
Posts Tagged ‘naked’


Larry Claxton Flynt, Jr came into this world naked on All Saints Day, November 1, 1942.  Whatever your opinion of  sexually graphic videos and magazines, Larry Flynt’s Hustler magazine has made millions showing off other people’s nakedness to the world. 

In the process, Flynt  has protected First Amendment Rights more than President Obama ever will.  The movie which we highly recommend is, , outlining one man’s clash with The Constitution.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_People_vs._Larry_Flynt

Now come Flynt’s latest challenge: Common Sense 2009.  The man who in 1984 who briefly ran for U.S. President as a Democrat against Reagan  has a new call to action- a national labor strike. All due respect but people actually need their jobs and paycheck.  Read: Common Sense 2009

Lest we forget Flynt who once said during proceedings, “Fuck this court!” and called the Justices “nothing but eight assholes and a token cunt,”  referring to Justice O’Conner, sought to reap government dollars from the credit crunch in January 2009-

‘”The porn industry has been hurt by the downturn like everyone else and they are going to ask for the $5bn. Is it the most serious thing in the world? Is it going to make the lives of Americans better if it happens? It is not for them to determine.” The joint request for Congress to “rejuvenate the sexual appetite of America”, which coincides with this week’s Adult Video Network Expo 2009 in Las Vegas, has not met with any official response.http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2009/jan/08/larry-flynt-porn-industry-bailout

From and editorial by Flynt on  Huff Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/larry-flynt/does-anybody-really-know_b_276849.html

Whatever date is chosen, or however many, I’ll throw in my support. It will be a slow build, but we can win this battle if we remain focused on the prize: meaningful campaign finance reform and serious restrictions on lobbying activity. It’s time to take back our government. Let the average person have an equal voice with the wealthy.

For now, remember: The corporations do not control our government; they are our government.

More recently today saying:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/larry-flynt/common-sense-2009_b_264706.html

The American government — which we once called our government — has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group of powerful elites, the people President Franklin D. Roosevelt called “economic royalists,” who choose our elected officials — indeed, our very form of government. Both Democrats and Republicans dance to the tune of their corporate masters. In America, corporations do not control the government. In America, corporations are the government.


Here’s what Rockefeller said in 1994 at a U.N. dinner: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

 Multi-billionaire banker David Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 memoirs:

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” 

Larry Flynt maybe paralyzed from the waist down, but he’s the same defender of  liberties and those self-evident truths that should make every American stand tall.  His corporation remains a private company.


P.S. More chatter on Mr. Flynt and freedom of the press in relationship to WikiLeaks can be found at this article https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/12/05/wikileaks-mccarthyism-larry-flynt/

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