
Posts Tagged ‘Benjamin Netanyahu’

First not making time to see the Dali Lama, and now not bothering to go to Berlin to attend the celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall some 20 years ago is a slap in the face as, 93% Say Fall of Berlin Wall Important To World History.  http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/europe/november_2009/93_say_fall_of_berlin_wall_important_to_world_history

President Obama squeezed in a trip to Copenhagen last month to lobby, unsuccessfully, for Chicago to host the 2016 Summer Olympics. He plans to travel to Oslo next month to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, an award that even Obama has said he does not deserve. And this coming week, he sets out on a week long tour of Asia.  But the president does not plan to travel to Germany to attend the 20th anniversary celebration Monday of the fall of the Berlin Wall, drawing heated criticism from those who say he’s ignoring a shining triumph of American-inspired democracy.  “A tragedy,” is how former House Speaker Newt Gingrich described Obama’s absence. http://www.thefoxnation.com/berlin-wall/2009/11/09/obama-skips-berlin-wall-anniversary

Instead of going himself, he sent U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton who congratulated Germans on the 20-year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall at a meeting Monday with Angela Merkel, Germany’s first chancellor from the former communist East.  The wall that divided East and West Berlin, Clinton said Sunday at an earlier event, the hard work that went into ending the Cold War must be channeled to meet fresh challenges, including the fights against extremism and climate change. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091109/ap_on_re_eu/eu_clinton_germany 

Again with the Climate Change crap. She might have mentioned that on November 27, 20 years of freedom from Soviet communism in the Czech Republic and Slovakia will be celebrated as well. 

On the bright side at least he isn’t spending our tax dollars on a trip on AirForce One.  We need every dime with him spending a trillion dollars or so on a health care reform trip that will put every U.S citizen down a path of further economic distress and give government more power.

The New York Times’ Sheryl Gay Stolberg, “The timing is crucial. Administration officials say Mr. Obama wants to wrap up work on health care so that he can turn his attention to other legislative priorities, including passing an energy bill and revamping financial regulations. But White House officials also know that the closer the final vote comes to the November 2010 midterm Congressional elections, the more difficult it will be to pass legislation. ” 

Tonight the president will meet with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office. We wonder if they are going to talk about Germany- post the Nazi regime that killed millions during the Holocaust?  Will they talk of the similar wall and fences that separate Palestinians and Israelis?  President Reagan said, “The advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace,” prior to saying, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” 

Isreal border fence 

The Israeli West-Bank barrier, “separation (hafrada) fence”  is a  barrier being constructed by the State of Israel, consisting of a network of fences with vehicle-barrier trenches surrounded by an on average 60 meter wide exclusion area (90%) and high concrete walls up to 8 meters high.   The Israeli Gaza Strip barrier and the wall separating Gaza from Egypt have been less controversial, but still stand. via Wiki.  Will there be any mention of tearing down these walls, aand what of the walls in the U.S.? 

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that it had more than 580 miles (930 km) of fence in place by the second week of January, 2009 and  had spent $40 million on environmental analysis and mitigation measures aimed at blunting any possible adverse impact that the fence might have on the environment. Days into The Obama Presidency, on January 16, 2009 DHS announced it was pledging an additional $50 million for that purpose, and signed an agreement with the U.S. Department of the Interior for utilization of the additional funding. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/17/us/17border.html?_r=1.   Just yesterday, in TIJUANA, Mexico, Mexican troops discovered a 122 yard long tunnel apparently aimed at crossing the U.S. border underground. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,573049,00.html 

Other cities of the world who have or had walls, can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_with_defensive_walls.

Also today, Mr. Obama will sign an Executive Order on the employment of veterans in the federal government, which makes the Federal Government the model employer of Veterans and establishes a Council on Veterans Employment and a Veterans Employment Program office within most Federal agencies. via http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/11/09/politics/politicalhotsheet/entry5587419.shtml?tag=latest   This should raise some conspiracy antenna as one of those long winded executive orders regarding pandemics and martial Law was to bring back and hire retired former servicemen and women.  Maybe with their expertise they can manage a better land survey.  America has built a portion of the fence in Mexico which must be moved. 

Lastly, Vitaly Ginzburg, a Nobel Prize-winning Russian physicist and one of the fathers of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, has died in Moscow.”I am still inclined to believe in the brilliant future of mankind,” he said in the autobiography. http://www.mail.com/Article.aspx/world/0/APNews/General-World-News/20091109/U_EU-Russia-Obit-Ginzburg?pageid=1 

We too are inclined to believe in the future of mankind, even more so after January 20, 2013.

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Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself. https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report/

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