
Posts Tagged ‘FBI Investigates ACORN’

Over the years, ACORN http://www.acorn.org/groups have registered more than 4 million voters. One would think it should be good news to have so many new voters in the Presidential Election.  Mickey Mouse will be voting for Obama- I think.

By now we know that when authorities in various states checked ACORN registrations, they found many fraudulent registrants with problems like no known address, the person was deceased, or had multiple registrations.   The usually reliable, Associated Press reported that the FBI is investigating whether the community activist group ACORN is engaging in a nationwide election fraud conspiracy. Specifically, they are reportedly examining evidence that there was a coordinated state-by-state effort to engage in voter registration fraud.  That seems fair- investigate ACORN, what could be wrong with that?  http://opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110009189 The Wall Street journal wrote about ACORN indictments back in 2006 so why would The ACLU and Obama seems to have a problem with investigating voter fraud again especially ACORN, with it’s multi decade history of fraud?  http://www.consumersrightsleague.org/uploadedfiles/Latest%20Million%20Dollar%20ACORN%20Scandal.pdf 

http://www.aclu.org/votingrights/gen/37226prs20081017.html  The ACLU believes that the DOJ should protect voting rights and not suppress them. In a recent press release it said, Oct 17, 2008-“WASHINGTON – In response to news reports that the FBI has initiated an investigation into whether the community group ACORN has committed voter fraud in its voter registration drive, the American Civil Liberties Union urges the government to stop engaging in partisan probes that could cast a chilling effect on voter participation. The Department of Justice should focus instead on the true threat to the elections this November – the widespread possibility that millions of voters could be disfranchised through voter suppression schemes such as unlawful purging and racially motivated voter intimidation.”  According this this, the FBI a government agency is partisan?  I think it might just be the ACLU that is partisan in getting Obama elected. 


http://stopacorn.org/ is a pretty good starting place to learn about some of ACORN’s antics, although some of the blogger llinks can appear a little nutty and extreme- even more so than here at Ahrcanum.

Maybe for just a minute it appears that disputing ACORN is all about Republican’s crying the tears blue seeing how candidate, John McCain is trailing in so many voter polls.  You bet McCain is pissed.  McCain is loosing in the polls (for now)  but what ACORN is actually about, is what appears to look like is voter fraud on a massive scale.  Obama for America has filed a letter from their general council- Robert Bauer, esq., to the Attorney General’s Office stating that “the law enforcement process is a political agenda.” http://www.politico.com/static/PPM106_obama_doj_letter.html  bringing up Bush’s removal of nine US Attorney’s in 2006 in a politically charged investigation.  Clinton fired attorneys.  Bush fired attorney’s.  Get over it. 

Hillary Clinton might be having something to say about ACORN too, as Obama pretty much stold the nomination from what rightfully should have been hers- had all the delegates been accounted for in Michigan and Florida. 

Should Obama win by a huge margin, a few 3 or 4 million votes won’t matter and he will become President of The Land.  Even after calling a winner on November 4th, or November 5th, or November 6th, or whenever- ACORN must be held accountable and so should Obama who accepted donations from them and certainly profited greatly. 

Human Events, believes that :  “Congress must be called back into session immediately and emergency legislation must be passed that simply states that voters must produce a valid state or federal ID at the polls or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified..”  http://www.humanevents.com/index.php?loadhome=true   Longtime civil rights activist Al Sharpton, who has called for investigations into voter registration fraud as well as voter intimidation and disenfranchisement warning that fraud “must be stopped before votes are counted or cast.”   http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=29132 

Imagine if we had a national id program?  What of Obama’s strong support of giving illegal aliens in America driver’s licenses? What if no one investigates?

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