
Posts Tagged ‘Police Shooting’

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Richard Poplawski was “convinced the nation was secretly controlled by a cabal that would eradicate freedom of speech, take away his guns and use the military to enslave the citizenry. … He appeared to share a belief that the government was controlled from unseen forces, that troops were being shipped home from the Mideast to police the citizenry here, and that Jews secretly ran the country.”  http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09095/960750-53.stm

As for people who question authority and read about conspiracy theories come this comment from the article: “For some time now there has been a pretty good connection between being sucked into this conspiracy world and propagating violence,” said Heidi Beirich, director of research at the Southern Poverty Law Center and an expert on political extremists. She called Mr. Poplawski’s act, “a classic example of what happens when you start buying all this conspiracy stuff.”

The shooter needed mental help.  The victims families need our prayers.

The likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Alex Jones, and others like them who are look for  the truth in a conspiracy, are not going to go out and shooting anyone.  We all advocate non-violence. 

Alex Jones points out that “a Google News search pulls up 52,136 matches to the search criteria “New World Order,” including matches from the likes of Bloomberg, the New York Times, the Financial Times, and other stalwart establishment newspapers and news outlets.   Are we to assume the editors and publishers of AFP and the Wall Street Journal are loony too?” Make that 52,136 plus one- this blog and this post   https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/04/new-world-order-obamas-tomorrow-land-is-today/.

Don’t forget both Obama and Brown told us the New World Order is getting stronger at the G2o summits with common goals and financial backing. 

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