
Posts Tagged ‘Federal Reponse’

The Department of The Navy under the Department of Defense command, Pandemic Influenza Policy is now available for your perusal.  While we can not confirm it’s authenticity, there is a signature from Sam J. Locklear III, Vice Admiral.  Sourced at http://thepowerhour.org/news4/opnav-3500-41.pdf  Stamped and dated September 18, 2009.

The Navy Website tracking the flu for Navy personnel is located at http://www.nmcphc.med.navy.mil/downloads/prevmed/NDRSiReportingUpdate_14Sept09.pdf.  The Navy is battle ready, with only a few reported cases of the flu.

All in all, the H1N1 Swine Influenza appears to be mild.  We pray it is a fear pandemic, rather than a deadly one requiring military intervention that is excerpted here from the Navy report:


(5) United States Government (USG) stages are trigger

points that reflect geography driven triggers tied to when

potential Federal responses will take effect. 


 (3) Key security concerns that would arise from the

political, social, and economic instabilities as discussed above

include opportunistic aggression, opportunities for violent

extremists to acquire weapons of mass destruction, reduced

partner capacity during and after an influenza pandemic,

instability resulting from a humanitarian disaster. and

decreased production and distribution of essential commodities.

The prevalence of an influenza pandemic coupled with political,

social, and economic instability may result in reduced security

capabilities, providing an opportunity for international

military conflict, increased terrorist activity, internal

unrest, political and/or economic collapse, humanitarian crises,

and dramatic social change.


 (10)  A layered mix of voluntary and mandatory  

 individual. unit, and installation-based public health measures,

such as limiting public gatherings, closing schools, social

distancing, personal hygiene measures, and masking can limit

transmission and reduce illness and death if implemented before

or at the onset of the event. Quarantine, isolation, and other

movement restrictions are essential for a successful containment


 “Add to the list the deployment of combat-hardened troops in the U.S. and numerous “exercises” for “emergency preparedness” and we have the finishing touches on a police state ready to be unleashed provided the appropriate staged terror attack or — more likely — during the coming unrest in response to the unraveling economy.   Homeland security is officially defined by the National Strategy for Homeland Security as “a concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur.” It has superseded that mission.- From, Pittsburgh- Beta Test for A Police Statehttp://www.infowars.com/pittsburgh-beta-test-for-a-police-state/

Suggested posts :


https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/28/h1n1-swine-flu-quarantine-usa/ laws permitting

https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/27/h1n1-swine-quarantine-navy-ship-crew/  A HOAX?

https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/01/h1n1-anthrax-vaccine-mandates/ for military

https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/04/swine-flu-quarantine-detention-order/ Florida, Iowa



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Open wide, say ahhh and check out these posts on the A/H1N1 Swine Flu from Ahrcanum, where the conspiracy spreads as fast as the virus itself.

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