
Posts Tagged ‘Fearless’

Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett told his shareholders to watch Last Best Chance, calling it “a fictional but not fanciful” scenario regarding the potential for a nuclear event.  You can watch the trailer and get a copy free- not even any shipping charges at  http://www.lastbestchance.org/

President Obama, assuming he will be confirmed as eligible under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, “will take office in a world in which the danger that terrorists could get and use a nuclear bomb remains very real.” according to The Agenda for the Next President – Preventing Nuclear Terrorism- November 2008, http://www.nti.org/e_research/Preventing_Nuclear_Terrorism-An_Agenda.pdf  The theory of a One World Order is pretty dismal, but we must concede that a global initiative to combat nuclear terrorism must be relentless in Obama’s administration.  The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and its Article VI looked ahead to nuclear abolition and it may be one of the most successful treaties ever, exerting complete disarmament under strict and effective international control but that hasn’t happened- completely. http://disarmament2.un.org/wmd/npt/npttext.html and for proof of what has been happening check out the “Nuclear Vault” includes reading lists and other bibliographic information on key documents and significant contributions to the nuclear history and policy literature.

America, Russia, China. Israel and a whole host of countries maintain nuclear weapons and more countries want them.  Just look at the list of missiles that are known http://missilethreat.com/missilesoftheworld/  and guesstimate how many may be retrofitted with a nuclear warhead.  http://www.terrorism.com/ reports on terrorism activities in the world.
Meanwhile, the Russians up to little good this week, as their warships approached Venezuela under U.S. gaze. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=081125003835.vpm57qdg&show_article=1  Put your money that the Russians aren’t hanging out in the Caribbean for a break from Russia’s cold winter.  http://www.en.rian.ru/russia/20081125/118532892.html says the boats arrived and will begin to conduct live-ammunition artillery drills on December 1.  Merry Christmas little coral reefs and fishes. 
The joint maneuvers will including the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great and destroyer Admiral Chabankenko and coincide with a two-day visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Venezuela, the strongest US critic in the region.  Medvedev was due to arrive Wednesday and meet fiercely anti-liberal President Hugo Chavez on Thursday, before heading to communist Cuba.  All this after the G-20 summit last weekend. 
Right after Obama won the election, Medvedev talked in defiant message that they were updating their missile technology- just as the U.S. plans to install a strategic missile shield with in striking distance, in Poland and the Czech Republic?  Didn’t we get into a pissing battle with Russia over Cuba once already?  Venezuela’s own President claims the U.S. tried to kill him. http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/962

Far from American soil, I wonder really if the Pirates of Somalia are acting alone?  Where’d they get those nice Russian machine guns?  Humph.  40% of the Worlds Oil and a shit load of goods run maritime supply lanes right throughout the area and I’d bet Venezuela is just a practice for the Russian Navy to continue a build up off of the pirate-ridden Somali coast. http://www.mnweekly.ru/news/20081121/55357986.html already reported that the Somalia government {WHAT GOV’T?} has asked for Russian assistance and already has the sent the Neustra­shimy (Fearless) missile frigate from the Northern Fleet to Somalia’s coast to protect Russian vessels in the country’s waters.  A friggate?  Oh, frig.

This just in, with out much dissection–Voice of America is reporting another hijacking http://voanews.com/english/2008-11-25-voa60.cfm by the Somali Pirates.

“The two countries have signed 4.4 billion dollars in bilateral arms deals signed since 2005, including radars, 24 Sukhoi-30 planes, 50 helicopters and 100,000 Kalashnikovs. Medvedev was expected to expand arms deals during his visit, as well as economic and energy ties, including plans for a joint civilian nuclear reactor. “Russia is a friend which held out a hand to us,” Gonzalez told AFP in a recent interview.  “We want to be very strong, but in a highly dissuasive direction. So that any country in the world thinks not once but 10 times before coming here.” Russia is free to exercise peacefully with anyone that they want to exercise with,” Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Monday.

“But also people note through these exercises the company that nations keep.”

The resurgent Russia with all those petrodollars is becoming stronger while our economy tanks and Obama professes demilitarization.  

From Reader Mail at The American Spectator, ” I remember reading (in Sept 2008), about Hugo Chavez being quoted as saying, and I quote directly, “The United States will soon be getting a new constitution written by others.” I remember reading this statement, which he brazenly made on 9/11 of this year and thought, “If folks don’t see that and wake up, then we are lost for sure.”   http://spectator.org/archives/2008/11/25/a-matter-of-time

Row, row row your boats….merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily out to sea….life is but a dream.

As if any American or Russian citizen opinion really mattered in making policy, The Center for International Studies and Security,  http://www.cissm.umd.edu/projects/pipa.php  shows that large majorities in both countries want their leaders to cooperate with each other on a wide range of security issues, not ignore or threaten each other.  The American and Russian publics strongly prefer formal arms control – treaties with legally biding obligations and effective verification – over unilateral action or informal policy coordination. 

Aw, maybe we should send a Hallmark?

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