
Posts Tagged ‘Frank M. Torti’

cheeriosWhose feathers got ruffled enough to think Cheerios is a drug?  The egg industry?  The pork industry?  The pharmaceutical industry?  The FDA?

Promoting Cheerios as a drug that can lower cholesterol is going too far says the FDA.   “Based on claims made on your product’s label, we have determined that your Cheerios Toasted Whole Grain Oat Cereal is promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug because the product is intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease.” The agency takes special issue with these claims:  “you can Lower Your Cholesterol 4% in 6 weeks.” 

What a bunch of crapola.  An apple a day helps keep the doctor away, carrots are good for your eyes, lycopine in tomatoes reduces the risk of cancer, coffee is a diuretic, splenda food products cause diarrhea, etc.  A lot of food has heath benefits and warnings, but the Obama FDA Administration has gone after General Mills.

Avoiding bacon and eggs for breakfast everyday, and substituting Cheerios or any other reasonably good for you cereal couldn’t hurt in reducing cholesterol either.  The current box on my shelf has the disclaimer that says, ” MAY reduce the risk of heart attack.” The box also features an ad campaign Cheerios Circle of Helping Hearts, donating  $1 toward cholesterol screening for women in need.  www.cheerioshlepinghearts.com .  Considering Heart disease is the #1 cause of death among women, I’d say it a rather noble cause.

From the Harvard School of Health, study after study shows “Soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol. Insoluble fiber helps move waste through the digestive tract. Fiber may also kindle the body’s natural anticoagulants and so help prevent the formation of small blood clots that can trigger heart attacks or strokes.” http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/health-gains-from-whole-grains/index.html.

Why did the FDA cross the road to go after one of America’s best loved breakfast food?   Mounting pressure from the egg and pork industry due to recent viral contaminations has everyone concerned.  The pork industry, already strained from recent outbreaks of the H1N1 flu virus, which is politically incorrect to call the Mexican Swine Flu Virus, prefers you eat bacon or sausage breakfast.

The Incredible Edible Egg.  Despite working hard to convince the world that Chinese food is safe, recently Hong Kong found traces of melamine in some eggs imported from China -“Select Fresh Brown Eggs” were 88% higher than the safety threshold allowed for the chemical.  China and the US are the leaders in egg production.  The egg industry hardly wants to hear about egg substitutes or eating tofu instead.  Neither industry want to hear about vegetarians!  http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2009/05/chickens-obama-white-house-may.html notes May 4, “International Respect for Chickens Day. In fact, this entire month is International Respect for Chickens Month, designed to celebrate those feathered fowl and highlight the political import of chickens in our world and also how tasty they are” . http://www.upc-online.org/respect/

A huge benefit from the Egg Industry lies in the production of vaccines.  Vaccines like the one’s the CDC Mandates for Children.  Obama is suggesting this fall all Americans receive three flu vaccines- one for the seasonal flu and two for the Swine Flu.    Mary Tacco’s site reiterates some of the vaccine concerns referencing  Dr. John Martin, former FDA administrator  ” These viruses fail to be recognized by the immune system and lead to neuropsychiatric illness including but not limited to autism.   He believes that the autism epidemic is due to an infectious component and not just thimerosal. (Much like the MMR infection – autism connection.) Also he states that our FDA and our government’s own vaccine studies found the cytomegalovirus DNA, which is from the African green monkeys (simian monkey virus) in the polio vaccination given to all Americans prior to 1992.  Instead of informing the public and taking responsibility for this, they covered it up.  Many doctors believe that the Aids epidemic is the product of these and other vaccines. ”  http://www.marytocco.com/vaccinefacts.htm

Is the FDA’s attack on Cheerios motivated by political donations?  Lobbying matters, don’t kid yourself. 2008 reports from www.opensecrets.com

Total For Food Processing & Sales: $6,700,516— Subtotal for Parent General Mills: $769,300—  Total For Crop Production & Basic Processing: $5,265,275— Subtotal for Parent Food Marketing Institute: $6,248,130— Subtotal for Parent Smithfield Foods: $350,000— Total For Poultry & Eggs: $841,342— The United Egg Producers $80,000— Subtotal for Parent National Chicken Council: $120,000.

The numbers pale in comparison to the Pharmaceuticals/Health Products lobby efforts pending, $235,315,408,  the subtotal for Parent Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America: $20,220,000.  Frig that knowledge is power- money talks.  The money trail to who has the power over what you eat must certainly be influenced by the FDA who’s member have ties primarily to the pharmaceutical industry- not the agricultural, egg, pork, dairy, chicken industries.  “Recent press reports revealed extensive evidence of serious wrongdoing by Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, Dr. Frank M. Torti, top FDA attorneys, center and office directors, and many others in prominent positions of authority at FDA. As a result, Dr. Frank M. Torti, acting commissioner and the FDA’s first chief scientist, abruptly left the Agency,” writes http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/16742/

The FDA regulates products that represent about 25 percent of every consumer dollar spent. During the Bush administration, the agency was widely criticized for making decisions based on politics, not science.  NPR is reporting, “A Senate committee has approved President Obama’s nomination of Dr. Margaret Hamburg to be the next commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. The full Senate vote is expected.  http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=104107440 

Lord know how much was spend on the propaganda of animal rights groups concerned with how chickens, pigs, cows and other animals are treated. “Recombinant bovine growth hormone, or rBGH, is injected into dairy cows to artificially increase their milk production. The hormone has not been properly tested for safety. Milk labeled rBGH-free is produced by dairy cows that never received injections of this hormone.”Milk lobbyists pointed out that the Food and Drug Administration considers the artificial hormone to be safe (although many scientists believe it may cause cancer). Oh no- I add milk to my cheerios.  A double drug whammy for sure.

I don’t know where General Mills gets the grain to make Cheerios, but I’d  bet that it is sprayed with some sort of pesticide.  There are health and safety risks to producing any food product.  Just ask the peanut industry and tomato growers with salmonella outbreaks.  Animals get antibiotics, and all sorts of injections to make them grow, increase production, alter immune systems – the same as humans, eh?

If a spread of the Avian Influenza (AI) virus cannot be stopped and the H1N1 flu mutates or becomes Pandemic 6; you can bet your sweet petuti consumers are going to refrain from eating poultry, meat and eggs- and maybe even beef, no matter what the FDA, CDC and WHO tell you. 

To think that the FDA has nothing else to worry about than Cheerios being a drug, only reinforces dereliction from The Obama Administration.  How many illegal drugs come into this country everyday?  Could we focus on that?

I wonder if mom’s of boys who use cheerios for kids to aim at during potty training are worried about the potential hazards? Better switch to Lucky charms–lol

Don’t miss the latest on Obama O’s.  The latest cereal to gain FDA approval at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/05/14/obama-os-cereal-general-mills-and-cheerios-gains-fda-approval/

For a new twist on breakfast cereal from trend setting Miami, The Cereal Bowl Restaurant.  http://www.thecerealbowl.com/home.html

 Q: What did the blond say when she looked into a box of Cheerios?
A: “Oh look! Donut seeds!”

Yo mama is so fat, she eats her cereal out of a satellite dish!

Scan the recent posts for more information on the Swine Flu Conspiracy.

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