069-980325.html  Would you know if you were tagged?

    The Atlantean Conspiracy says, “Just a few years ago people scoffed at such an idea. Now it is commonplace, thousands are being chipped, and laws are gradually being implemented for mandatory chipping of pets, prisoners and Alzheimer’s patients. http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2009/02/numerology-666-part-1.html   The site goes on to explore “666” in numerology and the presence of bar codes on everything we buy and that we will become a totally cashless society at the mercy of International Bankers. 

    The blog Ugly Doggy ran a contest to personalize your own barcode.  http://www.uglydoggy.com/2008/08/barcoding-people-meanwhile.html  The ‘barcoding’ of people has quietly been available for nearly 10 years in the US, via Applied Digital Solutions’ VeriChip, which has its beginnings in Digital Angel. It could be used be used for patient or livestock monitoring, security, warfare, law enforcement, identification or firearms safety. It could be used to keep an eye on potential kidnap victims, or family pets, or to monitor valuables.  http://www.theregister.co.uk/2000/10/19/digital_angel_wireless_implant_set/.  The Jacobs family of Florida was implanted in 2002.

    It all sounds so innocent until one realizes that technology could and may already be in your arm, car, cell phone, printer, computer, digital camera, cd burner, etc., by choice or force.  The site http://ladyrm2.wordpress.com/2008/11/02/the-governments-microchip-slaves/ explores “Those who refuse to have the microchip implanted will be accused of trying to hide something.  They will constantly deal with delays and inconveniences reserved for those who refused to be chipped; as well, they will be declared enemies of the state and brought to special camps where they will be tortured until they do submit.  Those who submit will reap the rewards and benefits offered by accepting the microchip and thus become a mindless slave.”

    Kevin Warwick is a Professor of Cybernetics at the University of Reading, England, where he carries out research in artificial intelligence, control, robotics and biomedical engineering.  He has already carried out a series of pioneering experiments involving the neuro-surgical implantation of a device into the median nerves of his left arm in order to link his nervous system directly to a computer.  http://www.kevinwarwick.com/

    http://blog.puppetgov.com/2009/02/10/one-step-closer-to-a-microchipped-population-stimulus-has-medical-records-tracking/ for  related video.

    A June 6, 2009 report from the Nanomakers Tool kit says scientist can harness charge, magnetism and even DNA to guide matter’s assembly into new materials “Using different techniques, independent groups of scientists have recently figured out better ways to make the nanoparticles go where they are supposed to go. One group of researchers uses magnetic forces to position particles. Another has figured out how to use DNA to herd nanoparticles into exact conformations. And others can make nanoparticles spread themselves into a thin layer over a surface, changing the properties of the material beneath.”  http://sciencenews.org/view/feature/id/43996/title/Nanomakers_Toolkit

    Imagine a nano RFID that can alter your DNA?  Wow, talk about a potential New World Order and an elite war.  Genocides from Flu’s, deadly vaccines, limiting the Internet, CERN working on Internet 2 & 3, and RFID implants that not only monitor you, but could in theory, alter you.

    http://www.wired.com/techbiz/it/magazine/17-03/st_best outlines the best  top ten uses for RFID including a microchipped flap for cats available at http://www.petporte.com/.  Better the door than the animal I suppose.  Organizers held a candlelight vigil 3.3.09 in Texas, to protest the city’s ordinance requiring pets be implanted under the skin with an identifying microchip  http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=90488.

    Already we are practicing for a national biometric id card.  Workers and mariners attempting to access secure maritime and port areas nationwide must display a government-approved Transportation Worker Identification Credentials or TWIC, a biometric identification card before entry. http://www.tsa.gov/what_we_do/layers/twic/twic_faqs.shtm#required_twic_date Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12, set universal identification standards for federal employees and contractors, for access to buildings and computer networks.  Not just for government workers- the private sector as well! http://hspd12.usda.gov/  It has also been referred to as LincPass.  The Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors, is known as HSPD-12. Will Obama issue HSPD-13 for all Americans?

    On the bright side of technology ZTORE can make everyday objects in your home chippable.  From keeping  track of every time you use your tools, take your medication, or pour out a glass of Vodka.  http://www.ztore.net/eu/product_info.php?cPath=30&products_id=89 Cost 50 Euros.

    Are RFID’s and data mining just the tip of the New World Order led by President Obama and other world leaders?  Is it all just a conspiracy?  Does the World Bank, CFR, IMF, UN, NATO,WHO, CDC, HHS,-Homeland Security, and all the other acronyms you can think of have one objective in mind?  Is that objective putting everyone under the thumb of a one world government? It would seem Big Brother is not science fiction or so far fetched.

    UFOs remain science fiction to some, but to others who report abductions by extraterrestrials some appear identical to the RFID Chip Implant our government has scheduled to replace our national ID cards with before 2012! Are the Anunnaki-created/controlled Greys and our government working together to tag us all?  View video here – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C_Gx6WzW_E

    The game of tag is for children.  It wasn’t meant to implant tags into our children or our citizens.  As adults we are still responsible to monitor The Constitution with Amendments 9 and 10 -that prohibit the government from infringing on all aspects of our lives.

    Like it or not, the government can identify, verify and authenticate freely. 

    May God Bless America.

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    Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES,  VOLCANO’s, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., read more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/       

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    “On his first full day as President, Barack Obama issued two Executive Orders and three Presidential Memorandum that will start an era of transparent and Open Government. The White House Office of the Press Secretary released a statement outlining the sweeping changes to be implemented by the Obama administration. In his Presidential Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government, and the Presidential Memorandum on the Freedom of Information Act, President Obama instructed … all members of his administration to operate under principles of openness, transparency and of engaging citizens with their government. To implement these principles and make them concrete, the Memorandum on Transparency instructs three senior officials to produce an Open Government Directive within 120 days directing specific actions to implement the principles in the Memorandum. And the Memorandum on FOIA instructs the Attorney General to in that same time period issue new guidelines to the government implementing those same principles of openness and transparency in the FOIA context.

    President Obama emphasized that his Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. He furthermore said in a press conference announcing his Memoranda: For a long time now, there’s been too much secrecy in this city. The old rules said that if there was a defensible argument for not disclosing something to the American people, then it should not be disclosed. That era is now over. Starting today, every agency and department should know that this administration stands on the side not of those who seek to withhold information but those who seek to make it known.These idiots couldn’t even be bothered to read any of the bailout stimulus plans, let alone find and then release proof of aliens.  You think we paid thousands for gold screwdrivers and gold toilets for aliens at Area 51? What a bunch of $hit.  We just keep paying thousands to get screwed- aliens or no aliens.

    Obama’s bold initiative for Open Government reflects the influence of the Co-Chair of his Presidential transition team, John Podesta. Podesta has long been an outspoken advocate of Open Government. On September 16, 2008, he gave a speech before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution titled Too Much Secrecy Puts Our Nation at Risk.

    Less well known is that in October 22, 2002, Podesta petitioned for the release of UFO files that had been unnecessarily classified. He said: “I think it’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs.””





    You might enjoy this related post- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/lyrids-meteor-shower-obamas-x-file-politics/

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    The sky isn’t falling.  Or is it?   Putting aside the doom and gloom of economics and politics, tonight is the start of the annual Lyrids Meteor Shower http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyrids .  Every year in April the Earth passes throughout the tail of Comet Thantcher (C/1861 G1) resulting in the impression of shooting stars reigning down from the heavens.  At the same time, the crescent Moon and Venus will converge for a close encounter in the eastern sky. Viewed from some parts of the world, the Moon will pass directly in front of Venus, causing Venus to vanish.  Cool.

    Venus is Vanishing?!?  I wonder if anyone would have believed Chicken Little if he would have made the same claim?  Chicken Little had a little credibility problem like so many bloggers who post theories and conspiracies, but I don’t happen to think that all of them are nuts- just a few.  So what’s the difference between foretelling of a One World Order, a 2012 doomsday, and Venus disappearing during a meteor shower?    

    In the Bible, 2 Peter warned believers against false teachers, mostly mocking the prospect of Christ’s return.  1:12 – “I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.”  For the modern day response-  “The truth is out there.  You can ask, but it’s not my job to answer,” David Duchovny of X-files fame.

    We have scientific truth and evidence for many things, but not everything.  It is in our inherent nature as humans to seek out the truth, weed out the bad squirrels and bury the nuts- so to speak. We need to listen to new ideas, but remember the old truths.  Sometimes the fortune tellers are correct and so are scientists Giampaolo Guiliani who predicted the recent Central Italy Earthquakes and noted physicist Dr.Giuliano Panza http://www.ictp.trieste.it/pages/organization/headsand.html  who continues seismic research. 

    I am not as convinced over the Planet X Video -Nibiru seen here, http://www.planetxvideo.com/ or the Reptoid therory http://www.reptoids.com/basic_faqs.htm.  If you wish to have a career in alien politics then drop your current (worthless) college courses, pay the paltry $6000, and become an intergalactic diplomat today at http://www.panicwatch.org/article.pl?title=Exopolitics%20101

    In the 4th Century, Julius Obsequies, wrote a book entitled, “Prodigorium liber, describing several reports of UFO-like phenomena.  “The sighting of strange objects in the sky may actually predate the emergence of modern man. Perhaps the earliest depiction of cylindrical objects resembling spacecraft, with what might be their extraterrestrial occupants, are those carved on a granite mountain and on rocks on an island in Hunan Province, China. They have been assigned a tentative age of 47,000 years, which puts them within the time-span of Neanderthal man, predating modern Homo sapiens.”  http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc154.htm  Perhaps China’s recent purchase of massive amounts of copper have to do with the aliens? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/ambroseevans_pritchard/5160120/A-Copper-Standard-for-the-worlds-currency-system.html

    In an Excerpt from Reader’s Digest, “Mysteries if the Unexplained, Rense points out that many unusual celestial events were recorded in Japanese chronicles during the Middle Ages. As in Western society, such occurrences were usually considered “portents,” often resulting in panics and other social disturbances. http://www.rense.com/general7/ages.htm I doubt the meteors of the week will cause chaos, only a wish upon a star.

    Bob Lazar, claims to have worked on an alien craft for the U.S. Government at Area 51 http://istina.rin.ru/eng/ufo/text/35.html ” He says he was required to read some 200 pages of briefing documents…information regarding the aliens and their technology, along with other supposed secret government projects, included the study of gravity drive, referred to as “Galileo”, looking back in time, known as “Looking Glass”, and a neutron beam weapon codenamed “Sidekick”…. under a program called “Project Overview”. ..aliens have been visiting Earth for a millennia and they refer to it as Sol 3. They claim that man is the result of 65 genetic corrections made over thousands of years. One group of aliens, referred to as “The Kids”, came from the Zeta Reticuli star system…”  Lazar currently owns http://unitednuclear.com/ , a plethora of legal nuclear and scientific products on line.

    A tale of extra-terrestrial politics in The White House can be found here http://www.presidentialufo.com/  President Jimmy Carter has often been referred-to as the “UFO President” due to the fact that he publicly claimed to have had a UFO sighting prior to becoming president. Moreover, he was the only president on record to actually file a UFO sighting report related to his sighting. Thirdly, on at least one occasion while campaigning for president, Carter declared that, if elected, he would “make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists.” Many in the UFO community were optimistic that the election of Jimmy Carter would initiate a period of openness related to the UFO subject where the truth would be given to the public. It was not to be.

    There are numerous accountings of astronauts reporting sightings in space and on earth, http://www.scribd.com/doc/4214138/Ufo-Sightings-by-Astronauts-Incredible-Declarations including an assertion that we stay off of the Moon. Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was among conference speakers at the 2009 X-Conference discussing why the Obama administration needs to declassify X-files held by various federal agencies and departments. “The annual event is unique among UFO conferences insofar as it features speakers who specialize in public policy aspects of evidence concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life – an approach known as ‘exopolitics’.  This flagship event for the rapidly growing exopolitics movement will cast light on whether or not the Obama administration is poised to end a sixty year truth embargo on the extraterrestrial origins of UFOs.” http://www.niburu.nl/index.php?articleID=20614

    President Ronald Reagan said in his speech to the United Nations-“Perhaps, we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

    Some phenomena is inexplicable ( like how people actually voted for Obama) but, experts agree that the best time to look for the Lyrids Meteor is in the dark hours of April 23rd, before dawn where we can anticipate 10 to 20 visible meteors per hour. 

    Photo http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2009/17apr_lyrids.htm

    You might enjoy this related post https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/obamas-transparency-on-ufo-classified-documents/

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