
Posts Tagged ‘Obama breakfast’


Reacting quickly, Cheerios- the best-selling cereal in the world, is taking advantage of the Obama administration’ s admonishment.  General Mills will be issuing a new cereal to be named Obama O’s, of course -in specially marked boxes.  In compliance with the FDA,  OBama O’s will have absolutely no health claims.  

Obama O’s cereal will be made with Stevia.   In marketing the new sugar, this new sweetener is derived from the leaf of an herb called Stevia.  Consumer demand for so called natural products continues to grow, even in this mind boggling deficit and season of bailouts.  The sugar alternative is also known as Truvia and PureVia.

Cheerios and OBama O’s couldn’t have bought the kind of advertising and commentary it is receiving after the FDA sent a letter to General Mills Inc.  The letter scolded the company for violations and gave it 15 days to change the claims that the iconic ‘Os’ may lower cholesterol and help to treat heart disease.

With Obama slipping a bit in the polls, his advisor’s felt this the right time to allow the release of OBama O’s to the nation.  The O’s in the New OBama O’s cereal will be dyed red, white and blue.  The dye will be similar to the renewable, vegetable-based inks that was used for coloring easter eggs on the White House Lawn.  Those toasted O’ s will remain their crunchy texture unless the milk come from injected rBGH- growth hormone cows. The FDA fast tracked its approval at the President’s request. 

Plans are in the works for OBama O’s to correspond to the ad campaign for the Olympic Rings. ““The Obama White House is playing an unprecedented role in the bid to bring the 2016 Summer Olympics to Chicago, with top adviser Valerie Jarrett spearheading an effort that draws on the international symbolism of his presidency,” Politico writes, adding that “the emerging effort by the White House is unusually pointed in its attempt to wrap the campaign around the president and his appealing image abroad.”

The Original design featured was during Presidential campaign.  In keeping with his Barack Star image, the boxes will now feature Michelle, the children, the dog and special guest  Bill Ayers, eating breakfast in The White House.  Ayers was invited in honor of the release of his latest book Race Course Against White Supremacy scheduled for release on Amazon.  http://www.amazon.com/Race-Course-Against-White-Supremacy/dp/088378291X/ref=cm_sw_em_r_dp_title_featured?ie=UTF8&tag=tellafriend-20 

While no one has ever seen President Obama’s birth certificate or medical records, by all accounts he appears fit enough to bow down to kings and most certainly presentable as setting a fine example of the American judicial and political system.   General Mills approached President Obama to lend his endorsement in lieu of a court injunction and or product seizure.  Obama O’s will be served at all state events. 
Obama previously said, “Why can’t I just eat my waffle?” –after being asked a foreign policy question by a reporter while visiting a diner in Pennsylvania.  Press Secretary Gibbs today, noted that in keeping with a great American Tradition, food products today aren’t as  healthy as its packaging leads shoppers to believe.

This is the change you can believe in.  Hope in every box?  Don’t choke on it. Satire of course.  photo props to http://www.thedieline.com/blog/2008/10/capn-mccains-ob.html

On a more serious note, you might enjoy this related post- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/05/14/cheerios-conspiracy-fda-corruption/

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