
Posts Tagged ‘Ed Rendell’

The circus used to come only once a year when I was a kid. As an adult, it shames me that this political circus and financial conundrum is playing out on a daily basis in all of America .  The whole world is shaking its head while the media parades it’s selective stories.

Who raised these leaders who have raped the fabric of our Democracy?  “Wasn’t daddy there to change your underwear?”- from Austin Powers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN6MxLYB8hM

Having dirty underwear is pretty shitty and lots of politicians are shitting themselves about now.  Guilt by association doesn’t hold up in a court of law, but added up- circumstantial evidence just might.  Patrick Fitzgerald said, “The citizens of Illinois deserve public officials who act solely in the public’s interest, without putting a price tag on government appointments, contracts and decisions.”  I believe he misspoke.  No one in America deserves the hand that has been dealt, not just those in Illinois.

Fitzgerald has been compared to the likes of crime fighter Elliot Ness, and with good reason.  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/profiles/3710309/Profile-Patrick-Fitzgerald-a-modern-day-Eliot-Ness.html.  At a time when so many Americans have lost faith in our public representatives and the pervasive lack of accountability, it is inspiring to see a man of true integrity and perseverance is just one of many comments on his blog, From the Desk of Patrick Fitzgerald, Fighting for Truth Justice and The American Way, http://patrickjfitzgerald.blogspot.com/2008/12/king-solomon-sen-patrick-j-fitzgerald-i.html

“He doesn’t shy away from indictments because of political party, holiday season or anything else,” said Cindi Canary, executive director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform.  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/10/us/10fitzgerald.html?_r=1&hp

After nearly a trillion dollar bailout of whom we are still not sure, the Senate in D.C., blocked money for the Big 3 Automakers.  The Union said no wage concessions and that put a stop to it right there.  Unless GWB, the guy who is still our current President, has something up his sleeve -expect to see a huge deficit in the GDP and pronto. 

About the same time in NY,  Bernie Madoff  the former chairman of the Nasdaq Stock Market who founded Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, the closely held market-making firm was running a hedge fund under an alleged ponzi scheme that racked up billions of fraudulent losses.  

Madoff told senior employees of his firm on Wednesday that “it’s all just one big lie” and that it was “basically, a giant Ponzi scheme,” with estimated investor losses of about $50 billion, according to the U.S. Attorney’s criminal complaint against him. Marketwatch reports, “Madoff counted several large hedge fund investment firms as clients, along with some European banks, so if his firm has lost more than $50 billion, the impact could be widespread. ”  Ever generous, Madoff donated $25,ooo to a Democratic Senatorial Campaign, September 08.  http://www.opensecrets.org/indivs/donor_lookup.php?name=Madoff

Madoff is sure right about the big lie. Look at him, no really look at him here http://www.iliketotellstories.com/2008/12/50-billion-bernard-madoff.html in this photo, this face is someone’s son that it seems willingly defrauded investors like you and me.   Handsome by all accounts, looks honest, an upstanding kind of guy, innocent until proven otherwise.

First rule, don’t shit where you eat.  American’s are weary of all the shit.  The rest of the world is shitting itself that capitalism equates only to greed and corruption and is faltering under the weight of it’s own democracy.  Untold thousands continue to pour in to our borders legally and illegally America, with all her faults, is still the land of opportunity and the greatest nation on earth. 

Obama has preached change and transparency but the desire to do so is far removed from what we have seen in his post election cycle.  Obama has had an excuse for every questionable thing and associate he has ever had.   Obama lists among his associates not only Rashid Khalidi, but” Rezko and Auchi, Odinga, Ayers, The New Black Panther Party, La Raza, Farrakhan, and how could we forget his holiness in hate, the mentor to Barack….Mr. Wright…..” http://www.floppingaces.net/2008/03/23/the-obama-associates/ who upon “God damning” America, said that Wright’s “comments were divisive and destructive.”

“Obama is not the Agent of Change. He is a calculating politician who plays the game the same way politicians have been playing it for hundreds of years – receiving money in exchange for favors from government for his friends and cronies.”  http://rightwingnuthouse.com/archives/2008/02/26/will-dirty-chicago-politics-be-the-undoing-of-obama/

The article “Will Dirty Chicago Politics be the Undoing of Obama” seems to have hit the nail on the head some 10 months later.  He goes on to say, “The Obama-Rezko relationship must be understood in the context of the influence peddling, the casual corruption, the cronyism, the favoritism shown in less than open bidding – all part of a city and state political culture where the politician, the businessman, and the crook frequently rub elbows and sometimes wear each other’s hats.

Hell, remember all the brew ha ha over Ayers and the Obama’s hanging out at a dinner for Khalidi?  The LA Times refused to release the tape and then there we rewards issued for it, including one from Dune Capital. 

Dune Holdings is part of Dune Capital Management LP, started by some people from Goldman Sachs. Founded by Steven T. Mnuchin who has donated a total of $14,400 to Democrats in the past year, including the max $2,300 to Obama. http://www.opensecrets.org/indivs/donor_lookup.php?name=Mnuchin

Seems when Dune Capital first volunteered a $100k reward for the Khalidi tapes, Penny Pritzker (Obama’s finance chairman) and Daniel Niedich (Secretary of Dune Capital) sit together on a Real Estate board.  http://www.dreier.house.gov/pdf/RER%20-%20HR1500%20Support.pdf

Dune Capital also donated to his campaign  The Tribune Company, http://www.tribune.com/which owns the LA Times sued to open up Jack Ryan’s divorce file.   Perhaps thats why Obama was able to walk into his Senate seat, virtually unopposed.

I am beginning to think Obama paid for the tape himself.  Obama made no comment that I could find, instead the campaign insisted that its candidate “has been clear that Rashid Khalidi is not an adviser to him or his campaign and that he does not share Khalidi’s views.” 

What did Obama have to say about Rezko? ” I am saddened…this isn’t the Tony Rezko I knew, now he has been convicted by a jury on multiple charges that once again shine a spotlight on the need for reform. ”  Upon learning about Blago’s arrest,  Obama told reporters he was saddened and sobered. “I had no contact with the governor or his office and so I was not aware of what was happening.” http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2008/12/source-feds-take-gov-blagojevich-into-custody.html  America is saddened with you, President- elect Obama not only for you but for America herself.  America was also saddened to learn that Clinton really did have sex with that woman. 

We will all be saddened to know if Obama was directly connected to the Pay for Play scam.  http://prairiepundit.blogspot.com/2008/12/emanuel-talked-with-blagojevich.html reports that Rahm Emanuel did have discussions with the Governors administration about possible candidates for the job.  Probably all in the course of a days work.  Right?  The criminal complaint exonerates Obama and his staff, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said, because it quotes Blagojevich as saying the president-elect would offer him nothing but appreciation for appointing Obama confidant Valerie Jarrett to the position.  http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2008/12/rendell_hits_obama_on_blago_st.html

The circus days of the past conjure up aromas of French fries, hot dogs, and buttery popcorn while the sounds were of calliopes.  As today’s circus stars of Blago, Rezko and Obama rolls through main street and main stream media, we smell a rat and now hear the same old song of deceit. 

God Bless America

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