
Posts Tagged ‘map tea party’


We’ve come along way from the squeaky clean image of Doris Day’s portrayal of Nanette Carter set in the Roaring 1920’s movie, Tea for Two.

The Tea Party protests of today far more mimic the sex comedy movie, Pillow Talk back in 1959.   It was one of the first movies that portrayed the loosening of morals in middle America.  Doris Day might blush over headlines like, Lindsey Lohan distraught over lesbian break up, but we can dispute morals another day.  The Tea Party protests are about disastrous politics, capitalism vs socialism, and taxes- pure and simple. 

Eric Odom, Chairman of the nationwide Tea Party rally movement apparently asked RNC Chairman Michael Steele not to be a Speaker at a Chicago rally because it might identify the Tea Parties as “Republican.”  HT- http://libertarianrepublican.blogspot.com/2009/04/msnbc-mid-identifies-libertarian.html

Give me a break.  Outside of Washington, Chicago politics is the capital of deceit and manipulation of power. If someone like Steele has something to say, put him on the agenda.  What, you going to have Blago? Ayers?  It was after all, Rick Santelli’s Chicago Board rant on TV that started the symbolic tea party ideas.  He growled loud “enough is enough’ and ‘no more’ uncontrolled big brother government.  “We’re thinking of having a Chicago tea party in July, all you capitalists that want to show up to Lake Michigan, I’m gonna start organizing.”  

The idea that the Tea Parties should remain non-partisan and rely on grass roots efforts is a bunch of hooey.    Grassroots movements may happen on the local level with volunteers in a community giving time and money to support the local party, but it leads to helping the national party in the long run.   There are Republican, Democrat and Liberal party members who are pissed.  All Americans who pays attention to politics and pay taxes should be pissed.  With the April deadline for federal tax returns looming, the only people who likely don’t give a rats ass about a Tea Party are the growing number of Americans who pay zero federal income tax, don’t file at all or don’t give a shit about where the future of America is heading. 

When I think of grass roots, I think of ACORN and I am twice as pissed to think that it was this grass roots group that played a significant contribution to the mortgage crisis- in the first place- by finding loans for people who could never pay them back.   Local community efforts can barely succeed at registering people to vote,  let alone organizing large Tea events with relevant speakers. 

Whether a Tea Party is held today, tomorrow or months from now its my guess that the Democrats will be calling foul, Republicans will try to take the credit and the Libs will still be pleading for neutrality.  The Tea Parties may have the intention of being non partisan, but it is negligent for the Republican, Dems, and Libs to not take advantage of the platform to peacefully review what is happening to our nation.  

Bob Basso portraying Thomas Paine summed it up by asking Americans to stand up against Congress and reclaim their republic now, or maybe lose it forever.  “Have you become a nation of cowards,” warning people that if they do nothing else, “buy a gun because your going to need it.”  

“Wake up, America.  While you were playing with the toys of your consumer wealth, you lost much more than your bloated economy of living beyond your means. You lost your representative democracy. Your servants have become your masters.  Taxation without representation is tyranny,” he said.

Bob Basso and more of my rant can be seen here https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/03/29/bob-basso-summoned-to-white-house-by-obama/

If you are still not sure where your local Tea Party is at, visit the map at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/02/tea-party-map-for-tax-day/

By the way, out on DVD this week is the Doris Day Collection. HT -http://www.topix.net/who/doris-day/2009/04/doris-day-collection-on-dvd.

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Tea anyone? 

FreedomWorks created a nationwide Tea Party map with event details for each city.

visit TaxDayTeaParty for more info.

If you have an update for a Party you can add it in the comment section.  Link to http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=112875499027114938790.0004647d9f61bab744fd4&ll=38.272689,-96.679687&spn=27.495109,57.128906&z=4&source=embed.

Tally ho.

Have you heard the “National Rallying Cry” song of the movement against President Obama’s government over reaching stimulus package?  Written & performed by Lloyd Marcus.
http://www.LloydMarcus.net and for viewing at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2H8xHFXC8U&feature=related 

Freedom ain’t free.

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