
Posts Tagged ‘Tween 80’

Our most precious of resources for the future is our children.  It will be their dreams that may will solve the numerous maladies affecting mankind.  From exploring space, to exploring Earth’s own oceans, to just maybe finding a cure against diseases like cancers and viruses like the flu.  It is our children who are exposed to a myriad of vaccines that are so toxic, they should be labeled hazardous materials.   

Say nothing of the suspected links to auto-immune disorders, almost all world governments and health organizations are advocating children receive the H1N1 Swine Flu Shot, even though little clinical testing has been done on them.  You’ll recall, “Shut up and just get your damned flu shot.”      


 Yesterday, the CDC announced that nearly one million does of H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines intended for children are being recalled that were manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, Inc..  http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/vaccination/syringes_qa.htm    

“Despite the recall, the vaccine is safe and effective; parents need not worry about unusual side effects or having their children re-vaccinated,” says Anne Schuchat, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. “There’s no need for parents to call pediatricians. We think the doses given are protective and safe,” she says. http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-12-15-swine-flu-vaccine_N.htm      

 The U.S. Government has evaluated only these vaccines that are licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They are, with patient information links:       

Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine (CSL Limited) http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm181975.htm     

Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine (Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Limited) gttp://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm181973.htm   

Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine (Sanofi Pasteur,Inc.)http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm181971.htm  Recalled lots!     

Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine (MedImmune LLC) http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm181970.htm      

 Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine (ID Biomentical) Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine (ID Biomedical Corporation of Quebec) and owned GlaxoSmithKline PLC     

On December 7, Sanofi Pasteur notified CDC and FDA that the potency in one batch (called a “lot”) of pediatric syringes that had been distributed was later found to have dropped below a pre-specified limit. As a result of this finding, Sanofi Pasteur tested additional lots and found that three other lots that had been distributed also had an antigen content that, while properly filled at the time of manufacturing, was later measured to be below pre-specified limits.    

For eight additional days, children were still receiving the flawed vaccine.  The Beatles sang “Eight days a week, I love love love you,” I see no love from the CDC in waiting eight days to begin a recall.    Pasteur’s approval was based on it’s Fluzone approved seasonal flu vaccine that was studied in all of 19 children according to their own patient insert on page 7. – link provided above-   

Ingredients on page 11- Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine, an inactivated influenza virus vaccine, for intramuscular use, is prepared from influenza viruses propagated in embryonated chicken eggs. The virus-containing allantoic fluid is harvested and inactivated with formaldehyde. Influenza virus is concentrated and purified in a linear sucrose density gradient solution using a continuous flow centrifuge. The virus is then chemically disrupted using a non-ionic surfactant, polyethylene glycol p-isooctylphenyl ether (Triton ® X-100), producing a “split virus”. The split virus is further purified and then suspended in sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution    

Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine is formulated to contain 15 mcg hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) v-like virus per 0.5 mL dose. Gelatin 0.05% is added as a stabilizer. Each 0.5 mL dose may contain residual amounts of formaldehyde (not more than 100 mcg), polyethylene glycol p-isooctylphenyl ether (not more than 0.02%), and sucrose (not more than 2.0%).    

There is no thimerosal used in the manufacturing process of the single-dose presentations of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine. The multi-dose presentation of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine contains thimerosal, a mercury derivative, added as a preservative. Each 0.5 mL dose of the multidose presentation contains 25 mcg mercury   

Pregnancy Category C, found on page 10 : Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine or Fluzone vaccine. It is also not known whether these vaccines can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity. Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.    

Some doctors around the world have managed to draw attention to these untested vaccines.  In Israel one doctor wrote- “The combination of squalene and polysorbate 80 in a buffered solution has been shown to be an excellent anti-fertility combination, in anti-fertility research performed by scientists for the W.H.O., who were assigned the job of developing anti-fertility vaccines to reduce world population. Giving these vaccines to our young population is tantamount to sterilizing them.”  http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1611%3Adoctors-protest-israels-decision-to-give-toxic-focetria-and-pandemrix-jabs-to-people&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=64&lang=en  Offering supporting evidence- (Fertility Impairing Vaccine And Methods of Use’ This application claims the benefit of U. S. Provisional Application No. 60/070,375, filed January 2,1998, U. S. Provisional Application No. 60/071,406, filed January 15,1998).    

Similar statements can be found regarding CSL’s AFLURIA, and Norvartis’ FLUVIRIN and are recapped in a previous post at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/27/h1n1-swine-flu-vaccine-package-insert-warnings/   

In the U.K., they too are unsure of just how many shots is necessary – 

In line with adults children will be given just one dose of the vaccine, rather than the two that was originally thought might be necessary for younger age groups. However, preliminary data from two newly released trials published in the Lancet suggest that a single vaccine may not offer children sufficient immunity against the virus. Since the pandemic began earlier this year 17 children under five have died after contracting swine flu, as well as 266 older children and adults. Tests on versions of the vaccine produced by nine different manufacturers show that some offered protection to as few as 45 per cent of children under three. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/swine-flu/6817459/Swine-flu-giving-young-children-one-dose-of-vaccine-may-not-protect-them.html       

 In November, we wrote about a Canadian Vaccine Recall from GlaxoSmith Kline at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/11/25/h1n1-swine-flu-vaccine-pandemrix-recall/ :       

With a rush to produce millions of H1N1 vaccines by Pharmaceutical Companies, comes the news of the first recall of the vaccine.  Will it be the last? Canadian doctors have been advised not to use a batch of 170,000 swine flu vaccines after six reports of serious allergic reactions among recipients, but there are no similar reports from other countries, pharmaceuticals company GlaxoSmithKline PLC said Tuesday. via http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/24/swine-flu-recall-h1n1-vac_n_368776.html       

GlaxoSmithKline has asked that the October batch of H1N1 swine flu Pandemrix be taken out of circulation because it produced serious and immediate anaphylactic reactions in one out of 20,000 vaccinations, compared with one out of 100,000 in other shipments. Most of the vaccine Manitoba received from the suspect lot had already been used by the time the province received the alert. Of the 63,000 doses shipped, only 630 remained unused.       

The Political Jungle summed it up nicely at  http://takeastandagainstliberals.blogspot.com/2009/12/swine-flu-vaccine-recall.html “Already used and they have no idea why the vaccine changed, or lost potency. No clue. What else do they have no clue about?”       

At least the expired Tamiflu for Oral Suspension hasn’t lost it’s potency!  Back up to July2009, The FDA authorized 4 lots of Tamiflu for Oral Suspension for use beyond their labeled expiration dates. FDA is now authorizing additional lots in an effort to ensure that Tamiflu for Oral Suspension is available for patients during this public health emergency. The lots of Tamiflu for Oral Suspension that are being authorized are part of the Strategic National Stockpile and have been tested through the federal government’s Shelf-Life Extension Program (SLEP). http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/PostmarketDrugSafetyInformationforPatientsandProviders/DrugSafetyInformationforHeathcareProfessionals/ucm184770.htm       

From cases of anaphylactic shock and low potency levels, this recall is another setback for vaccine manufacturers who continue to profess that their products are safe, even as they have been given full immunity from prosecution in the U.S. Perhaps these recalls will have the advantage to educate and warn parents not to vaccinate in the first place.    

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In it’s infinite wisdom,  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved yet another seasonal flu vaccine on Friday, November 27, 2009. Agriflu, manufactured by Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics in Siena, Italy, was approved for people ages 18 years and older to prevent the seasonal flu (influenza virus subtypes A and B). It is not effective against the H1N1 Swine flu.  The approval of the new seasonal influenza vaccine, Agriflu, is an important step in adding to the production capacity to enhance the supply of vaccine for the United States for future influenza seasons,” said Karen Midthun, M.D., acting director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.http://www.examiner.com/x-9696-SF-Senior-Care-Examiner~y2009m11d28-New-seasonal-flu-vaccine-approved-Agriflu

The symptoms of H1N1 are similar to those of regular seasonal flu. Virtually all the flu now in this country is H1N1 and not the seasonal flu, although there are other flu-like viruses that cause many illnesses.  Nationally, in the first six months since the arrival of H1N1, an estimated 22 million Americans became ill with H1N1, 98,000 were hospitalized, and 3,900 died, said Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease. via http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/859656.html

Whether it is caving to pharmaceutical pressure or what, America now has Agriflu added to its list of acceptable vaccines, further opening the door to allow Novartis to produce variated swine flu or some other pandemic vaccine in the future.  The U.S. requires that H1N1 manufacturers be licensed for the seasonal flu first- which is why Baxter Pharmaceutical and others were not permitted to have access to millions of patients in America.  Seeing as there is no seasonal flu so to speak of, my antenna are up.

Novartis of Switzerland is expected to supply nearly half of the vaccines in the U.S. and applied for it’s Swine Flu vaccine patent on November 6, 2006.  The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) accepted and granted the application,  US 20090047353 for a “Split Influenza Vaccine with Adjuvants” in February 2009, just about the time the flu was beginning to spread.  Celtura is the Novel H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine produced by Novartis. For more on the patent conspiracy https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/18/swine-flu-vaccine-patent-conspiracy/

Here is the patient insert for Novartis Agriflu http://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/UCM192127.pdf with the usual toxic ingredients.  Although manufactured and formulated without thimerosal, it contains

Each 0.5 mL dose may contain residual amounts of egg proteins (<0.4 mcg), formaldehyde (10 mcg), polysorbate 80 (50 mcg), and CTAB (12 mcg). Each dose may also contain residual amounts of neomycin (0.02 mcg by calculation) and kanamycin (0.03 mcg by calculation), which are used during the initial stages of manufacture.

13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility AGRIFLU has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of male fertility.

Deranged w/ Swine? Buy This $5,000 Chair!

Male Fertility?  OMG, Fall out of your chair here, as no other patient insert that I have read has even bothered to mention male fertility.  If any reader finds one- post it it the comment section, please.   The document goes on with the usual and notes that there are, ” no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response, AGRIFLU should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.”

If you are one of the sleeping sheeples who has no idea what Polysorbate 80 is, time to wakie upie and backtrack to this post- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/28/gardasil-vaccine-doesnt-work-contains-tween-80/ that highlights in plain English, polysorbate 80 can affect your immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock which can kill.  The study included a pregnant woman who suffered anaphylactic shock after being given a IV drip of multi-vitamins containing polysorbate 80. http://infertility.suite101.com/article.cfm/polysorbate_80_causes_infertility

Do you see a pattern as to why AGRIFLU and numerous other vaccines have not been recommended for pregnant women?  Yet, the CDC has pregnant women in the front of the line to recieve seasonal and H1N1 vaccines!

 The 2009-2010 seasonal influenza vaccine is available for use in the United States and through six brand names and manufacturers:  http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm100139.htm

• Afluria, by CSL Limited
• Fluarix, by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals
• FluLaval, by ID Biomedical Corp of Quebec.
• Fluvirin, by Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Limited
• Fluzone, by Sanofi Pasteur Inc.
• FluMist, by MedImmune, LLC

 The vaccine for 2009-2010 seasonal influenza contains the following:

 • an A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)-like virus
• an A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2)-like virus
• a B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus

I take exception to the use of the term LIKE VIRUS.  LIKE WHAT THE F**k U TALKING ABOUT?  Which one of the “like viruses” would be nice to be identified to the citizens of the U.S. on behalf of it’s govenernment, don’t ya think?  Why would two year old viruses still be the most prevelent in these vaccines when since April we’ve all known H1N1 was going to do the most damage?

The FDA announced the formation of a Transparency Task Force to recommend ways to improve the openness and transparency of the agency’s information. This will help make useful and understandable information about FDA activities and decision making more readily available. http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm163900.htm.  Once again the transparency of a  H1N1 like virus that won’t protect you from the H1N1 virus becomes victim to the obscenity of authorizing yet another vaccine laden with toxins into the population.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on November 30th on cases of H1N1 symptoms show that the spread of the virus has definitely peaked, and seems to be on the decline.  The report is current through Week 46, November 15-21, 2009. via http://www.examiner.com/x-18331-Natural-Health-Examiner~y2009m11d30-H1N1-Swine-Flu-symptoms-peaked–on-decline-CDC-statistics-update-11302009.

What remains to peak my imagination are the increasing numbers of Hemmoragic Pneumonia, rising death rates, and why the imperfect timing of approving a seasonal flu vaccine, when there is no seasonal flu?

 Your thoughts?

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flag tounge Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself.  Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one.  Subscribe NOW  for our opinion in the top right margin for further updates.


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World AIDS Day is today December 1, 2oo9.   It is also the day that the World Health Organization, WHO approved Glaxo’s version of the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine that can give a false positive reading for HIV.

12/1/09 LONDON — Drug giant GlaxoSmithKline says one of its swine flu vaccines has been certified by the World Health Organization, making it available for donors to buy for developing countries.   In a statement issued Tuesday, GlaxoSmithKline PLC said WHO had approved its Canadian vaccine after examining its quality and safety data. The vaccine contains an adjuvant, a chemical compound to boost the immune system http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/economy/ap/who-approves-glaxos-swine-flu-shot-donor-agencies-now-free-to-buy-vaccine-for-poor-countries-78208832.html

Free HIV testing centres around Nairobi reported impressive turn-outs as Kenyans took time to check their status.  With numerous AIDS cases there, if they are also the recipients of Glaxo’s vaccine we may be seeing a huge increase in patients testing false positive.  And what of the rest of the world? 

Glaxo’s Pandemrix vaccine contains a who who’s list of toxic ingredients as highlights from The Summary of Product Characteristics or patient information sheet via  http://www.emea.europa.eu/humandocs/PDFs/EPAR/pandemrix/emea-combined-h832en.pdf says that Pandemrix contains:

AS03 adjuvant composed of squalene (10.69 milligrams), DL-polysorbate 80 (4.86 milligrams) tocopherol (11.86 milligrams), The vaccine contains 5 micrograms thiomersal.   6.1 List of excipients:  Polysorbate 80,  Octoxynol 10, Thiomersal, Sodium chloride (NaCl), Disodium hydrogen phosphate, Potassium dihydrogen phosphate,  Potassium chloride,  Magnesium chloride, Water for injections, Sodium chloride, Disodium hydrogen phosphate.

In clinical studies of efficacy they tested the vaccine in ferrets where all of the ferrets died and exhibited viral shedding. 

Following influenza vaccination, false-positive serology test results may be obtained by the method for antibody to human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1), hepatitis C virus and, especially  HTLV-1. In such cases, the Western blot method is negative. These transitory false-positive results may be due to IgM production in response to the vaccine.

Via WIKI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV_test#cite_note-pmid7539579-16 Rare false positive results due to factors unrelated to HIV exposure are found more often with the ELISA test than with the Western Blot. False positives may be associated with medical conditions such as recent acute illnesses and allergies. A rash of false positive tests in the fall of 1991 was initially blamed on the influenza vaccines used during that flu season, but further investigation traced the cross-reactivity to several relatively non-specific test kits.[17] A false positive result does not indicate a condition of significant risk to health. When the ELISA test is combined with Western Blot, the rate of false positives is extremely low, and diagnostic accuracy is very high (see below).

HIV antibody tests are highly sensitive, meaning they react preferentially with HIV antibodies, but not all positive or inconclusive HIV ELISA tests mean the person is infected by HIV. Risk history, and clinical judgement should be included in the assessment, and a confirmation test (Western blot) should be administered. An individual with an inconclusive test should be re-tested at a later date.

Reference 17- Am J Epidemiol. 1995 Jun 1;141(11):1089-96.

Multiple false reactions in viral antibody screening assays after influenza vaccination.

Simonsen L, Buffington J, Shapiro CN, Holman RC, Strine TW, Grossman BJ, Williams AE, Schonberger LB.  Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA.

In December 1991, US blood centers reported an unusual increase in donations that tested falsely reactive for antibodies to two or more (multiple false positive) of the following viruses: human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type I (HTLV-I), and hepatitis C virus. Many of these donations were from people who had recently received the 1991-1992 influenza vaccine, raising the possibility that this vaccine had somehow specifically caused the problem of multiple false reactivity. A case-control study of 101 affected donors and 191 matched controls found that recent receipt of any brand of influenza vaccine was significantly associated with testing multiple false positive (p < 0.05), as was a history of recent acute illness (p < 0.05) and of allergies (p < 0.05). Surveillance for monthly rates of multiple reactive donations from May 1990 through December 1992 linked the seasonal cluster of multiple false-positive donations to the use of viral screening test kits thought to react nonspecifically to donor immunoglobulin M. There was no similar increase in multiple false-positive donations during the 1992-1993 influenza vaccination season after the HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus tests were replaced; however, the number of donations that were falsely reactive for only HTLV-I almost doubled, indicating that false reactivity was not specifically associated with the 1991-1992 influenza vaccine. Retesting of affected donors found that the duration of HTLV-I and hepatitis C virus false reactivity was 3-6 months. The cluster of multiple false-positive donations in 1991 was most likely caused by the test kits used, rather than by the influenza vaccine.    PMID: 7539579 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7539579

Basically these brilliant scientists blamed the viral scrrening kits in 1991 for the false positive results.  Almost 20 years later, do you believe it the kits are still at fault?  

Wake up and never roll up your sleeve.  Happy World AIDS Day.

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BRUSSELS — The European Union’s executive commission says it has approved single doses of two swine flu vaccines that could speed up winter vaccinations.

The European Commission’s Monday authorization of single shots of Novartis AG’ Focetria and GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix replaces the use of two doses of the vaccine against the H1N1 virus for adults and older children. http://www.bostonherald.com/news/international/europe/view/20091130eu_approves_single_dose_swine_flu_vaccine/srvc=home&position=recent

If you’ve already gotten two vaccines, one would suppose it is just double your level of toxicity.

Highlights from  The Summary of Product Characteristics or patient information sheet from  http://www.emea.europa.eu/humandocs/PDFs/EPAR/pandemrix/emea-combined-h832en.pdf says that Pandemrix contains:

AS03 adjuvant composed of squalene (10.69 milligrams), DL-polysorbate 80 (4.86 milligrams) tocopherol (11.86 milligrams), The vaccine contains 5 micrograms thiomersal.   6.1 List of excipients:  Polysorbate 80,  Octoxynol 10, Thiomersal, Sodium chloride (NaCl), Disodium hydrogen phosphate, Potassium dihydrogen phosphate,  Potassium chloride,  Magnesium chloride, Water for injections, Sodium chloride, Disodium hydrogen phosphate.

In clinical studies of efficacy they tested the vaccine in ferrets where all of the ferrets died and exhibited viral shedding.  Additionally:

Following influenza vaccination, false-positive serology test results may be obtained by the ELISA method for antibody to human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1), hepatitis C virus and, especially  HTLV-1. In such cases, the Western blot method is negative. These transitory false-positive results may be due to IgM production in response to the vaccine.

Translated- the vaccine contains ingredients labeled as toxic, and you might test positive for AIDS and Hepatitis!   Further info on Pandemrix is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandemrix.  Pandemrix has not been approved in the U.S.A.  Pandemrix date of first authorization- MAY 20, 2008, well before the current H1N1 pandemic.  Eye chiwawa!

Read the entire post on the Pandemrix recall at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/11/25/h1n1-swine-flu-vaccine-pandemrix-recall/

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With a rush to produce millions of H1N1 vaccines by Pharmaceutical Companies, comes the news of the first recall of the vaccine.  Will it be the last?

Canadian doctors have been advised not to use a batch of 170,000 swine flu vaccines after six reports of serious allergic reactions among recipients, but there are no similar reports from other countries, pharmaceuticals company GlaxoSmithKline PLC said Tuesday. via http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/24/swine-flu-recall-h1n1-vac_n_368776.html

GlaxoSmithKline has asked that the October batch of H1N1 swine flu Pandemrix be taken out of circulation because it produced serious and immediate anaphylactic reactions in one out of 20,000 vaccinations, compared with one out of 100,000 in other shipments. Most of the vaccine Manitoba received from the suspect lot had already been used by the time the province received the alert. Of the 63,000 doses shipped, only 630 remained unused by the four regional health authorities in Manitoba that received them…Pandemrix contains parts of influenza (flu) viruses that have been inactivated (killed). Pandemrix contains a flu strain called A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) v-like strain (X-179A). Pandemrix contains small amounts of haemagglutinins (proteins from the surface) of a virus called A(H1N1)v that is causing the current pandemic. The virus has first been inactivated so that it does not cause any disease. http://www.dancewithshadows.com/pillscribe/glaxosmithkline-recalls-a-lot-of-h1n1-vaccine-pandemrix-from-canada-due-to-side-effects/

Highlights from  The Summary of Product Characteristics or patient information sheet from  http://www.emea.europa.eu/humandocs/PDFs/EPAR/pandemrix/emea-combined-h832en.pdf says that Pandemrix contains:

AS03 adjuvant composed of squalene (10.69 milligrams), DL-polysorbate 80 (4.86 milligrams) tocopherol (11.86 milligrams), The vaccine contains 5 micrograms thiomersal.   6.1 List of excipients:  Polysorbate 80,  Octoxynol 10, Thiomersal, Sodium chloride (NaCl), Disodium hydrogen phosphate, Potassium dihydrogen phosphate,  Potassium chloride,  Magnesium chloride, Water for injections, Sodium chloride, Disodium hydrogen phosphate.

In clinical studies of efficacy they tested the vaccine in ferrets where all of the ferrets died and exhibited viral shedding.  Additionally:

Following influenza vaccination, false-positive serology test results may be obtained by the ELISA method for antibody to human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1), hepatitis C virus and, especially  HTLV-1. In such cases, the Western blot method is negative. These transitory false-positive results may be due to IgM production in response to the vaccine.

Translated- the vaccine contains ingredients labeled as toxic, and you might test positive for AIDS and Hepatitis!   Further info on Pandemrix is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandemrix.  Pandemrix has not been approved in the U.S.A.  Pandemrix date of first authorization- MAY 20, 2008, well before the current H1N1 pandemic.  Eye chiwawa!

Back up to the flu episode of 1976.  

About 200 soldiers in basic training at Fort Dix in New Jersey fell ill and at least four soldiers had pneumonia, and one died and the virus was identified as an H1N1 swine flu virus, “thought to be a direct descendant of the virus that caused the pandemic of 1918,” . “This conclusion was based on antibodies to H1N1 antigens found in survivors of the 1918 pandemic and the belief that the 1918 virus was eventually transmitted to pigs in the Midwest, where it persisted and caused sporadic human cases.”

Not only did the pandemic fail to appear, but the vaccine apparently harmed some people. Health officials suspended the vaccination campaign on Dec 16, 1976, after receiving numerous reports of Guillian-Barre syndrome (GBS), a paralyzing neurologic illness, after vaccination, according to an August 1979 report in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Nationwide surveillance detected 1,098 patients with GBS onset from October 1976 through January 1977.   Epidemiologic evidence suggested that many cases were related to vaccination, with an estimated risk of 1 case for every 100,000 vaccinations. http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/panflu/news/apr2209swine.html

In a rush to judgement and fast tracking vaccine approval for not only GlaxoSmithKline PLC, are we seeing a vision of things to come for people who take the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccines?

Japanese health ministry officials will fly to Canada by early December, to study the Canadian authorities decision to hold off on using a batch of its swine flu vaccine Pandemrix, reports said quoting a Japanese newspaper said.  Japanese health ministry’s decision comes in the wake of its plan to import GlaxoSmithKline’s flu vaccine Pandemrix to cover 37 million people in the year ending March.  However, there’s no change to Japan’s plan to import Glaxo’s flu vaccine Pandemrix. http://www.dancewithshadows.com/pillscribe/japanese-health-officials-to-fly-canada-no-change-in-plan-to-import-h1n1-swine-flu-vaccine-pandemrix/ 

Will they reconsider?  Will you reconsider getting any flu shot even as governments around the world are encouraging you to do so?

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Rather than stand in line for the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine, you can now make your own vaccine at home to share with your entire family. 

What you will need-

An infected persons saliva for the live H1N1 Virus.  Spit or a sneeze.

Chicken Embryos – eggs




Mercury from a broken thermometer

Centrifuge device like blender

Needles for injection

Illustrated by this comedic video, the truth is that many vaccines, including the new H1N1 Swine Flu Shots can contain some of these ingredients. It is easier to read the label on a box of Cheerios or a can of pop prior to consumption than to get an ingredient list from your physicians office before getting any vaccine. 

A listing of H1N1 Swine Vaccine Package Insert & US Licensed Vaccines can be found here https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/07/h1n1-swine-vaccine-package-insert-us-licensed-vaccines/ .  Most are pdf files and list toxic ingredients just like the video illustrates including:  live viruses, formaldehyde, mercury, phenol, Tween 80, spermicides, human diploid cells (aborted human fetus), dog cells, etc. Vaccine Truth highlights the very questionable ingredients that have even been proven to cause cancer and death at http://vactruth.com/2009/10/02/fda-approved-h1n1-vaccines-contain-ingredients-known-to-cause-cancer-and-death/.

For years people have turned to homeopathic treatments for swine flu and colds that claim to  produce incredible results.

Homeopathy was successful in treating the flu epidemic of 1918 and can provide answers to questions about the 2009 Swine Flu. Homeopathy can provide quick and inexpensive relief for symptoms of the flu. A system of medicine based on the principles of “like cures like,” homeopathy uses plant, mineral and animal sources for the natural flu remedies. Homeopathy is based on ideas from ideas dating back to Egyptian medicine. The term “homeopathy” was coined by the medical doctor and medical reformer, Samuel Hahnemann in the 1800s. Homeopathic remedies have been used to treat flu symptoms for two centuries. http://www.naturalnews.com/026148_homeopathy_epidemic_flu_epidemic.html

Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev reccomends an herb called Giloy or Tinospora cordifolia in preventing swine flu. http://www.herbalcureindia.com/swami-ramdev/divya-giloy-sat.htm

There is Jewish Penicillin http://www.jewishpenicillin.com/, “Healing the World,  One Bowl at a Time.  A simple recipe can be found here http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1839,152169-227206,00.html.

For the modest fee of $20 you can from  http://natural-cold-flu-relief.com/index.php Chet Day’s Natural 54-page PDF special report, How to Beat Colds and Flu with 37 Natural Remedies, a free one-year subscription to his e-mail newsletter, and Josh Day’s comprehensive 35-page The Pandemic Preparation Cookbook.  Homeopath Melanie Grimes has her own natural recommendations at http://melanie-grimes.blogspot.com/2009/04/buy-natural-flu-remedy-ebook-here.html

A basic listing of the most popular homeopathic remedies for flu symptoms from A to almost Z- Aconitum napellus to Veratrum Album are listed at http://hubpages.com/hub/Stay-Safe-From-The-H1N1-Mexican-Swine-Flu-Homeopathic-Remedies

Fantastic Tea recommend Ginger as a key ingredient at http://www.fantastictea.com/ginseng-products.html?limit=30&order=price&dir=desc

Dr. Michael Holick is the world’s foremost authority on vitamin D and the healing power of natural sunlight.  You can download his book free with an e-mail registration from http://www.naturalnews.com/rr-sunlight.html

There is a complete Homeopathic Flu Kit For relief from Flu symptoms containing  6 tubes of Oscillococcinum, and 5 each of Thymuline, Influenzinum at http://abchomeopathy.com/r.php/Kit-v0.

Available more easily at your local Wal-Mart or K-Mart, Oscillococcinum “has been shown in clinical trials to help reduce the severity and shorten the duration of flu symptoms.” http://oscillo.com/about-oscillo/default.html?gclid=CKPxooXWgJ4CFQk75QodxBcWoQ  This is manufactured by Boiron. http://www.boironusa.com/ .  

www.google.com, and www.yahoo.com lists hundreds of sites offering an alternative to the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine.  As always, buyer beware.  Although this video is funny, what is not funny is people are getting sick some are dying from the H1N1 Pandemic. The virus is mutating with people reporting getting it not once but twice, which is impossible unless there is a variation in the sequence.  It is being spread to domestic animals, as the first case in a cat was reported https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/11/08/swine-flu-cat-zootonic-disease/.

From WaPo http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/26/AR2009102602428.html 140 drugs, devices and pieces of equipment marketed over the Internet have landed on a list of fraudulent swine-flu-fighting products compiled by the Food and Drug Administration. The updated list is here http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/h1n1flu/.

H1N1 isn’t going away anytime soon, no matter how many times you wash the virus off of surfaces. While the U.S. Government agencies continue to recommend the H1N1 vaccine,  it is not mandatory.  We of course do not recommend you make your own vaccine either.  We do not provide medical advice.  See your health care practitioner when appropriate.


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Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines will do little to reduce cervical cancer rates, according to the drugs lead researcher in the development of two human papilloma virus vaccines, says Dr. Diane Harper. The outspoken researcher also weighed in last month on a report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that raised questions about the safety of the vaccine, saying bluntly: “The rate of serious adverse events is greater than the incidence rate of cervical cancer.”  http://thebulletin.us/articles/2009/10/25/top_stories/doc4ae4b76d07e16766677720.txt

 The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of the Gardasil vaccine in boys and men ages 9 to 26, and a new HPV vaccine, Cervarix, for girls and women ages 10 to 25. http://health.usnews.com/blogs/on-women/2009/10/19/hpv-vaccine-women-now-have-a-choice-between-cervarix-and-gardasil.html 

Gardasil is manufactured by Merck. The patient insert can be found at  http://www.merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/g/gardasil/gardasil_ppi.pdf.  The home page for Gardasil http://www.gardasil.com/gardasil-product-information/index.html says:  GARDASIL may not fully protect everyone…What are the ingredients in GARDASIL? The ingredients are proteins of HPV Types 6, 11, 16, and 18, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, yeast protein, sodium chloride, L-histidine, polysorbate 80, sodium borate, and water for injection.


image from chinesemol.com

Polysorbate 80  is commercially also known as Tween 80, a registered trademark of ICI Americas, Inc.  On January 2, 2008, AkzoNobel completed the acquisition of Imperial Chemical Industries PLC (ICI) http://www.akzonobel.com/ From the Material Data Safety Sheet on Tween 80 http://www.coleparmer.com/catalog/Msds/40200.htm, ” Adverse reproductive effects have been reported in animals.”

The  U.S. Approved, Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine, also contains Polysorbate 80 as does Celvapan, the second influenza vaccine made in a mammalian cell line that has been approved in the UK.. 

According to Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7), “it is of current relevance as a ‘hidden’ inductor of anaphylactoid reactions”, and “Polysorbate 80 was identified as the causative agent for the anaphylactoid reaction of nonimmunologic origin in the patient. Conclusions: Polysorbate 80 is a ubiquitously used solubilizing agent that can cause severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions.”

Put in plain English, polysorbate 80 can affect your immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock which can kill.  The study included a pregnant woman who suffered anaphylactic shock after being given a IV drip of multi-vitamins containing polysorbate 80. http://infertility.suite101.com/article.cfm/polysorbate_80_causes_infertility

Natural News noted in January 2009, http://www.naturalnews.com/025411.html  that the HPV Vaccine Shot Causes 500 Percent Increase in Allergic Reactions Compared to Other Vaccines.  A 1993 study on rats at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8473002 also found significant fertility issues.

CDC recommendations on the flu shots?  Why of course, women and children first. 

Could this vaccine and all the others that contain Polysorbate 80, be a subversive method for population control?  Does the inequitable distribution of wealth begin with unwitting sterilizations from these approved vaccines?   We asked back in January, well before the H1N1 Pandemic ever came to light if  the government is currently conducting subversive population control on women and vagina’s, and its leader may be Nancy Pelosi.  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/01/26/pelosis-population-control/ 

“The worst thing you or I can so for the planet is to have children” writes the Guardian’s Alex Renton, who advocated in a Sunday column an ambiguous system of system of carrots and sticks to get the developed world to stop reproducing. http://papundits.wordpress.com/2009/10/27/guardian-columnist-wants-to-cull-the-developed-world-to-stop-global-warming/

Maybe a clean bill of health may not in the best interest for all, after all.

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