
Posts Tagged ‘bioterrorist’

Bruce Ivins, a microbiologist acted alone in the anthrax attacks of 2001, according to a now closed investigation by the U.S. Government.

Feb. 20, 2010. WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The federal government yesterday formally closed the books on the 2001 anthrax attack that terrorized Palm Beach County and a nation still reeling from the Sept. 11 attack just weeks earlier.

The Justice Department said yesterday that it was convinced that Bruce Ivins, an Army microbiologist, sent the letters laced with anthrax powder that killed five people, sickened 17 and shut down government offices and media outlets across the country. http://www.dispatchpolitics.com/live/content/national_world/stories/2010/02/20/copy/Anthrax_COX_0220.ART_ART_02-20-10_A3_72GL50O.html?adsec=politics&sid=101


Stevens’ attorney, Richard Schuler, has questioned how a mentally unstable man (Ivins) could be allowed to continue working with dangerous substances.  “All the information (released yesterday) is very helpful to our case,” Schuler said yesterday.  “If you look at what they wrote, the lapse in security was horrendous. They didn’t have any way to keep track of these highly dangerous substances,” he said.

Ivins Beaker?

According to his therapist Jean Duley, we have allowed a homicidal maniac to work with anthrax for at least the past 7 years, as a United States government microbiologist and vaccinologist for 36 years and senior biodefense researcher at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, Maryland for 18 years. This shows either extraordinary incompetence or very excellent planning. via http://conspiracytheory.itsverycool.com/dr-bruce-ivins-the-perfect-patsy/911/2008/08/04/

 In 2008, “The FBI says that in the days before the letters were sent, he grew frustrated with the state of his research, spent late nights in his lab, and sent e-mails describing his paranoid delusions. Ivins’ e-mails (PDF) also warned that Osama Bin Laden had “decreed death to all Jews and all Americans”—language similar to that used in the anthrax letters.http://www.slate.com/id/2196986/

Slate goes on to say, “Just after the 9/11 attacks—and weeks before the anthrax letters were found—the White House distributed the antibiotic Cipro to staffers, including those traveling with Vice President Dick Cheney. This has drawn the attention of many on the conspiracy fringe. Why would the White House have handed out an antibiotic used to treat exposure to anthrax—unless, maybe, possibly, our government knew something that we didn’t?

Hereinreality had this to say, ” All of this flies in the face of the picture that friends, neighbors and co-workers paint of a man who played music in church, juggled at Red Cross fundraisers, and wrote and performed songs for retiring co-workers (and was awarded the highest honor the Department of Defense gives to civilians).http://www.hereinreality.com/anthrax/whoisjeanduley.html

In July 2008,,”…the Justice Department cleared Ivins’ colleague, Steven Hatfill, who had been wrongly suspected in the case, and paid him $5.8 million.”  http://scaredmonkeys.com/2008/08/01/bruce-e-ivins-2001-anthrax-suspect-commits-suicide-as-fbi-justice-department-about-to-file-charges/

An inventory of potentially deadly pathogens at Fort Detrick’s infectious disease laboratory found more than 9,000 vials that had not been accounted for, Army officials said…, raising concerns that officials wouldn’t know whether dangerous toxins were missing.   http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/17/AR2009061703271.html  As reported previouslyhttps://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/06/24/ft-detrick-lab-missing-9000-virus-vials-scientists-still-dying-from-unnatural-causes/-in June 2009-


Years after the anthrax attacks and vials are still going missing!

The Wall Street Journal claimed in January 2010 that the anthrax case is far from being closed, “If Ivins had neither the equipment or skills to weaponize anthrax with silicon, then some other party with access to the anthrax must have done it. Even before these startling results, Sen. Leahy had told Director Mueller, “I do not believe in any way, shape, or manner that [Ivins] is the only person involved in this attack on Congress.” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704541004575011421223515284.html?mod=rss_Today’s_Most_Popular

We repeat the closing paragraph from WJS, “even though the public may be under the impression that the anthrax case had been closed in 2008, the FBI investigation is still open—and, unless it can refute the Livermore findings on the silicon, it is back to square one.

Square one? 

Biological warfare and anthrax vaccine expert Dr. Meryl Nass who has followed the case at http://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/2010/02/fbi-case-closed-and-ivins-did-it.html has this to say:

Actually, the 96 page FBI report is predicated on the assumption that the anthrax letters attack was carried out by a “lone nut.” The FBI report fails to entertain the possibility that the letters attack could have involved more than one actor. The FBI admits that about 400 people may have had access to Ivins’ RMR-1029 anthrax preparation, but asserts all were “ruled out” as lone perpetrators. FBI never tried to rule any out as part of a conspiracy, however. That is only the first of many holes in FBI’s case.

Nass also notes that the release of information now comes before the National Academies of Science (NAS)as it is several months away from issuing its $879,550 report on the microbial forensics, suggesting a) asking NAS to investigate the FBI’s science was just a charade to placate Congress, and/or b) NAS’ investigation might be uncovering things the FBI would prefer to bury, so FBI decided to preempt the NAS panel’s report.

Two years into the investigation, On March 14, 2003, Ivins and two of his colleagues at USAMRIID at Fort Detrick received the Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service—the highest award given to Defense Department civilian employees – for helping solve technical problems in the manufacture of anthrax vaccine. http://www.dcmilitary.com/dcmilitary_archives/stories/031903/22098-1.shtml  Ivins reacted to the award by saying, “Awards are nice. But the real satisfaction is knowing the vaccine is back on-line.” 

There are lots of who dunnits and why’s.   The truth of the matter is that there is one more dead scientist and he can not defend himself or claim guilt or innocence from the grave.  His suicide from an overdose of Tylenol came prior to any FBI charges.  The five dead people who died in the anthrax attack don’t have much to say either.

http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2010/0301101ivins1.html lists the first of the FBI’s reports..  The report says that agents were outside of his home at the time of Ivin’s suicide.  No autopsy was performed on his body.

FBI document of Ivins Death

Also of interest in analyzing the 2001 Anthrax letters is http://www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/Bioter/messageanthrax.html

There is a forum http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=102&topic_id=4275655&mesg_id=4275902 discussing the idea that Ivin’s did not have access to the equipment to make the anthrax in the first place.

A patsy?  For whom?

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CAIRO, Egypt —http://www.mcclatchydc.com/iran/story/80348.html An award-winning Iranian nuclear scientist traveled to Saudi Arabia earlier this year to perform a religious pilgrimage. He never returned. Shahram Amiri’s mysterious disappearance is turning into a Middle Eastern whodunit involving nuclear secrets and political intrigue, with a new round of accusations emerging this week and the U.S. government still refusing to comment.

There are two big questions: Was Amiri spirited away by Saudi-backed American covert agents? Or did the scientist seize the chance to defect to the West, offering sensitive information in exchange for asylum?

hat tip to http://pimpinturtle.com/

Timothy Hampton, 47, a scientist involved in monitoring nuclear activity, was found dead last week(November 1, 2009)  at the bottom of a stairwell in Vienna….  Under a year ago, an American died at the IAEA in strikingly similar circumstances, his body being found at the bottom of a stairwell. posted at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/11/01/dead-scientists-list-grows/

Additional scientists and researchers who have died in extraordinary circumstances can be found at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/06/24/ft-detrick-lab-missing-9000-virus-vials-scientists-still-dying-from-unnatural-causes/

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Add Timothy Hampton to the List of Dead Scientists in The New World Order. 

A British nuclear expert who fell from the 17th floor of a United Nations building did not commit suicide and may have been hurled to his death, says a doctor who carried out a second post-mortem examination.  Timothy Hampton, 47, a scientist involved in monitoring nuclear activity, was found dead last week at the bottom of a stairwell in Vienna….  Under a year ago, an American died at the IAEA in strikingly similar circumstances, his body being found at the bottom of a stairwell.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1224377/British-nuclear-experts-17th-floor-UN-death-plunge-suicide.html#ixzz0VeGpsFNr

Additional scientists and researcher who have died in extraordinary circumstances can be found at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/06/24/ft-detrick-lab-missing-9000-virus-vials-scientists-still-dying-from-unnatural-causes/


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 An inventory of potentially deadly pathogens at Fort Detrick’s infectious disease laboratory found more than 9,000 vials that had not been accounted for, Army officials said yesterday, raising concerns that officials wouldn’t know whether dangerous toxins were missing.   http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/17/AR2009061703271.html

You got to be shitting me, right?  No.

The probe began in February 2009,  just months before Swine Flu A/H1N1 came to the public eye and a Pandemic Status issued earlier this month.  Coincidence?

When the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center at Fort Detrick is fully operational in March[ sic 2009], about 150 scientists in the lab will be tasked with protecting the country from a bioterrorist attack through prevention or containment. Another goal is to allow investigators to fingerprint biological agents such as viruses and bacteria, quickly tracing their source and catching the offender. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/22/AR2008102203082.html?sid=ST2009061703604

Visit Ft. Detrick on line , http://www.detrick.army.mil/ whose motto is,  “We Care.”  Apparently not enough to care about locking down the world’s worst viruses where they have their own threat status currently at :


Applies when there is an increased general threat of possible terrorist activity against personnel or facilities, the nature and extent of which are unpredictable.

Unpredictable?  Who would have predicted loosing track of up to 9,000 vials of who knows what kind of viruses? 

Among them the Ebola virus, anthrax bacteria and botulinum toxin, and less lethal agents such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus and the bacterium that causes tularemia. Most of them, forgotten inside freezer drawers, hadn’t been used in years or even decades. Officials said some serum samples from hemorrhagic fever patients dated to the Korean War. The overstock and the previous inaccuracy of the database raised the possibility that someone could have taken a sample outside the lab with no way for officials to know something was missing. http://cotocrew.wordpress.com/2009/06/22/msm-inventory-uncovers-9200-more-pathogens/

Several FredCoBio companies won funding to support product development activities with Ft.  Detrick scientists according to- http://fredcobio.wordpress.com/2009/06/12/ft-detrick-tech-transfer-funds/.  Considering most tests are with virulent pathogens we would hope that stricter security is in place.  With Obama on the heels of computerizing all health records, just maybe he can order someone to keep track of little things like viruses who research is paid for with our tax dollars.

After Fort Detrick anthrax researcher Bruce E. Ivins killed himself in July, the FBI announced that he alone was responsible for anthrax mailings that killed five people and sickened 17 others in 2001. 

Dr. Ayaad Assaad an Egyptian-born toxicologist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the original suspect does not believe Ivins killed himself. ” You also have to tie into this the large numbers of dead microbiologists that have appeared since around the summer before these events, when the New York Times revealed the existence of the covert anthrax weapons programs run by the CIA, and that too is in the public record.” http://noworldsystem.com/2008/09/14/original-anthrax-patsy-says-ivins-didn%e2%80%99t-kill-himself/

Dead Microbiologists include: [http://www.rense.com/general39/death.htm]

Dr. Benito Que, a cell biologist working on infectious diseases like HIV, who was found comatose outside his laboratory at the Miami Medical School. He later died. Police say the attack was possibly the result of a mugging.” 

Dr. Wiley, A Harvard biologist and  expert on how the human immune system fights off infections and had recently investigated such dangerous viruses as AIDS, Ebola, herpes and influenza .  His body was found after  more than a month since his rental car was left parked on a bridge over the Mississippi River at  hydro-electric plant in Louisiana 300 miles downstream.

Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, a former microbiologist for Biopreparat, the Soviet biological-weapons production facility was found dead.

Dr. Robert M. Schwartz was found murdered in Leesberg, Virginia. Dr. Schwartz was a well-known DNA sequencing researcher. He founded the Virginia Biotechnology Association where he worked on DNA sequencing.

The head of the microbiology sub-faculty of the Russian State Medical University, Victor Korshunov has been killed.

Dr. Tanya Holzmayer, a pioneering Russian born genomic scientist who had co-invented a tool that has helped find hundreds of molecular targets to combat cancer and HIV was found shot dead by a  former colleague .

David Wynn-Williams, an award-winning microbiologist died when he was struck by a vehicle while out jogging. In 2000 he was appointed leader of the Antarctic Astrobiology Project, which explores the effects of environmental stress at the limits of life on Earth

Are these scientists a patsy in a larger cover up? A time line of 46 mysterious deaths of scientists continues here http://www.stevequayle.com/dead_scientists/dead.scientists.chron.html and 86 dead scientists listed here http://theoneall.blogspot.com/2009/05/now-88-dead-scientists-and.html

It is not only microbiologists who are dying in extraordinary circumstances.  On June 13, 2009 the carcass of Indian famous nuclear scientist Lokanathan Mahalingam found from Kali River. The scientist had been mysteriously disappeared from the Kaiga Atomic Power Station on June 8, 2009. The Kaiga plant is located near one of the biggest naval bases, Project Seabird. http://pakistanfront.blogspot.com/2009/06/abducted-indian-nuke-scientist-found.html

“Lack of oversight and runaway spending are exacerbated by the Bush administration’s disrespect for the internationally-recognized Biological Weapons Convention. In short, reduced pressure on weapons labs to issue declarations and allow inspections means less accountability – and more opportunities for secrecy and abuse.” http://www.heatherwokusch.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=67  

Indeed, does it take a genius to put two-and-two together?

Updated Novemer 1, 2009- 

A British nuclear expert who fell from the 17th floor of a United Nations building did not commit suicide and may have been hurled to his death, says a doctor who carried out a second post-mortem examination.  Timothy Hampton, 47, a scientist involved in monitoring nuclear activity, was found dead last week at the bottom of a stairwell in Vienna.  Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1224377/British-nuclear-experts-17th-floor-UN-death-plunge-suicide.html#ixzz0Ve8yrMQ8


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