
Posts Tagged ‘Ionosphere heating’

Magnitude 6.1 – HAITI REGION

2010 January 20 11:03:44 UTC

The earthquake conspiracy in Haiti continues.  http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2010rsbb.php

Is it a coincidence that there there so many experiments going on at the antennas and arrays of the world in relationship to ionospheric-heating and weather control? 

What benefit could there be to unleashing an ionospheric heating experiment or some other catastrophic device, especially in the vicinity of Haiti?  Jan. 17, 2010 the  USGS Earth Science Information Center (ESIC) released this:

The Orinoco Oil Belt Assessment Unit of the La Luna-Quercual Total Petroleum System encompasses approximately 50,000 km2 of the East Venezuela Basin Province that is underlain by more than 1 trillion barrels of heavy oil-in-place. As part of a program directed at estimating the technically recoverable oil and gas resources of priority petroleum basins worldwide, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated the recoverable oil resources of the Orinoco Oil Belt Assessment Unit. … The U.S. Geological Survey estimated a mean volume of 513 billion barrels of technically recoverable heavy oil in the Orinoco Oil Belt Assessment Unit of the East Venezuela Basin Province; the range is 380 to 652 billion barrels. The Orinoco Oil Belt Assessment Unit thus contains one of the largest recoverable oil accumulations in the world. via http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/usgspubs/fs/fs20093028?from=home

Anyone having control over this region would certainly be in good economic position.

Where might some of these experiments have been taking place at recently?


The Poker Flat Research Range, via wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poker_Flat_Research_Range    http://www.pfrr.alaska.edu/pfrr/index.html for the home page.

(PFRR) is a launch facility and rocket range for sounding rockets in the U.S. state of Alaska owned and operated by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Geophysical Institute since 1968. The world’s largest land-based rocket range, it is situated on a 5,132-acre (20.7 km2) site located approximately 30 miles (48 km) northeast of Fairbanks and is operated under contract to the NASA Wallops Flight Facility. Since its inception PFRR has been closely aligned and funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and its predecessor, the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA). Other range users include the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), the Air Force Geophysics Lab (AFGL) and a number of Universities and research laboratories. More than 1,700 launches have been conducted at the range to study the Earth‘s atmosphere and the interaction between the atmosphere and the space environment .[1] Areas studied at PFRR include the aurora, plasma physics, the ozone layer, solar proton events, Earth’s magnetic field, and ultraviolet radiation

…under contract to NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility, which is part of the Goddard Space Flight Center. In addition to launching sounding rockets, Poker Flat is home to many scientific instruments designed to study the arctic atmosphere and ionosphere.http://www.pfrr.alaska.edu/

Would Haiti be too far to study or influence?  January’s schedule can be found at http://sched.wff.nasa.gov/wffsched/ with experiments listed each day.

January 12, 2010 scheduled activities the day a  7.0 magnitude quake in Haiti:

Transition of Communications Ductbank (Z40-Z72)

January 20, 2010 sceduled activities, the day a 6.0 magnitude quake in Haiti:

Transition of Communications Ductbank (Z40-Z72)
Date 01/20/2010  (GMT 01/20/2010 – 02/20/2010)
Time 0700  – 1530  (GMT 1200  – 2030)
Contact Theodore Gass
Project Name/Vehicle ID BLACK BRANT IX
Project Number NRO-4732
Principal Investigator MARTI/USAF-ABL
Site Location San Nic (San Nicolas Island)

The name San Nicolas Island sounds like a beach vacation paradise, but is a US Navy owned and operated island.  Located 65 nautical miles southwest of the Point Mugu complex, San Nicolas Island is the cornerstone in the Sea Range capabilities.

Because of its instrumentation, isolated environment, shoreline characteristics, San Nicolas Island is utilized for test and training exercises, providing littoral warfare training, including tri-service and theater warfare exercises. It also offers an environment suited for classified operations. The main San Nicolas Island complex provides complete housing, dining, recreation, transportation, and public works support.

What else is on San Nicolas Island?  Giant telemetry collection facilities, known as antennas to you and me! 

San Nicolas Island has extensive telemetry collection facilities including three 30 ft, two 20 ft, one 8 ft, and 7 ft diameter antennas. Signals can be recorded and routed to the Point Mugu operations complex for best source selection. The SNI Telemetry Collection Facility also provides real-time reception, recording and relay of telemetry data. SNI supplies this telemetry data to Point Mugu for processing and display. Telemetry signals are received through land-based antennas located at SNI and sent in real-time by a fiber optic cable and/or microwave to Point Mugu. The best source signals are then sent by fiber optic cable to the TDC, located in the ROC for real-time processing and display. The SNI telemetry facilities are ideally located to support operations throughout the Sea Range as well as strategic and space launches from the Western Range (WR), Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). The capability to record and display Miss Distance Indication (MDI) and video Doppler data is also available. Nearly all major users of the Sea Range rely on telemetry support from SNI. http://www.beachcalifornia.com/sannic_island.html

What is a Black Brant Rocket that appears to have a daily launch or intercept in January, 2010?

Black Brant Rockets are the result of research at CARDE during the 1950s into the nature of the upper atmosphere as part of ongoing research into anti-ballistic missile systems systems and very-long-range communication.  Starting in 1955 a serious effort to equip Canada with a useful anti-ballistic missile system was undertaken, along with research into the problems of detection and tracking, hypersonic flight, and fuels suitable for use in an interceptor missile. As part of this project a lengthy study of the upper atmosphere was undertaken from instrumented balloons. Another development from this era was the use of gun-fired models for high-speed testing, instead of using a wind tunnel. Led by Gerald Bull, the sabot-based system would go on to be used in Project HAARP during the early 1960s. 

On September 19, 2009, a Black Brant XII that was launched to study clouds caused numerous calls from the northeastern U.S. reporting “strange lights in the sky”. NASA reported that the light came from an artificial noctilucent cloud formed by the exhaust particles of the rocket’s fourth stage at an altitude of about 173 mi (278 km). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Brant_(rocket)

NASA reported that the light came from an artificial noctilucent cloud formed by the exhaust particles of the rocket’s fourth stage about 173 miles high.The Blast caused numerous citizens to file reports on the “strange lights in the sky” with the media and government from Virginia up to Boston. The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE) was conducted by the Naval Research Laboratory and the Department of Defense Space Test Program using a NASA four-stage Black Brant XII suborbital sounding rocket. Using ground based instruments and the STP/NRL STPSat-1 spacecraft, scientists are studying an artificial noctilucent cloud formed by the exhaust particles of the rocket’s fourth stage at about 173 miles altitude….http://www.outlookseries.com/N2/Science/3618_Black_Brant_XII_Spooks_North_East_Strange_Lights_Artificial_Cloud.htm 

Can you spell chemtrails dropping aluminum oxide? http://chemtruth.ning.com/forum/topics/charged-aerosol-release

Like in the Sichuan quake, and more recently whatever the spiral was over Norway, strange lights in the sky are occurring, some naturally, and some man made.

Here is what one commentator saw over Hispaniola Jan12, 2010 left at this post https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/#comments  –


In other tests from EISCAT provided at http://www.eiscat.com/schedule/schedule.cgi.

1. On the day of the quake, 1-12-10 –http://www.eiscat.com/schedule/comment.cgi?fileName=2010011217646&Start=2200&End=2400  A study on meteor cross section form utilizing the polarization feature- 

2.  On the day of the quake 1-12-10,…to use the LT4 pulse code, but this will change to the ARCS pulse code if high energy precipitation studies are required. Use will also be made of the ASK and SIF optical instruments, which are also located on Svalbard.   This investigation is a collaboration with Sweden http://www.eiscat.com/schedule/comment.cgi?fileName=2010011223631&Start=0400&End=1100 

January 20, 2010 scheduled activities, the day a 6.0 magnitude quake in Haiti in the EICAT schedule of tests is the continuing Stratospheric warming experiment and a study of velocity distributions of precipitating electrons and outflowing ions with the ionospheric ion upflows/polar wind using the Reimei  satellite and ESR:



2010:01:20 Wed .       .       .11     .       .       .       . ESR Reimei_ESR NI(2.5)

Rocket launches and warming experiments; things that make you go hmmmmm. 

Is it a stretch of the imagination, your thoughts? 

Related Posts:  

Conspiracy Haiti, Arecibo Observatory https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/18/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-patents-arecibo/

Haiti, Listen to sound waves captured by HAARP https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/16/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-sound-waves-listen/

Haiti Earthquake Conspiracy, HAARP, EISCAT Experiments on January 12, 2010  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/#comments

Is HAARP causing Earthquakes & Ice to Melt?  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/is-haarp-causing-the-earthquakes-volcanoes-to-erupt-and-the-ice-to-melt/

Italy Quake Warnings https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/italy-earthquake-warnings-by-giampaolo-guiliani-dismissed/

Italy Earthquake Conspiracy – https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/italy-earthquake-conspiracy/

Earthquake Epicenter near Nuclear Physics Lab https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/

WHAT Is That Noise in My Ears- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/rining-noise-mosquito-whine-haarp-aliens-elf-implant/

South Pacific, Indonesia Quake Conspiracy https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/earthquake-conspiracy/ 

HAARP Causing the Quakes? https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/earthquake-haarp-connection-evidence/

Our thoughts and prayers remain with the people of Haiti, as well as the soldiers and aid workers there to help.

  flag tounge

Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum including our Swine Flu report that began in April and is updated regularly at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report

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The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP), a scientific advance of knowledge or a system of destruction capable of causing earthquakes, tsunami, and otherwise “natural disasters?”  

For your information, here are twelve patents. via http://www.padrak.com/ine/HAARP97.html Note carefully the titles.  

HAARP PATENTS (Assigned to APTI, Inc.)

U.S. Patent 4686605:
Method And Apparatus For Altering A Region In The Earth's Atmosphere,
  Ionosphere, And/Or Magnetosphere
Inventors:  Eastlund; Bernard J., Spring, TX
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued:     Aug. 11, 1987
Filed:      Jan. 10, 1985

U.S. Patent 5038664:
Method For Producing A Shell Of Relativistic Particles At An Altitude
  Above The Earth's Surface
Inventors:  Eastlund; Bernard J., Spring, TX
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:     Aug. 13, 1991
Filed:      Jan. 10, 1985

U.S. Patent 4712155:
Method And Apparatus For Creating An Artificial Electron Cyclotron
  Heating Region Of Plasma
Inventors:  Eastlund; Bernard J., Spring, TX
            Ramo; Simon, Beverly Hills, CA
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued:     Dec.  8, 1987
Filed:      Jan. 28, 1985

U.S. Patent 5068669:
Power Beaming System
Inventors:  Koert; Peter, Washington, DC
            Cha; James T., Fairfax, VA
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:     Nov. 26, 1991
Filed:      Sep.  1, 1988

U.S. Patent 5218374:
Power Beaming System With Printer Circuit Radiating Elements
  Having Resonating Cavities
Inventors:  Koert; Peter, Washington, DC
            Cha; James T., Fairfax, VA
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:     June  8, 1993
Filed:      Oct. 10, 1989

U.S. Patent 5293176:
Folded Cross Grid Dipole Antenna Element
Inventors:  Elliot; Paul G., Vienna, VA
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:     Mar.  8, 1994
Filed:      Nov. 18, 1991

U.S. Patent 5202689:
Lightweight Focusing Reflector For Space
Inventors:  Bussard; Robert W., Manassas, VA
            Wallace; Thomas H., Gainesville, FL
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:     Apr. 13, 1993
Filed:      Aug. 23, 1991

U.S. Patent 5041834:
Artificial Ionospheric Mirror Composed Of A Plasma Layer
  Which Can Be Tilted
Inventors:  Koert; Peter, Washington, DC
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:     Aug. 20, 1991
Filed:      May. 17, 1990

U.S. Patent 4999637:
Creation Of Artificial Ionization Clouds Above The Earth
Inventors:  Bass; Ronald M., Houston, TX
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:     Mar. 12, 1991
Filed:      May. 14, 1987

U.S. Patent 4954709:
High Resolution Directional Gamma Ray Detector
Inventors:  Zigler; Arie, Rishon Le Zion, Israel
  Eisen; Yosset, Rishon Le Zion, Israel
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:     Sep.  4, 1990
Filed:      Aug. 16, 1989

U.S. Patent 4817495:
Defense System For Discriminating Between Objects In Space
Inventors:  Drobot; Adam T., Annandale, VA
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued:     Apr.  4, 1989
Filed:      Jul.  7, 1986

U.S. Patent 4873928:
Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation
Inventors:  Lowther; Frank E., Plano, TX
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued:     Oct. 17, 1989
Filed:      June 15, 1987

Additional information on each of these patents can be quickly found using the easy-to-use U.S Patent and Trademark site http://patents.uspto.gov/ 

Of interest is U.S. Patent 4999637, Creation Of Artificial Ionization Clouds Above The Earth at http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=4999637.PN.&OS=PN/4999637&RS=PN/4999637 

Abstract.  A method for forming a cloud of artificial ionization above the earth by initially heating the resident plasma at a desired altitude with electromagnetic radiation having a frequency approximately the same as that of the ambient plasma. As the plasma frequency increases due to heating, the radiation frequency is also increased until the final maintenance frequency is attained.CLAIMS. A method of forming a cloud of artificial ionization at an altitude above the earth, said method comprising:  

initiating heating of the resident plasma at said altitude by transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the earth to said altitude at an initial frequency which is approximately the same as the original frequency of said resident plasma; and increasing said frequency of said electromagnetic radiation as said frequency of said resident plasma increases, until a final maintenance frequency is attained, said maintenance frequency being t or above the plasma frequency necessary to provide a plasma having an electron density capable of reflecting communication or like signals which come into contact with said plasma…..4. The method of claim 1 wherein said electromagnetic radiation is transmitted by two antenna systems, each spaced from the other, and inclined whereby the beams of said electromagnetic radiation transmitted from said systems will intersect each other at said altitude.  

Two antenna systems?  Say maybe HAARP in Alaska or for that matter any of the world’s other array’s beaming  electomagnetic radiation to intersect over/under Haiti or nearby?  

With Props to TruthSeeker on twitter as  http://twitter.com/TheWarnings

Its called Arecibo Observatory in PUERTO RICO and is right next door to DR and Haiti. If you got google earth search 18°20′39.05″N, 66°45′10.07″W or type use google maps. This ‘Observatory’ has been off up until recently but look how close it is to Haiti. 

The HAARP VHF Riometer Recordings for the last month show very little activity prior to the earthquake. It is now constantly pumping out signals. Look when the activity first started and note the date – http://alturl.com/8da7  

Could also explain why PUERTO RICO has had ove 40 earthquakes in the last seven days? http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.php  

Arecibo Observatory- Puerto Rico

  Photo “courtesy of the NAIC – Arecibo Observatory, a facility of the NSF”  

Funny how the world’s largest and most sensitive radiotelescope sits atop the siesmically active Puerto Rico Trench, and so close to Haiti.   

Here is what was recorded Day: 012, Year: 2010
Date: 01/12/2010, http://www.naic.edu/aisr/GPSTEC/gpstec.html.  This site is where you can download data from the Arecibo dual-frequency ASHTECH MicroZ-CGRS GPS receiver and high quality choke-ring antenna.  

You can click the link and maybe you will have better luck at opening these files, because we got nothing.  Not that there isn’t data, maybe someone doesn’t want us to see what was being recorded, or we coincidentally don’t have the correct file or means of opening them. Do you?

Further explaing what goes on at Arebico is The Introduction to incoherent scatter page at http://www.naic.edu/aisr/sas/sashomeframe.html:  

The Arecibo 430 MHz radar uses incoherent scatter to determine the characteristics of the ionosphere. It is part of a chain of incoherent scatter radars operated by the Upper Atmospheric Facilities program of the National Science Foundation with strong links to the CEDAR program and the National Space Weather program. The radar chain frequently operates in a campaign mode involving the EISCAT radars in addition to the US radars as well as many other facilities and instruments; see our Arecibo World Day Home Page. The Arecibo radar is extremely powerful and sensitive; it is capable of making very accurate measurements of many ionospheric parameters. For example, see our helium layer measurements and our simultaneous measurements of two different ion temperatures.  

Besides atmospheric monitoring the Arebico Observatory has located Soviet Radar Installations from signals bouncing off of the moon. It is also used by SETI in the search for extra-terrestials, but in the laymen’s world is most know from the James Bond movie Golden Eye, featured in the movie Contact, and in the x-files series. via http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Arecibo_Observatory

The Arecibo Observatory can catch Russian secret radar, but not relay atmospheric changes?  If ever, it will be interesting to note the measurments it got on January 12, 2010 at the time of the Haiti earthquake.  Seems pretty incoherent indeed.

Related Posts:  

Haiti, Listen to sound waves captured by HAARP https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/16/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-sound-waves-listen/

Haiti Earthquake Conspiracy, HAARP, EISCAT Experiments on January 12, 2010  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/#comments

Is HAARP causing Earthquakes & Ice to Melt?  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/is-haarp-causing-the-earthquakes-volcanoes-to-erupt-and-the-ice-to-melt/

Italy Quake Warnings https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/italy-earthquake-warnings-by-giampaolo-guiliani-dismissed/

Italy Earthquake Conspiracy – https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/italy-earthquake-conspiracy/

Earthquake Epicenter near Nuclear Physics Lab https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/

WHAT Is That Noise in My Ears- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/rining-noise-mosquito-whine-haarp-aliens-elf-implant/

South Pacific, Indonesia Quake Conspiracy https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/earthquake-conspiracy/ 

HAARP Causing the Quakes? https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/earthquake-haarp-connection-evidence/

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti.

  flag tounge

Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum including our Swine Flu report that began in April and is updated regularly at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report

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For the survivors of  Haiti post earthquake, doing nothing is unconscionable.         

What has America done for you lately?       

Secretary of State Clinton said this morning- and we paraphrase from CNN- we have given over 3 billion dollars to Haiti and as my husband as the Special U.S. Envoy under President Obama, I feel that it is America’s responsibility to lead the effort of rebuilding the nation.  Her remarks on the ground can be found via http://secretaryclinton.wordpress.com/2010/01/16/secretary-hillary-clintons-remarks-in-haiti/      

Now former President’s Clinton and Bush, who’s response to Katrina was not so happy have teamed up to garner more aid for the people of Haiti.  Publicly we can all text our $10,  but it is the phone calls to current and former heads of state that will get the funds pouring in.  Whether the aid to help the people of Haiti actually follows will be a different story.  The Clinton Bush charity site, with no mention of Bush in the address link is at  https://re.clintonfoundation.org/SSLPage.aspx?pid=3884.  The Red Cross Donation site at http://www.redcross.org/ featuring a message from the First Lady, Michelle Obama. Or to text “HAITI” to 90999 or “Yele” to 501501.      

None-the-less, we can’t help but wonder what advantage America would have dominating the country of Haiti?  Oil, natural resources?  A diversion from Iraq and Afghanistan?  Puerto Rico is a U.S. Territory, why not add Haiti to the mix?       

Is it America’s responsibility?  Did America have any responsibility in causing the earthquake with technology like HAARP and ESCIAT as posted at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/      

HAARP Sounds 01-11-10

HAARP Sounds 01-11-10

“The HAARP Induction Magnetometer was provided by Prof. Kanji Hayashi of the Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, University of Tokyo. This instrument measures the geomagnetic field using three orthogonal sensors aligned along the magnetic north (Bx), magnetic east (By), and vertical (Bz) directions. The data acquisition system samples these signals continuously at a 10 Hz rate with 16-bit resolution, producing timeseries data.”      

Whatever! We believe the technological jargon means-  you should be able to hear significant sounds effecting a geomagnetic field disturbance as is possible during an earthquake.  A lot of the sounds sound like birds chirping in static but the day before the quake we get this on January 11http://  At 20 seconds long there is only a little hiccup, but the next day when the 7.0 magnitude quake hits Haiti, there is unusual silence.  Yes, silence.  Not what we, as laymen would have expected.      

HAARP Sound 01-12-10 Haiti Quake Day

January 12, 2010 we have more SILENT STATIC.       

The 2008 Sichuan earthquake or the Great Sichuan Earthquake was the deadly quake that measured at 8.0  occurred at 14:28:01.42 CST (06:28:01.42 UTC) on May 12, 2008 in Sichuan province of China and killed at least 68,000 people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Sichuan_earthquake      

What did the measurements pick up on May 12, 2008?   Half way thru the 20 second condensed sound recording a big old hic up, most likely the quake at   There was no silence this day!       

HAARP is not alone is developing magnometers- http://www.patentstorm.us/assignee-patents/_Elf_Engineering__Ltd_/143077/1.html” The ELF group is involved in diverse applications for a broad range of industries. ELF produces electronic compasses using patented magneto-inductive technology for orientating applications including weather buoy, tidal current movement, geotechnical tilt and instrument antennae. ELF also produces magnetometers for aerospace, with applications in remote-piloted-vehicles, surveying and the projectile markets.” via  http://www.subsea.org/company/listdetails.asp?companyid=1269  Ironically, this company has disappeared off the map with no website.  Maybe someone has more time to research this patent and company?      

The only ELF group we found was  Earth Liberation Front. “A former leader of the Earth Liberation Front said he is a “patriot” fighting for the rights and health of Americans. But, the FBI said the former leader is nothing more than a “terrorist.” The ELF is one of the FBI’s top priorities in its fight against domestic terrorism. ”  http://www.10news.com/news/2856840/detail.html  Doubtfully connected and we have enough problems with freaking terrorists without the Earth Libbers.      

Others may include via http://conspiracyrealitytv.com/haarp-earthquake-maker-weather-modification/ :      

Patent 4686605 claims the following uses.
“cause total disruption of all forms of communications over a very large portion of the Earth”
“missile or aircraft destruction, deflection, or confusion”
“weather modification by altering solar absorption”
“also altering composition of the atmosphere”      

This patent was classified by the Navy under national security order in 1987, but other patents exists for purposes of:      

Power beaming system (US Patent 5068669 )
Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer (US Patent 5041834)
Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth (US Patent 4999637)
Defense system for discriminating between objects in space (US Patent 4817495)
Nuclear-sized explosions without radiation (US Patent 4873928)      

Whether any of these patents from HAARP, ESCIAT, or other organizations or governments can actually cause an earthquake of this magnitude are all debatable, but the patents exist.       

Russian Woodpecker Array

We would be negligent to not throw in the Russian Woodpecker technology disrupting radar and communications in the past and perhaps the present. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Woodpecker  The Russian Woodpecker array potentially able to alter electromagnetic waves  is semi-officially offline since Chernobyl.

So what don’t “they” want us to know or share?  Our antenna are twisting when reading this:      

Cass Sunstein, a Harvard law professor, co-wrote an academic article entitled “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures,” in which he argued that the government should stealthily infiltrate groups that pose alternative theories on historical events via “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine” those groups.  As head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Sunstein is in charge of “overseeing policies relating to privacy, information quality, and statistical programs,” from the White House Web site. via http://rawstory.com/2010/01/obama-staffer-infiltration-911-groups/      

A cure for conspiracy?  Just what would a conspiracy undermine?  The truth?  Rather and academic professor.      

We know of no cure for natural occurring or if possible man made earthquakes other to run like hell and perhaps listen to the likes of  Giampaolo Guiliani, the Italian seismologist who predicted the earthquake of L’Aquila, a 80 miles (130 km) east of Rome and posted here https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/italy-earthquake-warnings-by-giampaolo-guiliani-dismissed/      

We sure as shit question Pat Robertson, “the evangelical Christian who once suggested God was punishing Americans with Hurricane Katrina, says a “pact to the devil” brought on the devastating earthquake in Haiti….”Robertson, the host of the “700 Club,” blamed the tragedy on something that “happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it.”http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/01/13/haiti.pat.robertson/index.html      Whisky Tango Foxtrot. WTF in layman terms.

Perhaps the pact wasn’t with the devil, but the Haitian government has sealed a deal with saints and sinners alike in 2010.      

Magnetometer + GPS + accelerometer == device that knows exactly where it is and where it is pointed. So, augmented reality, here we come. via http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2009/05/iphone-w-magnetometer.html      

Previous Earthquake, Terremoti posts      

The Haiti HAARP EISCAT Conspiracy at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/      

Is HAARP causing Earthquakes & Ice to Melt?  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/is-haarp-causing-the-earthquakes-volcanoes-to-erupt-and-the-ice-to-melt/      

Italy Quake Warnings https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/italy-earthquake-warnings-by-giampaolo-guiliani-dismissed/      

Italy Earthquake Conspiracy – https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/italy-earthquake-conspiracy/      

Earthquake Epicenter near Nuclear Physics Lab https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/      

WHAT Is That Noise in My Ears- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/rining-noise-mosquito-whine-haarp-aliens-elf-implant/      

South Pacific, Indonesia Quake Conspiracy https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/earthquake-conspiracy/       

HAARP Causing the Quakes? https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/earthquake-haarp-connection-evidence/      

Our thoughts and prayers remain with the people of Haiti.      

  flag tounge      

Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum including the Swine Flu report that began in April at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report      

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UPDATED March 14, 2011.  JAPAN. https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2011/03/14/japan-conspiracy-2011-earthquake-tsunami-march-14/

UPDATED 1-17-10, Revisiting HAARP Patents and Arecibo Observatory at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/18/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-patents-arecibo/ 

Read this post and click to the UPDATED post on 01-16-2010 where you can listen to HAARP Recorded Sound Waves the day of the Earthquake in Haiti here https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/16/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-sound-waves-listen/

Original article as follows,

The 7.0 Earthquake striking Haiti has destroyed much of The Haitian National Palace and most of Haiti as well.  With most living well under the poverty line on $2 a day and one of four living with mud floors, one can only imagine the devastation to a country that was barely hanging on after being hit with four hurricanes.  The rich in the cement homes were crushed to death while the poor survived in tents.

Is it nature communicating to Haiti or is it some man made force of destruction that has by some estimates killed half a million people?

January 12, 2010 the day of the earthquake numerous celestial events were occurring,  including the recent announcement of an unknown approaching object in earth atmosphere that science believes is an asteroid,  2010 AL30. https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/12/object-approachies-earth-2010al30/

A nearby flyby of  a Jupiter Family comet 169/Neat –http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?orb=1;sstr=169P

Cassini, Titan Flyby, http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/index.cfm

With 1092 Potentially Hazardous Asteroids in the vicinity via http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/lists/Dangerous.html

A hat tip to The Morien Institute which offers daily sky events http://www.morien-institute.org/skywatch.html

Filchner Ice Shelf breaks off, the size of Rhode Island

An area larger than the state of Rhode Island can be seen breaking from the Filchner Ice Shelf in this series of photo-like images from January 12 (The day of the Earthquake)  and January 13, 2010. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites captured these images of the ice breaking away from the ice shelf, which numbers among Antarctica’s largest ice shelves. The top image, from the afternoon of January 12, shows only the faintest hint that an iceberg is calving. By the morning of January 13, the icebergs had broken away in a few large pieces. Within hours, the icebergs had split into several smaller pieces. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=42302

A hunk of ice the size of Rhode Island breaks off in one day?  Now, that’s what I call climate change.  Could the earthquake or some made made device have caused the ice breaking apart at the South Pole, thousands of miles away? 

All of the Caribbean is a hotbed of geological anomalies and tectonics. Earthquakes have occurred there long before any conspiracy angle that man has caused them to occur.  The Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, with water depths exceeding 8,400 meters making sea exploration difficult.  The Puerto Rico Trench is also associated with the most negative gravity anomaly on earth, -380 milliGal, which indicates the presence of an active downward force.  http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/03trench/trench/trench.html

Essentially, all of the known causes of tsunamis are present in the Caribbean — earthquakes, submarine landslides, submarine volcanic eruptions, subaerial pyroclastic flows into the ocean, and major tsunamis called teletsunamis.

The Dominican Republic shares the eastern third of the Island of Hispaniola with Haiti. Punta Cana, the major global tourism destination in the DR is located approximately 400 miles (633 kilometers) east of Haiti’s capital, or a 10-12 hour drive, with numerous mountain ranges separating the two countries.  The DR experienced no damage from the earthquake and all transportation systems, communication systems, tourism businesses and medical facilities are operating smoothly, making the country available to offer support to the relief effort in any way needed. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/haiti-earthquake—statement-by-the-dominican-republic-dr-ministry-of-tourism-81345037.html 

Is it amazing that the DR had no damage, or by intention?

What was HAARP up to on January 12, 2010?  The official HAARP facility is located in Gakuna, Alaska.  The conspiracy theory claims that HAARP could be used as directed-energy weapon, weather control, an earthquake induction device and/or for mind control. http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/cam1.html 

HAARP is an “Ionospheric Heater” which is basically an array of antennas that can send a concentrated beam of RF energy into the ionosphere. It’s located in Alaska because areas near the magnetic poles have a lot of ionospheric activity. It’s not the only facility of its kind. EISCAT in Europe is a similar facility and a similar facility, Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility, is located in Russia. via http://phoenixaquua.blogspot.com/2009/12/haarp.html

Ionospheric Heating refers to artificially heating the Ionosphere, which is the upper most part of the atmosphere. ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves are used to literally boil the upper atmosphere. This lifts and changes the shape of the atmospheric gas clouds and can be used (theoretically) to control the weather. http://www.nerdmodo.com/2009/07/ionospheric-heating-and-weather-control/

 The morning of the quake here is what the skies looked like.

HAARP Quad All Sky Image on 1-12-10   

And this is what the sky looked like at 17:04, about 5 hours before 21:53:10, the time of the quake.

HAARP Quad All-Sky 6 hours before quake

These images are “fish-eye” views of the entire sky taken by the HAARP imager. The imager uses narrow-band interference filters, an image intensifier tube, and a cooled CCD camera to record the spatial distribution of various auroral and atmospheric emissions with very high sensitivity. It can detect optical emissions far below the visual threshold of the human eye. The 6300 angstrom red line results from excitation of atomic oxygen at altitudes of 200-300 kilometers. The 5577 A green line is an emission from atomic oxygen peaking at altitudes of ~110-150 km. Emissions from nitrogen (4278 angstroms) produce blue light at about 100 km altitude.

If these photos weren’t in black and white perhaps we would know what emissions these were. What is that burst of light there? Any ideas?

During active ionospheric research, the signal generated by the transmitter system is delivered to the antenna array, transmitted in an upward direction, and is partially absorbed, at an altitude between 100 to 350 km (depending on operating frequency), in a small volume a few hundred meters thick and a few tens of kilometers in diameter over the site. http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/tech.html

Where might there be a transmitter station near Haiti?  

In a previous inquiry on HAARP at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/earthquake-haarp-connection-evidence/ HAARP One- Hop Experiment The South Pacific Buoy, deployed April 2004.  HAARP BUOY

The program will study radio waves generated by the HAARP transmitter in Alaska. We expect some waves to be ducted along the earth’s magnetic field lines – propagating out beyond five times the earth’s radius and returning to earth at a remote location in the South Pacific Ocean….  {the South Pacific is a hot bed of Seismic Activity} These waves will propagate through several important physical layers beyond the earth’s atmosphere. By operating a receiver at the magnetic conjugate point where the waves are most likely to return to earth, we will develop significant scientific understanding of those layers and the processes that affect them.http://www-star.stanford.edu/~vlf/buoy/ 

In the hours before the 7.o Magnitude look how many quakes were in Alaska, again the home of HAARP.  On January 12. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.php

MAP  5.9   2010/01/12 22:00:42    18.321    -72.848  10.0   HAITI REGION
MAP  7.0   2010/01/12 21:53:10    18.457    -72.533  13.0   HAITI REGION
MAP  2.5   2010/01/12 21:21:21    53.329   -165.837  16.6   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  2.5   2010/01/12 20:52:50    38.993   -111.391  1.2   UTAH
MAP  2.9   2010/01/12 20:11:55    51.614   -175.792  35.3   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP  2.6   2010/01/12 20:09:22    53.405   -163.267  10.0   UNIMAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA
MAP  2.6   2010/01/12 19:56:43    63.407   -151.217  10.3   CENTRAL ALASKA
MAP  3.3   2010/01/12 19:50:07    51.576   -175.369  17.7   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP  3.6   2010/01/12 19:20:23    60.084   -139.434  5.4   SOUTHERN YUKON TERRITORY, CANADA
MAP  3.8   2010/01/12 19:18:28    53.487   -163.415  11.4   UNIMAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA
MAP  3.3   2010/01/12 18:28:18    55.584   -162.077  162.9   ALASKA PENINSULA
MAP  2.8   2010/01/12 18:26:26    54.096   -165.688  120.6   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA

 What was EISCAT up to?  Running tests of it’s own provided by http://www.eiscat.com/schedule/schedule.cgi

2010:01:12 Tue .       11111111111111  .       .       .       . ESR ASK UK(34),SW(18) 2010:01:12 Tue 111111111111 . . . . . UHF meteopolar SW(24)
2010:01:12 Tue .       .       .       .       .       .   22222 UHF meteopolar SW(24)
2010:01:12 Tue .       .       .       .       .       .      11 VHF Reimei_VHF NI(2)
2010:01:12 Tue .       .       .       .       .       .    1111 UHF Reimei_UHF NI(4)
2010:01:12 Tue .       .       22222   .       .       .       . ESR Reimei_ESR NI(2.5)

Meteopolar? http://www.eiscat.com/schedule/comment.cgi?fileName=2010011217646&Start=2200&End=2400  A study on meteor cross section form utilizing the polarization feature-

2010-01-12 0000-0600 experiment
2010-01-12 2200 – 2010-01-13 0700 experiment
2010-01-13 2200 – 2010-01-14 0700 experiment

An experiment done at 2200 hours, about two hours before the quake!

Also an ASK UK  experiment on the same day… Use of Radar Interferometry to Obtain High Resolution Svalbard Measurements.,,,

The experiment will employ both of the Svalbard antennas, together with
three recently installed panel arrays. It is the intention to use the LT4
pulse code, but this will change to the ARCS pulse code if high energy
precipitation studies are required. Use will also be made of the ASK and SIF
optical instruments, which are also located on Svalbard.
  This investigation is a collaboration with Sweden http://www.eiscat.com/schedule/comment.cgi?fileName=2010011223631&Start=0400&End=1100

And as for CERN experiments who can decipher this? http://greybook.cern.ch/programmes/EXP_NAM.html

Pioneering Ionospheric Radio Science Research for the Twenty-First Century    

Is there any danger we won’t live to see the 22nd century because of these atmospheric tests?  Time will tell.

One thing technology has achieved is the ability to see things via satellite from space.  To witness the devastation in Haiti is Google Earth with images at http://www.pcworld.com/article/186897/google_earth_reveals_the_devastation_in_haiti.html

2800 hits in an hour!  no one has anything to say?  comment, you know you want to!

Related Posts:  

Is HAARP causing Earthquakes & Ice to Melt?  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/is-haarp-causing-the-earthquakes-volcanoes-to-erupt-and-the-ice-to-melt/

Italy Quake Warnings https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/italy-earthquake-warnings-by-giampaolo-guiliani-dismissed/

Italy Earthquake Conspiracy – https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/italy-earthquake-conspiracy/

Earthquake Epicenter near Nuclear Physics Lab https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/

WHAT Is That Noise in My Ears- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/rining-noise-mosquito-whine-haarp-aliens-elf-implant/

South Pacific, Indonesia Quake Conspiracy https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/earthquake-conspiracy/ 

HAARP Causing the Quakes? https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/earthquake-haarp-connection-evidence/

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti.

ALERT. UPDATED 2-27-2010. Chile & Japan Earthquake Conspiracy at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/?p=2839

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Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum!

Our Swine Flu Report that began in April is at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report    

Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., with more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/ 

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