
Posts Tagged ‘Lunar’

The Eagle may have landed but is the truth out there?  The original footage of man landing on the moon was filmed by a video camera on the lunar module.  Technology being what it was 40 years ago used a non-standard format which US television channels could not use. It was beamed back to earth, and then converted into a TV-friendly system.  As a child, I saw it all live with our rabbit ear antenna TV.

Once again, my antenna are twisting to get a frequency of truth, as NASA has admitted that it probably deleted the original footage in the 1970s and 80s, when it had a film shortage and needed to reuse them.

At a news conference, NASA  revealed some newly-restored footage of the moon landing, including Neil Armstrong’s first step onto the lunar surface.  The four selected scenes showed Neil Armstrong and then Buzz Aldrin stepping on to the lunar surface, putting up a commemorative plaque and the raising of the American flag. Engineer Richard Nafzger spent three years searching for copies worldwide. He found footage in Australia and at the CBS television studios in Houston, as well as reels of tape in NASA’s own huge archive vaults, which had not been viewed for 36 years.  Lowry Digital is restoring two-and-a-half hours of the footage and NASA expects to release the full version in September.

If you read through the now declassified and very abbreviated transcription of the Apollo conversations which can be found at http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/history/mission_trans/AS11_CM.PDF one of the first conversations is over the cameras. “00 00 30 39 CMP Alright, Buzz, here’s one Hasselblad for you.” 

Later in the day they discuss setting up for a live video feed to earth- “00 01 16 58 CMP And you have 6 frames per second, and it’s color; you got 15 minutes worth – 6 frames a second, f:8,infinity, 1/250th.” Inevitably they miss taping that sunrise and the Hasselblad ends up floating around and they somehow can’t find it in the little module.  In the end they figure things out at, “O0 01 28 28 CMP See that, Buzz? You’re a TV expert.”

NASA knew damned well the importance of documenting the Apollo missions, but the the conversations between the astronauts sounds more like the three stooges trying to figure out light readings, how to turn things on and which camera to use.  They had color and black and white film to preserve what they saw including what was noted on Page 72, day 4, when they get a good look at the moon’s surface  “03 04 06 44 CMP Yes, that’s what I was talking about just a minute ago. It’s kind of hard to believe that that’s volcanic and formed by some faulting, isn’t it? I don’t believe that – but it’s such a perfect straight line.

 I’m going to put the R in the reserve camera.OB 09 55 46 CDR Okay.0B 09 55 47 LMP And the S in the surface camera. On Day 4, page 106. don’t think there’s any place except in the – in here, that it says anything about 16-millimeter footage – 03 l0 04 33 CDR In the card, right? 03 l0 04 35 LMP No, I’m thinking about for the descent. Here we are; 16 millimeter, HC-EX, f:4, 500, infinity,6 frames per second. Okay. 03 l0 05 14 CDR You got the flight plan handy,…s

NASA went so far as to prepare a card of what camera was to be used for each duty!   For the landing, ” unstow and configure for use 16 millimeter, HC-EX, f:4,500, infinity, 6 frames per second., 

It is all recorded on film and NASA tapes over it? Perhaps the real reason the tapes went missing was not to allow anyone to ever see what is described here, ” 

05 05 31 03 CDR Yes.05 05 31 08 LMP … structure somehow  05 05 31 31 LMP 3.5, Nell.

05 05 32 44 LMP Woo-woos is on VHF B –

05 05 32 48 CDR … B?

05 05 32 50 IMP Not on A.

05 05 32 58 CDR (Laughter) That’s your story, huh?

 05 ll 45 56 LMP Well, I hope – I hope they have the data that shows Just what we did have at contact when they can get photographs … all the film we got….

The world data center A for rockets and satellites contains space science data archives since Jan , 1969- before the lunar walk.  http://history.nasa.gov/alsj/a14/A14PhotoIndexPt1.pdf How did this footage got erased? What about the superintendent of documents and Technology Application Center of the era?  They lost the originals as well? 

Yep, the government says so- it must be true.  Ironically enough they manged to hold on to video of the food they ate http://www.eatmedaily.com/2009/07/food-of-the-apollo-11-lunar-landing/ .  Heck just you tube to see the landing and questionable images ,,,,,

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Apollo 11, with Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin was the first Apollo flight to land on the Moon on July 20, 1969- departing from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Collins stayed in orbit around the Moon in the command module, Armstrong and Aldrin descended in the lunar module, landing in the Sea of Tranquility at 4:17 P.M.

In 1969 it was all over the TV, newspapers and radio.  On the 40th Anniversary, there is real time coverage at the interactive site http://wechoosethemoon.org/ and newly released footage athttp://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html

In forty years, a lot has been learned about the moon and space in general but certainly not enough.  The conspiracies and skeptics that surround man’s travel to the moon range from a far fetched hoax to plausible.  Was the landing on the moon nothing but a pile of lies adding up to the most massive secret in history?  Not returning to the moon in 40 years certainly offers encouragement that just maybe NASA has not revealed all that is known. 

Remember the 1978 movie “Capricorn One?” It’s a story of a faked NASA mission to Mars.  In 2001, Fox TV aired a special called “Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? NASA at the time felt it necessary to respond on the internet http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast23Feb_2.htm saying “The best rebuttal to allegations of a “Moon Hoax,” however, is common sense. Evidence that the Apollo program really happened is compelling.” 

The books and movie  “Contact” by author Carl Sagan, employed Occam’s Razor “Of several acceptable explanations for a phenomenon, the simplest is preferable, provided that it takes all circumstances into account.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam’s_razor The number of books claiming alien abduction and visitation are too numerous to label all of them as conspiracy nutballs.

Bart Sibrel made  http://www.moonmovie.com/  tying together a pile of  mystery and turning “the ‘All American’ boy image of Neil Armstrong, and into the harsh reality that the Apollo missions were designed as a cover for something far removed from a peaceful race to the moon.”We invite you to take a look at the evidence yourself and see that while the Apollo Program accomplished many things, it did not send men to the moon and back on Apollo. “

To what did their wandering eyes yet see?  People have reviewed the data and details of all the Apollo missions- six in all, looking for anomalies. This excerpt of a conversation- comes from  http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/luna/esp_luna_4a.htm#Introduction

Here is reproduced completely the dialog between the American astronauts and Control Center:

Armstrong & Aldrin: Those are giant things. No, no, no – this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!

Houston (Christopher Craft): What … what … what? What the hell is happening? What’s wrong with you?

Armstrong & Aldrin: They’re here under the surface.

Houston: What’s there? (muffled noise) Emission interrupted; interference control calling ‘Apollo 11’.

Armstrong & Aldrin: We saw some visitors. They were here for a while, observing the instruments.

Houston: Repeat your last information!

Armstrong & Aldrin: I say that there were other spaceships. They’re lined up in the other side of the crater!

Houston: Repeat, repeat!

Armstrong & Aldrin: Let us sound this orbita … in 625 to 5 … Automatic relay connected … My hands are shaking so badly I can’t do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything – what then?

Houston: Have you picked up anything?

Armstrong & Aldrin: I didn’t have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film

Houston: Control, control here. Are you on your way? What is the uproar with the UFOs over?

Armstrong & Aldrin: They’ve landed here. There they are and they’re watching us.

Houston: The mirrors, the mirrors – have you set them up?

Armstrong & Aldrin: Yes, they’re in the right place. But whoever made those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out.


Once listed as confidential, the  transcription of the Apollo conversations can be found at http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/history/mission_trans/AS11_CM.PDF.

00 02 45 50 CMP Don’t look out window 1. If you’re – if it looks

like what I see out window 5, you don’t want to

look at it (laughter).

O0 02 45 55 CDR I don’t see anything.

00 02 45 56 _ Why?

00 02 45 57 CMP These flashes out here – –

00 02 45 58 CDR Oh, I see a little flashing out there, yes.

00 02 46 03 CMP You see that? Buzz is usually looking – Just

watch window 5 for a second. See it?

00 02 46 10 LMP Yes

flying out there.

00 02 46 14 CMP Yes, that’s – Oopsedo.

O0 02 46 16 CDR Man, that really – –

00 02 46 18 CMP That’s PU shift?

00 02 46 19 CDR I don’t know, but it sure put a little blip in

there at 2 minutes; I think it increased in thrust….

What other thing in space at the time increased in thrusts????  Other oddities in conversations can be found http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/cosmicphotos.html.

NASA has it’s sight on Mars these days, and international cooperation with other countries for the Space Station.  The trillion dollar deficit and fragile world economy will put priorities of humans on terraferma, not outer space at least for the time being. According to NY Times, “NASA has named its next-generation space transportation system the Constellation program. The first two pieces of Constellation — the Ares I rocket with an Orion crew capsule — are to take astronauts to the International Space Station beginning in 2015.  Obama may be out of office by then and the economy in full recovery to have the funding necessary to revisit the Moon, Mars and beyond.  Yeah, and I’ve got some moon rocks in my yard to help raise funds if anyone is interested.

Geologist Harrison Schmitt  landed on the moon in 1972 aboard the Apollo 17, the last manned mission to ever touch down on the lunar surface.  If only they had discovered oil on the moon, we would have been back there faster than a flea on a camel’s ass.  But Schmitt notes that the moon’s soil is rich in helium-3, rarely found on Earth. and sought for nuclear fusion and energy power .http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gQpxZjGBU8DUGhQSn9Xo9h0aUsKQ  Who knew Helium might someday be more valuable than oil?

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell said “We’re not alone in the universe at all . . . The UFO phenomenon is real, although it’s been covered up by our governments for some time.”

Whatever the truth and whatever lies up, up and away- Apollo 11 instilled patriotism and a spirit of pioneering and new technology. 

Where would we be without Tang and Teflon?

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As I’ve posted before, have we totally lost our minds regarding bailouts, stimulus packages and the conversion of the dollar to the Amero or something else?  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2008/10/02/bailout-in-usd-or-amero/#comments

Almost ONE TRILLION DOLLARS for a stimulus?  How much wood can a wood chuck chuck to turn it in to paper money?

There is no money shortage, we just print more.  Kind of like the Blondie who didn’t notice the gas cost increase.  She just kept adding $10 every time the tank was on empty.  Seeing as our Treasury has lost around $73 billion and the Senate is about to authorizing spending $800 billion,  before all hell breaks loose we better wakie uppie to the chance that the US dollar just like capitalism, might be a thing of the past.   

For an interesting peek at currency check out http://www.wisebread.com/local-currencies

There is lots of gossip about the new North-American currency “Amero” which would, as people say, come to replace Canadian and American dollars together with Mexican peso and would become one and only currency in North America. Some photos of actual Amero bills and coins appeared on different near world-conspiracy blogs and you tube channels like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H65f3q_Lm9U&eurl which features Lou Dobbs. 

Don’ t kid yourself in to believing that there is no partnership already underway between Mexico, the U.S. and Canada.  As much as I love a conspiracy theory, the The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) exists and you can see it here  www.spp.gov . President Bush, Prime Minister Harper and President Fox got together to enhance security and prosperity for all!  Hurray for all for one and one for all.  The SPP is a trilateral partnership provides the framework to ensure that North America is the safest and best place to live and do business! 

Translation- Obama’s “buy American” bailout provision could not be included in the stimulus if the Amero or any other dollarization was to have any chance of working.  You know – keep the borders closed to terrorism yet open to trade, money, immigrants, drugs, oil, etc.

Well, in Russia they stepped bit further and think that the currency would be called not Amero but Lunaro, or Lunar if to be exact, and probably it would replace not only Northern American currencies but all currencies on Earth and even, probably, on Moon. That’s what they call the real New World Order.   For more versions of the lunar currency check out –  http://englishrussia.com/?p=2210

For another alternative; The Liberty Dollar is private, inflation proof currency that is devoid of debt. It’s a currency of the people, for the people, and by the people.  http://www.libertydollar.org/

And for all the Obamabot supporters, check here for a not yet released Obama $100 bill.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/dimples2/3005160116/  Maybe rather than call the Amero, it will be called the Omero since the faith of the electorate is what got Obama elected. 

http://www.wisebread.com/local-currencies has some more listings of currency and barter.  And Ted has an overview of dollarization, all be it almost 10 years old but it remains poignant still.  http://www.american.edu/TED/dollar.htm

The pattern is clear: governments that respond to a crisis created by free-market ideology with an acceleration of that same discredited agenda will not survive to tell the tale says Naomi Klein at http://www.alternet.org/workplace/125566/naomi_klein%3A_public_revolt_builds_against_rip-off_rescue_plans_for_the_economy/?page=entire

Let’s hope the dollar and the economy survives.  While we wait to see what’s ahead, Ahrcanum spends and earns U.S. Treasury backed dollars. 

Incidentally, the Senate does not  appear to know if it signed a$780 billion or $826 billion stimulus package.   http://jerseynut.blogspot.com/2009/02/so-exactly-how-big-is-stimulus-bill.html  OMG and WTF? Another $40 billion or so that just seems to vanish into thin air.

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