
Posts Tagged ‘Conflict and Resolution Document’

Obama has about two months to get up to speed for his “on the job training” to comprehend the full range of capabilities deployed by the United States. Barring any unforeseen challenges to his citizenship from Berg vs Obama or Martin vs the State of Hawaii, he will take office on January 20 and faces enormous security challenges here and abroad.  Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell gave the President-elect the first national security briefings, which details not only threat perceptions but responses, including special operations that are currently under way in different parts of the world- conflicts and resolutions.

America has one US President at a time and Obama might need to bite his tongue when it comes to Iran, or his policies as expressed, may develop into unmitigated disaster.  The ideology of characters like Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Frank Davis, and yesterday’s selection of Rahm Emanuel to Chief of Staff, combined make the hairs on my back stand up.  Illinois Democrat Emanuel served under Clinton and as Paul Joseph Watson notes this morning on his pick, “it is disturbing in light of the fact he is a staunch supporter of reactionary forces in Israel and his father was an Irgun terrorist.”  http://www.infowars.com/?p=5781&cp=6  Exit polls conducted nationwide show that about 78 percent of the Jewish vote was for Obama and I wonder if they are reassured that Obama’s values are similar to theirs?  I also wonder if anyone will note that Emanuel was appointed to the board of Freddie Mac?  http://hotair.com/archives/2008/11/07/emanuel-tied-to-freddie-mac-collapse/

“Barack Obama has criticized Bush for “not talking to the enemy,” particularly in Iran. So, the world would expect Obama to obey all the diplomatic traffic rules and follow all the procedures to try to persuade President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian authorities to abandon their project to build a nuclear bomb. But when Iran refuses to give up its bomb despite the eloquent entreaties of the new American president, Obama would be forced to act. So, after talking with Iran, he would likely end up at the same spot where Bush is. That wouldn’t’t make him very popular in Iran or with others who oppose America’s use of its military might.”  said, Ayann Hirsi Ali. http://www.arabtimesonline.com/kuwaitnews/faqdetails.asp?faid=1218&faqid=9.  She also articulates that by America’s with drawl of the Middle East, we will be opening the whole area to energy hungry Chinese and to Russia to whom democracy, borders, boundaries and civil rights have little meaning. 

Iran’s naval chief Adm. Habibollah Sayyari told state radio Tuesday, Oct,.28, that their new base could be used to block the entry of any “enemy” into the Persian Gulf. Iran has warned it would close the narrow Strait of Hormuz, through which 40 percent of the world’s oil passes, if the US attacked its nuclear installations. Sources note the additional advantages of its location for Tehran are quick access to the Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Horn of Africa and support for three objectives:

1. A naval presence opposite the Gulfs of Oman and Aden, where Israeli maintains Dolphin submarines. For Tehran their presence is part of Israel’s belligerent posture opposite Iran.

2. Intensified military involvement in Sudan on the Red Sea.

3. As a counterweight for the US, NATO and Russian naval might building up off the pirate-ridden Somali coast. From Tehran, this build-up looks like a potential threat to its maritime supply lanes and oil export routes.  http://www.debka.com/headline.php?hid=5681First,

Obama must realize that negotiating with Iran will not stop its nuclear weapons program. He said he will speak with rogue state leaders like Ahmadinejad “without preconditions,” implying this is a new idea. In fact, Britain, France and Germany (“the EU-3″) have been doing exactly that for over five years. Throughout, they have been surrogates for America, and yet Iran has shown no inclination to terminate its nuclear program.  John Bolton http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2008/09/25/2008-09-25_a_wakeup_call_on_irans_nukes.html———-3

Buried on the back pages of the news, The Israel Insider is reporting a seismic event in southern Iran, may in fact have been a massive underground nuclear bomb test.  The USGS measured a tremor 5.0 on the Richter scale on October 25, just north of Hormuz and opposite Abu Hhabi.  A 4.8 Richter scale event happened on October 21 just 3 miles of the event on the 25th. Foreign sources have long speculated that Iran already is possession of ready nuclear bombs and are being funded by China and North Korea.  Who do you think Iran would like to bomb first?  Israel, maybe or the US?

I trust that Obama’s security briefing didn’t leave out the fact that North Korea threatened to turn South Korea into debris unless Seoul stops what it described as a policy of confrontation.  “The puppet authorities had better bear in mind that the advanced preemptive strike of our own style will reduce everything … to debris, not just setting them on fire,” the North’s military said in a statement.  “It will turn out to be a just war… to build an independent reunified state on it, http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,24565063-2703,00.html.

Rand Corporation http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/2008/RAND_CT304.pdf  gave testimony presented before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on April 15, 2008 the impact of a nuclear target hit in Long Beach, California.  “The area of radiation contamination (approximately 500 square km) that will require long-term relocation of people and businesses is home to an estimated two million people. These people must be moved within a few days and will not be able to take most of their possessions because of the threat of contamination. Prevention efforts would benefit the country not only in the extreme case of nuclear terrorism, but would also be broadly applicable to the preparation for and response to other catastrophes such as major earthquakes and floods that could require mass evacuations for months or even years of contaminate regions.

http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/2008/RAND_CT304.pdf”  Where do you think the people might be moved to?  My money is Alaska.  Who is going to move 2 million people?  The 1st Army Brigade? 

The short, 12 page document in so little words goes over what would be needed in a nuclear event or disaster hitting a city and basically says what most Americans know, we’d be screwed.  Maybe the Rex 84 Program http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_84 is making a comeback in 2008 under a new name, The Conflict and Revolution Document or C & R Document in preparation for a U.S. financial or nuclear demise.  The Madison Report claimed the C&R Document exists and it is circulating among Congress warning of a bleak future for America. http://www.knowthelies.com/?q=node/1307  Just maybe, C & R is what the President receives daily.

Let’s hope, That One has those big ears open and his mouth shut while he under goes the same daily briefings as The President. If the message of a C & R Document isn’t in print and doesn’t really exist, we can all see the writing on the wall anyways.

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