
Posts Tagged ‘Venezuela Oil’


The earthquake in Haiti was caused by an experiment of the United States.,says Venezuelan Ministry of Communications and Information…the U.S. Navy with one of his “earthquake weapons” has caused the quake.  The Ministry claims that the Americans since the end of their 70 years’ earthquake weapons “have greatly improved.  One of Iran is the next targets, says via  http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=nl&u=http://www.telegraaf.nl/buitenland/5828618/___Aardbeving_Hati_experiment_VS___.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dstarpeople.nl%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dopera%26rls%3Den%26hs%3Dn31&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1

Yep, Russia and Venezuela are blaming U.S. Navy earthquake weapons!  Are they fearful that the U.S. may aim such technology at them as was suggested during the Sichuan quake here at http://digg.com/d3T1Lc ? 

Make no mistake, Cuba, Russia, and Venezuela are quickly becoming good vodka, beer guzzling, oil controlling buddies.  From November 2008 at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2008/11/25/russians-warships-arrive-in-venezuela-head-merrily-out-to-sea/ we wrote, “The joint maneuvers will including the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great and destroyer Admiral Chabankenko and coincide with a two-day visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Venezuela, the strongest US critic in the region.  Medvedev was due to arrive Wednesday and meet fiercely anti-liberal President Hugo Chavez on Thursday, before heading to communist Cuba.

Venezuela’s own President claims the U.S. tried to kill him. http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/962 Would anyone be surprised if it were true?  

“Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has once again accused the United States of playing God. But this time it’s Haiti’s disastrous earthquake that he thinks the U.S. was behind. Spanish newspaper ABC quotes Chavez as saying that the U.S. navy launched a weapon capable of inducing a powerful earthquake off the shore of Haiti. He adds that this time it was only a drill and the final target is … destroying and taking over Iran. ” http://www.youtube.com/user/RussiaToday#p/u/0/Q9QtZkT8OBQ

Yesterday, Chavez took over grocery stores occupied supermarkets owned by France’s Casino (CASP.PA) on Tuesday , the latest move in a drive towards socialism by President Hugo Chavez, who ordered the nationalization after accusing the company of raising prices in the wake of a currency devaluation.

In 2007, Chavez’s government took a majority stake in four oil projects worth an estimated $30 billion in the Orinoco river basin. U.S. oil majors Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) and ConocoPhillips (COP.N) quit the country over the move and filed arbitration claims against Venezuela. France’s Total SA (TOTF.PA) and Norway’s StatoilHydro (STL.OL) received around $1 billion in compensation after reducing their holdings. BP Plc (BP.L) (BP.N) and Chevron Corp (CVX.N) remained as minority partners. Last year Chavez seized a major gas injection project belonging to Williams Cos Inc (WMB.N) and a range of assets from local service companies.”http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN1922801420100119?type=usDollarRpt

So much for the cold war.  Its a war to keep warm during climate change and fuel economies with Oil.  One report by the USGS claims the waters near Venezuela are loaded with oil at http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/usgspubs/fs/fs20093028?from=home 

 “Anyway: Both Russia and Venezuela like to stick up their middle finger to the United States, and thus give populists in the world reason to cheer,” says  http://globalconditions.wordpress.com/2008/10/18/history-repeating-russia-and-the-caribbean-basin/.

“Obama, you take care of your business and I’ll take care of mine. Don’t mess with me, Mr. Obama,” Chavez has said in the past. http://www.energypublisher.com/article.asp?id=18326 

We can blame HAARP, EISCAT, or any other numerous agencies and observatories who may have developed a man made device for earthquakes.  We can believe that the tectonic plates caused these rash of quakes in Haiti and the 5.8 quake that hit the Cayman Islands.  We can believe the Russians that America has earthquake weapons. No matter who or what you believe the devastation is enormous in Haiti.

With a delay in getting aid released to the people of Haiti until U.S. Troops were on the ground to secure the airport and apparently the crushed Presidential Palace- is President Obama in fact , more concerned with the political climate rather than climate of rescue?   Does the opportunity to put 10,000 troops in a country with no true government sit well for American foreign policy and protection of U.S. interests in the Caribbean Basin?  You betcha.


The Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort drew near to Port-au-Prince Wednesday morning and received its first patients from the earthquake zone via helicopter, the Pentagon said. On Tuesday, hundreds of U.S. troops surged into the epicenter of the quake area to guard convoys and food distribution sites, while thousands more stationed themselves on ships and helicopters offshore to bolster relief and recovery efforts.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/20/AR2010012000391.html
The Comfort is kept in a reduced operative state while docked at the Port of Baltimore. The Navy’s Military Sealift Command said it takes five days to get it in order to ship out.
We’ve got thousands of doses of expired Tamiflu, useless vaccines, a whole arsenal of soldiers and weapons and it takes five days to offer aid assistance? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot- WTF? What if the quake had hit Miami, San Francisco or some other populous U.S. City?
In 2008, the Western Geographic Science Center, US Geological Survey in a study said:
A Cascadia subduction-zone earthquake has the potential to generate tsunami waves which would impact more than 1000 km of coastline on the west coast of the United States and Canada. Although the predictable extent of tsunami inundation is similar for low-lying land throughout the region, human use of tsunami-prone land varies, creating variations in community exposure and potential impacts.  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V7K-4TS5744-2&_user=696292&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000038819&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=696292&md5=da9f83bb6bc2af04b1c340658ef0a81a
All things considered, if it is Project Blue Beam, HAARP, a tectonic slip or whatever, the U.S. government was obviously ill prepared based on it’s untimely reaction to providing help to Haitians.    Thus far, Haiti is turning out to be President Obama’s Katrina. 
Should we take “comfort” as the ship’s name implies, that the U.S. will be able to offer assistance within a comfortable period of time after any kind of devastating event on U.S. Soil, let alone within a few hours travel distance of it’s own shores?
Quake Related Posts:  

Missiles Launch to Blame, Poker Flats https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/20/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-poker-flats/

Conspiracy Haiti, Arecibo Observatory https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/18/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-patents-arecibo/

Haiti, Listen to sound waves captured by HAARP https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/16/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-sound-waves-listen/

Haiti Earthquake Conspiracy, HAARP, EISCAT Experiments on January 12, 2010  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/#comments

Is HAARP causing Earthquakes & Ice to Melt?  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/is-haarp-causing-the-earthquakes-volcanoes-to-erupt-and-the-ice-to-melt/

Italy Quake Warnings https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/italy-earthquake-warnings-by-giampaolo-guiliani-dismissed/

Italy Earthquake Conspiracy – https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/italy-earthquake-conspiracy/

Earthquake Epicenter near Nuclear Physics Lab https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/

WHAT Is That Noise in My Ears- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/rining-noise-mosquito-whine-haarp-aliens-elf-implant/

South Pacific, Indonesia Quake Conspiracy https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/earthquake-conspiracy/ 

HAARP Causing the Quakes? https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/earthquake-haarp-connection-evidence/

Our thoughts and prayers remain with the people of Haiti, as well as the soldiers and aid workers there to help.

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Magnitude 6.1 – HAITI REGION

2010 January 20 11:03:44 UTC

The earthquake conspiracy in Haiti continues.  http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2010rsbb.php

Is it a coincidence that there there so many experiments going on at the antennas and arrays of the world in relationship to ionospheric-heating and weather control? 

What benefit could there be to unleashing an ionospheric heating experiment or some other catastrophic device, especially in the vicinity of Haiti?  Jan. 17, 2010 the  USGS Earth Science Information Center (ESIC) released this:

The Orinoco Oil Belt Assessment Unit of the La Luna-Quercual Total Petroleum System encompasses approximately 50,000 km2 of the East Venezuela Basin Province that is underlain by more than 1 trillion barrels of heavy oil-in-place. As part of a program directed at estimating the technically recoverable oil and gas resources of priority petroleum basins worldwide, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated the recoverable oil resources of the Orinoco Oil Belt Assessment Unit. … The U.S. Geological Survey estimated a mean volume of 513 billion barrels of technically recoverable heavy oil in the Orinoco Oil Belt Assessment Unit of the East Venezuela Basin Province; the range is 380 to 652 billion barrels. The Orinoco Oil Belt Assessment Unit thus contains one of the largest recoverable oil accumulations in the world. via http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/usgspubs/fs/fs20093028?from=home

Anyone having control over this region would certainly be in good economic position.

Where might some of these experiments have been taking place at recently?


The Poker Flat Research Range, via wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poker_Flat_Research_Range    http://www.pfrr.alaska.edu/pfrr/index.html for the home page.

(PFRR) is a launch facility and rocket range for sounding rockets in the U.S. state of Alaska owned and operated by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Geophysical Institute since 1968. The world’s largest land-based rocket range, it is situated on a 5,132-acre (20.7 km2) site located approximately 30 miles (48 km) northeast of Fairbanks and is operated under contract to the NASA Wallops Flight Facility. Since its inception PFRR has been closely aligned and funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and its predecessor, the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA). Other range users include the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), the Air Force Geophysics Lab (AFGL) and a number of Universities and research laboratories. More than 1,700 launches have been conducted at the range to study the Earth‘s atmosphere and the interaction between the atmosphere and the space environment .[1] Areas studied at PFRR include the aurora, plasma physics, the ozone layer, solar proton events, Earth’s magnetic field, and ultraviolet radiation

…under contract to NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility, which is part of the Goddard Space Flight Center. In addition to launching sounding rockets, Poker Flat is home to many scientific instruments designed to study the arctic atmosphere and ionosphere.http://www.pfrr.alaska.edu/

Would Haiti be too far to study or influence?  January’s schedule can be found at http://sched.wff.nasa.gov/wffsched/ with experiments listed each day.

January 12, 2010 scheduled activities the day a  7.0 magnitude quake in Haiti:

Transition of Communications Ductbank (Z40-Z72)

January 20, 2010 sceduled activities, the day a 6.0 magnitude quake in Haiti:

Transition of Communications Ductbank (Z40-Z72)
Date 01/20/2010  (GMT 01/20/2010 – 02/20/2010)
Time 0700  – 1530  (GMT 1200  – 2030)
Contact Theodore Gass
Project Name/Vehicle ID BLACK BRANT IX
Project Number NRO-4732
Principal Investigator MARTI/USAF-ABL
Site Location San Nic (San Nicolas Island)

The name San Nicolas Island sounds like a beach vacation paradise, but is a US Navy owned and operated island.  Located 65 nautical miles southwest of the Point Mugu complex, San Nicolas Island is the cornerstone in the Sea Range capabilities.

Because of its instrumentation, isolated environment, shoreline characteristics, San Nicolas Island is utilized for test and training exercises, providing littoral warfare training, including tri-service and theater warfare exercises. It also offers an environment suited for classified operations. The main San Nicolas Island complex provides complete housing, dining, recreation, transportation, and public works support.

What else is on San Nicolas Island?  Giant telemetry collection facilities, known as antennas to you and me! 

San Nicolas Island has extensive telemetry collection facilities including three 30 ft, two 20 ft, one 8 ft, and 7 ft diameter antennas. Signals can be recorded and routed to the Point Mugu operations complex for best source selection. The SNI Telemetry Collection Facility also provides real-time reception, recording and relay of telemetry data. SNI supplies this telemetry data to Point Mugu for processing and display. Telemetry signals are received through land-based antennas located at SNI and sent in real-time by a fiber optic cable and/or microwave to Point Mugu. The best source signals are then sent by fiber optic cable to the TDC, located in the ROC for real-time processing and display. The SNI telemetry facilities are ideally located to support operations throughout the Sea Range as well as strategic and space launches from the Western Range (WR), Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). The capability to record and display Miss Distance Indication (MDI) and video Doppler data is also available. Nearly all major users of the Sea Range rely on telemetry support from SNI. http://www.beachcalifornia.com/sannic_island.html

What is a Black Brant Rocket that appears to have a daily launch or intercept in January, 2010?

Black Brant Rockets are the result of research at CARDE during the 1950s into the nature of the upper atmosphere as part of ongoing research into anti-ballistic missile systems systems and very-long-range communication.  Starting in 1955 a serious effort to equip Canada with a useful anti-ballistic missile system was undertaken, along with research into the problems of detection and tracking, hypersonic flight, and fuels suitable for use in an interceptor missile. As part of this project a lengthy study of the upper atmosphere was undertaken from instrumented balloons. Another development from this era was the use of gun-fired models for high-speed testing, instead of using a wind tunnel. Led by Gerald Bull, the sabot-based system would go on to be used in Project HAARP during the early 1960s. 

On September 19, 2009, a Black Brant XII that was launched to study clouds caused numerous calls from the northeastern U.S. reporting “strange lights in the sky”. NASA reported that the light came from an artificial noctilucent cloud formed by the exhaust particles of the rocket’s fourth stage at an altitude of about 173 mi (278 km). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Brant_(rocket)

NASA reported that the light came from an artificial noctilucent cloud formed by the exhaust particles of the rocket’s fourth stage about 173 miles high.The Blast caused numerous citizens to file reports on the “strange lights in the sky” with the media and government from Virginia up to Boston. The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE) was conducted by the Naval Research Laboratory and the Department of Defense Space Test Program using a NASA four-stage Black Brant XII suborbital sounding rocket. Using ground based instruments and the STP/NRL STPSat-1 spacecraft, scientists are studying an artificial noctilucent cloud formed by the exhaust particles of the rocket’s fourth stage at about 173 miles altitude….http://www.outlookseries.com/N2/Science/3618_Black_Brant_XII_Spooks_North_East_Strange_Lights_Artificial_Cloud.htm 

Can you spell chemtrails dropping aluminum oxide? http://chemtruth.ning.com/forum/topics/charged-aerosol-release

Like in the Sichuan quake, and more recently whatever the spiral was over Norway, strange lights in the sky are occurring, some naturally, and some man made.

Here is what one commentator saw over Hispaniola Jan12, 2010 left at this post https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/#comments  –


In other tests from EISCAT provided at http://www.eiscat.com/schedule/schedule.cgi.

1. On the day of the quake, 1-12-10 –http://www.eiscat.com/schedule/comment.cgi?fileName=2010011217646&Start=2200&End=2400  A study on meteor cross section form utilizing the polarization feature- 

2.  On the day of the quake 1-12-10,…to use the LT4 pulse code, but this will change to the ARCS pulse code if high energy precipitation studies are required. Use will also be made of the ASK and SIF optical instruments, which are also located on Svalbard.   This investigation is a collaboration with Sweden http://www.eiscat.com/schedule/comment.cgi?fileName=2010011223631&Start=0400&End=1100 

January 20, 2010 scheduled activities, the day a 6.0 magnitude quake in Haiti in the EICAT schedule of tests is the continuing Stratospheric warming experiment and a study of velocity distributions of precipitating electrons and outflowing ions with the ionospheric ion upflows/polar wind using the Reimei  satellite and ESR:



2010:01:20 Wed .       .       .11     .       .       .       . ESR Reimei_ESR NI(2.5)

Rocket launches and warming experiments; things that make you go hmmmmm. 

Is it a stretch of the imagination, your thoughts? 

Related Posts:  

Conspiracy Haiti, Arecibo Observatory https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/18/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-patents-arecibo/

Haiti, Listen to sound waves captured by HAARP https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/16/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-sound-waves-listen/

Haiti Earthquake Conspiracy, HAARP, EISCAT Experiments on January 12, 2010  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/#comments

Is HAARP causing Earthquakes & Ice to Melt?  https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/is-haarp-causing-the-earthquakes-volcanoes-to-erupt-and-the-ice-to-melt/

Italy Quake Warnings https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/italy-earthquake-warnings-by-giampaolo-guiliani-dismissed/

Italy Earthquake Conspiracy – https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/italy-earthquake-conspiracy/

Earthquake Epicenter near Nuclear Physics Lab https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/

WHAT Is That Noise in My Ears- https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/rining-noise-mosquito-whine-haarp-aliens-elf-implant/

South Pacific, Indonesia Quake Conspiracy https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/earthquake-conspiracy/ 

HAARP Causing the Quakes? https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/earthquake-haarp-connection-evidence/

Our thoughts and prayers remain with the people of Haiti, as well as the soldiers and aid workers there to help.

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Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum including our Swine Flu report that began in April and is updated regularly at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report

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