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President Obama is scheduled to return to the United Sinking States of America sometime today after yet another standing room only rock star tour.   In six days, he traveled to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Germany and France.  He delivered the kind eloquent speeches that GW could nary do, not fumbling a word; but filled with contextual imperfections that leave many nations reading between the lines as to his intentions.  In reviewing Obama’s quotes from the tour, Firedog Lake asks, “Is it me, or is awaiting Obama’s follow-through a bit like standing in front of a slot machine wondering if a payoff will actually come.” http://oxdown.firedoglake.com/diary/5644 

This tour paid off with some family time in Paris where Obama lit a candle and listened to a children’s choir in the 12th century Notre Dame cathedral.  Awww, how nice!  Not only does he have honorary degree from Notre Dame University, but what a privilege to be in a church where no one at the pulpit says, ” God Damn America.”  Surely, he would rather have been at the Springsteen show for the Working On A Dream tour that was playing in Stockholm.  http://www.backstreets.com/news.html 

Obama will be begin his next tour with his political group Organizing for America with his return to the United Sinking States of America today.  This  public relations tour looks to again remove the rights of individual states and citizens, and increase reliance on the federal government.

In conquering the banking and auto industry, the health care industry is next on the socialistic agenda. In the weekly blog at http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/WEEKLY-ADDRESS-President-Obama-Outlines-Goals-for-Health-Care-Reform/  Obama said, “We must attack the root causes of skyrocketing health care costs.  Some of these costs are the result of unwarranted profiteering that has no place in our health care system.”  When did profit become so wrong in capitalism? 

“After months of insisting he would leave the details to Congress, President Obama has concluded that he must exert greater control over the health care debate and is preparing an intense push for legislation that will include speeches, town-hall-style meetings and much deeper engagement with lawmakers, senior White House officials say.” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/07/us/politics/07policy.html?_r=1&hp  “Obviously,” Mr. Emanuel said, “the president’s adoption of something makes it easier to vote for, because he’s — let’s be honest — popular, and the public trusts him.” 

Popularity may have won him the election, but the battle on the hill is full of distrust and maneuvering.  A new Harris Poll reveals that no one in Obama’s Cabinet and administration is helping his strong popularity ratings at all.  http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2009/06/harris-poll-obama-team-pelosi.html Most disheartening, the poll reveals, ” The new online poll of 2,681 American adults taken last month shows that after eight years of the well-known Evil Crowd, many on Obama’s team are not only not well-known, they’re little-known. Almost unknown.”  Is there any wonder why Americans wake up each day and “ask yourself-well…how did I get here? ” http://www.lyricsfreak.com/t/talking+heads/once+in+a+lifetime_20135070.html from The Talking Heads.

Tickets for the trust Obama tour aren’t cheap.  From The Daily Pfennig, a daily email newsletter from Everbank https://www.everbank.com/  so far have cost , “Your family’s share of the government debt is now over half a million dollars. A record $546,668, to be exact. That cheery Monday stat comes courtesy of a USA Today study, which claims that each American family’s share rose 12% in 2008. That’s $55,000 in new government debt last year for every US household – thousands more than the median household annual income. ”  Add in the bailouts of 2009 and if health care is expensive now, just wait until we see the ticket price when the government takes over. 

The ticket cost for freedom is priceless.  The ticket price for the Obama Administration plan to change the world and America’s health care; to be determined later, in full transparency of course. 

Patients United Now – http://patientsunitednow.com/?q=node/233 (which is anti-nationalized healthcare group) has posted what it claims is a copy of the forthcoming Obama healthcare bill. It’s 167 pages long also posted at  http://www.businessinsider.com/help-analyze-obamas-health-care-bill-2009-6

“Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…”

The Obama’s looking rather fit in photo props from http://www.freakingnews.com/Whitehouse-Extra-Mural-Pictures-66096.asp

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